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Yacht insurance
Yacht insurance for your sailing yacht, motor yacht or boat, as the leading european nautical breakdown service, seahelp also offers insurance for boats and yachts., therefore trust in sea help yacht insurance, do you have any questions.
Robert Perger
Sea Help contact person for yacht insurance
Brief overview and coverages
Important note.
This is only a cover statement (as an example from Helvetia) where we believe this is important for our customers. Please refer to the general conditions for the full scope of insurance.
Your ship including accessories and indicated dinghy, all nautical equipment such as GPS, autopilot, all technical equipment, tarpaulin, solar panel, wind generator, even binoculars, radio, etc. are insured according to the conditions. Even personal belongings up to 10% of the total insurance sum (up to a maximum of EUR 3,500.-) are also insured in the event of loss through robbery or theft.
All risks such as collision, grounding, theft, fire, storm, hail, sinking, transport, ditching/retrieval, etc. are insured, with the exception of the exclusions listed in our terms and conditions.
It goes without saying that the sum insured selected by you is agreed as a fixed rate, which we use in accordance with all legal requirements in the event of damage.
Partial damages are reimbursed up to the amount of the sum insured on the basis of the repair invoice without deductions “new for old”.
If salvage and/or disposal is necessary, the resulting costs are covered with a sum of € 30,000!
The risk of land, sea transport and cranes is also insured.
You’ve touched ground with your ship. The necessary inspection costs, regardless of whether damage is found, are insured.
Such damage happens quickly. In order that you do not have to bear these costs, we do not exclude such damages.
Personal injury, damage to property, rent and financial losses are also insured.
For unjustified claims for damages on the part of third parties, the court and lawyer’s fees for legal defence will be paid.
Your ship has been damaged by a third party, who cannot pay due to insolvency or insufficient sum insured. With us you still have insurance cover.
Also insured are damages resulting from the use of dinghies belonging to the vehicle and of water sports equipment, if these are specified.
Covered (under liability) are losses arising, for example, from the pollution of water, including groundwater.
There is no deductible in the event of total loss of the insured boat due to burglary and damage caused by fire, arson and lightning. In the case of damage to dinghies and trailers documented in the policy, the deductible is generally € 500,-.
Insurance FAQ - Frequently asked questions
General questions about boat insurance.
Liability cover applies in the same area as comprehensive cover.
Italy | € 6 million (€ 5 million for personal injury and € 1 million for property damage) |
Spain | € 336,568 (€ 240,406 for personal injury and € 96. 162 for property damage) |
Croatia | 3.5 million kuna (approx. € 486,000) |
Greece | € 500,000 for property damage and € 150,000 for environmental damage |
This problem can also be solved with the loss of receivables cover, which is insured free of premiums as part of the boat/yacht liability insurance (see the policy for the sum insured).
If a court-ordered claim for damages cannot be realized even by compulsory enforcement, your own boat/yacht liability insurance will treat you as an “accident victim”.
The prerequisite for this insurance cover is that the party responsible for the damage must have had their permanent residence in a state of the European Union or Switzerland at the time of the occurrence of the loss event.
The insurance cover does not include damage to the boat named in the policy, as this can also be insured under the proven hull cover in the event of third-party fault.
The permanent berth/location of the boat in summer and winter must be in Europe.
The so-called “blue cards”, also known as certificates, are no longer printed on blue paper, i.e. you will now receive these insurance certificates on white paper. However, there are no changes to the content.
Insurance cover begins at the earliest on the day of receipt by the insurer by post, fax or email. The application data and documents must also be complete.
The free transfer of the boat to authorized persons with a valid driver’s license is also insured.
No, but we can give a special discount if the boat is not being used and is only in the harbor or on land and is not being actively used.
If the vehicle is sold, the contract of sale must be sent to the insurer, as there is no automatic notification to the insurer of de-registrations and re-registrations by an official body. The seller then receives a pro rata refund of the premium. The buyer can then continue the insurance in his name with us, but a new contract will be concluded.
The notice period of 3 months before the contract expires must be observed in writing.
Our “SeaHelp Helpline” provides you with the fastest and best possible assistance in the event of a hull or liability insurance claim (even at sea). This ensures that in the event of a claim you receive immediate support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in organizing the necessary claims handling measures for boat insurance.
Frequently asked questions about boat & yacht hull insurance
All risks are covered for the duration of the insurance, e.g. theft, fire, sinking, grounding, collision, etc.; everything is insured that is not expressly excluded.
In the event of damage, new parts are often used for restoration instead of the damaged used parts. This increases the value of the damaged boat. This increase in value (difference between new and used parts) will not be deducted. So no deductions new for old. Further information can be found in the respective conditions.
Insurance cover for your boat/yacht is provided for trips, transportation and stays within the sailing area on water and on land specified in the policy. In particular, the winter storage risk outside of waters in halls is therefore also included.
First and foremost, the policyholder (boat owner) is responsible for determining the value of the boat. Appraisals, valuations, other proof of value or photos are particularly helpful in this regard.
The insurer shall also reimburse expenses for lifting the wreck and for its removal (disposal costs). For further information, please refer to the relevant conditions.
Yes, a suitable anti-theft device must be fitted.
Yes, your outboard motor is included in the fully comprehensive insurance (all risks cover). It is important that you include the value in the sum insured.
(Example boat 40,000 euros / outboard 12,000 euros = total sum insured 52,000 euros)
These are items necessary for the practice of water sports, for example binoculars, compasses, measuring instruments and other nautical equipment that are not permanently attached to the vessel.
Yes, there is a no-claims bonus for boat and yacht hull insurance. The highest discount level is 40%.
You can insure your trailer against theft, fire, lightning, explosion and storm.
Insurance offer
Charter insurance.
The combination of breakdown service and insurance saves the insurance companies money.
The result is a favourable insurance premium for your boat.
Together with our partners we stand for competent and fast claims handling!
Imprint of the Sea Help Insurance Broker GmbH
Seahelp insurance broker gmbh.
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 hours and 13:00 - 16:00 hours
Bank: Sparkasse OOE BIC/SWIFT: ASPKAT2LXXX IBAN: AT50 2032 0321 0036 0315
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Sea-Help Insurance Broker GmbH ist Gewerblicher Versicherungsmakler und Berater in Versicherungsangelegenheiten gemäß § 94 Zi 76 GewO 1994 und als solcher mit der Nummer Gisa-Zahl 32509465 in das Versicherungsvermittlerregister eingetragen.
Diese Eintragung kann unter www.gisa.gv.at überprüft werden. Die Sea-Help Insurance Broker GmbH ist von den Versicherern bevollmächtigt, Prämien entgegenzunehmen.
Informations- und Marktgrundlagen
Sea-Help Insurance Broker GmbH ist eine der führenden Spezialisten für Yachtversicherungen. Um unseren Kunden den perfekten Versicherungsschutz zu bieten bedarf es mehr, als nur Preis und Leistung zu vergleichen. Es geht auch darum, die unterschiedlichen Anforderungsprofile von Bootseigentümern zu verstehen und zu würdigen. Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner für Bootsversicherungen, Yacht und Motoryachtversicherungen.
Es wird darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass Sea-Help Insurance Broker GmbH Ihnen ausschließlich die eigenen mit den beteiligten Versicherern erarbeiteten Versicherungsprodukte anbietet und eine weitergehende Beratung oder Auswahl von anderen Versicherern oder Produkten nicht leisten kann. Andere Sparten als die Versicherungszweige “See-, Binnensee-und Flussschifffahrt werden derzeit nicht angeboten.
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Wirtschaftliche Verflechtungen:
Der Versicherungsmakler besitzt keine direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung von über 10% an den Stimmrechten oder am Kapital eines bestimmten Versicherungsunternehmens, umgekehrt besitzt auch kein bestimmtes Versicherungsunternehmen oder das Mutterunternehmen eines bestimmten Versicherungsunternehmens eine direkte oder indirekte Beteiligung von über 10% an den Stimmrechten oder am Kapital des Versicherungsmaklers.
Für die außergerichtliche Hilfe zur Klärung von unterschiedlichen Auffassungen, die Versicherungen betreffen, steht Ihnen folgende Beschwerdestelle zur Verfügung:
Rechtsservice- und Schlichtungsstelle der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Web: www.wko.at
Versicherungsaufsichtsbehörde Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht Schlichtungsstelle Finanzmarktaufsicht: www.fma.gv.at Otto Wagner Platz 5 1090 Wien Tel: (+43-1) 249 59 – 0 Web: www.fma.gv.at
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Yacht & Boat
Insurances for yachts and boats.
We have designed our yacht insurance packages to be very flexible. Our two coverage concepts form EIS TOP and EIS BASIC frameworks. Each includes liability, fully comprehensive, and passenger accident insurance. You can plan a big trip with your yacht for the first time or have decades of experience as a skipper. Suppose your watercraft has just left the shipyard or has already been used for a while. In that case, you can still spend your holidays in the Mediterranean or your big dream of sailing worldwide. We know that every skipper uses their yacht differently, and we support that here at EIS Yacht insurance.
EIS European Insurance & Services GmbH. – for a safe and comfortable feeling on the sea.
Which yacht insurance is the right one for me? You can take out your yacht insurance with EIS within the TOP or BASIC cover. Then you decide on coverage. Do you need fully comprehensive yacht insurance or liability? Just click, and a few details about your yacht are enough to calculate your tailor-made yacht insurance premium.
Our competent water-craft centers are available all over the world
Basic cover.
Wholesome third-party liability insurance and fully comprehensive insurance at the price of a partially comprehensive insurance Our BASIC cover offers you a fully adequate third-party liability and fully comprehensive insurance. The fully comprehensive insurance is based on a listed risk cover means that all covered risks such as e.g. collision, sinking, burglary etc. are listed. With this BASIC cover you will get a regulation according to the current value of the yacht or the respective building part. This kind of cover is especially suited for older yachts for which our TOP cover is not profitable.
Proper all-risks cover at top conditions such as payment for consequential damage, guaranteed fixed tax, no deductions “new for old” and many more. Our TOP cover is the all-round carefree package for demanding clients. The third-party liability insurance includes a broad cover also for the use of foreign yachts. With its proper all-risks cover the fully comprehensive insurance offers a really wide-ranging product at a guaranteed fixed tax. Be well advised by our water-craft experts about the many advantages of the TOP cover or inform yourself online on our homepage.
Cruising area
A The cover applies on land of Europe and to all inland waters, the north and baltic seas (north sea: north to the line formed by bergen/wick, south: to ushant/Landsend), including the entire mediterranean sea (limited by Bosporus, 12 sm from the coast of africa, jordan, israel and syria) and the atlantic coast up to 200 sea miles (excluding north and west of ireland) to the northern boundary of the western sahara (without the 12 sm african coast), including the canary islands within a radius of 200 sea miles. B Inland and shallow coastal waters Berlin, Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania C german inland waters without Rhine D european inland waters E european inland waters and the baltic sea F european inland waters and the north and baltic seas (north sea: north to the line formed by bergen/wick, south: to ushant/Landsend) G greek coastal waters (Ionian Sea and Aegean Sea) H turkish coastal waters up to 200 sea miles, bounded north by the strait of Bosporus or I croatia coastal waters upt to 200 sea miles. J extended shipping routes e.g. the Caribbean, the Seychelles, world wide Cruising area map
For yacht and boat
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- Rib-Boot Versicherung
- Megayacht Insurances
- EIS Charter Seal
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For Skipper & Crew
- Skipper & Crew Versicherungspakete
- Travel Health Insurance
EIS - European Insurance & Services GmbH Scharfe Lanke 109-131 D-13595 Berlin Fon: +49 (0)30 214 082 -0 Mo.-Fr.: 9:00 - 18:00 [email protected]
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Yacht Insurance
Bespoke yacht insurance.
Our Yacht Insurance Policies cover sailing vessels both large and small cruising UK Waters, Europe and Worldwide. Whether you're seeking to renew your boat insurance or inquiring about coverage for a new vessel, we've got you covered.
Get the right level of cover with our yacht & sailing boat insurance so you can enjoy cruising on your Yacht, Keel Boat, Sloop, Catamaran or Sailing Boat with confidence.
Why Choose Topsail Insurance?
The team at Topsail Insurance are highly passionate and knowledgeable in Boat Insurance and Travel Insurance, with over 100 years of combined experience, they will ensure you get the policy best suited to you. We are marine insurance experts offering a personal service and practical approach to find the best policy suitable to your needs.
Feel free to reach out to our dedicated team of real people for tailored advice on our policies. Whether you're unsure about the appropriate level of insurance for your needs or seeking guidance on the best coverage for your boat, we're here to assist you. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us today.
Our policies offer comprehensive and flexible cover for both local and offshore sailing.
We offer both agreed value and market value insurance policies to suit your individual needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What typically does our yacht insurance policy cover.
Your insurance policy will include cover for:
- Accidental damage
Is Third Party damage covered?
Yes, our comprehensive policies include up to £5 million third party liability cover as standard. In most cases, we can also arrange Third Party Only policies too.
What additional benefits are included in my Yacht Insurance cover?
Many of our polices include:
- Personal Accident
- Medical Expenses
- Up to 25 % NCB
- Marina benefits
- Access to our helpline services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
- 24 hour claims helpline
We can often offer Excess Waiver, Protected No Claims Bonus and Legal Expenses cover.
What cruising areas do we cover?
We cover UK, Europe and Worldwide/Bluewater cruising.
Do we offer any discounts?
We offer discounts for a number of Owners’ Associations, and Yacht Clubs, such as our partners, The Cruising Association and Ocean Cruising Club .
Click here to access our online Quote and Buy .
We will provide you with an instant quote online which you can purchase immediately.
Our team will be happy to compare your boat insurance renewal quote or provide you with a quotation for your new boat insurance. Enjoy making memories, we’ll handle the rest.
For more information about the features of our Topsail Insurance, please refer to the relevant policy document and terms and conditions.
With over 1000 reviews on Google from satisfied clients, Topsail Insurance stands as a trusted authority in the field. Rest assured, you're in capable hands with our team of experts.
Enjoy making memories, we’ll handle the rest.
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Finding the right boat insurance policy
Ask us at european yacht brokers, what to look for in a boat insurance policy.
Specialised recreational marine insurers will be able to offer you a scale of boat insurance policies. Things to look out for include damage coverage, boater coverage, medical payments coverage, boat trailer coverage and more.
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Boat insurance
What are the basics of insuring your vessel? How to choose the right specialist insurance company? As a boat owner you need to choose the right coverage for your vessel based on the use that you plan on making of it.
- Boat Insurance
Next read about yacht registration
All our brokerages.
- Valencia Denia
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Have any questions?
Contact us today about boat insurance policies, if you are interested, please give us a call: +34 722 186 884, call us with your questions.
Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, Madrid local time. Available for international calls and WhatsApp calls.
Customer support
Do you have any questions? Please send us an e-mail and we will reply to you as soon as possible.
Interested in one of our boats? Or in selling yours?
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For first class clients.
Seascope Insurance Services is an independent insurance broker. We provide international marine insurance and reinsurance, operating in Lloyd’s of London and international markets. Our experienced specialist teams provide in-depth knowledge and quality services across all marine disciplines.
Providing our clients guidance and support in claims handling matters. Our dedicated experienced team, brings varied industry backgrounds and expertise to provide efficient tailored solutions to claims handling.
Emergency Contact
+44 7341 478 302
+44 7341 478 303
Seascope provides extensive marine insurance knowledge and quality tailored services.
Hull & Machinery
Protection & indemnity, special risks, reinsurance, global network.
Our Global Network provides regional knowledge with a global perspective.
seascope europe
Seascope Europe S.M.P.C. is an associate company of Seascope Holdings ltd. Serving shipping clients in the European Economic Area. Seascope Europe’s U.K. branch is located in London.
VScope Risk Management Ltd is an associate company of Seascope Insurance Services, providing ship owners with advice and guidance on marine insurance and comprehensive cover.
Tigermar is an associate company of Seascope Insurance Services, offering direct insurance and reinsurance broking, headquartered in Singapore.
Seascope Hellas S.A. is a fellow subsidiary company of Seascope Insurance Services. Seascope Hellas serves shipping clients located in Greece and the Middle-East from the Piraeus office.
Seascope Insurance Services Hong Kong (SISHK) is a sister company of Seascope Insurance Services. SISHK’s mission is to capture the Asian insurance markets with knowledge and experience.
The Seascope team provides extensive marine insurance knowledge and quality tailored services.
[email protected]
+49 (0) 89 – 6939 2323
sportboot versicherung
The yacht insurances of BAVARIA AG. Your leading specialist in Europe.
You want to enjoy your leisure time on the water. The yacht and boat insurances of BAVARIA AG ensure that you can always be carefree while doing so. The special insurances of BAVARIA AG give you the necessary security for every area and for any incidents. Trust our experience for more than 40 years.
Sailing yachts, superyachts, why you should choose a yacht insurance policy from bavaria ag:.
Only the best-known German insurance companies are BAVARIA AG’s risk carriers. We are only committed to our customers and also manage your contract around the clock. BAVARIA AG is particularly distinguished by the professional process in the event of a claim. The entire processing takes place in-house. Word gets around and this is the basis of our success.
- Always a personal contact
- 24/7 availability
- Own claims department at our head office
- No objection of underinsurance
- All-risk cover on water and land
- No “new for old” deduction
- Storm damage also insured (and not only from wind force 8)
- Transport within Europe also insured
- Discount saver after four claim-free years
- Deductible halved after five claim-free years
- Violations of official regulations covered
- Extension of the cruising area also insured
- Regatta risk, vandalism, material defects also insured
- Salvage costs insured in excess of the sum insured
- 24/7 damage service
Sandra Ahrabian Chairwoman of the supervisory board
The very personal touch of BAVARIA AG
Do you have a question about one of our insurances or would you like to receive a non-binding offer? Do not hesitate to contact us. At BAVARIA AG, personal advice is a top priority. We always have a human being answering the phone, not a machine!
Our staff will answer all your questions about yacht insurances, aircraft insurances and classic car insurances quickly and reliably. Be it by phone, email or video chat.
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 6939 2323 Fax: +49 (0) 89 – 6939 2399
Email: [email protected]
FAQ – Frequently asked questions about our insurances
Rescue disposal costs.
Where rescue and/or disposal is required, the resulting costs of up to 1 million Euros above the insured sum are covered.
Discount Saver
After four claim-free BAVARIA years, there will not be a downgrading of your no-claim bonus, if a claim occurs.
No Claims Bonus
You have been insured with us for five years and have not had a claim: If so, we will cut your excess amount in half, if a claim occurs.
Regatta Risk
Our company management and the staff are active motor-boat drivers and sailors themselves. Hence the regatta risk is covered free of premiums.
Our Claims Department
In a claim you will not be passed on to some employee in an insurance company whom you do not know. We will process your claim in our own claims department and ensure rapid settlement. We will assume the claims processing right from the start and shall be pleased to take work off you. In this way we remain your contact, particularly when it is crucial.
The transport risk is covered, no matter whether on the trailer, with a transport company or your own keel. Regatta Risk Our company management and the staff are active motor-boat drivers and sailors themselves. Hence the regatta risk is covered free of premiums.
Object Insured?
Cover extends not only to the ship itself and all its ac- cessories, butalso to the complete nautical equipment such as GPS, auto-pilot, all technical facilities, sail, tar- paulin, even the binoculars as well as the radio are in- cluded free of extra premiums. Personal effects are automatically covered as well up to 2 % of the total insurance amount (maximum, howe- ver, up to Euros 3.000) automatically.
Request a quote
Find out more about our boat and yacht insurance and exceptional all-risk cover.
- Yes, I have read the privacy policy and I agree that the data I provide will be collected and stored electronically. My data will be used to process and answer my request. By submitting the contact form I agree to the processing.
Do you have any further questions about our boat insurance? You can also reach us at any time by telephone on +49 (0) 89 – 6939 2323 or simply by email .
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Russian regions
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Chelyabinsk city, Russia
The capital city of Chelyabinsk oblast .
Chelyabinsk - Overview
Chelyabinsk is one of the largest industrial, economic, cultural, and business centers of Russia, the administrative center of Chelyabinsk Oblast. This city is located on the geological border of the Urals and Siberia, in the Asian part of Russia, on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, on both banks of the Miass River, about 1,800 km east of Moscow.
The population of Chelyabinsk is about 1,179,000 (2022), the area - 500 sq. km.
The phone code - +7 351, the postal codes - 454000-454930.
Chelyabinsk city flag
Chelyabinsk city coat of arms.
Chelyabinsk city map, Russia
Chelyabinsk city latest news and posts from our blog:.
26 July, 2024 / Magnificent Landscapes of Ayskiye Pritosy .
18 July, 2018 / Bolshiye Pritesy Cliff in the Chelyabinsk Region .
12 June, 2018 / Frosty Dawn in Taganay National Park .
8 June, 2018 / Colors of the Dead World of Karabash .
6 January, 2018 / Chelyabinsk - the view from above .
More posts..
News, notes and thoughts:
15 February, 2013 / Powerful explosion has happened in the sky over Chelyabinsk today morning. According to the officials, it was the result of a meteor rain. About 500 people sought medical attention mostly injured by fragments of broken glass. A bright flash was seen over the entire region, including Ekaterinburg and Tyumen. You can find more info in our blog post about Chelyabinsk meteorite explosion .
History of Chelyabinsk
Foundation of chelyabinsk.
In 1736, the fortress named Chelyaba (most likely, a Bashkir word) was founded on the Miass River. One of the reasons for the construction of this and several other fortresses located nearby was the threat of attacks of the Bashkirs on caravans with supplies. The fortress became part of the Ufa Province.
In 1748, the first stone church was laid in the fortress. In 1781, it received the status of a town called Chelyabinsk. In 1782, the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk was approved by decree of Empress Catherine II. A loaded camel depicted on it meant that trade routes passed through this town located in the Asian part of the Russian Empire. In 1795, the population of Chelyabinsk was about 2,700 people.
By the middle of the 19th century, this town played an important role in trading in the Urals. Until the end of the 19th century, Chelyabinsk remained a small town. In 1882, its population was about 7,700 people. The second birth of Chelyabinsk took place in 1892 - after the completion of the construction of the Samara-Zlatoust Railway, which connected Chelyabinsk with the European part of the Russian Empire.
After 1892, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway continued further to the east of the country. In 1896, the further development of Chelyabinsk was facilitated by the commissioning of the branch of the Ural Mining Railway, which connected Chelyabinsk with Yekaterinburg. In just a few years, the town became one of the leaders in bread, butter, meat, and tea trade in the Russian Empire. Chelyabinsk was unofficially called “The Gateway to Siberia”.
More historical facts…
Chelyabinsk in the first half of the 20th century
In just a decade, the population of the town grew significantly (in 1897 - about 20 thousand people, in 1910 - more than 60 thousand), and the territory increased by one third. For rapid growth at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, similar to American cities, Chelyabinsk was sometimes called “Chicago beyond the Urals”.
The armed rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps after the events at the Chelyabinsk Railway Station on May 14, 1918 and the capture of the city on the night of May 26 to 27, 1918, led to its participation in the Civil War in Russia on the side of the Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly and later on the side of A. V. Kolchak (one of the leaders of the White Armies opposing the Reds (Bolsheviks)). In July 1919, the Reds occupied Chelyabinsk and Bolshevik authorities began to form in the city. In 1923, the population of Chelyabinsk was about 54,300 people.
On September 3, 1919, Chelyabinsk became the center of the Chelyabinsk province. On November 3, 1924, it was transformed into the Chelyabinsk district of Ural Oblast. On January 17, 1934, Ural Oblast was divided into three separate regions - Sverdlovsk Oblast with a center in Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast with a center in Chelyabinsk, and Ob-Irtysh Oblast with a center in Tyumen.
In 1937, there were discussions about renaming the city of Chelyabinsk in Kaganovichgrad in honor of Lazar Kaganovich, a Soviet politician and administrator. During the first Soviet five-year plans, Chelyabinsk became one of the largest industrial centers of the USSR. From the beginning of the 1930s, tractor, abrasive, ferroalloy, electrode, machine tool, and zinc plants began to operate. In 1939, the population of Chelyabinsk was about 273,000 people.
Chelyabinsk during the Second World War
During the Second World War, Chelyabinsk played a very important role as a production base. The population of the city grew rapidly from 270 to 650 thousand people. On the basis of more than 200 enterprises evacuated from the western regions of the USSR that merged with local industries, several giant plants were opened: the Chelyabinsk Forge and Press Plant, the Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant, and the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant.
After combining the capacities of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant with two evacuated enterprises - the Leningrad Kirov Plant and Kharkov Engine-Building Plant, mass production of tanks (KV-1, IS-2, T-34) and self-propelled guns (SU-152 and ISU-152) began. In total, during the war, about 60 thousand tank diesels and 18 thousand fighting vehicles (20% of all Soviet fighting vehicles) were produced in Chelyabinsk. By the end of the war, every third Soviet tank and combat aircraft had Chelyabinsk steel. The city acquired a new unofficial name - Tankograd (The City of Tanks).
During the war years, about 220,000 people were sent from the front to Chelyabinsk for treatment, 78% of them returned to service after healing their wounds. In 1941-1944, the Kiev Medical Institute, evacuated from the capital of Ukraine, was training medical doctors in Chelyabinsk. In 1944, the Chelyabinsk Medical Institute was established on its basis.
Chelyabinsk in the second half of the 20th century and beyond
In the post-war period, Chelyabinsk became a supplier of equipment, machinery, and specialists for the reconstruction of Stalingrad, Donbass, DneproGES, and other industrial centers. In 1947, a new development plan was approved, which provided for multi-storey buildings in the city center and areas adjacent to industrial enterprises. This radically changed the panorama of Chelyabinsk.
By 1960, there were already about 15 thousand students in Chelyabinsk. In 1976, Chelyabinsk State University was founded - the first classical university in the South Urals. By the 1980s, the capital of the South Urals became a major scientific center of the USSR with 7 universities and about 40 research and design institutes.
On October 13, 1976, a millionth resident was born in Chelyabinsk. By 1980, its enterprises produced more than 50% of Soviet stainless steel, 20% of pipes, 30% of ferroalloys. At this time, the new building of the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater with 1,200 seats was opened, the Chelyabinsk Puppet Theater gained all-Russian fame. In 1986, Chelyabinsk celebrated its 250th anniversary. In honor of this, a geological museum, a chamber and organ music hall were opened.
The first half of the 1990s, after the collapse of the USSR and the transition to a market economy, was a difficult time for Chelyabinsk and its huge plants. From the second half of the 1990s, industry gradually resumed production, and a lot of plants entered the world market.
In 2004, the pedestrian street of Kirovka was opened. It has become a favorite place for walks of Chelyabinsk residents and guests of the city. In 2006, the new building of the State Historical Museum of the South Urals was opened. In 2009, the ice arena “Tractor” with a capacity of 7,500 spectators was built. In the 2010s, after the recession of the 1990s, construction and commissioning of new housing intensified.
On February 15, 2013, a large meteor with a diameter of about 17 meters and a mass of about 10 thousand tons entered the atmosphere in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk (the Chelyabinsk Meteor). Fortunately, it exploded in the sky relatively high above the city. However, 7,320 buildings were damaged and 1,613 people were wounded as a result. Its debris fell into Lake Chebarkul, from where the largest fragment was later raised and delivered to the Chelyabinsk Museum of Local Lore.
Chelyabinsk views
Winter in a residential area in Chelyabinsk
Author: Andrey Kalachev
Trinity Bridge in the center of Chelyabinsk
Author: Angelina Galimzyanova
Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Virgin near the Chelyabinsk Railway Station
Author: Aleksey Podbelsky
Chelyabinsk - Features
Chelyabinsk, one of the ten largest cities in Russia, is located almost in the center of the continent of Eurasia (about 1,400 km from its geographical center), east of the Ural Mountains, 216 km south of Yekaterinburg.
This city is located on the border of the Urals and Siberia. That is why it is also informally known as “The Gateway to Siberia”. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, a lot of travelers bought postcards at the railway station of Chelyabinsk and sent them around the world as evidence of their stay in Siberia. Leningrad Bridge connects the Ural and Siberian banks of the Miass River, thus it is a bridge from the Urals to Siberia.
On the coat of arms of Chelyabinsk you can see a loaded camel, as a sign that important trade routes passed through it, and a fortress wall showing that Chelyabinsk was founded as a fortress.
The climate of Chelyabinsk is temperate continental (transitional from temperate continental to sharply continental). Winters are long, moderately cold, and snowy. The average temperature in January is minus 14.1 degrees Celsius. Summers are moderately warm and dry. The average temperature in July is plus 19.3 degrees Celsius.
Due to the fact that Chelyabinsk is an industrial city with a large number of factories, the environmental situation in the city is poor. The level of air pollution is high. The city has an increased level for a number of diseases compared with the average for Russia.
Chelyabinsk is one of the largest industrial centers of Russia. The main industries are metallurgy, manufacture of finished metal products, engineering. Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant is the largest ferroalloy plant in Russia. Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant produces about 2% of the world and 60% of Russian zinc. Chelyabinsk Metallurgical Plant is the largest producer of stainless steel in Russia.
Through Chelyabinsk, traffic flows from the European part of Russia to Siberia. In particular, this city is the final point of the federal highways M5 Ural (Moscow - Chelyabinsk), R254 Irtysh (Baikal) (Chelyabinsk - Novosibirsk), A310 (Chelyabinsk - Kazakhstan). Public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses, trams, and minibuses. The international airport “Chelyabinsk” offers flights to several large Russian cities, mainly to Moscow and St. Petersburg.
Chelyabinsk has historically developed as a center of several cultures: first of all, the cultures of the indigenous inhabitants of the region - the Bashkirs, Tatars, and Russians. There are Orthodox churches and mosques, a Catholic church, several Protestant churches, and a synagogue in the city.
Main Attractions of Chelyabinsk
Kirovka Pedestrian Street - an analogue of the pedestrian street of Arbat in Moscow. Here you can see a number of interesting monuments (“Zero Milestone”, the monuments to volunteer tankers, Alexander Rosenbaum, the founders of Chelyabinsk), as well as sculptures (“The Boy with the Camels”, “The Artist at the Mirror Easel”, “The Saxophonist”, “The Coquette”, “The Beggar”, “The Merchant”, and others).
Also on this street there are shops, cafes, entertainment facilities, buildings of the early 20th century, and the business center “Chelyabinsk-City”.
Aloye Pole (Scarlet Field) - a park located in the very center of Chelyabinsk, one of its most popular holiday destinations. In the 19th century, it was a square where the city fair was held. In 1905, a demonstration of workers was dispersed by force here. That’s why the place got a new name - “Scarlet Square”. In 2000, the park received the status of a historical place.
Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Yury Gagarin . This park adjacent to the relict pine forest is the most beautiful park in Chelyabinsk with rides, sports grounds and playgrounds, a contact zoo, a summer movie theater. Fresh air, thick crowns of trees, blue expanse of ponds, comfort, and cleanliness attract residents and visitors of the city.
Chelyabinsk Zoo . On an area of 8 hectares, more than 130 species of animals live, of which more than 80 are listed in the Red Book including polar bears, Amur tigers, leopards. There is also a contact zoo on the territory, where children can also feed animals and play with them. Truda Street, 191.
Historical Museum of the Southern Urals . There are three permanent exhibitions dedicated to nature and ancient history, folklife, and history of the 20th century. The museum has old photographs, documents, books, paintings of the 18th-20th centuries, household items and clothing of Russians, nomads, and Tatar-Bashkir tribes, Zlatoust engravings, ancient coins, mineralogical collections, bones of extinct animals, and stuffed animals.
The museum also exhibits the largest (weighing half a ton) of the found fragments of the Chelyabinsk Meteor that exploded in the sky above the city at an altitude of about 15-25 km in 2013. Truda Street, 100.
Museum of Fine Arts . This museum has several thousand exhibits of Western European, Eastern, and Russian art. Here you can see the works of world-famous artists: Aivazovsky, Levitan, Shishkin. Also there is an interesting collection of icons of the 16th-19th centuries. Truda Street, 92a.
Museum of Arts and Crafts of the Urals . Here you can see the whole range of folk art crafts of the Southern Urals: products of the Zlatoust weapons factory, exhibits demonstrating the skill of local carvers and jewelers, hand-painted utensils, porcelain products of the South Ural factory, etc. Revolution Square, 1.
Chelyabinsk Railway Museum . The museum exposition is located in two places: in the building #63 on Tsvillinga Street, where more than 14 thousand exhibits are stored, and at the Chelyabinsk Railway Station (Zheleznodorozhnaya Street, 1/1), where you can see various railway equipment: steam locomotives, electric locomotives, modern trains, military trains, and special equipment. In the exhibition halls, you can see rails, station bells, old tickets, lights, signaling devices, and other items.
Museum of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant - the largest and most popular museum in the region. It is dedicated to the history and activities of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The museum has several thousand photographs, documents, personal belongings of employees, posters, newspaper clippings. It is better to visit this museum with a thematic tour, during which you can not only learn interesting facts, but also feel the true spirit of the plant and the city of Chelyabinsk. Lenina Avenue, 19.
Holy Trinity Church (1914) - the largest church in Chelyabinsk built of red brick and topped with a green roof. The main feature of this building is a large number of arched windows on all tiers and an abundance of decorative ornaments on the facade. Inside, the walls and ceiling are painted with murals on biblical themes. Kirova, 60?.
Monument to Kurchatov . Igor Kurchatov, the famous Soviet scientist and creator of the first atomic bomb in the USSR, was born in the town of Sim of Chelyabinsk Oblast in 1903. In 1986, in honor of the 250th anniversary of Chelyabinsk, the monument “Split Atom” was erected in his honor on Nauki (Science) Square. It consists of two vertical platforms 27 meters high, which symbolize an elementary particle, and the figure of Kurchatov standing in the middle. Lenina Avenue, 86.
Chelyabinsk city of Russia photos
Sights of chelyabinsk.
Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in Chelyabinsk
Author: Yuri Palmin
Circus in Chelyabinsk
Author: Nico Kaiser
Stele to the Defenders of the Fatherland in Chelyabinsk
Author: Olga Kopp
Pictures of Chelyabinsk
Stele at the entrance to Chelyabinsk
Author: Alexander Sapozhnikov
Church of the Icon of the Mother of God Soothe My Sorrows in Chelyabinsk
Author: Angie Ambrosio
Ancient Sintashta civilization
In the area surrounding Chelyabinsk, archaeologists have found the remains of the ancient town of Arkaim. A relatively advanced civilization of proto-Indo-Iranian origin has existed in the region since the second millennium BC, as evidenced by the artifacts and ruins found at Arkaim and other nearby sites.
The Arkaim site, located in the Sintashta-Petrovka cultural area, was known by Russian archaeologists for at least 70 years, however, it was mostly ignored by non-Russian anthropological circles. The borders of the Sintashta-Petrovka cultural area run along the eastern Urals of the Eurasian steppe to about 400 km (249 mi) south of Chelyabinsk and to the east for about 200 km (124 mi). 23 archaeological sites are recognized as being part of this area.
The locations, which are arranged in square, circular, or oval forms, resemble towns. Only two of the sites—Arkaim and Sintashta—have undergone extensive excavation, despite the fact that the majority have been found via aerial photography. These sites are distinguished by their extensive evidence of metallurgy, connected houses, and fortification.
The people of the Sintashta culture are thought to have spoken Proto-Indo-Iranian, the ancestor of the Indo-Iranian language family. This identification is based primarily on similarities between their language in comparison to sections of the Rigveda, and based on funerary rituals of the Sintashta culture, as revealed by archaeological studies in the area.
Chelyabinsk meteor
On February 15, 2013, just after sunrise, a superbolide meteor passed over the Ural Mountains at a speed of over 55,000 km/h (34,000 mph), and it burst at a height of 25–30 km (16–19 mi). The meteor created a momentary flash as bright as the sun and generated a shock wave that injured over a thousand people. Fragments fell in and around Chelyabinsk. Interior Ministry spokesman Vadim Kolesnikov said 1,100 people had called for medical assistance following the incident, mostly for treatment of injuries from broken glass by the explosions The meteor's shallow entry angle caused the explosion to occur at a relatively high altitude and spread its energy over a larger area, sparing the city from greater casualties and destruction.
Administrative and municipal status
The Chelyabinsk Oblast Legislative Assembly building serves as the oblast's administrative hub. It is incorporated as the City of Chelyabinsk, an administrative unit with the same status as the districts of the oblast, within the framework of administrative divisions. The City of Chelyabinsk is incorporated as Chelyabinsk Urban Okrug, a municipal division. The seven city districts of Chelyabinsk were given civil status in June 2014.
No. | District | Population as of 2018 |
1 | Kalininsky | 224,391 |
2 | Kurchatovsky | 223,566 |
3 | Leninsky | 191,288 |
4 | Metallurgichesky | 138,156 |
5 | Sovetsky | 137,533 |
6 | Traktorozavodsky | 183,909 |
7 | Tsentral'ny | 100,015 |
Chelyabinsk is located south and still west of the Ural Mountains 200 kilometers (124 mi) south of Yekaterinburg.
Yekaterinburg obelisk border. Divides Russia and Siberia, or Europe and Siberia (Asia). Based on the Yekaterinburg border, all of Chelyabinsk oblast in located in Europe.
Urban layout
Chelyabinsk became a fortress over time. As early as September 1736, following the building of the fortress on the right (southern) bank of the Miass River, the first streets appeared. There were no dwellings constructed inside the fortress itself; instead, residents lived in the nearby settlement, which was encircled by a protective wall. Between the Miass River and the fortress's northern wall, the first street was created. A portion of it is already visible in the Chelyabinsk Fortress's foreground, having been appended to Colonel A.I. Tevkelev's report to V.N. Tatishchev on September 10, 1736. Soon it received the name Sibirskaya (now Truda Street), since outside Chelyabinsk it crossed into the Siberian tract leading to Tobolsk. Apparently, there were also other names: in a number of sources it is called Bolshaya Beregovaya, as mentioned in a document dated March 10, 1753[28] The western end of the street in the last years of the 18th century acquired an independent name - on the pasture near the outskirts of the Ivanovo fair appeared. Apparently, according to it, this part of the street began to be called Sibirskaya-Ivanovskaya (as it is called in the list of 1795). Then, already in the 19th century, it was a little later upstream and downstream of the Miass (that is, west and east of the fortress). Perpendicular to the river, several more streets were planned. At first, there were four of them - two each on the western and eastern sides. The first street to the east got its name from the first Chelyabinsk church, consecrated in 1739 in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker - Nikolaevskaya street (nowadays Sovetskaya).It headed west toward the fortress and the church and was one-sided. The construction of administrative buildings started here after the Chelyabinsk fortress was designated as the provincial center of Isetskaya in1743. Another street was created between Nikolaevskaya Street and the church square, ending in the south with the Orenburg Gate and continuing beyond the then-city limit by the Orenburgskaya road (now Tsvillinga Street) to Orenburg. In 1787, there were only four courtyards counted on Orenburgskaya Street. By 1795, the street was referred to as Khristorozhdestvenskaya and had eleven courtyards. In the 18th and first half of the 19th century, Khristorozhdestvenskaya Street was the main street in the city, it was the place where its social and business life was concentrated. The urban planning on the territory of the historical center of Chelyabinsk almost without changes coincides with the plan of Chelyabinsk in 1838. The Chelyabinsk fortress was built in the center of this territory in 1736.[30] The plan of 1784 was supposed to streamline not only the layout of the city but the development and maintenance of quarters. Along with the city center, a district center and a second city square are being laid in the riverside part. The plans of 1768 and 1784 were not carried out, though the existing Troitskaya Square, Truda Street, and Tsvilinga Street are historical traces remained of them.The land surveyor Sidorov created a new layout for the city in 1838. It served as the catalyst for the city's subsequent growth in many respects.By 1934, during the Soviet period and the mass industrialization, about 250 thousand people lived in the city. Large-scale urban planning tasks necessitated the development of the first master plan of the city, executed under the guidance of the architect N. G. Eismont in 1936 (Leningrad branch of Giprogor, architects N. G. Berlinerblau, S. M. Gotlib, N. V. Gromov, K. M. Zaichenko and A. M. Suborov). The estimated population according to the general plan of 1936 was to reach 550 thousand people. The city developed around the historical core, including by cutting down the island birch forest, in the planning of the central part, a rectangular grid of streets was preserved, but with the enlargement of quarters. The Metallurgichesky, Traktorozavodsky, and Leninsky districts were built and developed with heavy industry. Along with the city center, the centers of 5 administrative districts were planned, and interconnected by a system of transport highways. The main street - Spartak Street (now Lenin Avenue) - appears as a link between the Traktorozavodsky district, Revolution Square, and the future ensemble of the pre-park square.The main square of the city was connected to the Zarechye square system by the historically constructed streets of Kirov and Zwilling. For the first time, the idea of building a sizable reservoir on the Miass River (Shershnevskoye Reservoir) was brought up in the 1936 master plan, which called for the development of urban recreation areas based on Shershnevsky Bor and Lake Smolino.The war prevented the implementation of the master plan in full. The Chelyabinsk industrial complex has become a deep rear defense base of the country. The relocation of 60 industrial enterprises from the center of the country, and the evacuation of the population were accompanied by mass construction of isolated villages from barracks and dugouts in free territories. At the same time, the urban area has grown significantly. The need to streamline the development of the post-war city is one of the driving reasons for the development of a new master plan, carried out in 1947 under the leadership of D. D. Bagarin (Lengiprogor, architects A. Slonimsky, L. Vertousov, engineers J. Rotenberg, I. Benevich and others). The second general plan is designed for a city with a population of more than 700 thousand people (in 1946, 450 thousand people lived in the city). Chelyabinsk was considered a center of energy-intensive production, so the main attention was paid to the formation of 4 industrial hubs based on the capacities of existing enterprises.[32] The main architectural and planning idea was the unification of disparate parts of the city into a single organism - was transferred from the general plan of the pre-war period. Along with the territory of the districts that had reserves for development (Traktorozavodsky - towards Lake First, Metallurgical - with partial use of the territory of Kashtaksky Bor, Leninsky - to Lake Smolino), new sites for promising construction were envisaged (North-West and Churilovo). The issues of transport construction were actively resolved: the creation of a bypass ring highway connecting the city districts, the routing of the main highways from east to west (Pobedy Avenue, Khudyakov - Dzerzhinsky) and from north to south ("Meridian" and Tchaikovsky Street) with access to the main roads beyond outside the city. In 1951, the master plan was adjusted in terms of the number of floors of the building: the share of multi-story (up to 5 floors) buildings increased by reducing the share of 2-story and estate buildings to 25%.The third master plan of the city (1967) was developed by a team of authors from the Chelyabinskgrazhdanproekt Institute. The city had a population of 857,000. The main architectural and planning idea was the active inclusion in the composition of the city of Shershnevsky and Kashtak forests, the Shershnevsky reservoir, and the Miass River. Building on the free territories of the northwestern residential area, designed for a population of up to 300 thousand people, as a new direction for the development of the city, proposed by the master plan, has been carried out since the late 60s. The existing historically polycentric system of the center was enriched by the creation of new complexes: at the turn of the river near Garden Island, along Tchaikovsky Street, and the three-beam center of the northwest. In order to relieve transit traffic from the city center, the 1967 master plan called for the construction of bridges and overpasses, as well as the development of new main streets and a ring road. A new city plan was approved in 1990 and once more in 2021.
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Pantaenius Yacht Insurance. To the website. We have been insuring yacht owners all over the world for 50 years now. With more than 100,000 customers placing their trust in us every day, we are Europe's leading specialist for yacht insurance. Pantaenius private insurance. Private clients.
This city is located on the geological border of the Urals and Siberia, in the Asian part of Russia, on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, on both banks of the Miass River, about 1,800 km east of Moscow. The population of Chelyabinsk is about 1,179,000 (2022), the area - 500 sq. km. The phone code - +7 351, the postal codes - 454000-454930.
The capital and largest city of Chelyabinsk Oblast in Russia is Chelyabinsk (Russian: Чeля́бинск, IPA: [tɕɪˈlʲæbʲɪnsk]; Bashkir: Силəбе, romanized: Siläbe). With a population of more than 1.1 million, it ranks seventh in size among all Russian cities and is the second-biggest in the Ural Federal District, behind Yekaterinburg. Chelyabinsk is located south of the Ural ...
Boat insurance Global all-round protection by Europe's leading specialist For all boat types flexible & individual ... already place their trust in us and make Pantaenius the leading yacht insurance provider in Europe. 35,000. specialists. in our network help us deliver true local service and support you with advice and expertise all over the ...
Yacht & boat insurance. We're dedicated to providing top-quality sailing and motor boat insurance to UK boat owners. So whether you're zooming around UK waters on a sports cruiser, or venturing across oceans on your sailing yacht, you can know you're in safe hands. Get a quote.