Catamaran vs. Monohull: We Changed, Should You?

There are two schools of thought when it comes to monohull versus catamaran. We have done extensive cruising and lived aboard two monohulls and four catamarans over the past 25+ years . We experienced the good and the bad for both single hull and multihulls first hand. Quite honestly, the pluses for catamarans far outweigh the minuses. There are multiple benefits of catamarans. They are faster, more stable and spacious, and have shallower drafts allowing safer anchorage closer to shore. Being on a stable platform with no heeling cuts down on crew fatigue and seasickness leaving the crew more alert and in control of the vessel. Even novice sailors feel more confident on catamarans.

When we built our monohull Royal Salute in the early 90s, catamarans were not established and were looked upon with extreme suspicion by most cruisers, including ourselves. “Safety and the capsize” issue were always the first things to come up against sailing catamarans. It is a fact that monohulls can get rolled in heavy seas but will right themselves because of the heavy lead keel, and while crew and vessel will be battered, the roll is survivable.

However a catamaran once capsized, will remain upside down (jokingly referring to this state of the catamaran as “reaching its most stable position when upside down”). The inability of a catamaran to self-right was and still is a major bone of contention. However, what is not often discussed is that a monohull has about a 5,000 pound keel of lead that is constantly trying to drag the boat to the bottom of the ocean versus a catamaran that has no ballast and is in most cases with modern catamarans, unsinkable.

So the options are to either sail the world on a boat that, if it springs a leak, will sink like a stone or a vessel that cannot self-right in the event of a capsize but will not sink no matter what. So from a practical point of view, here are our observations over the last 25+ years of living aboard, on the advantages and disadvantages of a catamaran.


1. speed equals safety.

The speed of a catamaran makes it possible to outrun bad weather. While catamarans do not point as high into the wind as a monohull (or if it does, it makes more leeway or slides sideways), it is about 20% faster than a monohull. This means that even if you sail upwind at a slightly wider angle to the wind than a monohull and have to cover more distance, you will still arrive at your destination long before a monohull.

A modern performance catamaran with daggerboards and good quality sails will point as high as a similar sized monohull. It will point the same as a comparable monohull and sail much faster and therefore arrive at an upwind position much sooner than a the monohull. It is important to note that most of the production catamarans on the market are under-powered and are equipped with standard smaller sails. In lighter breezes many of these designs perform poorly unless fitted with bigger headsails, a Code Zero and a square-top mainsail.

While we believe that more comfortable and safer in rough weather , we have to concede that when the weather gets really bad (60 knots of wind or more) we would personally prefer to be on a monohull from the standpoint of surviving. I would say that a monohull is preferable for serious offshore single-handed sailing because you can more easily hove-to in a monohull. We have been in some extreme weather on a number of catamarans and never really felt that we were in danger, although it takes some nifty seamanship.

A monohull could capsize in extreme weather or even roll in a storm, but they generally come back upright. A catamaran on the other hand, will not right itself. But the cat will generally stay afloat, offering a good place to survive while you wait out the storm or until help comes along. Well-designed modern catamarans are very hard to capsize though.

Having said all that, most catamarans can do 200 to 250 miles a day and with modern technology allowing one to pull down weather at will, there is no good reason why you should get caught in extreme weather. A faster boat is a safer boat as it will in many cases be able to outrun bad weather. With good weather routing information a catamaran can avoid most serious weather and, at worst, place itself in the most favorable position to avoid the brunt of a storm.

2. A Catamaran is a Stable, Safe Platform Underway

Catamarans have no ballast in the keels like monohulls do and therefor it relies on beam and buoyancy for stability. Typically cruising catamarans will have a beam to length ratio of roughly 50%, although many designs nowadays exceed the 50% rule of thumb. So, a 45-ft long catamaran will be about 22-ft wide, providing a very stable platform when sailing. Unlike catamarans, monohulls cannot overcome the rolling and pitching with their narrow beam and the lead ballast for stability.

This rolling and pitching makes the deck on a monohull very unsafe whereas on walking around on the deck of a catamaran while underway is far easier since the boat is much more stable, and it doesn’t heel. This makes sail changes and reefing much easier and a lot safer for the crew. Without the rolling and pitching motion, the danger of falling overboard on a catamaran is considerably less than on a monohull.

3. Crew Fatigue Reduces on a Catamaran

Because a catamaran does not heel over like a monohull, it offers far more comfort underway because the motion is mostly fore and aft pitching and very little beam-to-beam rolling. On all points of sail, a catamaran tracks upright and significantly reduces crew fatigue and seasickness. Seasickness is usually caused by things like anxiety, fatigue, hunger and cold, which all add to a sense of disorientation. This leads the crew to making bad decisions and seamanship errors that could be fatal to the crew and vessel. The more stable platform of the catamaran will hugely keep those issues at bay, making the crew more alert and energized.

Every action and chore including cooking is much easier on a catamaran when underway. It is much more pleasant to be on the deck level looking out rather than being stuck “down below.” It is also much nicer to sleep on a boat that doesn’t heel. I remember nights at sea in our monohull when I was rolling around in my bunk unless I was properly wedge in a little corner. That is simply not the case on catamarans.

All these factors ensure that your crew will not expend unnecessary energy to simply try and stay upright, onboard and safe on a long passage. Your crew on a catamaran will be well rested and alert and will be able to function well if a stressful situation arises.

4. Comfort at Anchor

Catamarans provide a wide platform and therefore offer lovely spaces to relax at anchor without the rolling motion that monohulls have a tendency to do in a swell. During our 15 years of cruising on a monohull, we have often had to leave anchorages that we really were not finished exploring because of a rolly, uncomfortable anchorage. Big rollers or swells coming into an anchorage can make conditions in an anchorage very uncomfortable and unsafe.

We were anchored off Funchal on the island of Madeira in our monohull Royal Salute once, when we were forced to leave our anchorage. The rolling became so bad, we were rolling from gunnel to gunnel. The anchorage became untenable to remain anchored, forcing us to go out to sea in foul weather in the middle of the night. This is an extreme case but believe me, we have left many an idyllic anchorage because of a rolling swell into the anchorage. Catamarans, on the other hand, do not roll from like monohulls have a tendency to do and are far more comfortable at anchor.

5. Anchor Bridal Setup

Catamarans are fitted with a bridle, attached to both bows and down to the anchor chain, resulting in a very stable position at anchor. What we found with our monohull was that because the bow acts as a sail (because of the high freeboard), the boat tended to sail at anchor in high winds. It sailed in one direction until the chain snatched and tacked over and sailed in the other direction, feeling like it might dislodge the anchor altogether. The catamaran on the other hand sits at anchor a lot more stable and doesn’t sail around as much.

6. Ease of Boarding on a Catamaran

Thank goodness we were much younger and more agile during our monohull days. Royal Salute and most monohulls of her generation or older, have high free-boards, making it quite a feat to get onto the boat from the dinghy. It was one of the most challenging things to do because unlike the more modern monohulls that have a scoop at the back, we had to climb up on the side of the boat to get on and off. We, of course rigged steps, etc. but it was always a hassle compared to the ease of getting on and off a catamaran from a dingy or from the water.

7. Shallow Draft Equals Better Anchorages

Catamarans have significantly shallower drafts than monohulls, allowing for safer anchorages closer to shore. Most catamarans in the 40-ft to 50-ft range draw between 3-ft to 4.5-ft, so they can anchor in places that a monohulls can not even consider. In the shallow waters of the Bahamas for example, the catamarans have a big advantage. We often anchor our own catamaran just a few feet away from a beach. It definitely allows one to be able to explore areas where the water is shallow without the fear of running aground.

The shallow draft also allows for emergency repairs in shallow water and even doing the bottom job when the tide goes out as we have done in places like Mtwapa Creek in Kenya, East Africa. The catamaran easily rests on her keels on the sand without help making it a breeze to do the “annual haul out” even in remote locations.

8. Dinghy Davits & Dinghy Size

All catamarans have a set of davits that make it very easy to raise and lower the dingy. Our monohull and most cruising monohulls do not have an efficient or easily accessible set of davits. This makes raising and lowering the dingy an elaborate production. Catamarans on the other hand, has davits systems easily accessible and some even have platforms to rest the dinghy on.

The lack of beam and difficulty of lifting the dinghy also limits the size and type of dingy that one can reasonably carry on a monohull. As we all know, the dingy is your transport to and from shore and diving or fishing spots, so the bigger and faster the dingy, the better off you are. A catamaran can carry both a heavier and bigger dinghy which makes the popular center consul dinghy so much more possible.

9. Interior Space and Comfort on a Catamaran

We sailed 32,000 NM on our 45-ft monohull, happy as clams, not realizing that sailing does not have to be done lying on your ear 24/7 while on passage or sitting knee-to-knee in the cockpit at anchor with your two other guests at the dinner table! One can liken sitting in a monohull cockpit to sitting in an empty Jacuzzi, you are always nice and close to the other folks.

Now that we are on our fourth catamaran, there are a few things that have become more evident to us than the incredible space and comfort of a catamaran, not only at anchor but also underway. The cockpit and living space in general are huge compared to a monohull, making for very comfortable and spacious living conditions. It feels more like you are at home, rather than just on a camping trip.

Knowing that one spends at least 90% of one’s cruising life at anchor, it’s important to have good open living space, which most modern cats nowadays offer. A lot of cats have walk around beds, lots of storage, every modern appliance including washer/dryer, etc. However, one has to fight the urge to fill the space if you want to keep the cat light and fast.

Sailing with guests onboard for extended periods of time, in close quarters can become claustrophobic but on a catamaran people are spread out and separated. With guests sleeping in one hull and the owners in another, catamarans offer much more privacy and separation. Some cats even have privacy doors that will close off the entire hull and has a separate entrance onto the deck, which really separates you from the guests completely.

There is very little heeling on a catamaran, so there is no need for hand grips and safety harnesses inside the boat. There is nothing better (and safer) than being able to walk from the cockpit into the living room (saloon) on one level or one step down at most. In a monohull, when heeling at a severe angle, you would have to claw your way from the companionway steps down to the living area, while fighting to stay upright, significantly tapping your energy.

Unless you hit extreme conditions, everything stays put on a catamaran reducing the anxiety before doing passages of having to stow and secure everything. This very issue makes a lot of cruisers reluctant to weigh anchor and explore more often. It is just too much effort to pack away all your stuff once comfortable in an anchorage!

One thing you will notice is that the stove on catamarans are not gimbaled like it is on monohulls and this should tell the story in itself. The stability and comfort on a catamaran is far superior. Cooking is easy and safer. I often open a nice cold beer, put it down to do something and forget about it only to find a warm beer later in the same place I left it. This is not something that happens on a monohull.     

10. Redundancy on a Catamaran

Unlike monohulls, catamarans have a lot of critical redundancies. That of course means two hulls to clean and anti-foul, double the engine maintenance, etc. but having two of the critical equipment like engines for instance, outweighs the downside.

With two engines, if one fails you still have adequate propulsion to go anywhere. If by some fluke the second engine also fails, you have a full set of spares to fix at least one of them. Our friends once hit a sleeping whale off Tanzania, and when it dove, it hit the prop, bending it. They limped into the narrow channel on the one engine but at least they could make it to a safe harbor where we surveyed and repaired their damage.

We often only use one engine when motoring while making passage in order to conserve our fuel. The one engine is totally capable of moving the boat along at a good speed unless you are in heavy seas and you may need more power. Other than that we only use two engines to dock or maneuver the boat in close quarters.

Because there are two engines there are also two independent charging systems via the alternator on each engine. If one alternator goes out, there is still another complete charging system. There are two rudders and if one fails or falls off (as has happened to our friends on a monohull off Columbia, where they almost lost their boat) you have a second rudder that is completely capable of steering the boat by itself indefinitely. That holds true for several things on a catamaran!     

11. Maneuverability

The engines are spaced far apart on a catamaran and it makes maneuvering much easier and more precise than monohulls, unless the monohull has a bow thruster. We did not have a bow thruster (not many monohulls do) and had to rely on prop-walk and using prop wash on the rudder. A modern catamaran can do a 360 turn on her own axis. A monohull cannot do this and have a bigger turning circle. However, a monohull under sail is much more maneuverable and certainly will tack a lot faster than a catamaran. The ease in maneuverability under engine on a catamaran in close quarters specifically, is vastly superior comparatively.

12. Rigging

Because of the beam on a catamaran the spinnaker pole has become unnecessary equipment. Hallelujah, I say. That pole on our monohull was a pain the behind and I always hated having to use it. On a catamaran, one can fly an asymmetrical cruising chute or spinnaker, using the bows to tack the clew or run a guy through a block so it is very much simplified, easier and safer.We also sail wing-on-wing with twin headsails when we sail downwind. We use our furling jib and furling Code Zero. It is as easy as one, two, three.


1. bridgedeck slamming.

One advantage most monohulls do have when underway is that they don’t slam. Catamarans with a low bridgedeck clearance can experience significant slamming in confused seas sailing upwind. This slamming can be quite disconcerting when you first experience it as we did on a Shuttleworth 44 design, our first ever catamaran experience, 20+ years ago. At times, it felt as though the boat was falling apart. Of course the boat was fine but nevertheless, the stress on the crew from the constant noise and discomfort was significant.

Monohulls don’t have a bridgedeck which means no slamming and are therefore a bit more comfortable than l ow bridgedeck catamarans when beating into severe confused conditions or “washing machine” conditions as we call it. Modern catamarans mostly have better bridgedeck clearance and the slamming is significantly less. However, not all cats have a good clear tunnel under the bridgedeck. Some manufacturers build beds into the bridge deck in order to make more space in the chest of the catamaran where the slamming occurs. These protuberances into the bridgedeck tunnel will likely increase slamming. So be mindful of that when selecting a catamaran. We currently own a Bali 5.4 and the bridgedeck clearance on this boat is more than adequate and the tunnel is clear. We therefor experience very little slamming compared to our Prout 45 that we previously owned (picture of sister ship below) with a much lower bridgedeck.

We Explain Bridgedeck Clearance

In the pictures below, the Bali 5.4 has very good clearance from the water to the bridgedeck and has a nice clean tunnel versus the very low bridgedeck of the Sunreef 50. 

2. Sailing Downwind

Monohull spreaders are set at 90 degrees to the mast whereas a catamaran has to have backswept spreaders. The reason is that, on a monohull, there is a backstay and using this, plus the intermediates you can get a nice pre-bend in the mast (the pre-bend is to flatten out the main sail and allow for better performance).

On a catamaran with no back stay, you need to use the back swept spreaders and the diamonds to pre-bend the mast. The reason I point this out is because on a catamaran, if you want to broad reach or run, the mainsail cannot be let out all the way because the backswept spreader tips could punch holes in the fabric.

On a monohull, the spreaders are at 90 degrees so you can let the main and the boom out much further which is, of course, much more effective. This is one of the reasons it is better to broad reach and tack downwind on a catamaran.

Whether a monohull or multihull, sailing dead downwind doesn’t usually make great VMG. Therefor a regular cruising cat, much like a monohull, needs a lot of sail area and has to sail deep downwind if it is to achieve a decent speed made good (VMG). This video demonstrates how we achieve this by sailing wing-on-wing downwind.

It is more difficult to find a dock either as a transient or a permanent slip for a catamaran in general because of the wide beam. But this is changing fast and will soon not be too much of an issue. In the USA dockage is charged by the length of the boat in feet, so there is no disadvantage there but, in some places, (the Mediterranean for example), dockage is charged at length times one and a half because of the additional beam.

Since the catamaran is stable at anchor, we mostly anchor out. We have more privacy, a better breeze and usually a stunning view.We have a nice dinghy with a good outboard engine and is big and comfortable enough to get to shore fast and together with the modern conveniences like the generator, watermaker and washer/dryer, docking becomes a non-issue.

It is definitely more difficult to find a travel lift with enough beam for a catamaran for a haulout, while, for a monohull, there are absolutely no problems anywhere. The wide beam of cats also greatly limits the number of shipyards that can haul them out. Most catamarans over 40-ft must be hauled out with a 50-ton travel lift. This not only increases the cost of the haulout, but greatly limits the choice of the shipyards for repairs and maintenance. With limited choice, prices are high for shipyard services.

Catamarans do tend to have a lot more windage than monohulls. This can be an issue especially when maneuvering in close quarters with a strong wind. But I have found that, provided the engines are powerful enough for the size of catamaran, that twin engines negate this problem. Also, many modern large catamarans now have a bow thruster fitted. It is super easy to dock.

The cost of getting into a catamaran is much higher than that of monohulls. That could put a serious dent in your cruising kitty or require you to put your dream on hold a little longer. Pre-owned monohulls on the other hand are very cheap to buy comparatively, because the supply presently far outweighs the demand.

Catamarans are in high demand and they typically hold their value much better and longer and the trend is now heavily in favor of the catamaran market. When prospective buyers contact us for catamarans under $250,000 the choices are very limited and catamarans under $100,000 is near impossible to buy. In this case, your best bet is to go with a monohull unless you go with much older boats like the Prouts or the less expensive Geminis.

Our Own Catamarans & Monohulls

FYI: Royal Salute , a Bruce Roberts 45 monohull, was the first boat we owned and sailed approx. 30,000NM on. Mythral, a Seafarer 30, was our “toy boat” while we were waiting for our catamaran to be built. Even though this classic little monohull sailed around the world, it didn’t have much in modern conveniences like running water. Siyaya was an Island Spirit 40 catamaran that we sailed from Cape Town to Florida on and then taught live-aboard sailing classes for several years. Zuri I was a Prout 45, a beautifully crafted catamaran but by today’s standards is considered old technology. Our Lagoon 450 SporTop ( Zuri II ) is a fantastic live-aboard catamaran. We lived and taught aboard her for three years but sold her last year and we currently own a Bali 5.4 ( Zuri III or Z3 as we call her now). Read about our various boats .


We were dyed in the wool monohull sailors for 15+ years. We loved the pretty lines of monohulls, the sailing ability and what we believed at the time to be much safer vessels. However, now that we have been avid catamaran enthusiasts, we simply can never go back to monohulls. Catamarans have come of age and with modern technology have overcome most objections that sailors of old had against them. They are well designed and built, are safe, and we simply love that they sail fast and upright. There is not a whole lot to dislike about a catamaran when you live aboard. We have weighed all the pros and cons of catamarans and found that the pros far exceed the cons. We made the change to a catamaran and do not regret it one bit!

We hope that this article will clear things up for all the prospective catamaran owners out there.

Contact us if you have any questions regarding catamarans, Fractional Yacht Ownership or our Charter Management Programs .

Estelle Cockcroft

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4 thoughts on “Catamaran vs. Monohull: We Changed, Should You?”

I read that the engineering on the catamarans were improved over the years. Whats the oldest year would you recommend designwise?

Scott, my apologies for the late reply. We’ve been traveling in Africa. Anyway, catamarans have come a long way and improvements in technology is happening at lightning speed. I reckon that even the older model catamarans are good. It depends on what your needs are. If you want something a little better performance wise, I would go for something no older than 15 years.

After buying a catamaran what is the difference in expense of a catamaran vs a monohull. Many articles state that not only the initial cost of a catamaran is more it the operating cost as well.

Hi Todd, it is more expensive. The annual dockage and haul out as well as maintenance will be more expensive. You obviously have two engines to maintain and various other pieces of equipment to service in both hulls. While there is more equipment there is also more redundancy and of course you have the comfort factor. So, depending on your situation, it’s probably worth it.

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Yacht vs Catamaran: Which Boat is Right for You?

  • On October 23, 2023
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When it comes to leisure boating, two of the most popular options are yachts and catamarans. But what exactly is the difference, and which one is better suited for your needs?

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll compare the key characteristics between monohull yachts and twin-hulled catamarans.

Visual Comparison of Catamaran and Yacht Designs

Defining catamarans and yachts.

Understanding the Basics: What Are Catamarans and Yachts?

A catamaran is a type of multihull boat featuring two parallel hulls connected by a central deck. This twin-hull design provides more stability, expansive interior space, and shallow draft.

Yachts, on the other hand, have a single continuous hull and are known for their elegant aesthetics, lavish amenities, and versatility for long-range cruising.

Here’s a quick visual comparison of the general shapes and hull configurations:

Catamarans typically range anywhere from 40 to 70 feet in length, while yachts can be as small as 30 feet or over 100 feet for superyacht models.

How They Differ in Handling and Performance

Comparing Sailing Experiences

When it comes to maneuverability and sailing dynamics, there are some key distinctions between catamarans and yachts:

  • Speed  – Catamarans are lighter and have reduced drag, making them significantly faster than yachts. Top speeds can reach up to 25 knots.
  • Stability  – With their twin hulls, catamarans offer unmatched stability and minimal rocking motion in rougher seas. This also reduces seasickness.
  • Maneuverability  – Yachts take more skill to maneuver tight spaces, while catamarans can turn 360 degrees within their own length.
  • Windward Performance  – Yachts point higher into the wind and sail more efficiently upwind. Catamarans excel on reaches and downwind sailing.

So for performance-oriented sailing, monohull yachts have some advantages. But catamarans trade maneuverability for supreme stability and comfort on the water.

Onboard Living Spaces and Amenities

Comfort and Space: What to Expect

One major differentiation between these two boat types is the onboard living spaces and amenities. Some key comparisons:

  • Deck Space  – With their spacious bridge deck, catamarans offer ample lounging and relaxation space for large groups. Yachts have more confined deck space.
  • Cabins  – Catamaran cabins are typically larger and more comfortable. But yachts allow for more privacy when chartering with other couples or guests.
  • Entertainment  – Yachts focus more on lavish entertainment amenities like high-end sound systems, theaters, and bars. Catamarans offer more outdoor fun.
  • Overall Comfort  – For stability, living accommodations, and seasickness reduction, catamarans are vastly more comfortable boats.

So catamarans excel when it comes to providing generous living areas for group getaways and family vacations. But yachts are tailored more for couples charters and luxury amenities.

Ownership and Operating Costs

The Cost Factor: What You Need to Know

A significant factor to weigh is the overall ownership costs between catamarans and yachts:

  • Purchase Price  – Due to larger size and dual engines, catamarans come at a higher initial purchase cost. Yachts are more affordable for comparable lengths.
  • Fuel Efficiency  – With two engines to power, catamarans use almost twice as much fuel to operate. Yachts are more efficient.
  • Docking and Marina Fees  – Catamarans incur higher fees because they take up more dock space, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Maintenance  – More complex systems and dual engines onboard catamarans equate to higher lifetime maintenance costs.
  • Resale Value  – Depreciation varies widely, but yachts tend to retain resale value better in the pre-owned market.

Clearly, the costs of owning and operating a catamaran are substantially higher compared to a similar-sized yacht. Being aware of these expenses will help determine the right boat for your budget.

Which Boat is Right for You?

Making the Right Choice: Expert Recommendations

We’ve covered a lot of comparisons, so which boat type is the best choice? Here are some quick recommendations based on needs:

  • For comfort, stability, and spaciousness on extended cruising trips – Catamaran
  • For performance-focused sailing and nimble maneuverability – Yacht
  • For luxurious amenities and entertaining small groups – Yacht
  • For exhilarating speed and family-friendly features – Catamaran
  • For affordable purchase and lower operating costs – Yacht

Of course, it depends on your individual priorities and boating style. Charter both for a test run to see which you enjoy more. At the end of the day, the right boat is the one that fulfills your needs and invites you to experience the magic of the open water.

Hopefully this guide has provided a helpful overview of the core differences between catamarans and yachts. Let the voyage begin!


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Steve Momot

Steve Momot

Steve is an accomplished professional photographer and marketer who specializes in the Fishing, Yacht, and Boating industry. With a strong presence as an influencer and marketing expert in the Marine Industry, he has made a significant impact in the field. Additionally, Steve is the original creator and co-founder of Sportfishtrader. Prior to his career as a marine photographer, he gained extensive experience as a licensed boat and car dealer in South Florida.

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Yacht v Catamaran

What are the main differences between sailing a yacht and a catamaran?

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If you’re new to sailing (or even if you’re not) then you might be wondering what the main differences are between sailing a yacht or a catamaran – here’s a quick summary, from the obvious to the nuanced:

 Shape / Number of hulls 

The main difference is the shape of the boat: a yacht or traditional sailing boat has one hull (the bottom of the boat) which sits in the water, but a catamaran is a ‘multi-hull’ so has two hulls or points of contact with the sea, with a platform across the top which joins the two hulls together into one boat shape. The fact there are more hulls on a catamaran is the key difference between the boats, and everything else below derives from this.

The two hulls also mean that less of the catamaran is below the water, meaning that they can sail in shallower waters – as a result, in some parts of the Caribbean, they pretty much only charter catamarans.

 Sailing Experience 

Cockpit on a yacht and a cat

Whilst you’ll get more adrenaline on a yacht, the flip side of the sailing experience is that a catamaran, precisely because it has two hulls, is better balanced – so it is a lot more stable to sail on. It will move a little with the water, but it won’t heel over in the same way as a yacht, which makes it more predictable and better suited to beginners and for e.g. kids to find their balance and to walk around on deck when you are at sea.

So a catamaran is less exhilarating for the actual sailing bit, but you might decide that the pros more than outweigh this.

 Manoeuvrability (in the marina) 

Eating on a yacht and a cat

In addition, because there are two hulls, then the wind speed and direction have less of an impact on a catamaran (though the wind hits the windward hull the same as a yacht, the second hull helps to steady the ship, so it has a lot less effect).

A yacht, with a single motor to control speed and direction, and a single hull being blasted by the wind, is trickier to navigate at close quarters with other boats, and requires some experience or fore-thought (or both!) to moor up in a marina, particularly when conditions pick up.

 Space on board and in the cabins / Comfort / Luxury 

Cabins on a yacht and a cat

The extra width is used to create larger seating areas on a catamaran, more spaces to sit and socialise in (as opposed to just the cockpit or saloon area on a yacht), bigger cabins (and beds), more bathrooms (or ‘heads’) – often most cabins on a catamaran are en-suite, whereas on a yacht, you will likely be sharing two or three toilets between everyone on board.

Galley on a yacht and a cat

However, a yacht has been specifically designed to be the right size for the number of people on board - so they don’t feel cramped, and they have all the kit you need to enjoy a week away at sea. And one issue with all that space on a catamaran is that it’s possible to lose the closeness that comes from a week of forced shared time and togetherness spent in the heart of a yacht.


As they are bigger and more expensive to buy, it costs more to charter a catamaran than a yacht – if you use the pink box and search ‘all’ then you’ll get a list of available boats for your week and base, which now shows both yachts and catamarans, and it’s easy to see the price difference (usually about 50% to 100% more).

Catamarans also attract larger marina fees (since they take up more space in the marina) for the nights you spend in a marina, and, with two engines, you’ll use twice as much fuel in a catamaran as you do in a yacht – which you will also have to factor into your costs. recommends! 

We can help you arrange a charter yacht or catamaran in Croatia, Greece, Italy, the Med, and in the Caribbean. What we'd recommend depends upon what type of sailor you are, and what sort of holiday you are after:

Catamarans are great for people considering a skippered charter, for people new to sailing, and for anyone sailing with kids (of any age) as they offer more space and luxury, and it is more like an exciting floating holiday home.

Yachts are fantastic for people who are on a sailing holiday for the thrill of the sailing, who like to ride the waves, and enjoy exploring and life at sea for a reasonable price.


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Catamaran vs Monohull: Pros, Cons & Main Differences

By: B.J. Porter Editor

Catamaran Vs. Monohull

The choice of catamaran vs monohull ultimately comes down to preference. What’s critical for one buyer may mean little to another. If your partner refuses to set foot on a boat which heels, that’s a deal-breaker for a monohull. But if you’re passionate about classic looks and styling, your quest for beauty may override other considerations and rule out catamarans.

We can’t tell you whether a catamaran or a monohull is right for you. But we can help you with the pros and cons of each for your search.

Catamaran vs Monohull

The Strengths and Pros

No matter your choice of monohull or catamaran, there are safe, comfortable, and excellent sailing boats of both types. Neither has an exclusive lock on any strength, and both sail safely and comfortably. But there’s a different emphasis on how they do it. No matter what you are trying to do – sail fast, cruise the world, or just host a crowd at the dock, there are monohulls and catamarans that can work for any requirement.

Catamaran advantages

Catamaran advantages

Space and comfort: Two hulls and a wide beam make a very stable platform with lots of volume in the saloon and cockpit. Most living space is above the waterline, with wonderful light and airflow. Cabins in the hulls offer better privacy and isolation, usually with standing headroom.

Straight line speed: Most catamarans are faster in straight-line sailing speed (1) that similar sized or even longer monohulls. Without a lead keel, they’re lighter, so more driving force from the sails converts to speed, and narrower hull forms may have less drag than wide hulls with deep keels. Some heavier cruising catamarans may not be faster, especially if they keep rig size small for ease of handling.

Stability : The beam of two hulls with a bridge deck leads to much higher stability and resistance to roll (2). Waves in an anchorage that induce violent roll in a monohull may make a catamaran bounce or bob. Under sail, catamarans do not heel appreciably even when powered up.

Twin engines. : With one engine in forward and balanced in reverse, most catamarans can spin in a circle in place and make sharp adjustments to the boat’s direction. If you have an engine failure, you also have a second engine, giving a safety edge when you can’t sail. 

Monohull advantages

Monohull advantages

Upwind sailing performance: While catamarans have the edge at straight-line speed, monohulls sail closer to the wind. When you’re racing or you have to sail upwind to get to the next island, this can get you there faster.

Sailing feel and responsiveness : The “feel” of sailing a monohull is much better. With a single hull, you’ll feel wind pressure and trim adjustments immediately for a more responsive helm and a better ability to sail to the wind.

Maneuvering under sail: Monohulls are quite nimble tacking and turning under sail, and there’s less risk of slow or missed tacks.

Righting Moment: The primary offshore safety argument for monohulls is their ability to right when capsized. The heavy keel keeps the boat deck up when sailing, and most monohulls will come back upright even after a complete capsize.

Cargo and Loading: A higher displacement boat with thousands of pounds of lead hung from the bottom isn’t going to be as affected by loading as a relatively light multihull.

Aesthetics: This is subjective, as many catamaran enthusiasts love how they look. Classic sailboat styling, with swept sleek looks, springy sheer lines, and all the “right” proportions are more common on monohulls.

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Weaknesses and Cons

Like strengths, weaknesses are relative; just because one class has a strength doesn’t mean the other doesn’t. There are spacious monohulls and beautiful catamarans, just like there are cramped catamarans and unattractive monohulls. The differences have to be highlighted relative to each other, and the weaknesses of one are most apparent compared to the strengths of the other.

Catamaran Cons

Catamaran Cons

Upwind performance: Cats don’t sail as close to the wind, but they make up for it by sailing faster off the wind. You’ll sail a less direct course upwind. Even if you get in at the same time, you’ll have to sail farther.

Less responsive sailing: Two hulls with two rudders and a very broad platform reduce the helm feel when sailing, cutting responsiveness sailing in shifting wind and wave conditions. It also makes tacking slower.

No-flip zone: It is very difficult, but not impossible, to flip a large catamaran (3). But if a catamaran capsizes, it will not flip back over by itself.

Large in marina/close quarters: You have two problems in marinas. Beamy cats are tough to maneuver in tight spaces because they’re big and visibility is tough over the hulls. And many marinas charge extra because the wide beam extends into the next slip. The good news is that twin engines make tight maneuvering easier.

Price point: Catamarans are more difficult to build and need more materials. This is directly reflected in the cost of the boats.

Monohull Cons

They are heavier: Every large monohull needs a keel for stability (4). They can not sail or stay upright without thousands of pounds of ballast, and this makes them heavier and slows them down. Tiny monohulls can use a centerboard or daggerboard for stability, but most boats big enough to sleep on need ballast.

Darker interiors : Most monohull living space is lower in the boat, where you can’t put enormous windows for light and circulation. It’s very hard to get space as bright and airy as catamaran saloons.

Less living space: With one hull and no bridge deck saloon, most monohulls feel cramped compared to spacious catamarans.

More prone to rolling motions : Only one hull makes monohulls susceptible to rolling in waves, and the movement can be quite uncomfortable.

Heeling: Tipping is just part of sailing monohulls upwind and is unavoidable. It can be reduced on some other points of sail, but not eliminated. Many people, especially non-sailors and new sailors, find this movement uncomfortable or distressing.

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Catamaran Vs Yacht

Learn the difference between a catamaran vs yacht charter, what yacht should you charter catamaran vs monohull, what is better to charter a catamaran vs yacht.

Those new to yacht charter and catamaran charter will often ask, what is Better to charter – a Catamaran or Yacht? To assess the catamaran vs yacht question, we need to understand the main differences. A catamaran is, strictly speaking, a yacht with two hulls and a yacht in this context and a sailing vessel with one hull, otherwise known as a monohull.

It’s easily arguable that a sailing yacht was more fun to sail, takes up less room when mooring, and is cheaper per berth than a catamaran. Alternatively, a more stable catamaran offers more space and is cheaper per sq. foot of space.

Until recently, the advent of catamarans in the America’s Cup competitions would show that catamarans are not the slowcoaches they were when you consider the c atamaran vs yacht debate. All catamarans are very nice to sail just off the wind, which will leave some saying that my characterisation is a little skewed. Yet, I would say, in general, for charter catamarans vs charter yachts, the comparison holds.

Your Answer Will Depend on Many Different Variables Such as:

  • Advantages of Catamaran Vs Yacht
  • Disadvantages of Catamaran Vs Yacht
  • Getting Into The Detail
  • Thoughts on a Monohull Charter
  • How to Book

Here are our 5 Reasons to Hire a Catamaran Vs Yacht

The Pros of a Catamaran Vs Yacht

The 5 reasons to hire a catamaran versus a yacht.

  • Space. When weighing the Catamaran Vs Yacht debate, space is one of the key factors by far, but you’ll also see this appoear in our list of disadvantages too. In terms of squarefootage, if you like to pack generaously, or have planty of space for sunbathing, then Catamarans vs Yacht is for you.
  • Cabins.  Along the same theme, Cabins are generally much more spacious than monohulls. The locker storage space is always much greater than that of a monohull. The greatest advantage is the considerably larger ports (windows), which, when sailing in August, not only gives you a great view but comes in super handy to let in the breeze.
  • Stability.  Catamarans are notoriously more stable than that their counterpart. This can be beneficial for new or inexperienced sailors who haven’t got their sea legs yet or are prone to seasickness. Due to their two hull design, cats do not heel over more than 5 degrees. This means you don’t have to check that plates are not sliding off the table continuously!
  • Draft.  Catamaran’s shallow draft (depth of the hull and keel under the water) has some advantages. This is a particular advantage in areas with shallow waters, thus allowing you to anchor closer to shore.
  • Power. Catamarans have twin engines. This, combined with the shallow draft, allows the yacht to cruise at higher speeds, whether under sail or using its engines. The two engines also allow greater manoeuvrability in confined areas or spaces, great in marinas or when picking up mooring buoys.

The Cons of Catamaran Vs Yacht

Four things you might want to consider with a catamaran vs yacht.

  • Mooring . Due to the width (and size) of a catamaran, often, you have to pay a lot more to book a berth in a harbour for the night. However, some authors can be quoted as saying that anchoring in a cat is easier.
  • Upwind Sailing. Catamarans don’t sail up-wind well! Performance cats make up for this with boat speed and by employing daggerboards to prevent leeway (sideways movement). It will be fun trying to sail upwind, but you might not make much progress!
  • Steering.  Sailors have noted that the helm (be it the tiller or a wheel) is not as responsive as a monohull, you don’t get the same feedback (weather helm) on a cat, and it can feel ‘limp’ to sail.
  • The Feel.  Most charter cats are built for comfort, so the sailing can be a little disappointing unless you’re on a beam reach.

The Pros of a Yacht vs Catamaran

Getting into the detaila - monohull vs catamaran advantages.

Monohulls offer the ultimate sailing experience for many sailors. Here’s why:

  • Dynamic. When considering a monohull vs catamaran, remember monohulls can tack quickly, thus making them a lot more manoeuvrable than a cat. Nothing beats the rhythmic feeling of sailing whilst heeling over.
  • Responsive.  They are also fairly responsive to the helm.
  • Up-Wind.  These vessels are much more capable up-wind than most catamarans. They can sail much closer angle to the wind than a cat.
  • Budget. Monohulls are cheaper to buy (fewer materials) than catamarans, often aimed at the luxury market and significantly less to charter. Berth for berth, cabin for cabin, a monohull is usually better value for money.
  • Berthing costs. With twin engines, expect to put a little more fuel in your cat. The cost of berthing in a harbour or at a marina tends to be significantly lower due to the reduced beam (width).

The Last Case for a Monohull!

There are good reasons to consider a catamaran vs yacht, but if you love being up close and personal with your crew and you love dynamic sailing, here’s the big advantages.

  • Snug.  Modern charter monohulls are wide with high ceilings and have plenty of space in cabins and for stowage. That said, the usable space on a monohull is much less than that of a catamaran.
  • Heeling.  The boat heeling or “leaning” over is perfectly normal and something you get used to quickly. This can be tricky for the young and old and makes handling the boat a little more adventurous.
  • Draft.  Due to the deeper keel (the stabilising fin below the yacht), you cannot sail in shallow waters and must be more vigilant of your depth.

Learn More About Chartering a Catamaran Vs Monohull

As you can see, there are many pros and cons to consider when deciding between a catamaran vs yacht. Whilst the debate between monohull sailors and multi-hull fanatics will rage, it largely depends on what you are using the boat for, where, your budget, and your crew.

If you have the opportunity to decide if you prefer a catamaran vs monohull, by sailing both types of boats, then take it so you can assess the benefits of both wonderful sailing boats.

If you are planning a sailing trip and are a little unsure, why not get in touch, and we can help you decide what is best for your location and crew.

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Yacht vs Catamaran: A Comprehensive Comparison

Yacht vs Catamaran: A Comprehensive Comparison

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What is a Yacht?

A yacht is a broad term used to describe a variety of pleasure boats, both power-driven and sail-powered. They can range from small, sleek vessels to large, luxurious crafts decked out with high-end amenities.

What is a Catamaran?

A catamaran is a type of boat characterized by its twin hulls. It can be powered by sails or engines. Catamarans are known for their stability, spaciousness, and speed.

Yacht vs Catamaran: Which is Better?

The question “Which is better, a catamaran or a yacht?” doesn’t have a straightforward answer. It largely depends on your specific needs and preferences.

Performance and Handling

In terms of speed, catamarans generally have the upper hand due to their light weight and twin-hull design. However, traditional single-hulled yachts often provide better upwind performance.

Stability and Comfort

Catamarans offer excellent stability due to their dual-hull structure, reducing rolling motion. This can make for a more comfortable experience, especially for those prone to seasickness.

Space and Layout

Catamarans typically offer more living space than a monohull yacht of the same length. Their layout also allows for more privacy, with separate hulls for different cabins.

Can a Catamaran be Called a Yacht?

A catamaran can indeed be called a yacht, as long as it’s used for pleasure and not for commercial or fishing purposes. The term “yacht” refers to a recreational boat or ship, regardless of its design or propulsion system.

Are Catamarans Good in Rough Seas?

Yes, catamarans are generally good in rough seas due to their stability and buoyancy. Their twin hulls and wide beam help to reduce rolling, making them less likely to capsize. However, they can be more prone to ‘slamming’ – the impact felt when the boat falls off a wave and the bridge deck hits the water.

What’s So Special About a Catamaran?

There are several features that make catamarans special:

As mentioned earlier, the dual-hull design of a catamaran provides superior stability, reducing the rolling motion often experienced on monohull yachts.

Catamarans are generally faster than single-hulled boats due to their light weight and reduced hydrodynamic resistance.

The design of a catamaran allows for a wider beam, which translates into more living and storage space.

Why Are Catamarans So Popular in the Caribbean?

Catamarans are particularly popular in the Caribbean for several reasons:

Shallow Draft

The shallow draft of a catamaran makes it ideal for navigating the shallow waters and coral reefs common in the Caribbean.

The stability of a catamaran makes it suitable for the calm waters of the Caribbean, providing a comfortable cruising experience.

The spaciousness of a catamaran is perfect for group charters, which are popular in the Caribbean.

Conclusion: Yacht or Catamaran – It’s a Matter of Preference

In conclusion, whether a yacht or a catamaran is better depends on your specific needs and preferences. Both have their advantages: yachts offer traditional sailing experiences and superior upwind performance, while catamarans provide stability, speed, and space.

Whether you’re drawn to the sleek lines of a yacht or the spacious comfort of a catamaran, both vessels offer a unique way to enjoy the sea and explore new horizons. The most important thing is to choose a vessel that aligns with your sailing goals and lifestyle.

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Catamaran Vs Trimaran

Catamaran Vs Trimaran | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Gabriel Hannon

August 30, 2022

As boatbuilders make faster and more luxurious multi-hulls for cruising and racing, it is time to settle the debate: Catamarans vs. Trimarans.

Catamarans and trimarans have distinct characteristics regarding comfort, sailing performance, safety, and personal preference. The dual- or tri-hull designs both confer significant advantages over traditional monohulls and each fill an amazing niche in the sailing world.

Though both are based on traditional Austronesian outrigger canoes, the dual-hulled catamarans and tri-hulled trimarans have distinct design goals that make them ideal for very different purposes, and it is important to take into account your goals when trying to decide which to sail! We’re going to discuss both types as they rate across performance, safety, comfort, and possible uses. There is no one solution to this age-old problem, but we can help you understand which design is best for you!

From boatbuilder releases to the history of their development, it is important to access lots of sources when trying to make this decision. As a performance sailor, my heart is always in the speed and upwind abilities of the trimaran, but modern catamarans are dynamic and incredibly comfortable. Still, in my opinion, anything that gets you on the water is a great boat, so let’s find the right one for you!

Table of contents

‍ Sailing Performance and Safety

While most traditional boats over 20 feet are monohulled keelboats, there are major limitations to the type of sailing you can do with a monohull. First of all, monohulls depend on their keel to keep them upright, which is effective, but the force of the wind almost always causes the boat to heel to leeward by angles of up to 25° under reasonable cruising conditions, which can be quite uncomfortable for the crew! This design, which relies on giant lead ballast in a deep-set keel, is vulnerable to capsizes and, in drastic cases, sinking.

Additionally, the single-hull only provides so much volume for accommodation and storage, while the more horizontal layout of the multi-hulls can increase cockpit and cabin sizes substantially. Beyond that, both types of multi-hull can experience higher speeds at a given hull length than monohulls.

So how do cats and tris compare to each other? Well,

Catamarans: Stability and Ease

With their dual ‘pontoons,’ Catamarans make use of their floats to always remain on a flat and consistent angle of heel, rarely sailing under more than 10° of heel. This distribution of floatation also makes it nigh on impossible for them to capsize, though the distance between the hulls can make it a problem in the rare cases that they do flip. They do suffer a bit from not having any wetted surface underneath the center of effort, causing them to slide sideways while sailing upwind and making it difficult for them to beat tight angles to the breeze. While they make up for this with speed on the reach and downwind, catamarans are an inferior option for trying to make progress upwind in heavy sea and wind conditions.

These tradeoffs do come with some advantages. Unlike monohulls, catamarans have very shallow drafts, allowing cruisers to sail close to shore without concern, and their common dual-motor design allows them to maneuver incredibly well in tight spaces with a built-in backup for single-engine failure. They heel minimally because of the horizontal distribution of weight, and this means that they are incredibly stable and comfortable while underway or at anchor. In addition, their sail plans and maneuverability characteristics do make them easier to sail with a smaller crew, requiring fewer highly experienced sailors in your party.

Trimaran: Speed and Safety

While traditionalists have finally come around on the aesthetics of the dual-hulled catamaran, the tri-hulled lines of trimarans can still be a bit of a shock to viewers. They combine the vertical stability and upwind capabilities of a monohull with the speed and lateral stability of a catamaran.

When it comes to performance sailing, modern trimarans are well ahead of any other hull design. Due to the relationship between speed and the ‘waterline length’ of a boat, i.e. that more hull length in the water leads to higher speeds, the third hull actually makes trimarans drastically faster than any other hull shape at a given length. Most current speed records, including those for circumnavigation, instantaneous velocity, and single-day distance, are held by Trimarans. In competition, the 2013 America’s Cup is a perfect example of the superiority of Trimarans over Catamarans in terms of speed, as the challenging Trimaran from Golden Gate Yacht Club handily beat the defending Spanish Catamaran in a best-of-three series. With their signature central hull, they can make better upwind progress without drifting and often heel even less than contemporary catamarans.

Further, trimarans far outclass both catamarans and monohulls in terms of safety. The central hull gives the trimaran that signature central righting moment from monohulls, while its winged pontoons provide it the lateral balance that makes catamarans so safe themselves. Combined, this gives a modern trimaran a righting moment of 27°, which is almost impossible to reach in any breeze condition because of the pontoons. For a comparison, modern cats can only maintain 12° of heel before flipping, which is not entirely uncommon in heavy seas.

Therefore, in a purely technical sense, trimarans are safer, speedier, and more rewarding. Still, to reap these benefits you often need to be a little more prepared to engage with the more advanced aspects of sailing, and the tri-hull design does make some sacrifices in other areas.

Though performance is an important metric for all sailboats, every added knot of speed or degree of heel comes at a price of comfort, and it is here that we need to consider the full implications of that cost for both cats and tris.

Catamaran: The Ideal Platform

When it comes to comfort, space, and luxury, it is hard to bet against the catamaran. Because of the geometry of the dual deep hulls and built-up central platform, catamarans offer the ideal vessel for a large crew, a party yacht, or a comfortable getaway vessel. They heel minimally, are highly stable at anchor, and the central platform can be carefully built to maximize the area between the wings. Most catamarans can offer the living space and horizontal area of much larger monohulls, making it the ideal choice for a pleasure cruise.

Trimaran: The Cost of Speed

For all their advantages in terms of performance, the hardware required for the central hull subtracts substantially from the accommodations that are available for a cat of the same size. New trimarans, like the Neel 51 which made waves back in 2017, are pushing back against this perceived comfort gap, the large central hull with the two performance-oriented wings does make it harder for tris to haul the same amount of weight and provide comparable space as most cats.


The beauty of modern sailboats is that design advances in both catamarans and trimarans make it possible for all sailors to find the exact right boat for them. Speed demons who want to sail tight to the wind and feel that rush may find themselves enticed by the capabilities of the newest Trimarans, while cruisers looking to get the biggest space for the length are still thrilled by how fast and stable modern Catamarans are off the breeze. While no one would complain about being invited to a cruise on a new Trimaran, you can certainly fit more of your friends in the spacious decks of a Cat.

Both multi-hull styles excel at maneuvering in small spaces and shallow waters, perfect for island hopping or inland sailing. Their wide platforms, which can run a slightly higher cost at marinas than comparable monohulls, enable stability without sacrificing performance. Both are regarded as incredibly safe in nearly all conditions, though Trimarans do have the slight edge in truly nasty weather.

In the end, it all comes down to how you want to sail and what is going to make a good trip successful! For those looking for a leisurely cruise with a minimum of work and a maximum of space, find the most spacious catamaran you can, and don’t worry about missing out on speed as you’ll more than hold your own off the breeze. If you’re excited to go fast no matter what direction the wind is coming from, with the knowledge that you’re nigh on unsinkable, a performance trimaran is the way to go!

Happy Sailing!

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I have been sailing since I was 7 years old. Since then I've been a US sailing certified instructor for over 8 years, raced at every level of one-design and college sailing in fleet, team, and match racing, and love sharing my knowledge of sailing with others!

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Catamaran vs. motor yacht (4 powerful differences explained).

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: July 13, 2022
  • Updated: September 25, 2022

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The Catamaran Vs. motor yacht, a comparison that has lasted for ages, is one we will finally put to rest in this article. We promise to make spotting their differences easy. 

Differences Distinguishing the Catamaran Vs. Motor Yacht

At the end of this section, everything that distinguishes these two sailing boats from each other will be at your fingertips.

The Shape And Number Of Hulls

As you must be aware, motor yachts have mono hulls, while catamarans (CATS) have multi-hulls. 

But what does this mean? 

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First, you need to understand that a boat’s hull refers to the body of the watercraft. It sits on top and also lies below the water. 

The mono hull takes a V-shape, and most of the bottom of the hull will be underwater. However, when dealing with CATs (multi-hull) systems, you’d notice a planning or displacement hull system. ( source )

Only a tiny section of the hull’s bottom will be below the water with these hulls. It makes the catamaran perfect for shallow water sailing. ( source )

The presence of the multi-hull system in the catamaran is the basis for most of its advantages. Some of which include; 

  • Better stability when docked and when underway
  • Saving fuel costs when the weather is favorable

Number Of Engines 

The number of engines in the catamaran and motor boat is another crucial player that determines the difference in performance.

Cats often feature twin engines which translate to higher speed and better maneuverability. Not to mention that if one engine fails, you have a backup engine. ( source )

These Catamarans and their dual engines are also known to sail faster downwind. It is traceable to the shallow immersion of the hulls, which means less drag. ( source )

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However, when placed in an upwind sailing showdown, the motor yacht wins. It is because the undercarriage will experience pounding and slapping. ( source )

Available Space And Comfort

The difference in available space is as clear as day. It is because of the difference in the hull shape.

The catamaran has ample space in areas like the salon, galley, and flybridge. Even its cabins are more comfortable, and you’d be able to sit upright. Also, unlike the motor yacht, several cabins in a catamaran are ensuite. 

Additionally, comfort is a priority on the catamaran. It can fit larger electronic appliances like fridges, dishwashers, and freezers. Besides, you can finally say goodbye to sea sickness caused by wave impact with the CAT. Accelerometer tests show that catamarans have a 25% reduction in G forces. ( source )

Pricing And Cost

Also quite clear is the margin in the cost of purchasing or chartering a catamaran . Compared to a motor yacht, you’d find that you’d be spending more on the catamaran. 

Additionally, since catamarans are larger, you’d spend more to get a berthing space in the marina. But you also should know that the catamaran is not all cons and no pros in terms of cost and pricing. After all, it suffers only a slight reduction in resell value.

Final Thoughts

We’ve informed you about the differences between a catamaran and a motor yacht. Ensure you consider the time of the year you plan sailing, your budget, and the number of people on board before opting for either of these sailing choices.

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Catamaran vs Yacht

Catamaran vs Yacht: Which is Better and Cost Implications?

When getting into sailing, there are so many types of boats you can choose from—pontoons, tritoons, catamarans, yachts, sailboats, fishing boats, deck boats—and all of them have different advantages and disadvantages when getting out into the water. But when it comes to a catamaran or a yacht, which is better, and what are the costs to calling one your own?

Table of Contents

What is a catamaran?

Catamaran vs Yacht: Which is Better and Cost Implications?

Catamarans come from the peoples of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, who used this form of boat to expand from island to island. The word itself is derived from the Tamil word “kattumaram” which means “logs bound together.” 

Because of their construction, they usually have less hull volume, which means they have a shallower draft and a smaller displacement. They are also more hydrodynamic comparatively and require less power than another monohulled boat of the same size. The wide hull of the catamaran also reduces the likelihood that it will heel, or start to roll, in the wind. The wide stance also reduces the wake that the boat gives off. 

It is possible to race with catamarans, especially if you are looking for both speed and stability overcapacity. Catamarans built for recreation and sport can be launched and landed from a beach and usually contain a crew of two. 

What is a yacht?

A yacht is a blanket term for a boat that uses either sails or power for cruising, racing, or pleasure. While there is no real definition for a yacht, they are typically any sort of boat that has a cabin for overnight use and is a pleasure vessel over 30 feet in length. 

There are different sizes of yachts under certain designations—any yacht over 79 feet is considered large, while any yacht over 131 feet is considered a superyacht or megayacht. 

The word yacht comes from the Dutch language, which means “hunt.” It started as the name of the fast-sailing ships that the Dutch used to hunt for pirates in the 18th Century. The concept of pleasure boats, though, started early in the world’s history in Egyptian times and only increased in popularity as time went on. 

There are several types of propulsion for yachts—sailing, which is when they use sails to catch the air and power. Yachts first started with steam power before turning to the internal combustion engine. 

Most yachts, if large enough to accommodate, have a main salon and a forward stateroom in terms of cabins. The larger the yacht, the more rooms it may have. 

Catamaran vs. Yacht: Structural Differences

If you are looking for a cruising catamaran, you will need a larger boat than the monohull counterparts. While a monohull can be small, usually around 30 feet, if you want the same sort of carrying capacity out of a catamaran, you will need a boat upwards of 40 feet. 

Because of their larger size and width, catamarans will take up more space in your marina, but they are also more spacious than other boats—that width is not put to waste on the deck or underneath. 

The double-hulled catamaran also gives more privacy when it comes to the living spaces—the cabins are conveniently separated, keeping the living quarters and sleeping quarters apart on most catamarans. 

Looking to purchase a catamaran? Here are the pros and cons of owning one.

Catamaran vs. yacht: performance differences.

Catamaran vs Yacht: Which is Better and Cost Implications?

That speed, though, comes at a price—because they have two hulls, you will hear the water slapping against the boat from underneath, which is something you do not get with a monohulled boat.

Because they have two hulls, catamarans are nearly resistant to any sort of heeling, compared to a yacht. They also have extremely high resistance to capsizing, due to their multi-hulled construction. This stability allows for passengers to easily navigate the deck without fear of suffering from wave action. This stability will also let you cook and do any other activities on the deck without fear of displacement. 

Catamarans are also easier to handle than another type of boat—one person can singlehandedly sail such a vessel. Because you have two engines and two rudders, it is easier to dock and maneuver compared to a monohulled boat. 

Yachts tack much quicker than a catamaran as well—when you turn into the wind so you change which direction the wind blows on the ship—meaning your catamaran will slow down significantly as you turn. A monohull is more maneuverable in the wind. 

Catamaran vs. Yacht: Cost Differences

A new, high-quality catamaran larger than 40 feet can run about half a million in cost. Pre-owned catamarans can run as low as $35,000, while larger, new catamarans can exceed $5 million. 

Catamarans will also cost more because of the need for two engines and two rudders. The double hull means more equipment, which therefore increases the price. They also use different types of materials, making that cost increase. They also are typically higher quality construction and are safer and easy to sail, pushing the price higher. Because of this equipment increase, your service costs will also be higher. 

If you are looking for a smaller yacht, those would put you within the 50 to 70 feet range. Choices also include the engine and optional equipment, along with whether you intend to purchase a new or a pre-owned yacht. New yachts in this size range can run about 

Pre-owned yachts of this size can run anywhere between $300,000 for a smaller model to almost $6 million for a larger one. Most around 50 feet are an average of $375,000. 

Catamaran vs. Yacht: Which is better?

Catamaran vs Yacht: Which is Better and Cost Implications?

If you want to stay with the traditional sailing experience with more feedback about how your ship is moving, along with keeping a smaller footprint both on the water and in the marina, a yacht is the way to go. They are much more maneuverable than a catamaran in the water. Yachts are also cheaper than a catamaran. 

Regardless of what you’re looking for in a boat, the choice remains with you about what you value most in your travels. Whether it’s a catamaran, a yacht, or something entirely different, know what you are looking for in your vessel before going out and looking to buy.

Please note: This blog post is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal or medical advice. Please consult a legal expert or medical professional to address your specific needs.

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3 escaped inmates from Grenada charged with murder after US sailing couple vanishes

Police transport escaped prisoners Atiba Stanislaus, far left, and Trevon Robertson who are handcuffed together in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Monday, March 4, 2024. The men had escaped from a police holding cell in Grenada on Feb. 18 and are suspected of hijacking a catamaran while Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel, who disappeared, were aboard. (AP Photo/Kenton Chance)

Police transport escaped prisoners Atiba Stanislaus, far left, and Trevon Robertson who are handcuffed together in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Monday, March 4, 2024. The men had escaped from a police holding cell in Grenada on Feb. 18 and are suspected of hijacking a catamaran while Ralph Hendry and Kathy Brandel, who disappeared, were aboard. (AP Photo/Kenton Chance)

The yacht “Simplicity”, that officials say was hijacked by three escaped prisoners with two people aboard, is docked at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Coastguard Service Calliaqua Base, in Calliaqua, St. Vincent, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024. Authorities in the eastern Caribbean said they were trying to locate two people believed to be U.S. citizens who were aboard the yacht that was hijacked by the three escaped prisoners from Grenada. (AP Photo/Kenton X. Chance)

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SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Three escaped inmates from the eastern Caribbean island of Grenada were charged in the killing of a U.S. couple whose catamaran they hijacked, police said Thursday.

Ron Mitchell, a 30-year-old sailor; Atiba Stanislaus, a 25-year-old farmer; and Trevon Robertson, a 23-year-old unemployed man, were charged with capital murder, escaping lawful custody, housebreaking, robbery and kidnapping. Stanislaus also was charged with one count of rape, according to a statement from the Royal Grenada Police Force.

The men appeared in court on Thursday and were ordered held in prison until their hearing in late March.

They were accused of escaping from a police holding cell on Feb. 18 and hijacking a catamaran owned by Ralph Henry and Kathy Brandel while they were aboard. Authorities said they believe the couple was thrown overboard as the suspects sailed to nearby St. Vincent, where they were arrested on Feb. 21.

The three men were ordered deported from St. Vincent on Monday.

The nonprofit Salty Dawg Sailing Association described Hendry and Brandel as “veteran cruisers” who participated in last year’s Caribbean Rally from Hampton, Virginia, to Antigua, and had planned to spend the winter cruising in the eastern Caribbean.

Their bodies have not been found.

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China and Taiwan launch joint rescue bid after boat capsizes near sensitive islands

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan dispatched coast guard boats on Thursday to join a rescue mission at China’s request after a fishing vessel capsized near the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands , amid heightened tension in the sensitive Taiwan Strait.

China claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, over the island’s strong objections, and has stepped up military activities near it in recent years, with almost daily incursions into air defense identification zones.

Authorities on both sides sent the rescue boats after a Chinese fishing vessel capsized in the early hours, Taiwan’s coast guard said in a statement, adding that two people were missing, though two had been rescued and two bodies retrieved.

Coast guard chief Chou Mei-wu told a parliamentary committee the boats were sent after Chinese authorities sought help, adding that such requests were common, with 119 people rescued in such efforts over the past three years or so.

Members of Taiwan's coast guard work during a rescue operation after a boat capsized near Taiwan-controlled Kinmen islands

“The waters are narrow around the Kinmen-Xiamen (area) and co-operation between Taiwan and China is very important,” he said, referring to the neighbors’ cities that face each other across the strait.

Taiwan sent four coast guard vessels and its Chinese counterpart six to participate in the rescue effort, the coast guard said.

Last month, China’s coast guard began regular patrols around the Kinmen islands close to its coast, after two Chinese nationals died while trying to flee Taiwan’s coast guard after their boat entered prohibited waters.

The Chinese fishing boat capsized about 1.07 nautical miles west of Taiwan’s Dongding island, the coast guard said, with armed forces stationed there also engaging in the rescue, but did not elaborate.

In a statement, Taiwan’s Kinmen defense command said it had not received any request from Chinese authorities to search the island, but added that any survivors found would be handed to the coast guard.

Last week, Taiwan’s top China policy-making body urged its giant neighbor not to change the “status quo” around the waters there by sending coast guard boats into restricted areas, saying tension should be “controllable.”


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  1. Catamaran vs Monohull! What is your favorite and why? : r/sailing

    From a sailing perspective, a cat will sail flatter and perform better the less you try to point it into wind. Also, given the shallow draft, you can get closer to a beach or further into a shallow anchorage. A monohull will sail better pointing closer to wind, but will not sail flat, draw more water, offer less on deck living space.

  2. Catamaran vs sailboat? : r/sailing

    One day I would love a huge monohull to sail the world on. WompSmellit • 5 yr. ago. Cats are faster and sail flat. In most cases cruising sailors are not beating to windward, and off the wind a cat is far, far nicer to sail. Less rolling, less fuss and bother, far more speed. Cats are safer. You can flip a cat, ok.

  3. What are the pros/cons of a catamaran over a monohull? Just ...

    Catamaran technology has been changing very rapidly compared to monohulls, and newer boats are constantly changing the comparison. In the smaller sizes, monohulls are more seaworthy, but as they get larger, cats have some big advantages for passagemaking, both in speed, and comfort. 1. FlyingJayhawk. • 11 yr. ago.

  4. Catamarans Vs Mono hulls : r/sailing

    In a catamaran leaning over too far means you get to take advantage of a hull that floats when upside down. Monohulls are safer with people that aren't very experienced due to the boat safely and clearly telling you that it's reaching it's limits. Catamarans only tell the captain that is paying attention to their instruments.

  5. Catamarans Vs. Monohulls: Choosing The Right Boat

    Catamarans don't coast well primarily because they don't have a deep keel to track. Relying on coasting to a dock at a shallow angle and then going into reverse and using prop walk to cozy up the stern won't work. It is better to come in at a sharper angle and then pivot the boat into position with the engines.

  6. Catamaran vs. Monohull Sailboats

    When it comes to catamaran vs. monohull, there are two schools of thought that always prompt impassioned debates as to which one is much better. If you've used both a catamaran (a boat with two hulls) and a monohull (a boat with one hull), you know that they both have pros and cons. In most cases, it all boils down to your personal preferences ...

  7. Catamaran Vs Trimaran : r/boating

    Emergency-Doughnut88 • 1 min. ago. Catamaran are generally going to have a lot more interior space, as they usually have a nice main salon in the center and the cabins in the pontoons. Trimarans in that size range are still setup like narrow monohulls with floats attached to each side. There might have some storage space, but not part of the ...

  8. Catamaran vs. Monohull: We Changed, Should You?

    7. Shallow Draft Equals Better Anchorages. Catamarans have significantly shallower drafts than monohulls, allowing for safer anchorages closer to shore. Most catamarans in the 40-ft to 50-ft range draw between 3-ft to 4.5-ft, so they can anchor in places that a monohulls can not even consider.

  9. Yacht vs Catamaran: Which Boat is Right for You?

    One major differentiation between these two boat types is the onboard living spaces and amenities. Some key comparisons: Deck Space - With their spacious bridge deck, catamarans offer ample lounging and relaxation space for large groups. Yachts have more confined deck space. Cabins - Catamaran cabins are typically larger and more comfortable.

  10. Catamaran Vs Monohull

    Monohulls have a single hull, and catamarans have two hulls side-by-side. Catamarans are faster than monohulls of the same length and displacement, but monohulls are stronger and more spacious. Monohulls are also cheaper and easier to build than multi-hulls. In this article, we'll cover the differences between catamarans and monohulls, along ...

  11. Sailboat Debate: Monohull vs. Catamaran

    MK: Cruising catamarans are faster than monohulls, and sailing catamarans can sail half the speed of the wind, depending upon their angle. It's ideal to be on a boat that can reach high speeds quickly and arrive at your destination in a reliable and timely manner. DP: Due to their lower wetted surface area, catamarans are certainly faster ...

  12. Yacht v Catamaran

    Shape / Number of hulls. The main difference is the shape of the boat: a yacht or traditional sailing boat has one hull (the bottom of the boat) which sits in the water, but a catamaran is a 'multi-hull' so has two hulls or points of contact with the sea, with a platform across the top which joins the two hulls together into one boat shape.

  13. Catamarans

    between a 2021 Fountaine Pajot Astrea 42' 3+2 cab. and a 2024 Lagoon Excess 14 (45')4+2 cab. (Bénéteau Group) for family of five (children are adults 19-26)plus skipper. We are new to sailing and could use some help. How often does a new boat malfunction compared to a three year boat? How helpful is it to have a host vs.feeling crowded?

  14. What Is The Difference Between A Yacht And A Catamaran?

    Number Of Hulls. The hull of a sailing vessel is simply the part of the vessel that sits in the water. Yachts have one hull, while catamarans have two hulls. A sailing vessel with multiple hulls can explore more ocean depths than one with a single hull. It is because very little of the boat is underwater.

  15. Catamaran vs Monohull: Pros, Cons & Main Differences

    Darker interiors: Most monohull living space is lower in the boat, where you can't put enormous windows for light and circulation. It's very hard to get space as bright and airy as catamaran saloons. Less living space: With one hull and no bridge deck saloon, most monohulls feel cramped compared to spacious catamarans.

  16. Catamaran vs Yacht

    It's easily arguable that a sailing yacht was more fun to sail, takes up less room when mooring, and is cheaper per berth than a catamaran. Alternatively, a more stable catamaran offers more space and is cheaper per sq. foot of space. Until recently, the advent of catamarans in the America's Cup competitions would show that catamarans are ...

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    Catamaran vs Sailing Yacht. While both catamarans and sailing yachts offer exhilarating experiences on the water, they differ in design and capabilities. Catamarans provide enhanced stability and a shallow draft, allowing for smooth sailing in various conditions. Sailing yachts, on the other hand, feature a single hull and mainly rely on wind ...

  18. Catamaran Vs Yacht

    Catamaran vs yacht: which is the better? This remains a subject of great debate, so here's everything you need to know aid to you in your decision making. ...

  19. Sailing Yachts: Embarking on a Journey of Wind and Waves

    Dive into our detailed comparison of yachts and catamarans. From design, stability, and speed to comfort and cost, we cover all aspects to help you make an informed choice for your next maritime adventure.

  20. Catamaran Vs Trimaran

    Gabriel Hannon. August 30, 2022. As boatbuilders make faster and more luxurious multi-hulls for cruising and racing, it is time to settle the debate: Catamarans vs. Trimarans. Catamarans and trimarans have distinct characteristics regarding comfort, sailing performance, safety, and personal preference. The dual- or tri-hull designs both confer ...

  21. Catamaran Vs. Motor Yacht (4 Powerful Differences Explained)

    The difference in available space is as clear as day. It is because of the difference in the hull shape. The catamaran has ample space in areas like the salon, galley, and flybridge. Even its cabins are more comfortable, and you'd be able to sit upright. Also, unlike the motor yacht, several cabins in a catamaran are ensuite.

  22. Opinions on catamaran fishing boats? : r/commercialfishing

    View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit. Opinions on catamaran fishing boats? How do they handle in the rough, are they way more expensive than a monohull due to the need of two engines etc. ... They can also be very efficient . Some of the nicest charter boats I've been on are Catamarans, 65 footers with capacity ...

  23. Catamaran vs Yacht

    Catamaran vs. Yacht: Cost Differences. A new, high-quality catamaran larger than 40 feet can run about half a million in cost. Pre-owned catamarans can run as low as $35,000, while larger, new catamarans can exceed $5 million. Catamarans will also cost more because of the need for two engines and two rudders.

  24. 3 escaped inmates from Grenada charged with murder after US sailing

    The yacht "Simplicity", that officials say was hijacked by three escaped prisoners with two people aboard, is docked at the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Coastguard Service Calliaqua Base, in Calliaqua, St. Vincent, Friday, Feb. 23, 2024.

  25. [GAME THREAD] 2023-24 NBA Regular Season: Golden State ...

    Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores   ... vs New York Knicks (40-27) 3/18/24 7:00PM PST GT GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS vs Knicks. Time: 7:00PM PST Location: Chase Center - San Francisco, CA Broadcast: ESPN Line: GS -6.5 ... Someone tell Klay they tagged his boat. Then put him on Brunson.

  26. China and Taiwan launch joint rescue bid after boat capsizes near

    The Chinese fishing boat capsized about 1.07 nautical miles west of Taiwan's Dongding island, the coast guard said, with armed forces stationed there also engaging in the rescue, but did not ...