DinghyGo Orca 375 3 pers reef

Hoi, ik ben DinghyGo®, de opblaasbare 3-in-1 zeilboot!

Met mij beleef je maximaal vaarplezier en vrijheid. Ik ben flexibel, kan overal mee naar toe en doe wat je wilt: zeilen, roeien of motoren. Ik heb alleen lucht, water en wat aandacht nodig. Ik kan me klein en draagbaar maken, zodat ik mee kan in je auto, caravan, camper of jacht. In enkele minuten ben ik uitgepakt, opgeblazen en klaar voor gebruik.

catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

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Word jij m'n zeilmaatje om samen mee op avontuur te gaan ?

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catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

DinghyGo Orca 280

dinghygo opblaasbare zeilboot

De Orca 280 is de kleinste uitvoering in ons DinhyGo Orca programma met een zeiloppervlak van 4,8 m2. De romp is vervaardigd uit één stuk. De hogedrukvloer is in de romp geïntegreerd.

DinghyGo Orca 325

dinghygo opblaasbare zeilboot

De nieuwe  Orca 325 beantwoord aan de vraag naar een grotere boot dan de Orca 280. Met zijn 3.25 m. is de Orca 325 dan ook met recht een GROTE boot met veel ruimte en sportieve zeileigenschappen.

DinghyGo Orca 375

dinghygo opblaasbare zeilboot

De Orca 375 is een grote familieboot, voorzien van een fok, dus plezier voor het hele gezin. Net als alle Orca modellen gaat ook de 375 mee in twee handzame tassen en is in 20 minuten opgebouwd.

DinghyGo, opblaasbare zeilboot

De Friesland Watersport DinghyGo opblaasbare zeilboot biedt maximaal vaarplezier en vrijheid.

Door de flexibiliteit kunt u hem overal mee naar toe nemen, om daar te zeilen, roeien of met een aanhangmotor te varen.

De DinghyGo’s laten zich eenvoudig en snel klein verpakken en gaan probleemloos mee in uw auto, caravan, camper of boot.

Zodat het op uw bestemming aangekomen het een kwestie van minuten is voor u vaarklaar bent. Uitpakken, opblazen en optuigen !

Of je nu beginner bent of volleerd watersporter, elke DinghyGo opblaasbare zeilboot vaart als een echte zeilboot, en is gemakkelijk te hanteren.

Maximaal vaarplezier

Het voordeel van DinghyGo, de opblaasbare zeilboot is dat je hem zowel als zeil- en rubberboot kunt gebruiken en dat je hem overal gemakkelijk mee naar toe kunt nemen.

DinghyGo biedt vaarplezier aan 1 tot 6 personen, afhankelijk van het model en gebruik onder zeil of met een motor.

Ruim, comfortabel en veilig

Je kan comfortabel zeilen, roeien of met een buitenboordmotor varen.

De zeiltuigage heeft een deelbare mast en giek en is voorzien van de belangrijkste bedieningslijnen: een neerhouder, onderlijkstrekker en een grootschoot.

Met het royaal bemeten midzwaard loopt de boot hoog aan de wind en het grote drijfvermogen van de tubes geeft je daarbij ongekende stabiliteit, comfort en veiligheid.

De zitting is uitneembaar, waarna de flexibele zwaardkast (waterdicht) opgerold kan worden waardoor maximale ruimte ontstaat tijdens het varen met een buitenboordmotor.

Eenvoudig in gebruik

In minder dan 20 minuten kan je DinghyGo uitpakken, installeren, opblazen en optuigen:

  • pak tassen uit.
  • Blaas de boot op en installeer mastvoetpaneel, zitting en peddels.
  • Schuif mast- en giekdelen in elkaar, trek het zeil over de mast en plaats deze in de boot.
  • Steek de giek op de mast en bevestig het zeil achterop de giek.
  • Bevestig het roer, steek het zwaard in de zwaardkast…. en je bent klaar voor de DinghyGo belevenis !

Gemakkelijk mee te nemen

In slechts twee draagtassen van 120 en 100 cm lang, gaat uw DinghyGo gemakkelijk mee in de auto, camper, caravan of aan boord van uw jacht.

Kortom, DinghyGo is de ideale opblaasbare, draagbare, duurzaam varende (zeilende) dinghy en tender.

accessoires pomp


Opblaasbare zeilboot kopen: de beste optie + advies

Opblaasbare zeilboot varen

Wij schrijven onze teksten en reviews als onafhankelijke partij. Daarbij maken we soms gebruik van affiliate links. Meer hierover lees je in ons  advertentiebeleid .

Heb je geen om een hele zeilboot te stallen? Dan kun je een opblaasbare zeilboot overwegen. Dit scheelt natuurlijk enorm veel geld, dat je normaal gesproken kwijt bent aan het stallen van de boot in een haven. Het geheel past in een grote tas achterin de auto! Een opblaasbare zeilboot kan je op meerdere plekken kopen. In dit artikel bekijk ik alles wat te maken heeft met opblaasbare zeilboten, lees je een duidelijke uitleg over waar je op moet letten bij het kopen van een zeil boot die opblaasbaar is. Ook geef ik mijn topfavoriet! Ik begin eerst met een korte uitleg over wat het precies is.


Wat is een opblaasbare zeilboot?

Een opblaasbare zeilboot is een speciale boot die je kunt opblazen en waarmee je kunt zeilen. Het lijkt een beetje op de combinatie van een gewone zeilboot en een opblaasboot. Omdat deze boten lichter zijn dan gewone zeilboten, kun je ze makkelijk meenemen, opvouwen en opbergen. Ze zijn vooral handig voor mensen die op vakantie gaan of niet veel plek hebben om een grote boot op te slaan. Hoewel een opblaasbare zeilboot misschien niet zo stevig aanvoelt als een traditionele zeilboot, heeft hij veel handige eigenschappen die hem uniek maken.

Opblaasbare zeilboot kopen

Mijn topfavoriet op basis van prijs/kwaliteit

De Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S, verkocht door Decathon, van het merk Tribord, is mijn favoriet. Dit is qua prijs/kwaliteit echt de beste optie voor iedereen die een hoogwaardige, maar toch niet peperdure, opblaasbare zeilboot wilt kopen. Ik heb deze zeilboot twee keer kort kunnen testen (mee kunnen varen kort) en was onder de indruk. De opblaasbare zeilboot is net groot genoeg voor 2 volwassenen, of bijvoorbeeld een ouder en kind.

catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

Beoordeling van de Tribord 5S gebaseerd op reviews van andere gebruikers

Ik heb mijn keuze voor de topfavoriet ook gebaseerd op reviews van anderen. Dit is een combinatie van mensen die ik heb gesproken (waarvan ik de boot kort mocht uittesten) en reviews van echte gebruikers online. Deze heb ik voor het gemak samengevat in meerdere tussenkopjes. Zo lees je niet alleen mijn mening over de Tribord 5S opblaasbare zeilboot, maar ook die van anderen!

  • Transportgemak: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 – Gebruikers zijn zeer te spreken over het gemak waarmee de Tribord 5S kan worden vervoerd. De boot kan gemakkelijk worden meegenomen op een vliegtuig als sportuitrusting en past zelfs in een grote dakkoffer van een auto.
  • Prestatie: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 – De zeilboot presteert goed in diverse omstandigheden, van kalme meren tot de iets ruigere zeeën.
  • Gebruiksgemak🌟🌟🌟🌟 – De boot is eenvoudig op te zetten en af te breken. Sommige gebruikers maakten echter opmerkingen over enkele onderdelen zoals de klampen.
  • Veiligheid: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 – De Tribord 5S heeft zich in diverse omstandigheden als veilig bewezen, zonder dat gebruikers in gevaarlijke situaties terechtkwamen.
  • Prijs-kwaliteitverhouding: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 – De boot biedt een goede balans tussen prijs en kwaliteit, hoewel sommigen vinden dat het aan de prijzige kant is.
  • Componenten: 🌟🌟🌟 – Sommige componenten, zoals de klampen, zijn volgens gebruikers voor verbetering vatbaar.
  • Wielen: 🌟🌟🌟 – Het verwijderen van de wielen kan wat uitdagend zijn, en er is ruimte voor verbetering, vooral op zanderige oppervlakken.
  • Zeileigenschappen: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 – De boot biedt goede zeileigenschappen, hoewel er enige wens is voor meer “hoogte aan de wind”.
  • Materialen en Ondersteuning: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 – Over het algemeen zijn gebruikers tevreden over de gebruikte materialen en de klantenservice.

Waar let je op als je een opblaasbare zeilboot gaat kopen?

Een opblaasbare zeilboot is geen kleine uitgave voor de meeste mensen. Het is dus handig om allereerst te bepalen wat je budget is voor een nieuwe zeilboot. Daarna kan je op de volgende punten letten.

Opblaasbare zeilboot waar let je op

Materiaal en bouwkwaliteit

Wanneer je een opblaasbare zeilboot gaat kopen, is het essentieel om aandacht te besteden aan het materiaal en de algehele bouwkwaliteit. Duurzamere materialen zoals versterkt PVC of Hypalon zijn bestand tegen invloeden van buitenaf, zoals slijtage, Uv-straling en zout water. Een boot gemaakt van deze materialen gaat over het algemeen langer mee. Daarbij is het ook essentieel om even naar de garantievoorwaarden te kijken bij de aanbieder en of er eventuele reparaties vergoed worden.

Formaat en capaciteit

De grootte van de boot en hoeveel gewicht hij kan dragen zijn ook cruciale factoren. Denk na over hoeveel personen en bagage je aan boord wilt hebben. Een grotere boot kan handig zijn voor gezelschappen, maar het is ook zwaarder en mogelijk lastiger te vervoeren. Mijn favoriet, de Tribord 5S, is geschikt voor 2 volwassenen. Dit kan natuurlijk ook één volwassene en een kind zijn of twee (oudere) kinderen.


Het systeem waarmee je de boot opblaast, kan sterk variëren tussen de verschillende modellen. Een efficiënt ventielsysteem kan het proces van opblazen en leeglopen aanzienlijk versnellen, wat zeker een voordeel is als je snel het water op wilt. Mijn voorkeur gaat altijd uit naar een opblaasbare zwaardboot die je ook alleen kan monteren binnen 30 minuten. Ik wil niet te lang bezig zijn met het opblazen van mijn zeilboot!

Zeilkwaliteit en -formaat

Het zeil is een van de belangrijkste onderdelen van je boot. Niet alle opblaasbare zeilboten zijn uitgerust met zeilen van hoge kwaliteit. Het is essentieel om te letten op zowel de grootte als het materiaal van het zeil. Elk type zeil heeft weer andere eigenschappen. Verdiep je hier goed in.


Vooral voor beginners kan de stabiliteit van een opblaasbare zeilboot belangrijk zijn. Een breder design biedt vaak meer stabiliteit. Hierdoor kan je gemakkelijker zeilen en sla je minder snel om als het water wat uitdagender is.

Opslag en transport

Hoe gemakkelijk je de boot kunt opbergen en vervoeren, kan ook een doorslaggevende factor zijn bij je keuze. Sommige opblaasbare zeilboten kunnen tot een compact formaat worden opgevouwen. Erg handig als je niet al te veel ruimte hebt of de boot vaak wilt vervoeren.

Tribord 5S


Veel opblaasbare zeilboten worden geleverd met handige extra’s, zoals peddels, reparatiekits of opbergzakken. Het is waardevol om na te gaan welke accessoires bij de boot zijn inbegrepen en of ze van goede kwaliteit zijn, zodat je niet later extra moet investeren. Vaak moet je een goede, geschikte, pomp er zelf nog wel los bijkopen. Kijk dus goed in de handleiding en instructies van de leverancier. Het is zonde als je alles hebt, behalve een pomp!

Veelgestelde vragen en antwoorden over een opblaasbare zeilboot kopen

Hoe lang gaat een opblaasbare zeilboot gemiddeld mee.

De levensduur van een opblaasbare zeilboot varieert afhankelijk van het materiaal, gebruik en onderhoud. Met goed onderhoud en bij normaal gebruik kan een kwalitatief hoogwaardige opblaasbare zeilboot meerdere jaren meegaan. Het is essentieel om de boot regelmatig schoon te maken, op te bergen op een droge plek en directe langdurige blootstelling aan zonlicht te vermijden.

Is een opblaasbare zwaardboot wel veilig in ruwer water?

Hoewel opblaasbare zeilboten verrassend stabiel kunnen zijn, zijn ze over het algemeen minder geschikt voor zeer ruw water in vergelijking met traditionele, harde boten. Bij het zeilen in uitdagende omstandigheden is het altijd belangrijk om de specificaties en aanbevelingen van de fabrikant in acht te nemen en de veiligheid voorop te stellen.

Hoe repareer ik een lek?

Voor kleine lekkages kan een reparatiekit, die vaak bij de boot wordt geleverd, voldoende zijn. Volg de instructies in de kit: meestal houdt dit in dat je het gebied rond het lek schoonmaakt, een patch aanbrengt met een geschikte lijm en de patch laat drogen. Voor grotere schade of als je je niet zeker voelt over de reparatie, is het raadzaam om een professional te raadplegen.

Hoe bewaar ik de boot als ik hem niet gebruik?

Het is het beste om je opblaasbare zeilboot volledig leeg te laten lopen, schoon te maken en te drogen voordat je hem opbergt. Bewaar de boot vervolgens op een droge, koele plek uit de buurt van direct zonlicht. Sommige boten hebben draagtassen of opbergzakken die extra bescherming bieden tijdens de opslag.

Zijn opblaasbare zeilboten moeilijk op te zetten?

Over het algemeen zijn opblaasbare zeilboten ontworpen voor gebruiksgemak. Het opblazen en opzetten van het zeil kan in eerste instantie even wennen zijn, maar met de juiste pomp en na enkele keren oefenen, wordt het proces meestal snel en eenvoudig.

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  • Boten & motoren
  • Opblaasbare catamaran

Een opblaasbare catamaran is ideaal voor avonturiers die actief bezig willen zijn op het water. Het verschil tussen de opblaasbare catamaran en andere rubberboten zit hem in het avontuur. Zo kun je met de opblaasbare catamaran hoge snelheden behalen en met harde wind en hoge golven varen. Veiligheid en stabiliteit zijn cruciale kenmerken van opblaasbare catamarans.

Ontdek de opblaasbare catamarans

Onze collectie omvat diverse modellen en groottes, zodat er altijd een opblaasbare catamaran is die perfect bij jouw wensen past. Of je nu solo vaart, met een partner of met vrienden, wij hebben de ideale catamaran voor jou. Ontdek het plezier van varen met de wind in je haren en het water onder je voeten.

Afbeelding 10011013_1

Waarom kiezen voor een opblaasbare catamaran?

Opblaasbare catamarans bieden de perfecte combinatie van stabiliteit en snelheid, waardoor je moeiteloos over het water kunt glijden. Het opblaasbare ontwerp maakt ze gemakkelijk te vervoeren en op te bergen, waardoor je de vrijheid hebt om nieuwe wateren te verkennen waar je maar wilt. Of je nu kiest voor een ontspannen tocht langs de kust of een spannende race met vrienden, deze catamarans passen zich aan aan jouw avontuurlijke geest.

Opblaasbare catamaran

Een opblaasbare catamaran is een vaartuig met twee parallelle tubes met een bodem van PVC-stof, waarop een verwijderbare Air-deck vloer geïnstalleerd. Dit systeem zorgt voor een beter drijfvermogen omdat het luchtdek een extra luchtkamer is die de boot extra stabiliteit geeft. Een dergelijk uniek ontwerp geeft catamarans een indrukwekkende stabiliteit en sterkte, waardoor ze ideaal zijn voor reizen op wateren van welke moeilijkheidsgraad dan ook.

De stabiliteit van opblaasbare catamarans wordt gecombineerd met de voordelen van lichte opblaasbare boten, met als resultaat een ongeëvenaarde drijfkracht voor jouw vaartochten.

De voordelen van een opblaasbare catamaran

Makkelijk in en uit stappen.

Het slimme ontwerp met de open voorkant maakt het makkelijk voor passagiers om in te stappen vanaf de kant. Het zorgt ook voor moeiteloos en comfortabel in- en uitstappen in het water. Door dit unieke open boegontwerp is de opblaasbare catamaran favoriet bij vis- en duikliefhebbers. Het ontwerp biedt een ruim sta- of rustplatform.


Een opblaasbare catamaran onderscheidt zich door zijn uitstekende stabiliteit in vergelijking met een traditionele rubberboot. Dit komt door de doordachte verdeling van de waterverplaatsing tussen de twee drijvers, wat vooral merkbaar is bij golven.

Bij traditionele rubberboten moet je opletten waar de passagiers zitten en vooral hoe ze zich verplaatsen. De opblaasbare catamaran heeft dit nadeel niet: Zelfs wanneer de volledige bemanning aan één kant van het schip is, behoudt het nog steeds aanzienlijke stabiliteit.

Snelheid en vaardynamiek

Een opblaasbare catamaran glijdt soepel door het water dankzij de gestroomlijnde tubes met een lage invalshoek. Naarmate de snelheid toeneemt, wordt de opwaartse kracht sterker, waardoor de opblaasbare catamaran moeiteloos over het water lijkt te zweven. Hierdoor kan de catamaran soepel verschillende snelheden bereiken.

Opblaasbare catamarans rusten op hun twee buizen, waarbij de bodem en spiegel het water nauwelijks raken, in tegenstelling tot traditionele rubberboten. Dit resulteert in minimale weerstand tijdens het varen, hogere snelheden en een efficiënter stroom- of brandstofverbruik. Hierdoor behaalt een opblaasbare catamaran ook met motoren met een relatief laag vermogen hoge snelheden. Het is daarom niet noodzakelijk om motoren met hoog vermogen op opblaasbare catamarans te plaatsen.

Voor planeren op hoge snelheid heeft een opblaasbare catamaran een motor met een merkbaar lager vermogen nodig. De boeg gaat niet omhoog en de spiegel zakt niet op dezelfde manier in het water zoals dat gebeurd bij een conventionele rubberboot. Ook speelt bij opblaasbare catamarans het gewicht van extra bemanningsleden hierbij niet zo’n cruciale rol.

Opblaasbare catamaran: voor elk type avontuur

De unieke combinatie van stabiliteit, comfort en betrouwbaarheid maakt opblaasbare catamarans ideaal voor iedereen die graag de waterwegen verkent. Of je nu geniet van de rust op het water, op duikavontuur gaat, de golven trotseert of hoge snelheden wilt behalen, een opblaasbare catamaran is het veilige en stabiele vaartuig voor jouw.

  • Rubberboot 1 persoons
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  • Rubberboot 4 personen
  • Rubberboot 5 personen
  • Rubberboot 6 personen
  • Opblaasboot 1 persoons
  • Opblaasboot 2 personen
  • Opblaasboot 3 personen
  • Opblaasboot 4 personen
  • Karperboten
  • Buitenboordmotoren
  • Opblaasboot met motor
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catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

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The Hate U Give

Angie thomas, everything you need for every book you read..

Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

The Hate U Give: Introduction

The hate u give: plot summary, the hate u give: detailed summary & analysis, the hate u give: themes, the hate u give: quotes, the hate u give: characters, the hate u give: terms, the hate u give: symbols, the hate u give: theme wheel, brief biography of angie thomas.

The Hate U Give PDF

Historical Context of The Hate U Give

Other books related to the hate u give.

  • Full Title: The Hate U Give
  • When Written: 2017
  • Where Written: Jackson, Mississippi, U.S.
  • When Published: February 28, 2017
  • Literary Period: Contemporary
  • Genre: Young Adult Fiction
  • Setting: The lower-class, predominantly black neighborhood of Garden Heights and the upper-crust world of Williamson Prep.
  • Climax: Starr and her neighbors embrace the power of their voices to create change; Starr defends Khalil’s life at the protests following the indictment verdict, while Garden Heights residents tell police that King set fire to Maverick’s store.
  • Antagonist: One-Fifteen, King
  • Point of View: First person

Extra Credit for The Hate U Give

Personal Experience. Like the protagonist of her novel, Angie Thomas witnessed a shootout as a child in her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi.

Historical Connections. Thomas grew up close to civil rights activist Medgar Evers’ home, and says her mother heard the gunshot that killed him.

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61 pages • 2 hours read

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

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Chapters 6-10

Chapters 11-15

Chapters 16-19

Chapters 20-21

Chapters 22-26

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Discussion Questions

Tupac’s THUG LIFE explanation is a major theme of the book. How do you see THUG LIFE playing out in the real world today, possibly even in your community? Can you relate any recent events to the idea of THUG LIFE?

THUG LIFE refers to the self-perpetuating cycle of hatred but does not necessarily offer a solution. How does author Angie Thomas address this? Does she offer a solution or is the answer more complicated? How do you think you can fight against this cycle?

How does this book provide a voice and a perspective that is often overlooked?

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Home — Essay Samples — Literature — The Hate U Give — Depiction of Racism and Injustive in “The Hate U Give”


Depiction of Racism and Injustive in "The Hate U Give"

  • Categories: Racial Discrimination The Hate U Give

About this sample


Words: 845 |

Published: May 31, 2021

Words: 845 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, relatable main character, systematic racism through starr's perspective, addressing misconceptions and motivations.

  • Thomas, A. (2017). The Hate U Give . HarperCollins.
  • Woodson, J. (2017). The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas: Racial and Class Tensions in Contemporary America . Callaloo, 40(4), 974-978.
  • Yoon, N. H., & Azar, S. (2019). "Empathy Through Literature: Teaching 'The Hate U Give' to Secondary Students." The English Journal , 108(4), 54-59.
  • Moore, D. S. (2019). "Embracing Adolescents' Voices: Analyzing 'The Hate U Give' with High School Students." The English Journal , 109(5), 28-34.
  • Bell, J. (2018). "Reading 'The Hate U Give' in Our Racist Nation." The English Journal , 107(6), 41-47.
  • Kendi, I. X. (2017). "How 'The Hate U Give' Can Start a Necessary Conversation About Black Lives." Time Magazine .
  • Thomas, A. (2017). The Hate U Give: Author Angie Thomas in Conversation with Deesha Philyaw . Pittsburgh Arts & Lectures.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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5 paragraph essay on the hate you give

71 The Hate U Give (2018)

Race, Gender, and Policing in The Hate U Give

By Marisa Oritz

An emotional film describing the struggles of those involved in cases of police brutality, The Hate U Give , directed by George Tillman Jr., is an adaptation of the novel written by Angie Thomas. This film makes me eager to watch it over and over because of the message it conveys. It is centered around ideologies and stereotypes of African Americans in society and how the different communities react to certain events. This movie, just like all others, leaves people with different ways of viewing the world. It opens up a new door that gives them an understanding of how and why certain people act and react in that way. Others should be interested in this film because it is a moving and eye-opening story that makes you want to help make a difference in the world. While many films with a dominant black cast pose as “ghetto,” “lower-middle-class,” “violence,” etc., this film, in particular, conveys those adjectives, it does so in a different way. Yes, it shows what people think of when they hear “black community,” but the way the author, director, and producer made this film offers a new way of viewing it. The story, editing, sound design, and cinematography make this film’s message want to see a change in America. The Hate U Give demonstrates the meaning of difference, power, and discrimination by touching on topics of police brutality, white supremacy, African Americans in film, and women in film.

Starr, the main character, is a teenage African American girl who lives in a black community but goes to a dominantly white prep school. Her friends and boyfriend go to the same school and are white. Though back in her hometown, her childhood friend is a teenage African American boy. The storyline is centered around the tragic event of her childhood best friend dying due to police brutality. Starr starts to notice that her friends are not her friends, the cops will not do anything, and she has to make a hard decision about whether to testify in court or not. The gang’s correlation impacts this decision because the boy who died was a part of their crew. Starr takes her anger and frustration out on teaching the public that the way they are thinking and doing things is wrong and that all the fighting and violence needs to stop. Racism has always been an issue in America, but there has been more spotlight on the topic in the past few years. 2020 has had its share of events, and one of those events is the Black Lives Matter movement. This film demonstrates the power that cops have and how African Americans have witnessed or experienced criminal injustices. There has been an increase in protests and movements for creating equality. More and more police brutality cases have been rising from the past and present, demanding that the police who wrongfully harmed or killed those men and women be brought to justice. The film, The Hate U Give, shows and creates emotion like those who lived through a similar event themselves.

Two teenagers walk down a school corridor

There are a few differences in the film that relate to the characters and their environment. There is a difference between privileged and unprivileged seen in different ways in the film. One instance in the movie is how Starr lives in a lower-class neighborhood, and she feels like she can not bring any of her white friends over because they will judge her or will not understand her home life. Later in the film, she allows her rich and privileged boyfriend to take her home from the dance, but he is in a limo (01:27:10-01:27:47). The film shows the limo pulling up to her house, and the viewers can see the difference between the two worlds or privileged and unprivileged. The difference between the lower-middle class and the upper-middle class is highly represented. One distinct difference has to do with Starr’s family situation compared to her African American Uncle. Her uncle lives in a lovely neighborhood where there are no gangs nearby compared to Starr’s dangerous neighborhood where gunshots can be heard at night. There is also the difference in lifestyle when comparing her life [Starr’s] to her school friends. Her friends have luxury items and houses, whereas Starr does not.

There are two forms of power in the film: white power and the power of the truth. White power comes from the dad of the cop who shot the innocent black male. The father and the news paint the picture as having the cop being the victim in the situation. He puts out a statement about him, his son, and his family to defend their title. He is trying to sway the public into believing that it was a horrible mistake saying how they are getting threats and backlash from the event. The news plays footage of black people doing gang-related activities, mentioning how crime in black neighborhoods has increased and how the police are there to help make it a safer place. White power also comes from the murderous cop himself because he was a white cop with reason to believe the black male had a weapon. Therefore after the jury understands that the cop had caused to fire at a supposedly black gang banger male they found the cop not guilty. This power theme seems to happen very often because people like to judge based on social stigmas and ideologies surrounding certain communities. Power in this film also comes from the main character, Starr. After seeing her friend get shot dead by the police, she now has the move to go to trial or stay silent and not become a target. Though, after countless interactions with certain people in her life, it becomes clear to her that some people just do not get it. Starr decides to use her voice and tries to get the police officer who killed her friend imprisoned. She also takes a stand against her so-called best friend after she countlessly makes remarks towards African Americans. Starr confronts Hailey after tension builds up throughout the movie and asks her why others who look like her come off as dangerous and threatening, but she does not (01:39:40-01:40:52). Starr makes a statement towards the police blockade at a street protest, and people follow her lead (01:50:38-01:52:26). Then towards the end of the movie, she steps in front of her little brother with a gun to protect him from getting shot at by the police because he is just a kid who is afraid of the violence. As Jessica King, a well-known movie critique from Variety, put it, “She is also glowingly emblematic of a new American generation unfairly tasked with solving social ills they had no hand in making, but of which they are overwhelmingly the victims” (par. 9). It is rare for films to have a young black female hold power in the movie, though it has become more common.

Young person with raised fist standing in front of a crowd and police

Discrimination is directly represented on the screen, though there could be some off-screen as well. When talking about on-screen, there is one character that seems to demonstrate discrimination and racism. Hailey, Starr’s school friend, makes comments about black people. Hailey makes remarks about how all black people are dangerous. She tells Starr how her friend who got shot was bound to happen because he was black, lived in “the hood,” and was facilitated in a gang. Hailey also tells Starr how she is not threatened by her because she is different from the others. Discrimination could have happened off-screen as well in terms of casting. According to Tianna Dowie-Chin, a researcher on black feminism, race, and ethnicity, wrote, “Black people with lighter skin are considered to be more employable and are employed at higher rates, incarcerated and disciplined in schools at lower rates, and possess higher representation in positions as corporate executives and government official” (par. 13). There is a high possibility that the black actors’ skin tone played a vital role in casting. The majority of the black cast, including the lead, is categorized as light skin rather than dark skin. While some may say that it does not matter because they are still black, it does matter. People are still being discriminated against based on the pigment of their skin color. The more whitewashed a person’s skin is, the higher chance they have of receiving better opportunities.

There are white supremacy issues, women in film, and African Americans represented in the film. Hailey in the movie represents white supremacy. Her character is white, wealthy, and privileged. Hailey’s persona acts like she is better than the people around her and does not care how her actions affect others. She makes multiple racist remarks towards black people. For example, she refers to “fried chicken” and says that black people are threatening society. After hearing the cop’s father talk on the news about how their family has been getting hateful comments, she also says she feels bad for them. As Stephy Monisha, a graduate from Stella Maris College, wrote, “The terrible reality is that Hailey does not feel any remorse for her white supremacist attitude, and even though she misuses her privileged position by passing racist comments, she accuses Starr of being sensitive” (p. 3994). Starr is not acting sensitive, but she is defending herself and her black community.

The women in this film are well represented, but it could have been better. The mother in the movie is shown as a strong support system for her kids, but she is much more in the book. According to Tianna Dowie-Chin, a Ph.D. candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Florida, “Rather than portraying Lisa as the successful black woman she was originally written as in the novel, the version of her presented in the film denies her role in her family, particularly her financial role” (par. 12). The novel shows the mother, Lisa, as a very successful black woman with a great job that helps support her family in a big way. In the film, that part of her is unknown, which degrades the importance of her character.

Just because this film represents the black community and a dominant black cast is shown, there are still details in the editing and cinematography that belittle them. There is also a common trait for black males in film, and that is that their characters usually end up with a lousy ending. According to Jeanette Convington, an Associate Professor of School of Arts and Sciences of Sociology, wrote, “The more savagely young black males were depicted in these films, the more moral license the criminal justice system required to arrest, imprison or kill off the dangerous black youth depicted on screen, even if it meant violating their rights in the process” (p. 64). The film does kill off a young black male that poses a threat to some people in the film. The film killed off this killer to make a point and not because it was the character’s fate. There also seems to be some noticeable edits during filming when the screen only showed black characters. For example, there are some shots in the film that when there are only black characters in the frame, the camera tends to be less stable and shakier compared to scenes with white characters (01:58:41-02:01:33). There also seems to be a trend throughout the film where many scenes involving Starr, her family, and other people in her black community are shot in the evening and night time. This results in darker lighting and gives a more suspenseful feeling. When Starr is at school or her friend’s house, they are shot during daytime and have more bright lighting (01:16:36-01:19:50). There are also shots of white actors with a camera angle looking up at them which codes as that white people are more important and powerful. An example of this is when Starr and her boyfriend, Chris, are at her locker talking and the camera looks up at Chris and eye-level for Starr (00:10:10-00:11:17). All of these issues are well exhibited throughout the film.

One aspect of this film that I focused on was the music. Music in films and shows can provide an emotional element of the event that is occurring. In this film, the music matches with the events and themes of the scenes. For example, during a party in Starr’s neighborhood, the people at the party were all African-American, drinking and dancing, so the music choice was hip/hop. The songs in this film came from artists such as Tupac, Kendrick Lamar, Pusha T, Logic, and others. In particular, though, two songs were made for the movie “The Hate U Give” by Bobby Sessions and “We Won’t Move” by Arlissa. According to Jon Burlingame, the nation’s leading writer for music in film, Bobby Sessions said, “I hope the song, along with the film, will inspire young people to find their voice, speak out, and have these uncomfortable conversations about what’s going on in our community, and hopefully motivate everyone to do something about it” (par. 8). This song is tied to the movie by having the same title and the message both outlets are trying to send to the audience. Arlissa’s song plays at the end of the movie and has compelling verses. According to Carita Rizzo, a writing and editing consultant and contractor, the song’s title’s message is saying, “We’re going to hold out ground, we’re going to remain peaceful but vigilant” (par. 4). The song itself conveys a message and emotion that has excellent chemistry with the scene of the movie. There is also instrumental music that is very strong for one particular scene. The song “The Cycle” by Dustin O’Halloran plays during the scene where Starr’s little brother is pointing their father’s gun at two gang members, and police show up to the scene. Starr realizes that her brother is very likely to be the next victim of police brutality in this event. The song has a slow tempo with a tone of sadness and worry that gives off a very emotional feel for the audience when viewing this scene. Without this particular music in this scene, the audience would not feel the same type of emotions. Music addition in scenes, whether with lyrics or without, gives off emotional appeals for the audience to connect with the storyline.

When I first watched this movie, it had me in tears and gave me the urge to get up and do something about America’s problem. Then when I first read this assignment, this movie immediately came to thought. The Hate U Give demonstrates America’s issues and that of difference, power, and discrimination. When this movie first came out in 2018, I did not know what I could do to eliminate the issue. Now, in 2020 there came an opportunity to show my support in the black community and the Black Lives Matter movement. I participated in peaceful protests at the Oregon capital and walked with thousands of people demanding equality. George Floyd’s murder was the last straw and sparked people to raise awareness of police brutality and racism in America. More and more cases from the past and present started to increase. Many more cases of police brutality came out of the shadows to expose corruption in society, much like in the movie with Starr’s friend and the police officers who killed him. People see a black male and suspect that he is up to no good. Judgment based on their race and sexuality is made before knowing the facts, which has led to a horrible ending for many. I would relate this film to the T.V. series 13 Reasons Why because both exhibit and bring to light difficult topics to talk about that but are in need to be talked about. 13 Reasons Why mentions drug abuse and addiction, suicide, sexual assault, homosexuality and sexuality, and bullying all are which issues in society and that of teenagers and young adults. Both The Hate U Give and 13 Reasons Why are meant to demonstrate to people how these issues are not something to talk about lightly and are significant problems for many people. Both want their viewers to see how these problems affect people differently and show that they are awful things to have to deal with, and those people should not have to go through that.

The Hate U Give demonstrates what many people of color have to go through and deal with in society. It brings emotion to viewers in ways that help you relate in a small way to how those who have experienced this issue go through. It is also a film that shows how societal beliefs and opinions of people of color affect how they are portrayed on screen through their editing and cinematography. The Hate U Give demonstrates through different film elements of difference, power, and discrimination issues presented both in reality and on film.

Burlingame, Jon. “Def jam to Release ‘The Hate U Give’ Soundtrack (EXCLUSIVE).” Variety. Web. 28 Sep. 2018. https://variety.com/2018/music/news/the-hate-u-give-soundtrack-def-jam-1202961188/. Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

Covington, Jeanette. Crime and Racial Constructions : Cultural Misinformation about African Americans in Media and Academia, Lexington Books, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/linnbenton-ebooks/detail.action?docID=500798. Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

Dowie-Chin, Tianna, et al. “Whitewashing Through Film: How Educators Can Use Critical Race Media Literacy to Analyze Hollywood’s Adaptation of Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give.” International Journal of Multicultural Education, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, p. 129+. Gale Academic OneFile, https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/A637123496/AONE?u=lbcc&sid=AONE&xid=60a35c76. Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

Kiang, Jessica. “Film Review: ‘The Hate You Give’.” Variety. Web. 8 Sep. 2018. https://variety.com/2018/film/reviews/the-hate-u-give-review-1202933118/. Accessed 10 Nov. 2020.

Monisha, Stephy P. “‘Other’ Worlds Represented in Angie Thomas’s The Hate U Give.” Journal of Critical Reviews 7.13 (2020), 3993-3995. Print. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.13.604

http://www.jcreview.com/fulltext/197-1599475602.pdf?1605653310. Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

Rizzo, Carita.“‘The Hate U Give’: How Music Producers Created a Song to Amplify the Battle Against Racial Injustice.” The Hollywood Reporter. Web. 12 Dec. 2018. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/hate-u-give-how-music-producers-created-films-final-song-1167901. Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

The Hate U Give. Directed by George Tillman Jr., 20th Century Studios, 2018.

Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film and Media: Student Essays Copyright © by Students at Linn-Benton Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Canada Wants to Regulate Online Content. Critics Say It Goes Too Far.

A bill introduced by the Canadian government to safeguard against online harms has stirred opposition from free speech advocates.

Arif Virani standing at a lectern. A group of officials stand behind him.

By Vjosa Isai

Reporting from Toronto

Canada has waded into the contentious issue of regulating online content with a sweeping proposal that would force technology companies to restrict and remove harmful material, especially posts involving children, that appears on their platforms.

While the intent to better monitor online content has drawn widespread support, the bill has faced intense backlash over its attempt to regulate hate speech. Critics say the proposal crosses the line into censorship.

The bill would create a new regulatory agency with the power to issue 24-hour takedown orders to companies for content deemed to be child sexual abuse or intimate photos and videos shared without consent, often referred to as revenge porn .

The agency could also initiate investigations of tech companies and impose hefty, multimillion dollar fines. Companies would have to submit digital safety plans, including design features to shield children from potentially harmful content.

The proposal by the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is meant to address “the anarchy and lawlessness” of the internet, said Arif Virani, the justice minister and attorney general.

“Right now, you can empower your kids until you’re blue in the face about the internet,” Mr. Virani said in an interview. “If there are no rules on the internet, about how things will happen, how platforms will behave, then we’ve got a problem. We’re here to solve that problem.”

But others say parts of the bill, particularly the targeting of hate speech, are so onerous that they would muzzle free expression. The Canadian writer Margaret Atwood called the bill “Orwellian.”

Since 2014, the police in Canada have seen a fourfold increase in reports of child pornography and sexual offenses against children online, according to data published in March by the national census agency.

Canada’s move to regulate tech giants comes amid intensifying concern over the power of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, to disseminate harmful content with few checks.

The European Union, the United Kingdom and Australia have all adopted laws meant to police online content, while the United States is also wrestling with how to address the matter. U.S. lawmakers summoned tech executives in January to a congressional hearing on online child safety.

The bill in Canada is winding its way through Parliament and must be passed by the House of Commons and the Senate before it becomes law. Because Mr. Trudeau’s Liberal Party has an agreement with an opposition party to support government legislation, some version of the proposal is likely to pass.

The comprehensive bill calls for civil and criminal penalties on hate speech, a move that has provoked the strongest opposition.

One provision would, for the first time in Canada, establish hate as a separate crime that would encompass both written and physical acts. Currently, depending on the circumstances, hate can be added as an element to other criminal offenses but cannot be charged as a separate crime. The government argues that making it a separate crime would make it easier to track offenses.

Another measure would allow people to seek the equivalent of a protection order against someone they accuse of targeting them with hate.

The bill would also restore a regulation repealed by Parliament about a decade ago allowing Canadians to file complaints to an existing human rights commission that can ultimately lead to financial penalties of up to 50,000 Canadian dollars against people judged to have committed hate speech.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association criticized the bill, saying it would lead to “overbroad violations of expressive freedom, privacy, protest rights and liberty,” and would give a new regulatory agency the power to be “judge, jury and executioner.”

The government seems to want to “create a much more sanitized internet and that’s very harmful for free speech because it’s the controversial stuff we need to be able to talk about,’’ said Josh Dehaas, counsel at the Canadian Constitution Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes civil liberties.

Mr. Virani, the justice minister, rejected any suggestion that the government was trying to limit free speech, saying the bill seeks to protect people from hatred.

“Free speech in this country doesn’t include hate speech,” he said.

Some experts and tech companies praised the bill, saying that the stiffest penalties were reserved for the worst forms of content and would not trample on free speech.

“It’s an incredibly thoughtful piece of legislation, if you’re looking at balancing protection from harm and protection of fundamental rights,” said Emily Laidlaw, a professor who focuses on cybersecurity law at the University of Calgary.

As the bill is in the early stages of the legislative process and criticism has been robust, changes are likely to come before a final vote. Government officials said they expected that amendments would need to be negotiated.

The leader of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poilievre, has questioned the need for more bureaucracy, saying online crimes could be dealt with through expanded criminal enforcement.

But some supporters of the bill say it would provide a faster way to tackle crimes on the internet since tech platforms could be ordered to remove content within a day.

Beyond social media sites, the bill would also apply to pornography websites and livestreaming services like Discord. Private message platforms such as Signal would be excluded.

Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, said it supported the Canadian government’s goal to protect young people online and wanted to collaborate “with lawmakers and industry peers on our longstanding priority to keep Canadians safe.”

Tech companies have responded to internet safety laws in other countries by saying that their internal tools, like parental controls, are already effective at protecting children, though some experts argue that it is still too easy for minors to bypass safeguards and access inappropriate content.

Canada’s proposal has become a target for right-wing and conservative media outlets in the United States, who have seized on the criminal and civil penalties to accuse Mr. Trudeau of trying to suppress political speech.

Some supporters say the bill provides regular online users a way to rein in content that can sometimes have tragic consequences.

Carol Todd, who lives in British Columbia, knows from painful personal experience what it means to confront sexual images of children online.

Her daughter was 15 when she died by suicide after a Dutch man, using some two dozen fake accounts, shared sexual images of her online and demanded money. He was eventually arrested and convicted in 2022 for sexual extortion, and is imprisoned in the Netherlands.

Ms. Todd said it was hard enough finding a place on Facebook to report the images of her daughter. “It was just so much work and it defeated my kid,” she said. (The posts were eventually removed, Ms. Todd said, though Facebook never commented on the case.)

Lianna McDonald, the director of the Canadian Center for Child Protection, said the government’s proposed online regulations could prevent other tragic outcomes.

“We’ve lost too many children,” she said, “and too many families have been devastated by the violence that occurs online.”

Both Canada and the United States have a three-digit suicide and crisis hotline: 988. If you are having thoughts of suicide, call or text 988 and visit 988.ca (Canada) or 988lifeline.org (United States) for a list of additional resources. This service offers bilingual crisis support in each country, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Vjosa Isai is a reporter and researcher for The Times based in Toronto, where she covers news from across Canada. More about Vjosa Isai

5 paragraph essay on the hate you give

1 page / 500 words. The Hate U Give is a young adult novel by Angie Thomas. It follows events in the life of a 16-year-old black girl, Starr Carter, who is drawn to activism after she witnesses a police officer shooting her childhood friend. Angie Thomas demonstrates the complexities... The Hate U Give Racism.

When Maverick and Lisa argue about moving for most of the novel, their desires seem completely at odds because their only options seem to be to move to Uncle Carlos's safe, but primarily white community, or stay in primarily black but often dangerous Garden Heights. Brook Falls, however, has space for both of their desires.

In the book The Hate U Give, the writer Angie Thomas places us in the view purpose of Starr, a high school young lady brought up in Garden Heights.

Angie Thomas's debut novel, The Hate U Give, is a powerful and moving story that explores themes of racism, police brutality, and the struggle for justice and equality, drawing conclusions about the necessity of finding and then using one's voice in support of that struggle.Set in the predominantly Black neighborhood of Garden Heights, the novel follows the story of Starr Carter, a 16-year ...

Historical Context of The Hate U Give. Thomas's novel invokes the language of the modern protest movement Black Lives Matter, which grew in response to real-world incidents of police brutality. Thomas has stated that she was specifically inspired by Oscar Grant, an unarmed black man whose 2009 killing at the hands of a white police officer ...

Get unlimited access to SuperSummaryfor only $0.70/week. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

The Hate U Give Novel Racism in America. The novel written by American author Angie Thomas and published in 2017 titled, The Hate U Give explores the relationship between race and identity. The predominant theme (of The Hate U Give) is racism, especially how it manifests in violence and police brutality.

As readers seek to engage with literature that addresses these pressing concerns, "The Hate U Give" emerges as a powerful fictional narrative that illuminates the racial and systemic injustices faced by African Americans in contemporary America. This essay delves into the exploration of racism in "The Hate U Give," shedding light on the central ...

Suggested Essay Topics. In Chapter Seven, Starr says the only thing worse than being thought of as the angry black girl is being the weak black girl. Why is Starr so afraid of being considered weak? What role does the media play in The Hate U Give? What is the importance of second chances in the novel?

Curt's Journey. Objective: Write a 5-paragraph essay discussing the themes and character development in The Hate u Give.Paragraph 1: IntroductionIntroduce the book and provide a brief summary of the plot.State the main themes that you will be discussing in the essay.Paragraph 2: Theme 1Choose one of the main themes from the book and discuss how ...

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas was published in 2017 and quickly became a groundbreaking work in contemporary young adult literature. The novel follows the life of Starr Carter, a 16-year-old African American girl who witnesses the police shooting of her childhood friend, Khalil. The story is set in the fictional neighborhood of Garden Heights ...

Two Personalities of the Starr Carter. In the book, The Hate You Give, Starr Carter is the main character. She is a 16-year-old girl. Starr Carter is an African-American that lives in the "Hood" as some would say. She lives in a neighborhood called Garden Heights.

71 The Hate U Give (2018) . Race, Gender, and Policing in The Hate U Give. By Marisa Oritz . An emotional film describing the struggles of those involved in cases of police brutality, The Hate U Give, directed by George Tillman Jr., is an adaptation of the novel written by Angie Thomas.This film makes me eager to watch it over and over because of the message it conveys.

Download. "Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.". "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas is a young-adult novel about racism. Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this novel puts us in the shoes of Starr Carter, a memorable girl who was faced with adversity and ...

8. Starr, the main character in the novel The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas, has many character traits such as kindness, trauma survivor, and leading a double life. These traits can be seen as influencing her actions and behaviors when she is at school or she is living her normal life. Even though Khalil had flaws related to being a "drug ...

Many believe that they no longer enforce and protect our lives, but take them. In the novel The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas connects police brutality to modern America. She highlights racism and riots within our society. Some major themes throughout the novel are dueling identities, crime, a loyal community, and racism.

Pages: 2 (1001 words) Views: 953. Grade: 5. Download. The thug life stands for 'the hate you give little infants fuck everyone'. Which refers to when somebody has to start off with nothing but ends up succeeding. Today thug life is being used for criminals and drugs, which is different from what 2pac was saying.

It is known for its perspective on racial discrimination and activism. It tells the story of a 16 year old girl, Starr, who goes through seeing her childhood best friend, Khalil, murdered by a cop for no reason. Starr attends a mostly …show more content…. Atticus confronts the court with these assumptions but Tom remains convicted as guilty ...

April 9, 2024, 5:00 a.m. ET. Canada has waded into the contentious issue of regulating online content with a sweeping proposal that would force technology companies to restrict and remove harmful ...

The Hate U Give Full Book Summary. Starr Carter, a sixteen-year-old black girl, attends a party in her neighborhood, Garden Heights. Starr goes with Kenya, a friend with whom she shares an older half-brother, Seven. Ever since attending Williamson Prep, a primarily white school, Starr feels out of place in the Garden Heights social scene.

Important Quotes Explained. Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right. In Chapter Nine, Lisa tells this story when Starr blames herself for the Garden Heights strife after the first night of riots. Lisa comforts Starr by sharing the story of Starr's birth, and how despite Lisa ...

catamarans over 50 feet for sale

Better sailing.

Best Catamarans Over 50 Feet

Best Catamarans Over 50 Feet

All kinds of high-end luxury sailing you could ever imagine can be experienced on Catamarans Over 50 Feet. It just depends on the boat at hand. Why spend your holiday cruising or liveaboard on a monohull when comfortable catamarans exist?

A catamaran is quite different from a regular monohull. Catamarans are typically designed with two equal-sized hulls and derive their stability from their wide beam; unlike a one-hulled boat deriving stability from a loaded undersurface.

The average catamaran is 38-47 feet in size. Usually, they are equipped with four large cabins with double or queen-sized beds, each cabin having an in-suite head. These vessels, originally designed for fishing, have, over the years, evolved and have become very popular in recent years. Lately, many boatbuilders are focusing more and more on building large catamarans over 50 feet as more and more people are starting to liveaboard and put more emphasis on comfort and luxury than their sailing performance.

In 2011, the biggest catamaran ever was built by Pendennis Shipyard in the UK, at 145 feet in length! It is equipped with a trampoline, a jacuzzi and can accommodate 12 guests in 5 cabins. This boat is designed to accommodate all the luxuries and adornments that can be found on a watercraft.

Here are the best sailing catamarans over 50 feet, in no particular order.

Length: 50 Feet

Price: From $500k to $1.5 Million USD On the Used Market

Back in 2019, the Lagoon 50 was awarded the best multihull of Sail Magazine. A product of the world’s largest boat manufacturer Lagoon, established in 1984, is majorly famous for the design and construction of cruising catamarans, which infuse top-notch designs, upscale comfort, and great sailing performances to one’s boating experience. Every detail is carefully thought out to establish novel and spacious architecture with a homely ambiance.

It’s a perfect balance between the model Lagoon 450 and the lofty 52. The Lagoon 50 has an encompassing view, generous volumes with a self-tacking jib, and a shorter mast for easily simplified maneuvers. It has two cockpits, one large one facing the sea and the other for seating at foredeck or on a deck chair. The hulls being large enough to contain more than 2 cabins, you can have up to six cabins. Italian agency Nauto Design Studio set a standard for their innovative interior designs every time. This vessel boasts of a unique brand signature, providing increased performance and a detailed wood finish to be fitted for the owner. Unconventional lines are linked with luxury, versatility, and a layout of technical options to cater to everyone’s needs.

Lagoon 50 Catamaran

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Length: 52 Feet

Looking for something contemporary and luxurious? Lagoon 52 takes the cake in that way. This boat signified a new stage in the design of cruising catamarans. The Lagoon 52 is a product of the prolonged conversations between Lagoon’s customary VPLP, Nauto design agency, and the Lagoon design department. It comes in two versions: The Lagoon 52 FlyBridge, known as Lagoon 52F, and Lagoon 52 SporTop.

The combination of onboard comfort with its sailing performance is perfect and in sync. The wide side decks allow easy movement onboard. The cockpit and saloon also offer spacious living areas. The vertical bows of the boat have a diamond-shaped appearance with diagonal shaped hull and a lifting deck house.

The boat is easily accessible and safe thanks to the open rear skirts. Most of the features in this luxurious watercraft can be found in the aforementioned Lagoon 50. It has a perfect blend for its easy use, a comfy, elegant interior, amazing space, and lighting. You’re sure to get your money’s worth with the LAGOON 52.

Lagoon 52

Privilege Series 5

Price: Around $1-1.5 Million USD

At 50 feet, this boat is quite marvelous and a privilege to spend your time in as a cruiser or owner. The Privilège Series 5 is the world’s first 50 feet sailing catamaran. This vessel was built by Privilège Marine, a French company based in Les Sables-d’Olonne, France. They are famous for building premium luxury catamarans and designed by French Naval Architect Marc Lombard. The Privilège Series 5 is equipped with three or four double and a full-sized owner’s cabin located in the yacht’s center. It’s a lightweight boat at 48500 pounds and could go up to 52900 depending on the size.

It has great customization options, and it can be designed to suit the boat owner’s taste. The attention to detail on the boat is nothing short of perfection as the interior design, woodwork, safety measurements laid out by the boat’s design, aesthetics, ventilation, etc., was thought out good. The vessel’s finishing is really phenomenal as everything has a high level of craftsmanship.

Privilege Series 5

Leopard 50L

Length: 50 Ft 6 In

Price: Around $1 Million USD

The Leopard 48, which was launched in 2012, was one of the most popular cruising cats ever designed. But the design was beginning to become dated, even as new orders kept coming in. So, Robertson & Caine, who build the Leopard cats, set out to improve on what was already great. The new 50 was their answer and comes with many innovations that will make owners happy. We test sailed the 50L last winter in Florida. The L version has the optional lounge on top of the hardtop over the cockpit. Unlike some cats with flying bridges and lounges up high, the 50L doesn’t feel like a layer wedding cake.

The steering station is a traditional raised helm to starboard, and the lounge is just up a few stairs from there. The helmsman is in contact with those in the main cockpit and those in the lounge. Out sailing, we got the 50L up to 10 knots in a good breeze, so the boat is fast. It is also commodious and will make a very comfortable home for a family or a charter party.

>>Also Read: 10 Best Catamaran Brands

Length: 58 Feet

Price: From $450k To $1.5 Million on the Used Market

Leopard 58 is a superb layout from Leopard, skilfully modeled by award-winning designers Robertson & Caine. This extravagant catamaran is suited to the prolific and innovative catamarans that have made Leopard famous while still giving out fresh features and various design options.

This expansive FlyBridge takes space to a whole new dimension as it is larger than its siblings with their award-winning aspects. A Flybridge is basically a version of catamarans that affords you the luxury of outdoor space, come rain or shine. Leopard 58 is more about space, bragging about 750 square feet in just the saloon alone. It gives you amazing comfort and is naturally luminous. With an open plan layout, the galley available means the meal making and interaction will be easy. Highly recommended for a family outdoor gathering.

Leopard 58 - Best Catamaran Over 50 Feet

Price: Around $1 Million USD New ; Not many options on the used market since its a newer model

Popularly called the Seawind 52 because of its 52 feet size. The Seawind 52′ 1600 is designed by world-renowned architects Reichel Pugh. Like the Lagoon 52, it’s a perfect balance for onboard comfort and performance sailing and sea safety. Perfect for sailors or boat lovers who are looking for a little extra.

This catamaran sets a standard for offshore sailing because of its simple sailing methods, large open cockpit space, and twin protected helms. Equipped with a three or four-cabin design that affords the owner’s cabin expansive living space, great storage, high aspect riders, daggerboards, an elegant fit/finish, and infused carbon-reinforced construction.

Seawind 1600

Price: Around $1 Million USD New

The new Seawind 1600 has been in the works for a while and has finally arrived on the market. The Reichel Pugh design is a departure from the more conservative looks of the other Seawinds and embraces a very Euro-style with plumb bows, hard chines, a swept-back cabin, and a large open cockpit with helm stations on both sides. The boat is a pure performance cruiser that was conceived as a blue water voyaging boat for a family. At 52 feet, it falls within the size range that an experienced couple can handle, so it would make a great platform for a couple to explore the world. The 1600 like all of the Seawinds and Corsairs, are built in Vietnam.

Nautitech 542

Length: 54 Feet

Price: Around $1.2 Million USD New

Nautitech 542 is the typical example of offshore meeting first class. This boat has ideally tweaked fittings for smooth sailing under any circumstances. Furnished with a single wheel on its roof for perfect views of the boat and a comfy 2-person seat. The idea of this boat is mostly based on performance and quality. Asides from the positions of the helm, Nautitech 541 and 542 are very similar. Nautitech 542 is large and luxurious. The sail controls at the helm stations for easy sailing maneuvers and perfect for all weather conditions. The interior was designed by French designer Franck Darnet. Equipped with state of the art furniture and cabin experience, a sleek experience is assured.

Nautitech 542

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Xquisite X5

Length: 51 Feet

Price: Around $1.5 Million USD

Once you have met your first Xquisite X5, you will never forget its absolute distinctive looks and almost space-traveling styling. The whole look of the boat, with its large reverse curving arches and cat’s eye windows, says right out loud that you need to pay attention. The boat itself is a very modern design with a classic and comfortable interior. It sails better than most of its peers in the 50-foot range and is set up cleverly so one watchstander can hand, reef, and steer all from the protected comfort of the raised steering station. Tomas and Sara, who build the boats in South Africa, are veteran cruisers and owned hull number one of the X5 line before taking over the company. Their attention to detail and the innovations they have incorporated into the boats all stem from their time living aboard and blue water sailing.

Privilege 615

Length: 61 Feet

Price: From $800k to $1.3 Million USD on the Used Market

When it comes to onboard luxury, Marc Lombard, who designed this catamaran, is an expert in that field. This lovely boat is in touch with the latest style, sporting a flybridge complete with two wheels and a broad sunbed suitable for the crew to relax the day away. The 615 is a combination of simplistic and superior design with an outstanding crew, results in the ultimate luxury Caribbean cruising experience. The impeccable elegance of the interior with a lavish owner’s suite and the boat’s perfect wood quality are two great reasons to make you get the boat. The freedom to choose a four or five-double cabin is another, depending on the size of the family.

Followed closely by its outstanding exterior, you’re sure to fall in love with it on sight, from the cockpit to the foredeck. With an impressive platform and lustrous profile, the Privilède 615 contradicts the volume and versatility of its interior. One wonders how they fit into the other, gives it a great ambiance.

Privilege 615 Cat

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Balance 526

Length: 52ft 6in

Price: From $1.3 to $1.6 Million USD New

Multihull impresario, dealer, and broker Phil Berman (The Multihull Company) has sold more multihulls over the last 30 years than just about anyone. His latest project has been the development of the Balance line of performance cruising cats. The queen of the line is the Balance 526 that was introduced a few years ago and has proven to be a very successful player in the 50-foot plus segment of the cat market. Built in South Africa by noted composite experts, the 526 offers a well-conceived combination of great sailing performance and luxury living in a boat that can be handled by an experienced couple.

The boat has plenty of innovations, among them a helm that can be tilted up so you can steer from the raised helm station or tilted down so you can steer from the protection of the cockpit. Very cool. The design does not take any particular element to the “extreme.” Instead, Berman and his crew have sought to provide a boat that is truly well balanced in all aspects. And, they’ve done it.

>>Also Read: How Long Do Sailboats Last?

Length: 62 Feet

Price: From $700k to $1.7 Million USD on the Used Market

Manufactured in 2014, this luxury catamaran is ideal for those who enjoy watersports and healthy activities. It was designed by world-renowned designer Van Peteghem-Lauriot Prvost (VPLP) and built to top-notch quality with a focus on stability, performance, luxury, and spaciousness. The maximum capacity of this boat is 12 guests in 4-double and 2-twin cabins. The Sunreef 620 is the very first to feature a newly developed rig. From the large cabins, saloon, galley, and sail performance, the 620 is one boat you’d get a memorable experience on. As you can understand, this is a great catamaran over 50 feet to use as a liveaboard.

Sunreef 62 - Luxury Catamaran

Outremer 5X

Length: 69 Feet

Price: From $1.3 to $1.8 Million USD on the Used Market

The Outremer 5X is unlike any other in the yacht market as it is fast, sturdy, but luxurious all at the same time. Also, it possesses finely finished cabinetwork, spacious accommodations, and an excellent payload carrying ability. Modeled great agility to make even a single person handle any maneuver, its retractable high aspect ratio daggerboards assure a shallower drift giving access to the most remote of harbors.

When it comes to the interior, every Outremer model is trying to outdo the last in elegance, neatness, and modernity. She offers an unrestricted view and functional comfort. The port hull suite includes a king-sized bed, superb sea view portlight, an office, and a separate private entrance from the rear. It’s a semi-custom interior designed by VPLP in conjunction with Patrick le Quement. It won the ‘European Yacht of the Year’ and Cruising World’s ‘Boat of the Year’ in 2013 and 2014. This catamaran is as affordable as a luxury catamaran over 50 feet can get. Beautiful isn’t she?

Length: 51 Feet

Price: From $450k to $550k On the Used Market

Aimed at Blue-water sailors looking to sail fast and far, Switch 51 has proved itself and regarded in this day as a remarkable ocean cruising catamaran. This classic high-performance voyage was designed by VPLP and is said to combine a level of comfort, performance, and safety. It was built by Sud Composites in France with high tech materials. Sud initially built about 18 of these classic catamarans from 2001 to 2007.

Switch 51 hulls are built with vinyl ester sandwiched with a Klegecelle PVC foam core, thereby creating a hull light enough to be real quick and heavy enough to handle the ocean waves and swells. The saloon and galley are huge, with the cockpit spacious. The layout and accommodation are perfect for a small family with classic amenities aimed at making your stay on board a memorable one. This also a pretty affordable option in this category with prices on the used market as low as 450k.

Switch 51 Catamaran

>>Also Read: Best Sailboats to Live On

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a large catamaran to either spend your summer vacation with your family or to liveaboard, this list of the best catamarans over 50 feet will point you in the right direction. Obviously, there are many options on the used market, but you should pick the one that you like best and fits your budget.

While the prices vary with their manufactured year, options, location, etc., buying any of the above-mentioned catamarans will certainly offer you state of the art onboard luxury and comfort. Why not try one of them out on your next boat cruise to see for yourself before you buy?


Peter is the editor of Better Sailing. He has sailed for countless hours and has maintained his own boats and sailboats for years. After years of trial and error, he decided to start this website to share the knowledge.

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Found 875 yachts, custom isocatamarans 60, beneteau cyclades 50.4, hallberg-rassy rasmus 35, voyage yachts 470, custom suncoast catamaran.

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Gold coast gc 70, lagoon 450 s, shearwater 39.

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Fountaine Pajot Belize 43 Maestro

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Island packet cat 35, joubert custom trimaran, beneteau oceanis 48.

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Fountaine pajot elba 45.

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Pearson Alberg 35

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Your team delivered on every mark. You’ve got an amazing broker in Mark Wattrus and I’m confident you will have continued success moving forward together. He was available 24/7 whenever I had questions. We had a great initial visit on the boat and his marketing plan and photos were superb

I bought a yacht that I had never seen. I did this because I trusted my broker Andrew Holland. It was not an easy job for Andrew, as I am an experienced boat builder and owner of previous yachts, but work in West Africa. Imagine how hard it was to communicate what I was looking for. Andrew came up with exactly what I wanted. He dealt with time delays, all my questions at odd hours, and was there for the survey. He reported honestly and professionally. After buying the yacht, I arrived at the boat on a Sunday night, after dark, after travelling from West Africa to the Caribbean, and found it was better than expected. He never pulled punches and made me aware of shortfalls. I expected to spend my one month leave working on the boat, but actually spent less than one week, and was able to spend 3 weeks sailing – wonderful bonus.

Thank you Andrew for putting up with all my questions, all my worries and all my crazy out of the time zone concerns – you were totally professional, but also I know that if and when we meet up, it will be like a friend finally meeting. You are always welcome on Aseka.

— Beverly Cory

Outstanding company with professional subject matter experts. If I were to buy or sell cruising sailboat, particularly a catamaran, Andrew would be my go to broker.

I have been sailing since I was a child and attended Massachusetts Maritime Academy. But when my wife and I began the process of purchasing an ocean cruising/racing catamaran, I realized that this is a world unto itself. Obviously, we needed to find someone knowledgeable to help us make an informed decision. More importantly, we needed someone honest and willing to put our interests before his or her own. I was lucky to work with Phil Berman at The Multihull Company. He repeatedly shunned the fast buck, choosing instead to work the long road to connect us with the “perfect boat”. I would be glad to recommend Phil and his company to anyone planning to purchase or sell a performance sailing machine.

— Eric Boutiette

Andrew Hodgdon was our broker when we bought our 2018 Lagoon 450F in Antigua in April 2922. He provided great service and was very attentive to our needs. We would highly recommend Andrew and the Multihull Company.

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Successful relationships cannot exist without it. At The Multihull Company we base every relationship on a firm commitment to earning and retaining our client’s trust.

Advice of any kind is valuable only when grounded in hard-won expertise. It too, must be trustworthy. Trust and expertise define the heart and soul of The Multihull Company. We are a team of skilled professionals who thrive on providing expert, trustworthy advice and service to catamaran and trimaran sailors around the globe.

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Our Listings

Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 114

  • 40 Inquiries

SUNREEF 114 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 114 Launched Gdansk Poland


Sail Catamarans for Sale  Eco Yacht 110

  • 69 Inquiries

ECO YACHTS 110 ft Type: Sail | Condition: New Model: Eco Yacht 110 Catamaran for Sale Ancona Italy

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2009 Sunreef 102

  • 115 Inquiries

2009 SUNREEF 102 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 102 Catamaran for Sale Call Italy


Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 92 DD

  • 18 Inquiries

SUNREEF 92 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 92 DD Launched Gdansk Poland

Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 80 Carbon Line

  • 13 Inquiries

SUNREEF 82 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 80 Carbon Line Launched Gdansk Poland

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2012 Sunreef 82 DD

  • 176 Inquiries

2012 SUNREEF 82 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 82 DD Catamaran for Sale Cannes France


Sail Catamarans for Sale 1995 Magic Cat 82

  • 39 Inquiries

1995 MULTIPLAST 82 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Magic Cat 82 Catamaran for Sale Sètes France


Power Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 80 Power Eco

  • 35 Inquiries

SUNREEF YACHTS 80 ft Type: Power | Condition: New Model: Sunreef 80 Power Eco Catamaran for Sale Factory Poland

Power Catamarans for Sale 2021 Sunreef 80

  • 9 Inquiries

2021 SUNREEF 80 ft Type: Power | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 80 Catamaran for Sale


Sail Catamarans for Sale 2020 Sunreef 80

  • 6 Inquiries

2020 SUNREEF 80 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 80 Catamaran for Sale Fort Lauderdale Florida


Power Catamarans for Sale 2023 Sunreef 80 Power

  • 5 Inquiries

2023 SUNREEF 80 ft Type: Power | Condition: New Model: Sunreef 80 Power Catamaran for Sale Gdansk Poland

Sail Catamarans for Sale 1991 Morelli/Miller

  • 12 Inquiries

1991 CUSTOM US BUILT 80 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Morelli/Miller Catamaran for Sale Phillipsburg St. Martin

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2016 Gunboat 78

2016 GUNBOAT 78 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Gunboat 78 Catamaran for Sale

Power Catamarans for Sale 2019 Lagoon Seventy-8MY

  • 11 Inquiries

2019 LAGOON 78 ft Type: Power | Condition: Used Model: Lagoon Seventy-8MY Catamaran for Sale Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam


Sail Catamarans for Sale 2008 Silhouette 760

  • 73 Inquiries

2008 MATRIX YACHTS 76 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Silhouette 760 Catamaran for Sale Tortola British Virgin Islands

Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 74

  • 8 Inquiries

SUNREEF 74 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 74 Launched France


Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 74


Sail Catamarans for Sale  Sunreef 74

SUNREEF 74 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Launched Model: Sunreef 74 Launched Italy

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2018 Sunreef 74C

2018 SUNREEF 74 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 74C Catamaran for Sale Hollywood Florida

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2010 Privilege 745

  • 42 Inquiries

2010 PRIVILEGE 74 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Privilege 745 Catamaran for Sale Fort Lauderdale Florida


Sail Catamarans for Sale 2006 Executive 73

  • 28 Inquiries

2006 LIDGARD 73 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Executive 73 Catamaran for Sale Gloucestar Virginia

Sail Catamarans for Sale 2012 Sunreef 70

2012 SUNREEF 71 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 70 Catamaran for Sale Honolulu Hawaii


Power Catamarans for Sale 2022 Sunreef 70 PC

2022 SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Power | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 70 PC Catamaran for Sale Palma Spain


Sail Catamarans for Sale 2020 Sunreef 70

  • 3 Inquiries

2020 SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 70 Catamaran for Sale St Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands

Power Catamarans for Sale  70 Sunreef Power

SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Power | Condition: Launched Model: 70 Sunreef Power Launched Mexico Mexico

Power Catamarans for Sale  70 Sunreef Power

SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Power | Condition: Launched Model: 70 Sunreef Power Launched Gdansk Poland

Power Catamarans for Sale  70 Sunreef Power

  • 31 Inquiries

Power Catamarans for Sale  70 Sunreef Power


Power Catamarans for Sale  70 Sunreef Power

SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Power | Condition: Launched Model: 70 Sunreef Power Launched California

SYS Yacht Sales - New and Used Boats and Yachts or Sale

Used Motor Yachts for Sale from 50 to 60 Feet

Listed below are used motor yachts for sale between 50 - 60 feet. Motor yachts vary greatly in their hull design, interior accommodations, engine packages, and performance capabilities. They often feature multiple staterooms for owners and guests as well as bathrooms, showers, full galleys and a wide range of other amenities to make life on board very comfortable and luxurious. SYS Yacht Sales offers new and used motor yachts for sale worldwide, including a range of Flybrige yachts, Aft Cabin Yachts, Pilothouse Yachts, Convertibles, Trawlers, Sportfish, Express Cruisers and much more. Don't see the vessel you're looking for here? Contact our experienced yacht brokers for assistance, we look forward to helping you find the yacht that's right for you.

2019 60' Azimut-S6 Miami, FL, US

Azimut 60 Flybridge

2015 60' Princess-60 Flybridge Counce, TN, US

Princess 60 Flybridge

Plane 2 sea.

2017 60' Cruisers Yachts-60 Cantius Destin, FL, US

Cruisers Yachts 60 Cantius

Cajun princess.

2022 60' Naval Yachts-GN60 Antalya, TR

Naval Yachts GN60

2013 60' Hatteras-60 Motor Yacht AL, US

Hatteras 60 Motor Yacht

2018 60' Azimut-60 Flybridge Vancouver, BC, CA

Huckins Atlantic

2022 60' Azimut-60 Limassol, CY

Princess Rose Too

2018 60' Princess-S60 Sportbridge West Palm Beach, FL, US

Princess S60 Sportbridge

2010 60' Sunseeker-Predator 60 Miami Beach, FL, US

Sunseeker Predator 60

2024 60' Selene-60 Ocean Explorer Hong Kong, HK

Selene 60 Ocean Explorer

2011 60' Maritimo-60 Sports Cabriolet Newburyport, MA, US

Maritimo 60 Sports Cabriolet

Distilled spirits.

2022 60' Pershing-6X Miami Beach, FL, US

Pershing 6X

2021 60' Azimut-60 Miami, FL, US

Viking 60 Cockpit Sport Yacht

2008 60' Sea Ray-55 Sundancer Saint-Paul-de-l'Île-aux-Noix, QC, CA

Sea Ray 55 Sundancer

Sir lance l'eau.

2008 60' Sea Ray-55 Sundancer Destin, FL, US

Positive Vibes

2005 60' Sea Ray-600 Sun Sport Fort Lauderdale, FL, US

Sea Ray 600 Sun Sport

2022 60' Azimut-60 fly Wrightsville Beach, NC, US

Azimut 60 fly

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Power Boats over 50ft | Used Boats For Sale


Strange Glow Over Moscow Skies Triggers Panic as Explosions Reported

B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

Video snippets circulating on Russian-language Telegram channels show a series of flashes on the horizon of a cloudy night sky, momentarily turning the sky a number of different colors. In a clip shared by Russian outlet MSK1.ru, smoke can be seen rising from a building during the flashes lighting up the scene.

Newsweek was unable to independently verify the details of the video clips, including when and where it was filmed. The Russian Ministry of Emergency situations has been contacted via email.

Several Russian Telegram accounts said early on Thursday that residents of southern Moscow reported an explosion and a fire breaking out at an electrical substation in the Leninsky district, southeast of central Moscow.

Local authorities in the Leninsky district told Russian outlet RBC that the explosion had happened in the village of Molokovo. "All vital facilities are operating as normal," Leninsky district officials told the outlet.

The incident at the substation in Molokovo took place just before 2 a.m. local time, MSK1.ru reported.

Messages published by the ASTRA Telegram account, run by independent Russian journalists, appear to show residents close to the substation panicking as they question the bright flashes in the sky. One local resident describes seeing the bright light before losing access to electricity, with another calling the incident a "nightmare."

More than 10 villages and towns in the southeast of Moscow lost access to electricity, the ASTRA Telegram account also reported. The town of Lytkarino to the southeast of Moscow, lost electricity, wrote the eastern European-based independent outlet, Meduza.

Outages were reported in the southern Domodedovo area of the city, according to another Russian outlet, as well as power failures in western Moscow. Electricity was then restored to the areas, the Strana.ua outlet reported.

The cause of the reported explosion is not known. A Telegram account aggregating news for the Lytkarino area described the incident as "an ordinary accident at a substation."

The MSK1.ru outlet quoted a local resident who speculated that a drone may have been responsible for the explosion, but no other Russian source reported this as a possible cause.

Ukraine has repeatedly targeted Moscow with long-range aerial drones in recent months, including a dramatic wave of strikes in late May.

On Sunday, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said the region's air defense systems had intercepted an aerial drone over the city of Elektrostal, to the east of Moscow. No damage or casualties were reported, he said.

The previous day, Russian air defenses detected and shot down another drone flying over the Bogorodsky district, northeast of central Moscow, Sobyanin said.

There is currently no evidence that an aerial drone was responsible for the reported overnight explosion at the electrical substation in southern Moscow.

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Stills from footage circulating on Telegram early on Thursday morning. Bright flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the outskirts of the city.

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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catamarans over 50 feet for sale

2005 Catamaran TS 50. US$626,812. US $4,905/mo. Raiatea Yacht | Tahiti, French Polynesia. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of transaction.

Find Sail Catamaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. ... Tutte 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. ... (LOA) of these vessels measures 45 feet. Listings range in size from 30 feet long to 82 feet long, with an average sail area of 1,280 square feet and a maximum sail ...

Here are the best sailing catamarans over 50 feet, in no particular order. Lagoon 50. Length: 50 Feet. Price: From $500k to $1.5 Million USD On the Used Market. Back in 2019, the Lagoon 50 was awarded the best multihull of Sail Magazine. A product of the world's largest boat manufacturer Lagoon, established in 1984, is majorly famous for the ...

Catamarans for sale from 40ft to 60ft in Florida, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Freeport. Outremer, Leopard, Lagoon, Fountaine pajot boats for sale. ... Neel Boats For Sale / Catamaran Sailboats; 2021 Volvo 50 More Info. 2004 40' Island Spirit 400 $ 250,000 3,000 hours updated 2024-03-18T21:43:41.226Z;

Preowned sailboats for sale over 50 feet preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... 33' Contest Yachts 33 - CONYPLEX Dutch Built Well Respected Global Cruiser NASSAU BAHAMAS Asking $19,500. 44' McCurdy and Rhodes designed Tillotson Pearson Yachts Navy 44

Sunreef Yachts 74. 76' 5" - 23.30m. 2015. This beautiful Sunreef 74 catamaran delivered in 2015 is a perfect match for clients looking for a family yacht, on board which…. Gold Coast QLD, Europe. US $2,750,000 Make an offer View Listing.

Introducing the Tao 452: On Display At The Annapolis Boat Show October 12 - 15, 2023. The Multihull Company is thrilled to unveil the new Tao 452, an exciting addition to the world of blue-water performance cruising catamarans. Meticulously engineered and crafted to perfection, the Tao 452 is set to redefine the catamaran experience for ...

View a wide selection of power catamaran boats for sale in your area, ... The Horizon PC52 model answers the demand for a luxury power catamaran in the 50-foot range that is capable of true blue-water cruising. ... and stability over our original 240 model. With additional rod holders and a wide, open floor plan, our 240 is perfect for the ...

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Used sail Catamaran for sale - EXTRA NAUTI 2019 Lagoon 50 (50ft)-Vessel Summary. Inquire About this Boat Full Specifications Image Gallery BASIC SUMMARY. Boat Length: 50 ft: Asking Price: $995,000: Boat Name: "EXTRA NAUTI" Manufacturer: LAGOON: Model: Lagoon 50: Type of Yacht: Sail: Boat Condition: Used : Boat Status: Catamaran for Sale: Model ...

Absolute 50 Fly. Search used yachts for sale from 41 to 50 feet worldwide. We offer a wide range of used boats, including motor yachts, trawlers, express cruisers, flybridge yachts, center consoles and more. Contact our yacht brokers for assistance.

Preowned sailboats for sale over 50 feet preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... 33' Contest Yachts 33 - CONYPLEX Dutch Built Well Respected Global Cruiser NASSAU BAHAMAS Asking $19,500. 37.6' CT CT-38 Warwick Alameda, California Asking $49,995.

Used 50 Foot Boats & Yachts For Sale. Explore used yachts and boats for sale worldwide between 50-59 feet. Often, people who are considering a 50 foot yacht are looking to extend their time on the water. A 50 foot boat frequently offers two or three staterooms, making cruising or fishing with family and friends much more comfortable.

2020 SUNREEF 70 ft Type: Sail | Condition: Used Model: Sunreef 70 Catamaran for Sale St Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands Price: $5,800,000 Inquire Now Images Gallery Save

Listed below are used motor yachts for sale between 50 - 60 feet. Motor yachts vary greatly in their hull design, interior accommodations, engine packages, and performance capabilities. They often feature multiple staterooms for owners and guests as well as bathrooms, showers, full galleys and a wide range of other amenities to make life on ...

Tutte 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Condition. All. New. Used. ... These vessels range in size from 19 feet to over 100 feet. ... Power Catamaran boats pricing. Power Catamaran boats for sale on YachtWorld are available in a range of prices from $37,160 on the more modest side up to ...

Power Boats over 50ft Used Boats For Sale in Australia. Boat Shares and Yacht Charter. Yacht brokers. Catamarans, trimarans, power boats, sailing boats, monohulls, mulithulls, trailer sailers, cruisers in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, West Australia, Northern Territory, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory. Yacht Hub for Boats and Yachts for Sale.

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B right flashes lit up the night sky in southern Moscow in the early hours of Thursday morning, new footage appears to show, following reports of an explosion at an electrical substation on the ...

Elektrostal Geographical coordinates: Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East Elektrostal Area: 4,951 hectares 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi): Elektrostal Altitude: 164 m (538 ft) Elektrostal Climate: Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

Find Sail boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from. ... Alle 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. from your location. Condition. All. New. Used. Length. to. ft. m. Price. to. USD. Year. to. Class.

Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for BETA GIDA, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.


  1. MINICAT 310

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

  2. White / Red Inflatable Sailing Catamaran 6.05sqm Mainsail 2.2m Width

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

  3. Inflatable sail catamaran Ducky15

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

  4. Opblaasbare Zeilboot Aqua Marina Pioneer OP-277

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

  5. Inflatable Catamaran Sailboat

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot

  6. Aqua Marina Aircat 285 Opblaasbare Catamaran Opblaasbaar

    catamaran opblaasbare zeilboot


  1. Zeiler slaat overboord en brengt nacht door op 'duwbak' in IJsselmeer

  2. Vliegende paalsteek

  3. Paalsteek (3/3 met één hand)

  4. Russische zeilers gered na haaienaanval op opblaasbare catamaran voor Australische kust

  5. Reserveer online op www.OpblaasFestijn.nl Verhuur van: Abraham XL, Sarah, Bruidspaar, Ooivaar

  6. Paalsteek (2/3 met halve steek)


  1. DinghyGo, de opblaasbare zeilboot website

    Hoi, ik ben DinghyGo®, de opblaasbare 3-in-1 zeilboot! Met mij beleef je maximaal vaarplezier en vrijheid. Ik ben flexibel, kan overal mee naar toe en doe wat je wilt: zeilen, roeien of motoren. Ik heb alleen lucht, water en wat aandacht nodig. Ik kan me klein en draagbaar maken, zodat ik mee kan in je auto, caravan, camper of jacht.

  2. Aqua Marina Aircat 335 Opblaasbare Catamaran

    Omschrijving. De Aqua Marina Aircat 335 opblaasbare catamaran is geschikt voor 5 personen. De Aqua Marina Aircat 335 is speciaal ontwikkeld voor het varen op hoge snelheden onder moeilijke omstandigheden. Zo is de catamaran bestemd tegen harde wind en hoge golven. De Aircat 335 kan daardoor op verschillende wateren varen zoals meren, kanalen en ...

  3. Opblaasbare Zeilboot Aqua Marina Pioneer OP-277

    De Aqua Marina Pioneer OP-277 is eenvoudig uit elkaar te halen en de onderdelen zijn opvouwbaar. Het opbergen van de opblaasbare zeilboot duurt ongeveer 20 minuten. Het materiaal van de zeilboot is gemaakt van versterkt PVC en is bestand tegen zoet en zout water. Het kick-up roer is gemaakt van hoge kwaliteit aluminium en daardoor duurzaam.

  4. DinghyGo opblaasbare zeilboot

    De Friesland Watersport DinghyGo opblaasbare zeilboot biedt maximaal vaarplezier en vrijheid.. Door de flexibiliteit kunt u hem overal mee naar toe nemen, om daar te zeilen, roeien of met een aanhangmotor te varen. De DinghyGo's laten zich eenvoudig en snel klein verpakken en gaan probleemloos mee in uw auto, caravan, camper of boot.. Zodat het op uw bestemming aangekomen het een kwestie van ...

  5. Catamarans (zeilen) te koop

    Catana 34 advertenties. Seawind 28 advertenties. Vind 1753 catamarans (zeilen) te koop in de buurt, met gebruikte en nieuwe boten, prijzen, foto's en meer. Vind bootdealers en vind je boot op YachtWorld.

  6. Opblaasbare zeilboot kopen: de beste optie + advies

    De Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S, verkocht door Decathon, van het merk Tribord, is mijn favoriet. Dit is qua prijs/kwaliteit echt de beste optie voor iedereen die een hoogwaardige, maar toch niet peperdure, opblaasbare zeilboot wilt kopen. Ik heb deze zeilboot twee keer kort kunnen testen (mee kunnen varen kort) en was onder de indruk.

  7. Opblaasbare catamaran kopen? Voor 22:00u, morgen in huis

    Aqua Marina Aircat 335 Opblaasbare Catamaran. 500KG Draagvermogen Gemaakt van 5-Laags PVC Met 1 jaar fabrieksgarantie. % of. 8 reviews. 679,-. Kolibri KM-300CM Sea Cat catamaran. 367KG Draagvermogen Gemaakt van 5-Laags PVC Met 3 jaar fabrieksgarantie. 1.069,-. Kolibri KM-340CM Sea Cat catamaran.

  8. Zeilen met een opblaasbare catamaran!

    Een opblaasbare catamaran dus: de MiniCat! Het is precies zoals we hem omschrijven: een catamaran waarmee je prima kunt zeilen en die je heel handig leeg kunt laten lopen. Leeg past de MiniCat in de bijgeleverde opbergtas en kun je hem op je rug vervoeren, achterin de auto leggen en zelfs meenemen het vliegtuig in. Handig 2.0 zullen we maar ...

  9. Catamaran kopen

    Wie moet een catamaran kopen? 367 aanbiedingen online. Prijzen van EUR 729,- tot EUR 3.950.000,-. Jaren van 1965 tot 2024.

  10. Catamaran zeilboten te koop

    Op Boatshop24 staan momenteel 749 Catamaran zeilboten te koop, waarvan 159 nieuwe schepen zijn en 590 tweedehands boten. Deze boten worden door particuliere verkopers, bootdealers en professionele makelaars, voornamelijk in Verenigd Koninkrijk, gepubliceerd. Sommige van deze Catamaran zeilboten zijn nog erg nieuw, uit het jaar 2026 en anderen ...

  11. Opblaasboot kopen?

    Opblaasbare zwaardboot 5S V2. (1) Koop jouw bijboot bij Decathlon. Opblaasbaar Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S 365 dagen retourneren. Shop hier jouw opblaasboot!

  12. ≥ Vind opblaasbare zeilboot in Watersport en Boten op Marktplaats

    Van alle Opblaasbare zeilboot advertenties is 19,2% beschikbaar voor verzending. € 1.648. De huidige gemiddelde prijs van een Opblaasbare zeilboot is € 1.648. Prijscheck. De duurste Opblaasbare zeilboot advertentie in de Watersport en Boten categorie werd aangeboden voor € 13.500, terwijl de goedkoopste voor € 10 stond.

  13. Catamarans en trimarans te koop

    Vind 1089 catamarans en trimarans te koop in de buurt, met gebruikte en nieuwe boten, prijzen, foto's en meer. ... Omdat ze in de eerste plaats werden gebruikt om te zeilen, werden de standaard zeilboot bouwmethoden gebruikt, met extra constructie om de rompen van het vaartuig met elkaar te verbinden en dekken, tuigage en andere structuren te ...

  14. Zeilboot kopen?

    De opblaasbare zeilboot tuig je op in maar liefst 25 minuten. De zeilboot is eenvoudig door 1 persoon te dragen in 2 draagtassen met wieltjes. Je kunt bij ons ook een bijpassende pomp kopen. Je kan de opblaasbare zeilboot opblazen met een elektrische pomp of met een hoge druk handpomp. Vergeet je uitrusting aan boord niet!

  15. Catamarans en trimarans te koop

    Op Botentekoop staan momenteel 562 Catamarans en trimarans te koop, waarvan 127 nieuwe schepen zijn en 435 tweedehands boten. Deze boten worden door particuliere verkopers, bootdealers en professionele makelaars, voornamelijk in Verenigd Koninkrijk, gepubliceerd. Sommige van deze Catamarans en trimarans zijn nog erg nieuw, uit het jaar 2026 en ...

  16. Catamarans en trimarans te koop

    Op YachtFocus staan momenteel 559 Catamarans en trimarans te koop, waarvan 127 nieuwe schepen zijn en 432 tweedehands boten. Deze boten worden door particuliere verkopers, bootdealers en professionele makelaars, voornamelijk in Nederland, gepubliceerd. Sommige van deze Catamarans en trimarans zijn nog erg nieuw, uit het jaar 2026 en anderen ...

  17. Dé opblaasboot specialist online

    Opblaasbootshop.nl is dé opblaasboot specialist van Nederland. Als enige online winkel in Nederland richten wij ons uitsluitend op de verkoop van opblaasboten en opblaaskayakken. In ons assortiment vind u een grote range aan opblaasboten. We werken daarbij alleen samen met de beste merken, zoals Sevylor en Intex.

  18. TRIBORD Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S

    Vraag & antwoord. Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S aan €2500. Ons team ontwikkelde een nieuw type opblaasbare zwaardboot waarmee je (opnieuw) het plezier van zeilen ontdekt, met 2 volwassenen, solo of met het gezin.

  19. Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S

    Opblaasbare zeilboot Tribord 5S. €2.499,99. €2.519,99. Bekijk alle 94 reviews. Ref. : 8505350. Ons team ontwikkelde een nieuw type opblaasbare zwaardboot waarmee je (opnieuw) het plezier van zeilen ontdekt, met 2 volwassenen, solo of met het gezin. De compacte en opblaasbare Tribord 5S past in 2 tassen die op hun beurt in een stadsauto passen.

  20. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  21. Elektrostal

    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.

  22. fast catamaran boats for sale

    There are a wide range of Power Catamaran boats for sale from popular brands like World Cat, Aquila and Twin Vee with 533 new and 701 used and an average price of $457,008 with boats ranging from as little as $18,176 and $7,244,759. High performance boats for sale.

  23. catamarans over 50 feet for sale

    Catamarans for sale from 40ft to 60ft in Florida, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Freeport. Outremer, Leopard, Lagoon, Fountaine pajot boats for sale. ... Neel Boats For Sale / Catamaran Sailboats; 2021 Volvo 50 More Info. 2004 40' Island Spirit 400 $ 250,000 3,000 hours updated 2024-03-18T21:43:41.226Z;... Preowned sailboats for sale over 50 ...