Jenna Rainey

watercolor abstract sailboats


watercolor abstract sailboats

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watercolor abstract sailboats

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Master Watercolor Magic


watercolor abstract sailboats

Watercolor Sailboat

Jenna .

This week, I'm teaching you how to paint a quick and easy watercolor sailboat landscape!

When I don't have a lot of time or I just want to play with colors and basic shapes, I paint loose-style. It's just whimsical and fun!

This watercolor sailboat takes less than 10 minutes to paint but includes simple techniques to inspire and spark creativity. This is a great tutorial for beginners, too!

Watercolor Sailboat Step by Step

00:00 – Intro. 00:32 – Color mixing. 01:06 – Painting the sail boat. 02:16 – Painting waves. 03:01 – Painting trees and background. 04:53 – Painting the sky. 06:14 – My thoughts on the painting. 06:51 – YOUR thoughts?

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Michele Clamp Art

Watercolor paintings, tutorials, and videos

Watercolor Boat Painting Tutorial

Fishing Boat watercolor painting by Michele Clamp

Want to paint this watercolor boat painting? Follow the step by step instructions (including video at the end) and see how easy this can be!

I just can’t resist painting boats in watercolor. The colors, the details, the sun and shadow – all come together to make painting these watercolor boats so much fun. In this watercolor boat tutorial I break down all the steps and show you how you can paint this scene. Boat watercolor paintings can seem daunting but if you take things slowly it’s amazing how they come together.

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Watercolor materials needed.

  • Mechanical pencil
  • Watercolor paper (I like Fabriano Artistco 140lb cold press)
  • Permanent rose
  • Vermillion/pyrrole red/naphthol red
  • Ultramarine blue
  • Cobalt blue/cerulean blue
  • Yellow ochre
  • Lemon yellow
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Value Scale
  • Color isolator
  • Palette/paper towels/water pot
  • Small spray bottle of water

Watercolor Boat Drawing

Watercolor fishing boats drawing

The drawing for this painting is pretty important. Sometimes I won’t put much detail into a drawing and just indicate the main shapes. For instance a landscape with trees can be pretty sparse in the drawing. All the detail and texture goes in by eye with just paint. But for this scene there is a lot going on and we want to indicate the position of a lot of different things.

Using a Grid Helps With Drawing Accuracy

I did this drawing by eye but, if you’re not confident with your drawing, you can grid up your paper lightly with pencil and draw it square by square. That way you can be sure you’re getting everything in the right place. It’s not a foolproof method but it gives you far less room for error. I’ve included a gridded up version of the reference below.

Fishing boat reference photo with grid

The aspect ratio of the photo is the same as for a 10″x14″ piece of watercolor paper. If you mark your paper into quarters on each side and join them up to make a 4×4 grid you can transfer the drawing more easily onto your paper.

Take Some Time to Make a Plan for Your Painting

Before we dive into the painting it always helps to take a few minutes and plan out what you’re going to do. It can be hard to do this – we want to jump straight in and get those brushes moving and paint splashing around. But a few minutes thought at the start always makes for a better painting. We can spot possible problem areas and make sure we know roughly how we’re going to proceed.

Which Direction is the Light Coming From?

I first make note of where the light is coming from and where the shadows fall. In this case the sun is on our right and the shadows are falling on the left. This is always good to keep in the back of your mind. If the reference is unclear in some areas you can work out how the lights and darks should fall even if you can’t make it out from the photo.

Where are the Lights and Darks?

The next thing I do is note where my lightest lights are and my darkest darks. Once we’ve located these then we know that everything else has to fall somewhere between those areas. In this case our lightest light is the white hull on the left boat. The darkest darks are in the shadow underneath the boats and possibly inside the cabins. I keep this in mind. Nothing else can be darker or lighter than these areas.

Where are the Main Shapes and Values?

This one is trickier but it pays off giving it some thought. Even though there’s a lot of detail going on in this photo I like to break it down into 4 or 5 main value shapes. In this case I would estimate (or measure using our value scale) the value of the following areas

  • The hulls of the boats (in light and shadow)
  • The cabins of the boats (in light and shadow)

This may seem like a lot to work out ahead of time but getting those big value shapes right is an enormous help getting a scene to hang together and getting it to be convincing.

Identify a Few of the Colors

Watercolor Color Swatches

Doing some test mixes of a few of the main colors can also be a good idea. It’s much easier to do this before the painting. When you’re in the middle of the painting there’s so much going on it’s hard to stop and think about this. It’s a bit like prepping for a recipe. Getting all the ingredients measured out ready ahead of time makes putting a meal together much easier. (Not that I ever really do that – but I should!) In this painting I mixed as I went along but it’s a better idea to try out your color mixes at the start. If you think you can’t remember how you mixed your colors then putting a pencil note next to the swatch is a good idea. It’s doesn’t have to be anything complicated – just a list of the colors is enough.

Watercolor Boat Painting – Finally we Paint!

Paint the cabins in the lightest value

So let’s start painting. We’re going to paint this in layers and build up the painting from light to dark. We’re first going to block in all the shapes with their lightest colors. Once those are dry we can go back in and add in the darks. This way of working takes a bit of getting used to. As we’re starting with the light colors of all the shapes things won’t start to look three dimensional until quite late on in the painting.

Finished pink carnation watercolor painting tutorials

I have many more step-by-step tutorials and videos!

We want things to look flat to start with..

If we put in too much value variation in the early stages then the darks won’t make as much impact when we put those in. In these early stages try and match the color and value as best you can to the reference. And, most importantly, keep these early washes even. Don’t be tempted to try and make things look right at this stage. It takes a bit of faith but once you get used to it it will all make sense.

Keep Going With the Light Values

The hull of this boat is a stronger color

Keep going across all of the main shapes of the boats. One thing to remember is that we’re putting in the light value of each different shape but these values may vary from shape to shape. For instance, the hull of the red boat is a bright orange-red in the light. The actual value of this is around a 5 i.e. mid-way down the value scale. If we compare this to the beige area above we can see that it’s a little darker. The beige area in the light is around a 7 but it’s still in the light.

Similarly the red stripe on the left hand boat is around a 4 (i.e. darker than a mid-value) in the light. If you have a value scale and a printout of the reference you can measure the values directly. If the color is distracting (and it can be with bright colors like these) squint your eyes and it becomes easier to judge value.

Use the ChromaMagic Tool to Measure Color

chromamagic for fishing boat watercolor painting

Alternatively you can load up the reference in ChromaMagic and click on different areas. It will show you the three components of the color – hue, value and chroma. The color notation is part of the Munsell way of measuring color. It is incredibly useful in painting and makes color very straightforward to analyze.

Paint in the Sea in the Background

Add the sea in a fairly dark blue

The sea in the background goes in next. This is a fairly dark blue and helps to tie the boats in the scene and give us some depth.

As you can see at this point the painting isn’t looking three-dimensional. Don’t panic! This is exactly how it should be looking at this point.

Paint in the Sand Around Your Watercolor Boats

Add a wash for the sand

Next we’re going to put in the sand. I really like this bit as we get to put in some texture with our spray bottle. One thing to be careful of – sand isn’t yellow. Or rather it is yellow but a very grayed out low chroma yellow. In this scene it’s a kind of beige so make sure you add in some black to your mix to take out some of the brightness. I’ve made the mistake of painting sand far too bright in color many times. Again mixing a swatch of color beforehand helps a lot as does using ChromaMagic for checking the chroma.

Use a Spray Bottle to Add Texture

While your sand wash is still wet take a spray bottle of water and lightly spritz the surface. If the paper is the right level of dampness the water will add small sparkles and splodges in the paint. It adds some interest and texture to the foreground. This can take a bit of practice to get right. If the paper is too wet the water will just disperse and disappear. If the paper is too dry the water won’t do anything at all.

Watercolor Boat Painting – Add the Sky

Start the watercolor sky

Note: I’ve got the order slightly wrong here. I’ve already put in some of the darks on the boats before doing the sky. The order doesn’t really matter. You can put in the sky before the shadows and everything should work out fine.

Let’s put in some sky now. The reference photo doesn’t really have much in the way of clouds and I didn’t really want a big expanse of blue up there. So I’ve invented some cloud shapes. You have a lot of freedom here. Put in some blue around wherever you fancy the clouds to be. While the paint is wet take a clean (very clean) damp brush and soften the edges of the clouds. The blue pigment will diffuse out into the damp areas of paper making lovely soft and convinving clouds.

Watercolor Boat Painting – Second Layer Darks

Add shadows on the cabins and the hulls

Now this bit is where the painting starts to come to life. We’re going to put in the shadow sides of the objects and make them look three-dimensional. Adding in these contrasting areas also helps the visual impact of the scene and it will make the image more interesting as well as more realistic.

Don’t Add Color in the Light!

We’ve already painted in the light sides of our objects so we won’t be putting any color in there at all. We’re just going to paint in the shadow colors on mostly the left sides. Make sure your colors are at least a couple of shades darker than your light sides and things will start to take shape. When you get to the insides of the cabins we’re even darker as very little light is getting in there – you don’t need to paint things – just a few dark shapes at different angles will suggest a lot of detail.

Be careful with the shadow on the white hull. We don’t want to go too dark here and keeping that shadow light will really suggest strong sun.

Add a Cast Shadow to Anchor the Boats to the Ground

Finally add some cast shadows on the sand and right at the bottom of the boats. This will make the boats convincingly anchored to the ground.

The Magic Bit – Details on Your Watercolor Boat Painting

Details - masts and rigging

By this point you should have something that’s looking pretty three-dimensional. This next bit really adds sparkle and interest to your watercolor boat painting! We’re going to put in some lovely details. Put in the masts and rigging with a small synthetic brush. Make sure they’re not too dark – a mid value gray is plenty dark enough here. The other thing to take care with is not to make your lines too continuous. Leave a few gaps here and there as it will make the masts more convincing than if you carefully paint them in one continuous line.

Masts are put in lightly - not too dark

Continue with the masts and smaller details. Add in a few lines for the railings and the ropes holding the buoys. A few light lines on the white hull will also suggest their structure. I hope everything is looking really good by now!

Flags and Signs

Final details in your watercolor boat - flags and signs

We’re right at the end now. A few red marks for the flags will add a pop of color. The signs on the boat go in with an almost black background. The lettering is suggested with a little opaque white.

Final Thoughts on This Watercolor Boat Painting

If you tried this painting I hope it turned out well. I would love to see your results – please feel free to send them to me. I have also videoed the whole process and you can paint along with the full painting.

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2 thoughts on “ Watercolor Boat Painting Tutorial ”

Hi Michele, Kathy Martinez here. I am working with the ColorMagic tool. Love it except for one problem I am having. My monitor is a Cintiq 32 inch display that I have supposedly color corrected with an i1 display gizmo. The colors for the Munsell chips from

Kathy your program don’t come through to match my big book Munsell chips. It is way off. My cintiq screen pretty matches my Ipad. Do you have any suggestions? I have just been finding the chip I have that matches the color swatches from ColorMagic, even though they aren’t the same as described in the program.

Hi Kathy – I replied by email. I was thinking that it may well be hard to match chips directly to the screen. I’m going to try with a setup that I know the colors off and see how it goes. ColorMagic will report the colors in the photo accurately but whether you can match to the display directly may not be possible. Screens give out light and chips only reflect the light so comparing them side by side is going to make the chips always look dark. But maybe there’s something else going on! We’ll see. If it’s fixable we’ll fix it.

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How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting Tutorial

Sailing is one of my favorite things to do and painting sailboats is almost as fun! This lovely sailboat flew in the wind on Somes Sound on Mount Desert Island, Maine. It was one of those perfect sailing days. The light sparkled, the wind blew steadily and the last of summer heated the air. Since I didn't have a sailboat there, I sketched and took photos of the sailboats moving up and down the Sound.

The shimmering water is the tricky part of this painting. It's a great opportunity to practice your dry brush! This painting needs rough press paper to get that sparkling water. The rest of the painting is simple. Trees in the distance and a pared down palette. Keep the colors and your brush strokes simple. Sailing at its finest on a summer day in Maine!

How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting tutorial

Painting Tutorial Level

Skill Building

M. Graham watercolors

Painting Demonstration 1

watercolor abstract sailboats

Always sketch very lightly in watercolor since most pencil lines will show. You want the focus on the painting, not the drawing. Unless, of course, you're highlighting the pencil lines!

watercolor abstract sailboats

Since I'm painting a light object with a lot of brushstrokes around it (for the water) I can either mask it out, preserve highlights with wax or use white gouache. I decide on a combination of the last two since they feel more spontaneous than masking and I don't have too many bright highlights.

When you use a wax crayon, always remember it's there for better or worse. It will not come off and leave paper the same!

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Painting Demonstration 2

watercolor abstract sailboats

I want barely there water sparkling in the background. Very pale highlights and dark shadows, so dry brush is the solution! Dry brush and texture is why I chose the rough press paper, after all.

With a tricky dry brush where every stroke shows, I like to test the brush a few times on an area of the painting that isn't quite so tricky or a scrap of paper. As you can see, I got the texture just right in the trees at the upper part of the painting. Some extra texture there is perfect and it will be dark enough the individual strokes don't show.

Since all those strokes show up in the water, make them count! Move your brush with the waves. Notice how highlights show up in horizontal swathes across the water. Work with the water, not against it.

A squirrel hair brush is perfect for hit and miss dry brush like this. It barely touches the ridges of the paper so you can really get that sparkle!

watercolor abstract sailboats

Painting Demonstration 3

How to Paint a Sailboat Painting Tutorial 3

Since this is dry brush, there's no time between washes! I continue moving around the painting, using slightly varying blues and values. This gives me that great water shimmer! If some of the dry brush hits a still wet area, great! that gives a natural feeling variation.

I still keep everything light in value in this wash. I don't want thick sludgy paint, but effervescent sparkle!

Artist Tips

watercolor abstract sailboats

Painting Demonstration 4

How to Paint a Sailboat Painting Tutorial 4

Now that dark background! I want a bit of a a golden glow, but subtle instead of harsh so I use quinacridone gold. This is one of the few paintings I never use a yellow in!

I paint a loose wet brush on dry paper wash of the gold, then drop in pthalocyanine green. I'm keeping it loose since the background is not the focus, the sailboat is!

The reflection of the sailboat is also a golden glow in the water, so I use quinacridone gold again. I'm still painting dry brush since I want the water to sparkle there too, not be dulled. The reflection is also a shadow which makes it quite complicated to paint.

Painting Demonstration 5

How to Paint a Sailboat Painting Tutorial 5

Now it's time to turn the golden green into hazy rich darks. While it's drying, I move maroon perylene into the trees to darken them. The rich red helps with the strong, clear color. Then I scrabble in ultramarine blue to make the trees green again. Finally, I add cobalt blue for the slightly opaque haze.

I dash quinacridone dry brush on the wooden mast. A bit of ultramarine blue and pthalo green gives shape to the boat.

Painting Demonstration 6

How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting Tutorial 6

After the painting has dried completely, I start on the sail. The gorgeous sail is really the star of the painting so it's fun to finally start painting it! Still, it has to be kept simple since there really isn't much to the sail. Quinacridone gold gives the faint glow of the reflecting sun.

I continue adding texture and color to the waves. I need strong darks to balance out the background trees.

I keep a light hand on the waves since the lovely shimmering could be destroyed with a few strokes too many!

Painting Demonstration 7

How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting Tutorial 7

The last stage is the details and it's hard to keep them from getting too fussy!

I continue the details on the sail. I use the top mainsail reinforcement as an excuse to dull down the arrow pointing the viewer out of the painting!

How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting demonstration

To purchase How to Paint a Sailboat original watercolor painting, please click!

How to Paint a Sailboat Final Watercolor Painting!

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Levin Hodaya

Prints from $51

Original Abstract Sailboat Paintings by Olivier Messas

Au coeur de la tempĂŞte... | "IN THE HEART OF THE STORM..."

Original Abstract Sailboat Paintings by Sajid Hussain

Boat-- Acrylic Thick Painting-

, 11.6 W x 16 H x 0.2 D in

Sajid Hussain

Prints from $50

Original Expressionism Sailboat Paintings by Anastasiia Novitskaya


, 23.6 W x 19.7 H x 0.8 D in

Anastasiia Novitskaya

1 - 50 of 173 paintings

50 Results Per Page

Structured data

Items portrayed in this file.

  • Flags with three horizontal stripes of yellow, green and blue color combination
  • Flags of cities and villages of Sverdlovsk Oblast
  • SVG sub-national flags of Russia
  • Flag of Yekaterinburg
  • Flags with fire
  • SVG flags with an aspect ratio of 3:2
  • Unknown date
  • Template Unknown (author)
  • PD-RU-exempt (flags)

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  1. Simple Loose Watercolor Sail Boat Tutorial

    This tutorial will show you how to paint a simple loose watercolor sail boat. This easy painting takes under 10 minutes, but includes fun techniques to inspi...

  2. EASY Watercolor Sailboat painting tutorial

    Hey guys here is a super Fun and EASY watercolor tutorial for you to try abstract sailboats!! I go over this step by step- lots of fun with wet on wet techni...

  3. Sailboats

    Like | Share | SubscribeWatercolor seascape scenery of sailboats. A simple and easy abstract watercolor seascape painting of sailboats for beginners step by ...

  4. Watercolor Sailboat

    Learn how to paint a quick and easy watercolor sailboat landscape with simple techniques and loose style. Watch the video, follow the step by step instructions, and get access to more watercolor resources and tips.

  5. Original Sailboat Watercolor Painting

    Check out our original sailboat watercolor painting selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our wall hangings shops. ... Large Abstract Sailboats Canvas Wall Art, Original Nautical Oil Painting on Canvas, Ocean Wall Art, Modern Seascape Painting for Living Room (647) Sale ...

  6. Watercolor Boat Painting Tutorial

    Learn how to paint watercolor boats with shadow and detail using a step by step guide and video. Find out how to plan, mix colors, and paint from light to dark in this tutorial.

  7. How to Paint a Sailboat Watercolor Painting Tutorial

    Learn how to paint a sailboat with watercolor using dry brush, wax resist and simple colors. Follow the step-by-step demonstration and see the final painting of a sailboat on Somes Sound in Maine.

  8. Abstract Sailboat Watercolor Painting

    Check out our abstract sailboat watercolor painting selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops.

  9. Canvas Watercolor Abstract Sailboat

    Check out our canvas watercolor abstract sailboat selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our prints shops.

  10. Original Abstract Sailboat Paintings For Sale

    The whirlwinds of a new time. Paintings, 27.6 W x 39.4 H x 0.4 D in. Levin Hodaya. Israel. $1,760. Prints from $51. 50 Results Per Page. Shop Abstract Sailboat Paintings created by thousands of emerging artists from around the world. Buy original art worry free with our 14 day satisfaction guarantee.

  11. Watercolor SAILING BOAT painting for beginners

    Learn to paint watercolor SAILING BOAT painting - paint a sky, sea, sailing boat.This painting is intended for beginners and it is easy to paint just follow ...

  12. 50 WC

    Jun 16, 2022 - Explore Jennifer DeLuca's board "WC - Abstract sail boats", followed by 138 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about sailboat painting, abstract, boat art.

  13. Abstract Sailboat

    Check out our abstract sailboat selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our digital prints shops. ... Coastal art print, nursery art print, natural, nature, landscape, art print, watercolor, wall decor, blue coastal art (766) $ 22.00. Add to Favorites ...

  14. 23 Abstract Sailboats ideas

    Aug 20, 2023 - Explore Barbie Rose's board "Abstract Sailboats" on Pinterest. See more ideas about sailboat painting, abstract, seascape.

  15. Easiest way to paint abstract boat and sea with watercolor ...

    Welcome to my watercolor painting training channel! In this video, I guide you step by step through creating a stunning abstract painting of a boat and its r...

  16. Yekaterinburg

    Yekaterinburg is a major city in west-central Russia, on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains. It was founded in 1723, renamed Sverdlovsk in 1924, and reverted to its original name in 1991. It is known for its engineering, chemical, and biological industries, as well as its role in the Russian Revolution and the first presidency of Boris Yeltsin.

  17. THE 10 BEST Yekaterinburg Sights & Landmarks to Visit (2024)

    5. Chertovo Gorodische. 112. Points of Interest & Landmarks. By saronic. The about 100m long and 20m high rock wall is impressive. It is a phenomenon, which can be found also in other places... 6. Vaynera Street, Yekaterinburg.


    SVERDLOVSK OBLAST. Sverdlovsk Oblast is the largest region in the Urals; it lies in the foothills of mountains and contains a monument indicating the border between Europe and Asia.

  19. Abstract Sailboat Paintings

    Check out our abstract sailboat paintings selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our prints shops. ... Watercolor Sailboats by Michelle Mospens, Ohio Lake Cottage Art, Ohio Gift Yusuf Gencalp. 5 out of 5 stars "Strongly recommended, painting met my expectations 🫶🏼" Abstract Sailboat Oil Painting Colorful ...

  20. File : Flag of Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast).svg

    Flag of Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk oblast).svg. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 800 × 533 pixels. Other resolutions: 320 × 213 pixels | 640 × 427 pixels | 1,024 × 683 pixels | 1,280 × 853 pixels | 2,560 × 1,707 pixels. Original file ‎ (SVG file, nominally 900 × 600 pixels, file size: 8 KB)

  21. Sailboat Paintings

    Browse thousands of sailboat paintings on Etsy, from original oil and watercolor paintings to vintage prints and digital downloads. Find sailboat paintings for any style, size and budget, and support independent artists and sellers.

  22. Sail Boat Abstract Wall Art

    Check out our sail boat abstract wall art selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our prints shops. ... Sailboat Watercolor Painting, Nantucket art, Coastal painting, beach house art, Nautical art, Reflections of sailboat watercolor Kathy Leckman. 4 out of 5 stars ...