The Gamers Guides

Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 List of Games

Whether you are a seasoned board game aficionado or someone looking to relive the nostalgia of old-school gaming, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is a collection that has it all. This article will delve into the world of this timeless compilation, exploring the background and popularity behind these classic board games.

Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is not just any ordinary collection. It brings together a diverse array of beloved and iconic games that have stood the test of time. From strategy-rich chess to the two-player favorite checkers, this collection offers something for everyone. If you’re yearning for a trip down memory lane or simply want to explore the joys of classic board games, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is bound to deliver.

There’s no denying the enduring appeal of classic board games. These nostalgic treasures have a special place in our hearts and remind us of simpler times when gathering around a table with friends and family meant laughter, rivalry, and endless hours of fun. Whether you’re new to these games or consider yourself an expert player, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 provides the perfect platform for experiencing the joy and excitement that only these classics can bring.

Table of Contents

List of Games Included in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2

Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is a beloved collection that brings together a wide variety of classic board games for players to enjoy. This section provides a comprehensive list of all the games included in this collection, highlighting the diverse options available to players.

The games featured in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 range from timeless and strategic games such as Chess and Checkers, to lesser-known gems like Yacht and Pachisi. This collection truly has something for everyone, catering to different preferences and skill levels. Whether you enjoy intense strategy or prefer a relaxing game of Solitaire, you can find it all in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2.

Whether you’re a fan of competitive strategy or solo gameplay, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 has something to offer. From traditional favorites like Chess and Checkers, to lesser-known gems like Yacht and Pachisi, this collection ensures hours of entertainment and nostalgic fun for players of all ages.

Chess, often referred to as the “game of kings,” is a timeless classic that has been played and enjoyed for centuries. Included in the collection of Hoyle Classic Board Games 2, chess offers players a unique and immersive experience that combines strategic thinking, problem-solving, and foresight. With its rich history and countless possibilities for gameplay, chess remains one of the most popular board games worldwide.

In chess, each player commands an army of sixteen pieces on a checkered board consisting of sixty-four squares. The objective is simple: to capture the opponent’s king while protecting your own. However, achieving this goal requires immense skill and careful planning. Chess involves anticipating your opponent’s moves, calculating potential threats, and making strategic decisions based on various factors such as piece positioning and board control.

For beginners or those looking to improve their gameplay, there are several tips and strategies to keep in mind. First, it’s crucial to understand the movements and capabilities of each piece on the board. Each pawn, bishop, knight, rook, queen, and king has unique abilities that can be leveraged strategically. Additionally, controlling the center of the board is often advantageous as it opens up more opportunities for attack and defense.

Furthermore, developing a solid opening repertoire can greatly enhance your chances of success in chess. Opening principles such as rapid development of pieces, castling for king safety, and pawn structure considerations can set you up for a strong midgame position. Studying famous games by renowned chess players can also provide valuable insights into different strategies and tactics employed throughout history.

Whether you are a seasoned chess player or new to the game entirely, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 offers an excellent opportunity to indulge in some classic strategy gaming. With its timeless appeal and depth of gameplay options available on this platform – from regular matches against AI opponents to online multiplayer matches – chess remains an exhilarating challenge that continues to captivate players of all ages and skill levels.

Checkers, also known as Draughts, is a timeless two-player game that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. With its simple rules and strategic gameplay, Checkers remains one of the most popular and accessible board games included in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2.

Understanding the rules and objectives of checkers

The objective of Checkers is to capture all of your opponent’s pieces or block them in such a way that they have no available moves. The game is played on an 8×8 board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player starts with 12 pieces positioned on the dark squares at opposite ends of the board.

The players take turns moving their pieces diagonally forward, capturing their opponent’s pieces by jumping over them. A piece may only move forward, but once it reaches the last row on the opponent’s side, it can be “crowned,” becoming a “king” that can now move both forwards and backwards. Kings are more powerful than regular pieces as they can not only capture an opponent’s piece by jumping over it but also jump backwards.

Strategies for becoming a master of the game

Becoming a master at Checkers requires a keen understanding of tactics and strategies. Here are a few tips to improve your gameplay:

  • Control the center: Aim to control the central squares early in the game as this will give you more options and opportunities for captures.
  • Plan ahead: Anticipate your opponent’s moves and plan your own strategy accordingly. Look for opportunities to set up multiple jumps or create forced captures.
  • Protect your valuable pieces: Defend your highly advanced pieces from being captured by keeping them safe or using them strategically to trap your opponent’s pieces.
  • King promotion: Focus on promoting your pawns into kings when possible, as kings have greater mobility and capturing potential.
  • Sacrifice for advantage: Sometimes, sacrificing a piece strategically can put you in a better position by forcing your opponent into a disadvantageous situation.

By practicing these strategies and honing your skills through regular gameplay, you can become a formidable Checkers player in no time. Whether playing casually with friends or competing in tournaments, Checkers offers endless hours of entertainment and intellectual challenge for players of all levels.

Backgammon is widely recognized as one of the oldest known board games, dating back over 5,000 years. Its origins can be traced to ancient Mesopotamia, where it was played by the Sumerians and later spread throughout the Mediterranean region and beyond. This fascinating history adds to the allure of Backgammon as players connect with an ancient tradition while enjoying a game that has stood the test of time.

The rules of Backgammon are relatively simple, yet the strategy and tactics involved make it a challenging and engaging game. The objective is to move all of your pieces from your opponent’s home board into your own before your opponent does the same.

Each player takes turns rolling two dice and moving their pieces accordingly. The role of luck through dice rolls is balanced with skillful decision-making as players must strategically position their pieces, block their opponents’ moves, and calculate risk versus reward.

To succeed in Backgammon, players must develop a deep understanding of the game’s various strategies and tactics. One key aspect is creating or finding advantageous positions on the board, such as establishing a blockade or opening up potential strategies for future moves. Additionally, players must balance offense and defense, knowing when to make bold moves and take risks versus playing conservatively. It is also crucial to anticipate your opponent’s moves and adapt your strategy accordingly.

While Backgammon is a game of skill and strategy, luck also plays a significant role due to the dice rolls. This element adds excitement and unpredictability to each game, as no two rolls are the same. However, skilled players are still more likely to win consistently over time, demonstrating that strategy and decision-making ultimately prevail.


Reversi, also known as Othello, is a classic board game that has captivated players for decades. In this strategic and addictive game, the objective is to have more of your colored discs on the board than your opponent by the end of the game. The unique gameplay mechanics make Reversi/Othello an engaging and thrilling battle of tiles.

The rules of Reversi/Othello are simple yet offer endless possibilities for strategic moves. Players take turns placing their discs on the board, with the goal of sandwiching their opponent’s discs between two of their own. When this happens, the trapped discs will flip to the capturing player’s color. The game continues until no more moves can be made or the entire board is filled with discs.

To excel at Reversi/Othello, players must develop a keen understanding of not only their own moves but also anticipate their opponent’s potential moves. Capturing as many opposing discs as possible early in the game can provide a significant advantage. However, it is crucial to plan ahead and anticipate how your moves may allow your opponent to gain an upper hand.

Here are some key strategies that can help you dominate in Reversi/Othello:

  • Control Corners: Corners are especially valuable positions on the board because they cannot be flipped by your opponent. Focus on occupying these corners early in the game and maintain control over them throughout.
  • Mobility Matters: Keep an eye on all possible future moves and try to maximize your mobility while minimizing your opponent’s options. This involves thoughtful placement of your pieces to create traps and limit your opponent’s potential moves.
  • Sacrifice Wisely: Sometimes sacrificing a piece strategically can lead to capturing multiple opponents’ pieces later in the game. Don’t be afraid to make calculated sacrifices if it strengthens your position overall.

Reversi/Othello is not only a game of skill but also one that requires the ability to think several moves ahead. With practice and experience, players can develop their own unique strategies and styles to outsmart opponents and dominate the board. Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 provides a platform for players to enjoy this thrilling battle of tiles, along with a variety of other classic board game options.

In Hoyle Classic Board Games 2, players can experience the thrill of Yacht, a lesser-known dice game that offers a unique twist to traditional board games. Yacht is played with five dice and a scorecard, and the objective of the game is to achieve specific combinations and score the highest number of points possible.

The gameplay of Yacht revolves around each player taking turns rolling the dice up to three times per round. The goal is to create various combinations such as full house, small straight, large straight, or specific numbers rolled multiple times. Each combination has a different point value assigned to it on the scorecard.

To maximize points in Yacht, players must strategize their dice rolls and select the combinations that will yield the highest scores. For example, if a player rolls two fives and wants to go for a small straight, they can opt to re-roll three of the dice in hopes of achieving a sequence of consecutive numbers.

One aspect that sets Yacht apart from other classic board games is its reliance on luck combined with strategic decision-making. While players cannot control which numbers they roll on the dice, they can determine which combinations they choose to fill in on their scorecards. This means that even if luck may not be on your side during one turn, you can still make calculated choices for future rounds based on available options.

If you’re looking for a board game that provides both excitement and an element of chance, Yacht is an excellent choice. Its fast-paced gameplay and strategic decision-making make it an engaging option for both beginners and experienced players. Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 offers this gem along with many other classic board games to satisfy your nostalgia or introduce you to new gaming experiences.

Introduction to Other Classic Board Games Included in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2

As if the variety of classic board games in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 wasn’t already enough, this collection also includes several other lesser-known but equally enjoyable games. While not as widely recognized as chess or checkers, these games offer a unique and exciting gaming experience that will captivate players of all ages. Let’s take a closer look at some of these hidden gems.

Pachisi: The Ancient Indian Game

One of the lesser-known games included in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is Pachisi, an ancient Indian game that has been played for centuries. Pachisi is a race game where players navigate their pieces around a cross-shaped board, trying to be the first to reach the center.

Strategy plays a crucial role in Pachisi, as players can either advance their own pieces or capture opponent’s pieces to delay their progress. With its simple rules and engaging gameplay, Pachisi is sure to delight both casual gamers and seasoned strategists.

Solitaire: A Single Player Challenge

While solitaire may not be classified as a board game in the traditional sense, it remains one of the most popular single-player card games. Included in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is Solitaire, offering players the chance to test their skills against themselves.

The objective of solitaire is to clear all cards from the playing field by creating sequences organized by suit and rank. With its addictive nature and endless variations, solitaire provides hours of entertainment for those looking for a solo gaming experience.

Nine Men’s Morris: An Ancient Strategy Game

Another intriguing addition to Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is Nine Men’s Morris, an ancient strategy game dating back thousands of years. Played on a grid-like board with interconnected lines, each player aims to create rows of three pieces while simultaneously preventing their opponent from doing so. The game involves careful planning, tactical maneuvers, and blocking strategies. Nine Men’s Morris provides a thrilling and thought-provoking experience that fans of strategy games will surely enjoy.

With the inclusion of Pachisi, Solitaire, Nine Men’s Morris, and other classic board games in Hoyle Classic Board Games 2, players are presented with an extensive collection that showcases the diverse world of traditional gaming. These lesser-known games offer unique challenges and gameplay mechanics that are sure to captivate both seasoned players and newcomers alike.

Whether you’re a fan of ancient strategy games or prefer the solace of a solo gaming experience, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 has something for everyone.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In conclusion, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 offers a diverse and comprehensive collection of classic board games that appeals to both board game enthusiasts and nostalgic players. The inclusion of popular games such as chess, checkers, backgammon, and Reversi/Othello provides hours of strategic gameplay and challenges that can keep players engaged for a long time. Additionally, the lesser-known game of Yacht adds a unique twist to the collection, offering players a different type of experience.

The value and appeal of Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 lie in the opportunity it provides to relive the joy and excitement of playing timeless board games from the comfort of your own home. The game collection caters to all skill levels, from beginners looking to learn a new game to seasoned players looking for new strategies and tactics.

For those who appreciate classic board games or want to introduce themselves or others to these memorable titles, Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 is highly recommended. Its range of gameplay options ensures that there is always something for everyone, making it an excellent addition to any board game collection. So gather your friends or family members and immerse yourself in hours of fun with Hoyle Classic Board Games 2.

Teresa Richardson

I love playing all kinds of games – from classics like Monopoly to modern favourites like Ticket to Ride.

I created this blog as a way to share my love of board games with others, and provide information on the latest releases and news in the industry.

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Game Review - by James Allen When I was a kid (some would argue that I still am), my family had a whole mess of board games. This would be the primary form of indoor entertainment at my house, until the computer arrived. So, collecting all of those favorites, we have Hoyle Board Games, which includes sixteen old titles. Promising to recapture that old spirit we remember from non-digital gaming, will Hoyle Board Games get checkmate, or sink like so many battleships?

Features: The number of features in Hoyle Board Games will probably be the reason for most people to purchase this game, and I don't blame you. We have SIXTEEN different games, recreated in all their glory. Before I probe into the individual game features, I'll just let you know that online play is certainly available, and you can add a Backgammon game to your Palm OS handheld. With that in mind, let's go to the games!

First off, we have Backgammon: you can choose to alter the rules by adding the doubling cube or changing the first roll options. In Battling Ships (also known as Battleship), you can choose a fixed number of shots per turn, or make it dependent on the number of remaining ships. Checkers gives you the option of changing the board type (to include funky frogs) and requiring you to jump an opposing piece when available. In Chess, you can set up the initial board in any fashion imaginable, to recreate your favorite scenario. Dominoes can be changed by the fashion of play (Block, Draw, or Sebastopol), starting with the highest doublet, leaving the last two bones in the boneyard, requiring people to play when they can, the number of bones in your hand, and the overall winning score. In Line �em Up (Connect Four), you can place the win conditions by connecting four or getting the most rows of three. Mahjong Tiles can be played by one or two players in the historical game, or played as a memory game or the gravity click-fest. You can customize the number of initial stones and the starting player in Mancala. To change the difficulty, Master Match (Mastermind) can incorporate one or two boards, a changing number of rows, colors, and pegs, scoring opportunities, and using duplicates in the solution. You can use the classic Monopoly of three doubles and go to jail in Pachisi (Parcheesi). A Tetris mutation Placer Racer is included; a somewhat weird addition to the collection. Finally, you can change the board type in Reversi (Reversi). So, you can plainly see that there are a whole bunch of options and games here, most of which are easy to learn (if you don't know how to play them already) with the included manual and help files. Yep, lots of games.

Sound FX: The sound in Hoyle Board Games is fairly average. The scarcity of the sound in the game is slightly countered by the blaring (and sometimes annoying) "background" music. Each of the computer characters occasionally state certain comments on the status of the game, but they are usually too infrequent to be realistic, and slow the pace of the game down when they do appear. As for the games themselves, most of the sounds are in short spurts: of course, when you play the real board games, all of the sounds are made by the participants, so it's not that much of a surprise. Still, the games seem somewhat lifeless in Hoyle Board Games, surrendering the dynamic attitude of most computer games.

Gameplay: Since I discussed all of the games in the Features section, I suppose that I will delve into the computer AI here, since that's about the only subject left in the gameplay realm. Well, the AI is pretty challenging, and rarely makes silly mistakes giving you the win. You can customize the difficulty, but I have yet to see this make a difference, since the AI is ruthless on even the lowest difficulty level. Beating the AI is more of a function of the quality of your play rather than capitalizing on mistakes on the part of the computer. So, the AI certainly isn't a pushover (evident by my severe losses in Chinese Checkers), and this only serves to elongate the play of the game, at the expense of some annoyance for the human players.

Graphics: Most of the games are faithfully reproduced with no added bonuses, lacking any sense of 3-D or perspective for the most part. You will recognize the specific games at a glance, however, and that's something to be noted. Sometimes, though, the individual game pieces are entirely too small to see; I encountered this problem in Chinese Checkers on more than one occasion. While most conversions to computer form add some sort of animation or life to their games, it seems this is mostly devoid in Hoyle Board Games. One of the few exceptions are the floating cup in Yacht. Sure, the games are true to life in the arena of recreation, but few innovations inhibit Hoyle Board Games from being truly authentic.

Overall: Hoyle Board Games is a fair representation of the dominion of board gaming. The number of features are staggering, and this alone will probably draw most fans of the genre this way, overlooking the average graphics and sound. There have almost certainly been better board game computer games, but it's hard to find a collection like that found here. So, if you are looking for a place to find all of your favorite games in one place, Hoyle Board Games will most likely deliver.

Download Hoyle Board Games 2001 (Windows)

  • My Abandonware

Hoyle Board Games 2001

Windows - 2000

Description of Hoyle Board Games 2001

Here is the video game “Hoyle Board Games 2001”! Released in 2000 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's a strategy and puzzle game, set in a board / party game, cards, chess, turn-based, licensed title and tile matching puzzle themes.

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Hoyle Board Games 2001 0

Comments and reviews

Dekam 2024-02-29 0 point

Brings up an install screen but then when the "play" option pops up, gives a spinny wheel and then nothing. Any advice?

kingjocee99 2024-02-10 0 point

My childhood :D

farouk mabrouk 2023-05-10 -1 point

excellent games

Thumper 2023-01-24 1 point

Anyone remember playing gin rummy?

July 2023-01-13 -1 point

Hola porque tengo a mi cargo el salon de computo para los chicos

axl 2022-12-22 1 point

thanks for the memories

Hop 2022-06-28 3 points

It would open, but once I got to the screen that said install hoyle games i would do that, try to open it and it would spin, but not open even though I gave it permission to make changes to my computer. is it because it wants a cd runner, but my laptop doesn't have one?

Soaad 2022-05-06 -1 point

This Game Very nice I Like it Very much

brenda 2022-05-01 -2 points

i owned this game before and somehow it wouldnt let me play

Bug 2022-04-15 2 points

I remember going up to my grandma and grandpas house and playing this game all the time us grand kids all had characters on it and i remember sitting next to my grandma and watching her play this game really fun and really interesting.

So 2022-04-13 0 point

Espero que funcione

Mox 2022-02-12 -1 point

I remember playing this on my grandmothers computer when visiting her in a different town. I specifically remember the deep purple and teal dragon character! waiting for it to download now, hope it works!

Bowncy Raynclowd 2022-02-09 1 point

My siblings and I used to play this on our grandmother's computer when she had to take us to work with her, or when we were super bored at home. I remember playing go-fish and spades, and checkers and crazy 8's. Really hope this lives up to it all. I will update my comment afterwards, just to be transparent.

Nick 2021-11-26 2 points

it didn't work tried to install it with several methods, just says "NOT RESPONDING". it seems that the file is corrupted, just waisted an hour for nothing.

Ho Ho 2021-09-20 0 point

godt tidsfordriv når man er ved at tænke på at man snart skal væk herfra, ikke nu jeg er kun 77

nena 2021-08-29 -1 point

i love to play all of these games

Zahid Ali 2021-08-16 0 point

I would like to play holy board games

Worm 2021-04-06 0 point

cannot say at present

rach 2021-03-12 0 point

love the game but battle to download it at times it just vanishes. for older people this is a good game to keep them accupied.

Kusa 2020-12-16 1 point

supersondos 2020-12-08 4 points

we lost this game because me and my brother were arguing and we accidentally deleted it and since we were kids we didn't know about recycle bin.

Angelique 2020-11-26 0 point

Like holy board games

JohnB 2020-11-14 2 points

Runs well on Windows 10. I used to play this in school back in the very early 2000's. Always played against the redhead haha

flora 2020-09-19 0 point

its interesting game i luv it

Pj 2020-09-14 2 points

Used to play with family

Russelle Di 2020-08-26 0 point

Used to play this on our family pc with my brother and sister.

Nida shahid 2020-08-17 0 point

I like this game

Long Live Gax 2020-08-03 4 points

So great to get a chance to play this! I didn't have this exact version growing up (mine had cabin/space atmosphere options), but I was so excited to see all the characters I remembered as a kid. The newest renderings of the game ended up replacing several (Gax was an especially tragic loss imo.) Some of the jokes I really didn't understand until playing as an adult, so added bonus there. Facemaker doesn't work for me (crashes the game) which is a bit of a shame, but just because I can't make my own uncanny valley avatar doesn't mean I can't select from the broad assortment of default uncanny valley avatars. You can't play Hoyle without it looking slightly cursed, after all. Overall, I'd definitely say this game holds up. I've been looking for a way to play classic Hoyle for ages without partitioning and this version makes it easy. I'm on Windows 10 and just had to mount the disk image, run setup, and install.

TARIQ BUKHARI 2020-07-26 0 point


j 2020-06-13 -3 points

it doesn't install !!! it's needs floppy disk !

Waqas 2020-04-05 -1 point

Good Game. Love to play it

wisa 2020-02-02 0 point

I love these table games!

kay kay 2019-06-30 1 point

love theese games

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We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!

Windows Version

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Hoyle Board Games 2005

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  • Sierra Entertainment, Inc.


The 2005 edition of the Hoyle Board Games series includes the following board games:* Backgammon

  • Battling Ships
  • Chinese Checkers
  • DoubleCross
  • Master Match
  • Maximum Pool
  • Rummy Squares
  • Triple Yacht
  • World Yacht

It uses the Hoyle Bucks achievement system where points can be earned to unlock customization options.

  • Hoyle Board Games series
  • Hoyle licensees

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Game added by Sciere .

Game added January 18, 2022. Last modified March 9, 2023.

Old PC Gaming

Hoyle Word Games

Hoyle Word Games

  • Platforms: PC, Mac
  • Publisher: Sierra On-Line
  • Developer: Sierra On-Line
  • Genres: Puzzle / Board Games
  • Release Date: November 30, 1999
  • Game Modes: Singleplayer / Multiplayer

Sharpening your grammar skills the fun way

Come the holiday seasons and Sierra gets into the fine habit of re-releasing game packages under their Hoyle banner. In this installment, Sierra sets its sights on ubiquitous news-stand and pencil games.

Hoyle Word Games includes 8 games of variable quality. The Scrabble-like DoubleCross and Yahtzee-derivative Word Yacht are both quite addictive and clever. Unlike its forefather, DoubleCross allows for the placement of incomplete words, allowing the player to strategically block opponent moves. Word Yacht provides the player with 10 Boggle-esqe cubes which to form words meeting a variety of scoring criteria.


The interface is attractive and generally easy to use, familiar to those accustomed to earlier Hoyle offerings, and yet refined. Minor complaints go to DoubleCross, which at times requires the player to spell words backwards (and the undo only retracts the most recent letter placed), and Crossword, where entering vertical words is hampered by a cursor that automatically moves one square to the right after entering a letter. High scores are maintained for each player and each game. You also get a built-in dictionary that you can consult both on and off games.

Hoyle Word Games might not have the convenience of the paper magazines but it does have its moments. Whether two or three terrific games among eight are worth the price of admission depends on how much you value these sort of games. Most of what’s here should keep you entertained for the quick coffee break, and everything else should keep the kids busy as well.

System Requirements : Pentium 133, 16 MB RAM, 120 MB HDD, Win 98/ME/2000/XP
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Hoyle Board Games 5

Hoyle Board Games 5

Hoyle Classic Board Games

Hoyle Classic Board Games

Hoyle Classic Card Games

Hoyle Classic Card Games

Hoyle Friday Night Poker

Hoyle Friday Night Poker

Hoyle Board Games 2005

Hoyle Board Games 2005

Tags: board games , hoyle , puzzle

Posted in: Puzzle , Board Games

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Hoyle Card Games

Game description.

Hoyle Card Games is a Puzzle, Strategy game developed by Sierra On-Line, Inc and published by Sierra On-Line, Inc in 1998.

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We might have the game available for more than one platform. Hoyle Card Games is currently available on these platforms:

Windows / Mac (1998) (473.7MB)

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Hoyle Word Games (Sierra) (2001)

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  1. Hoyle Board Games 2003

    Poor Captain Scurvy, lol.————————————————————————————My other Hoyle gameplays: ...

  2. Hoyle Board Games 2005 : Sierra Games

    Hoyle Board Games 2005 includes many classics from previous versions and some extras thrown in. Chess, Backgammon, Checkers, Rummy, Pachisi, Reversi and Dominoes make up the old timers. Dice games include Yacht (Yahtzee), Triple Yacht (which is a three-rowed version of Yacht for much longer games), Zilch (a fun and fast-paced Yahtzee-like dice ...

  3. Hoyle Board Games 5 (2001)

    First upload on this account since March 2016, lol.This is mainly testing my new recording program that Hoyle series can now be recorded at 60fps. It seems t...

  4. Hoyle Classic Board Games 2 List Of Games

    Yacht. In Hoyle Classic Board Games 2, players can experience the thrill of Yacht, a lesser-known dice game that offers a unique twist to traditional board games. Yacht is played with five dice and a scorecard, and the objective of the game is to achieve specific combinations and score the highest number of points possible.

  5. Hoyle Board Games 4 (2000)

    If you need to understand the rules: actually remember/played/heard of the casual Hoyle's Card/Board/Casino series an...

  6. Hoyle Board Games : Brown & Bigelow, Inc., Sierra Entertainment : Free

    Hoyle Board Games by Brown & Bigelow, Inc., Sierra Entertainment. Publication date 1998 Topics Hoyle Board ... Chess, Line 'em Up, Dominoes, Snakes & Ladders, Placer Racer, Pachisi, Yacht, Chinese Checkers, and Zen Bones. Addeddate 2022-07-11 01:19:17 Identifier HOYLEBOARD Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review ...

  7. Hoyle Classic Board Games

    Hoyle Classic Board Games. Sierra takes us back to the classics. ... Chutes and Ladders becomes Snakes & Ladders, and there's always Yacht, also known as Yahtzee. Even though they don't bear their original names, every game is perfectly modeled to the exact rules and restrictions. There's a good mix between the average candidates for ...

  8. PC Game Reviews

    One of the few exceptions are the floating cup in Yacht. Sure, the games are true to life in the arena of recreation, but few innovations inhibit Hoyle Board Games from being truly authentic. Overall: Hoyle Board Games is a fair representation of the dominion of board gaming. The number of features are staggering, and this alone will probably ...

  9. Hoyle Board Games (1998)

    Hoyle Board Games. Moby ID: 977 Overview; Credits; Reviews; Covers; ... Collection of classic board games, includes many premade characters and a create a player option. ... Battling Ships, Mancala, Reversi, Chess, Line 'em Up, Dominoes, Snakes & Ladders, Placer Racer, Pachisi, Yacht, Chinese Checkers, and Zen Bones. Groups + Board game ...

  10. Hoyle Board Games 2003 (PC

    Hoyle Board Games 2003 for Windows. Released by Encore in 2002 Sister Game: Holy Casino Games 2003. Addeddate 2020-05-19 19:49:35 Identifier hoyle-board-games-2003 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

  11. Hoyle Board Games 2002: Yacht

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  12. Download Hoyle Board Games 2001 (Windows)

    Description of Hoyle Board Games 2001. Here is the video game "Hoyle Board Games 2001"! Released in 2000 on Windows, it's still available and playable with some tinkering. It's a strategy and puzzle game, set in a board / party game, cards, chess, turn-based, licensed title and tile matching puzzle themes.

  13. Hoyle Board Games 2005 (2005)

    Game added by Sciere . Game added January 18, 2022. Last modified March 9, 2023. The 2005 edition of the Hoyle Board Games series includes the following board games:* Backgammon Battling Ships Bump'em Chess Chinese Checkers Dominoes DoubleCross Master Match Maximum Pool Pachisi Reversi Rummy Squares Triple Yacht Wordox World Yacht...

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    Every Night is Game Night with HOYLE® Board Games! Hoyle Classic Board Game Collection 2 includes: Dominoes, Backgammon, Reversi, Yacht and Zilch. Learn, practice and master your favorite board games. Track your progress with in-game statistics and achievements. Updated graphics and larger, easy-to-read cards. Challenges never stop with a ...

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    Hoyle Word Games includes 8 games of variable quality. The Scrabble-like DoubleCross and Yahtzee-derivative Word Yacht are both quite addictive and clever. Unlike its forefather, DoubleCross allows for the placement of incomplete words, allowing the player to strategically block opponent moves.

  16. [Hoyle® Puzzle & Board Games

    Throwback to an old game. The difficulty level is set to Hard.

  17. Hoyle Board Games 2002

    Game Description. Hoyle Board Games 2002 is a Strategy game developed by Sierra. and published by Sierra in 2001. Download Hoyle Board Games 2002. We might have the game available for more than one platform. Hoyle Board Games 2002 is currently available on these platforms: Mac (2001)

  18. Hoyle Board Games 2003

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  19. Hoyle Word Games 3 (1999) : Sierra On-Line

    Play crosswords, word yacht, crisscross, enigma, anagrams, and more! Your opponents will give you a good challenge! Addeddate 2023-03-10 06:32:27 Identifier hoyle-word-games-3 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0. plus-circle Add Review. comment. Reviews There are no reviews yet.

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  22. Hoyle Classic Board Games : Sierra On-Line

    Hoyle Classic Board Games is a nice game, especially for children, is a board games, my contains many games including chess, backgammon, poker, bridge and more. You also get dominoes and chess and pachisi plus snakes and ladders. Addeddate 2022-09-14 03:15:44 Identifier

  23. Hoyle Word Games (Sierra) (2001) : Sierra : Free Download, Borrow, and

    Sierra. Publication date. 2001. Topics. Hoyle, Word Games, CD-ROM. Language. English. This is a 2001 re-release of Hoyle Word Games, which was released originally by Sierra in 1999.