@media screen and (min-width: 70em){.css-1c47y9x{color:var(--chakra-colors-blue\.brand);}} Hobie Cat 16 achat/vente d'occasion, annonces et prix

Il est toujours produit actuellement, les bateaux neufs coûtent 14000€.

Hobie Cat 16 occasion

les dernières annonces Hobie Cat 16 au meilleur prix

A vendre catamaran Hobie Cat 16 + remorque de route

A vendre catamaran Hobie Cat 16 + remorque de route

Foc Hobie 16 easy non lattée neuf

Foc Hobie 16 easy non lattée neuf

Hobie Cat 16 à vendre à Carcans

Hobie Cat 16 à vendre à Carcans

Catamaran Hobie Cat 16 à Bordeaux

Catamaran Hobie Cat 16 à Bordeaux

Hobie Cat 16 Hobie Cat à vendre à Bordeaux

Hobie Cat 16 Hobie Cat à vendre à Bordeaux

Présentation du Hobie Cat 16

Le hc16, icône du catamaran de sport.

Sa silhouette est rapidement identifiable : avec ses coques bananées, il est l'archétype du catamaran de plage. Le circuit de régates est très développé mais sa suprématie est menacée par le SL 16, retenu par l'ISAF pour les mondiaux jeunes et le Nacra 5 sur lequel évolue les jeunes régatiers.

Les version du Hobie 16

Il existe plusieurs versions du Hobie 16 : Classic, LE, Club, Easy/Junior et avec spi asymétrique pour les régatiers. Le Hobie 16 est toujours produit par Hobie Cat à l'heure actuelle, il est le dernier modèle avec le Hobie Wild Cat en fibre de verre dans la gamme.

Marché de l'occasion

Ce bateau, le catamaran de sport le plus produit au monde a un marché de l'occasion riche. On en trouve à tous les prix dés 1000€ et jusqu'à 5000€ et plus pour des modèles récent équipés régate. Les remorques et les misalo pour Hobie Cat 6 se font en revanche plus rares.

Hobie Cat 16 en quelques chiffres  :

Prix mini  :

Prix maxi  :

Prix moyen  :

Prix median  :

Bateaux disponibles  :

Année de lancement  :

Architecte  :

Équipage  :

Liste des prix des Hobie Cat 16

Hobie Cat 16 Classic

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 20th March 2020

Hobie Cat 16's main features

Hobie cat 16's main dimensions, hobie cat 16's rig and sails, hobie cat 16's performances, hobie cat 16's auxiliary engine, hobie cat 16's accommodations and layout.

Hobie Cat 16  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Hobie Cat

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prix catamaran hobie cat 16

Hobie 16 Cat: The Ultimate Guide to Sailing and Racing this Iconic Catamaran

by Emma Sullivan | Jul 23, 2023 | Sailboat Gear and Equipment

prix catamaran hobie cat 16

== Short answer hobie 16 cat: == The Hobie 16 Cat is a popular and versatile sailboat designed for racing and recreational sailing. It features a two-person crew, trapeze harnesses for added stability, and a powerful sail rig. With its speed and maneuverability, the Hobie 16 Cat has gained popularity worldwide.

1) Exploring the World of Hobie 16 Cat: Everything You Need to Know

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure into the fascinating world of the Hobie 16 cat? If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to sail this magnificent vessel, then look no further. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey filled with excitement, wonder, and everything you need to know about the Hobie 16 cat.

Firstly, let’s delve into the rich history of the Hobie 16. This renowned catamaran was first introduced in 1970 by its visionary creator, Hobart “Hobie” Alter. With its sleek design and exceptional performance, the Hobie 16 quickly gained popularity among sailors worldwide. Today, it remains one of the most beloved and iconic catamarans ever built.

Now that we have set our sails towards exploration, let’s talk about what makes the Hobie 16 cat so special. Its state-of-the-art features make it a true marvel of engineering. The lightweight yet durable fiberglass hulls allow for incredible speed and agility on the water. With its high-performance rigging system and efficient trampoline structure, navigating through waves becomes an exhilarating experience like no other.

One aspect that sets the Hobie 16 apart from traditional monohull sailboats is its exhilarating ability to fly a hull! Yes, you heard it right! As wind pressure builds up while sailing at top speeds, these behemoth beauties gracefully lift one hull out of water, defying gravity and igniting a surge of adrenaline within every sailor on board. It’s as though you’re floating on air as you triumphantly conquer each wave.

But wait! That’s not all there is to this intriguing catamaran; there’s more beneath her charismatic exterior. The sheer versatility of the Hobie 16 is mind-blowing! Whether you are a competitive racer or a leisurely explorer seeking tranquil lakeshores or breathtaking coastlines around the world, this vessel effortlessly adapts to your desires. It mesmerizes with its ability to tackle both high-wind conditions and gentle breezes with ease, making it your perfect companion on any sailing endeavor.

Additionally, the Hobie 16 community is a force to be reckoned with. Sailors from diverse backgrounds come together in harmony, forming an exhilarating camaraderie that resonates throughout every race or gathering. Sharing tales of daring adventures and life-changing experiences, they create lasting friendships while immersing themselves in the magical ambiance of the Hobie 16 cat lifestyle.

Now that you are captivated by the allure of this remarkable catamaran let’s dive into some practical aspects. As a prospective sailor or enthusiast seeking to explore the world of Hobie 16 cat, there are a few essential things you need to know. Safety is always paramount; thus, ensuring proper training and acquiring appropriate safety gear is crucial before venturing into the open waters. By doing so, you will be well-equipped to tackle any unforeseen challenges during your escapades.

Furthermore, maintaining and caring for your beautiful Hobie 16 is imperative to ensure it remains seaworthy for years to come. Regular hull inspections, sail maintenance, and overall vigilance will safeguard your vessel’s longevity – allowing you countless memorable sailing journeys surrounded by sea spray and breathtaking horizons.

In conclusion, stepping into the realm of the Hobie 16 cat is embarking on an extraordinary adventure filled with excitement at every turn of the tides. From its rich history and awe-inspiring features to the vibrant community it harbors within its sails – this captivating vessel stands as a testament to human innovation and our unquenchable thirst for exploration.

So gather your courage, hoist those sails high, set forth towards uncharted waters aboard a Hobie 16 catamaran! Brace yourself for an experience like no other – one that will thrill your senses, awaken your spirit, and leave you forever captivated by the enchanting world of Hobie 16.

2) Step-by-Step Guide: How to Sail a Hobie 16 Cat Effectively

Title: Mastering the Art of Sailing a Hobie 16 Cat – A Step-by-Step Guide to Unleash Your Full Potential

Introduction: Sailing a Hobie 16 Cat effectively requires a combination of skill, technique, and an innate connection with the elements. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor looking to enhance your performance or a beginner embarking on your first adventure, this step-by-step guide will equip you with the knowledge to confidently navigate your way through the waters. So, buckle up and get ready to unleash the true potential of your Hobie 16 Cat!

1. Preparing for Success: Before setting sail on your Hobie 16 Cat, it’s crucial to ensure that both you and your equipment are fully prepared.

– Start by inspecting your catamaran thoroughly. Check for any visible signs of damage, loose fittings, or worn-out sails. Ensuring everything is in order will minimize potential problems during the journey. – Grasp an understanding of wind conditions by consulting weather forecasts beforehand. This knowledge will help you better plan your route and make necessary adjustments. – Gather all essential safety equipment such as life jackets, flares, navigation lights, and communication devices. Safety should always be prioritized when venturing into open waters.

2. Rigging Like a Pro: Efficient rigging is key to maximizing speed and maneuverability on a Hobie 16 Cat.

– Begin by carefully attaching and tensioning the trampoline netting. A well-tightened trampoline provides stability while allowing crew members to move effortlessly across its surface. – Next, hoist the mainsail using proper techniques. Ensure it is securely fastened at both the tack and clew points while keeping it oriented correctly according to wind direction. – Hoisting jib sails requires precision too; remember that they should complement but not overpower the mainsail’s powers. – Finally, secure all lines neatly on the boat and eliminate any unnecessary clutter. An organized deck allows for quick adjustments and minimizes potential entanglements while sailing.

3. Understanding Sail Trim: Optimal sail trim is vital to harnessing the maximum potential of your Hobie 16 Cat’s speed and handling.

– Adjust the traveler line on your catamaran, which controls side-to-side movement of the main sheeting point, allowing you to balance power with control. – Properly tension the jib sheets to achieve balanced airflow between the jib and mainsail. This balance ensures optimal lift and reduces drag resulting in improved overall performance. – Familiarize yourself with different wind angles and their respective sail settings. Practicing sailing close-hauled, beam reach, broad reach, and running will help you adapt to varying wind conditions efficiently. – Continuously monitor telltales on both sails; they are your guides to achieving optimal aerodynamics. Keep them streaming smoothly by adjusting sail trim accordingly.

4. Navigating through Tacks and Jibes: Perfecting these essential maneuvers is crucial as they allow you to change direction effectively without losing precious momentum or control.

– When tacking (turning your bow through the wind), communicate clearly with your crew members as proper coordination is essential. Steer confidently into the wind while crew members actively cross over in harmony. – Mastering a smooth jibe (turning downwind) involves an orchestrated motion where crew members simultaneously shift weight towards leeward while easing out the mainsheet gradually. – Practice tacking and jibing repeatedly until these maneuvers become second nature; this will improve your overall sailing experience.

5. Enhancing Performance under Challenging Conditions: Sailing isn’t always smooth-sailing! Adapting to adverse weather conditions can make all the difference in maintaining control during challenging moments.

– In high winds, depowering techniques become indispensable – ease off on sails by adjusting halyards, outhauls, and traveler lines. This will reduce the sail area while maintaining stability. – As waves intensify, learn to anticipate and gracefully navigate through them. Raise your weight slightly to allow the bows to cut smoothly through the water rather than crash into waves head-on. – In gusty conditions, maintain an engaged core and balanced posture. Anticipate sudden shifts in wind strength and adjust sail trim accordingly to prevent overpowering or stalling.

Conclusion: Sailing a Hobie 16 Cat effectively is an art that combines technique, skill, and adaptability. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be equipped with the tools necessary to conquer the waters confidently. So hop on board your Hobie 16 Cat, embrace the elements around you, and let your sailing prowess shine brightly as you embark on unforgettable seafaring adventures!

3) FAQs About Hobie 16 Cat: Answers to Your Burning Questions

Are you considering getting a Hobie 16 Cat? Are there burning questions swirling in your mind about this popular catamaran sailboat? Well, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we aim to provide detailed and professional answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Hobie 16 Cat. Prepare to have your curiosity satisfied!

1) How fast can the Hobie 16 Cat go?

Ah, speed! One of the many exciting aspects of sailing. The Hobie 16 Cat is no slouch when it comes to velocity. With its sleek design and efficient hull shape, the Hobie 16 can reach impressive speeds, often exceeding 20 knots (23 miles per hour). However, keep in mind that actual speeds will depend on factors such as wind conditions, sailor experience, and boat maintenance.

2) Is the Hobie 16 suitable for beginners?

While the mesmerizing performance of the Hobie 16 might make it seem like an advanced sailboat reserved for seasoned sailors, fear not! This agile catamaran offers a forgiving learning curve that makes it accessible even for beginners. Its lightweight design combined with its responsive nature allows novices to quickly get comfortable with handling it. Of course, proper training and safety precautions should always be observed before setting sail.

3) Can I solo sail a Hobie 16 Cat?

Absolutely! Solo sailing a Hobie 16 can be an exhilarating experience. Due to its manageable size and ease of maneuverability, many individuals find solo sailing on this catamaran extremely enjoyable. However, as with any watercraft activity alone, exercising caution is crucial. Make sure you are familiar with local regulations and consider informing someone about your plans before venturing out by yourself.

4) What about racing? Can I participate competitively on a Hobie 16?

Certainly! The Hobie 16 is renowned for its thrilling competitive scene worldwide. This boat has a flourishing racing community where sailors of all skill levels can get involved. Whether you’re an aspiring racer or looking for some friendly competition, the Hobie 16 class offers various opportunities to test your skills against fellow enthusiasts. Many regattas and championships are held globally, providing a platform for passionate sailors to showcase their abilities and connect with like-minded individuals.

5) How durable is the Hobie 16 Cat?

Designed with durability in mind, the Hobie 16 is built to endure challenging conditions on the water. It features a robust construction, combining quality materials with expert craftsmanship, making it capable of withstanding rough seas and heavy use. However, regular maintenance is key to ensuring its longevity. Performing routine checks on hull integrity, rigging tension, and other vital components will help preserve your Hobie 16’s performance over time.

6) Can I use the Hobie 16 for overnight trips?

While primarily designed for day sailing and racing excitement, adventurous souls have found ways to transform their Hobie 16 into a suitable vessel for overnight adventures. By outfitting it with custom modifications such as storage compartments or camping gear attachments, you can enhance its functionality for extended trips. Just remember that the compact size of the Hobie 16 might limit comfortable accommodations compared to traditional overnight sailboats.

In conclusion, the Hobie 16 Cat is a dynamic sailboat that combines speed, accessibility, and durability into one thrilling package. Whether you’re a beginner seeking an exciting learning experience or an experienced sailor looking to take part in competitive races, this catamaran has something exhilarating to offer. So hoist those sails and embark on new aquatic adventures with confidence!

4) Unlocking the Secrets of the Hobie 16 Cat: Tips and Tricks Revealed

If you’re a sailing enthusiast or simply someone who loves being out on the water, chances are you’ve heard of the iconic Hobie 16 Catamaran. This sleek and agile boat has been capturing the hearts of sailors for decades, offering thrilling experiences and unmatched excitement. But what sets this catamaran apart from its counterparts? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the secrets of the Hobie 16 Cat–uncovering tips and tricks that will take your sailing game to new heights.

First things first, let’s talk about why the Hobie 16 Cat is so beloved among sailors worldwide. Its design combines elegance with functionality, providing you both speed and stability on the water. The Hobie 16 features two hulls connected by a trampoline platform, enabling it to effortlessly glide through waves while maintaining excellent balance. This unique configuration not only offers enhanced maneuverability but also makes it possible for one person to captain the boat alone or team up with a crew member for an exhilarating sailing experience.

Now that we understand the essence of this impressive catamaran let’s dive into some insider tips that will help you maximize your Hobie 16 experience:

1) Rigging Techniques: Proper rigging is paramount when it comes to sailing any boat successfully, and the Hobie 16 is no exception. Make sure to master rigging techniques such as attaching the mast step securely, setting up your sails properly for optimal performance under different wind conditions, and tensioning each line appropriately. A well-rigged catamaran can make all the difference in terms of speed and maneuverability.

2) Taming Wind Gusts: Sailing enthusiasts know that dealing with unpredictable gusts of wind can be challenging. To navigate windy conditions while keeping full control over your Hobie 16, try adjusting your sail trim by easing out or sheeting in accordingly. Additionally, pay attention to weight distribution; shifting your crew’s position can help stabilize the boat and prevent capsizing, even when faced with sudden gusts.

3) Mastering the Art of Tacking: One of the most crucial maneuvers in sailing is tacking, which involves turning your boat into the wind without losing momentum. On a Hobie 16 Cat, a well-executed tack can make all the difference between gaining ground and falling behind. Learn to anticipate wind shifts, communicate with your crew effectively, and practice coordinated movements to ensure smooth and efficient tacks. Remember, practice makes perfect!

4) Downwind Sailing Techniques: While upwind performance is important, downwind sailing on a Hobie 16 can be particularly thrilling. To harness the power of the wind while maintaining control, utilize techniques such as wing-on-wing sailing (a method where you set both sails out to opposite sides for maximum utilization of wind), hand steering to adjust your course accurately, and using body weight shifts to optimize balance and stability.

5) Maintenance Matters: Lastly, ensuring proper maintenance of your Hobie 16 Catamaran is essential for its longevity and optimum performance. Regularly inspect all components such as rigging lines, trampoline mesh integrity, mast fittings, rudder system functionality, and sail condition. Invest time in cleaning and storing your boat correctly to prevent any wear or damage that could compromise its efficiency.

With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll soon be unlocking the full potential of your Hobie 16 Catamaran adventures. Whether you’re engaging in friendly regattas or simply enjoying leisurely sails with friends and family trust that these insights will give you an edge over other sailors.

So get out there, embrace the thrill that comes with navigating through waves on this iconic catamaran–and let its secrets reveal themselves as you conquer new horizons!

5) Mastering the Art of Sailing with the Hobie 16 Cat: A Beginner’s Perspective

Title: Mastering the Art of Sailing with the Hobie 16 Cat: Embarking on an Adventurous Journey – A Beginner’s Perspective

Introduction: Sailing is not merely a hobby; it’s an art form that inspires awe and freedom. If you have ever yearned to conquer the vast ocean, sailing with the Hobie 16 Cat is your ticket to an exhilarating adventure. In this blog post, we will delve into the magnificent world of sailing with the iconic Hobie 16 Cat through the eyes of a beginner. Brace yourself for a captivating journey as we explore the art of sailing like never before.

Setting Sail: As beginners, stepping aboard any sailboat can be intimidating. However, with its sleek design and unparalleled performance, the Hobie 16 Cat immediately instills confidence even in novices. Standing at 5 meters long, this catamaran beautifully combines speed and stability, making it a perfect vessel for tackling both calm waters and challenging seas.

Savoring Stability: One of the most enticing aspects of sailing on a Hobie 16 Cat is its remarkable stability. Thanks to its twin hulls connected by a trampoline-like surface, you can confidently navigate turbulent waters without fearing capsizing. The wide beam offers impressive balance while ensuring your safety throughout your learning journey.

Harnessing Wind Power: Mastering sailing requires understanding how to harness wind power effectively. The Hobie 16 Cat excels in this aspect as it comes equipped with powerful sails designed to maximize speed while providing an incredible adrenaline rush. By learning to read wind patterns and trim your sails accordingly, you’ll experience firsthand how effortlessly nature propels your voyage forward.

Thrilling Maneuvers: Once comfortable with basic sailing techniques, you’ll crave excitement and further challenge yourself on the water – enter thrilling maneuvers! With its lightweight hulls and responsive steering mechanism, the Hobie 16 Cat allows even beginners to execute impressive moves such as tacking and jibing. Picture yourself expertly maneuvering through waves, feeling an unparalleled rush of adrenaline flowing through your veins.

Teamwork and Communication: Sailing with the Hobie 16 Cat offers a unique opportunity to develop essential teamwork and communication skills. Coordinating with your crewmate becomes crucial when navigating tight turns or adjusting sails during wind shifts. The shared experience of sailing fosters camaraderie, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Embracing Nature: One cannot truly master the art of sailing without truly appreciating the beauty of nature that surrounds them. Sailing on a Hobie 16 Cat allows you to immerse yourself in the stunning marine environment – vibrant blue waters, breathtaking sunsets, and even curious sea creatures swimming alongside your boat. There is no classroom or office that can replace this profound connection with nature.

The Power of Perseverance: Finally, as a beginner embarking on this sailing adventure, mastering the art of sailing won’t come overnight. It takes time, practice, and unwavering perseverance to become competent in this remarkable hobby. However, every moment spent honing your skills aboard the Hobie 16 Cat is worth it; each triumph fuels your passion for conquering new horizons.

Conclusion: Venturing into the world of sailing with the Hobie 16 Cat is an experience like no other – an amalgamation of confidence-building stability, harnessing wind power seamlessly, thrilling maneuvers that elevate adrenaline levels, fostering teamwork and communication skills amongst crews, embracing mother nature’s wonders, ultimately fueling our determination to persist despite challenges faced along our journey. So why wait? Embark on this incredible adventure today and let the art of sailing imbue your life with endless excitement!

6) Gear Up and Set Sail: Essential Equipment for a Successful Hobie 16 Cat Adventure

Gear Up and Set Sail: Essential Equipment for a Successful Hobie 16 Cat Adventure

Ahoy, fellow adventure-seekers! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable sailing experience aboard the majestic Hobie 16 Cat? We sure hope so because we’re about to spill the beans on all the essential equipment you’ll need for a successful voyage. So grab your sailor’s hat and buckle up, because this is going to be one wild ride!

1. Life Jackets: Safety first, my friends! Before setting sail on any watercraft, it’s crucial to ensure everyone on board has a well-fitting life jacket. While the Hobie 16 Cat is inherently stable, unexpected situations can arise, and having proper flotation devices can make all the difference.

2. Sunscreen: Oh, the unforgiving sun! Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is paramount during any outdoor activity—especially when cruising along on the open waters. So don’t forget to slap on some sunscreen with high SPF before setting sail. Trust us; lobster red skin isn’t exactly fashionable.

3. Waterproof Bag: The sea is a treacherous mistress, and water splashes are inevitable during your catamaran adventure. Keep your valuables safe and dry by stashing them in sturdy waterproof bags or containers onboard. This way, you won’t have to mourn over soggy smartphones or damp wallets.

4. Snacks & Hydration: Sailing can be quite an energy-consuming endeavor—no wonder sailors always talk about rum rations! Be sure to pack some delicious snacks that provide sustenance throughout your adventure at sea. Don’t forget plenty of hydration as well; after all, salty air tends to make our throats as parched as a desert.

5. Nautical Tools & Spares: While we don’t expect our beloved Hobie 16 Cat to break down mid-sail (she’s built like a tank, after all), it’s always wise to carry some basic nautical tools and spare parts. The ocean can be unpredictable, and having the ability to fix minor issues on the fly will keep your journey smooth sailing.

6. Emergency Equipment: Safety should always remain at the forefront of any adventurer’s mind. Take along emergency equipment such as a whistle, flashlight, and a first aid kit that caters specifically to maritime mishaps. In case an unexpected storm arises or you find yourself in an unfortunate situation, these items could prove invaluable.

7. GoPro Camera: Are you even living if you don’t record your epic Hobie 16 Cat adventure? Capture every thrilling moment with a waterproof GoPro camera attached to your gear. Relive those exhilarating rides on the waves and share them with friends—because let’s face it, nobody will believe your stories otherwise!

8. Weather Updates: Mother Nature is notorious for her unpredictability, but we mere mortals can try to keep one step ahead by staying updated on weather conditions. Check local forecasts before setting sail to ensure there are no surprises waiting for you out at sea.

Now that we’ve covered all the essential gear for a successful Hobie 16 Cat adventure, it’s time to hoist those sails and set off into the horizon! Keep this witty guide close at hand, stay safe yet daringly adventurous—and remember, life is meant to be lived outside of our comfort zones. Bon voyage!

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Small Boat Spotlight - Hobie 16

Small Boat Spotlight : The Everlasting Hobie 16

By: Pat Reynolds Learn To Sail , Sailboats , Sailing Fun

When you stop and think about what types of boats are most responsible for luring people into the wonderful world of sailing the Hobie 16 has got to be in the top three on the list. For children of the 1970s and 80s this sexy little catamaran seemed to be sitting on a trailer in every other backyard.

What most simply call the Hobie 16 is an iconic sailboat that is considered by many to be the most popular catamaran in the world. In the beginning, the H16 was marketed as more than some ordinary sailboat that could be easily trailered, rigged and beached. Instead Hobie Alter put forth the idea that to sail this boat was to be part of a lifestyle – the “ Hobie way of life .” Instead of making the pitch that it was a fast fun little boat that could make your summer a little brighter, Alter suggested that sailing a Hobiecat was a reflection of an energized youth with a dash of good-natured rebellion.

There have been over 135,000 of these boats produced since 1969 and they are the second largest boat fleet in existence. The H16 is simple to rig (especially on a beach) and pretty easy to sail, although capsizing is par for the course and regarded by some as fun. Once launched, the full batten main and relatively lightweight construction (320 pounds) makes the boat quite fast and responsive. The Hobie folks state the max speed is nearly 24-knots and there are plenty of Hobie sailors who will agree and verify. At speeds like that you can bet whoever is sailing the boat will be utilizing another element Hobie sailors love – the dual trapeze setup they are equipped with. In 10-15 knots of breeze, skipper and crew can hike their entire bodies out on the wires simultaneously, suspended above the water and as the hull begins to rise, life becomes very sweet. Any beach cat sailor will tell you that sailing along at 15-knots, hiked out and flying a hull is one of the most blissful feelings known to man.

The other very positive aspect of the Hobie 16 is the cost of entry. It remains one of the more inexpensive roads into the world of sailing. A 2017 Hobie 16 is just over $11,000 and that’s ready to sail. Lots of sailboats have a base price and then silly little extras like… sails!! And if the used market is explored, a ready to sail H16 can be picked up for under $1,000, which is pretty incredible.

And lastly, Hobie 16s are also versatile. They’re small enough to throw in the backyard next to the garage without causing marital dismay but once rigged and ready, they’re hearty enough to do some serious coastal sailing. While many Hobie sailors head out for a few hours for some low-key albeit amped up daysailing, others like to actually get in the surf, hit the adrenaline button and use the boat as a surfboard.

It’s a design that has definitely stood the test of time (for good reason) and one that is positive for the sport. The cost to fun ratio is right where we like to see it, so if you don’t have a boat and don’t want to spend a fortune – grab a Hobie 16 and getcha sail on!

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  • Hobie 16 Catamaran Sailboat

prix catamaran hobie cat 16

Hobie 16 Catamaran Sailboat Boats for sale

Hobie 16 Sailboat

Hobie 16 Sailboat

Niantic, Connecticut

Make Hobie Cat

Model Hobie 16

Category Catamaran Sailboats

Length 16.0

Posted Over 1 Month

This beautiful 16 foot Hobie cat is ready to sail! Boat comes with 2 sails (Main and jib) in pristine condition, updated lines, rebuilt rudder fittings, trapeze wires, beach dolly and road trailer. All are in good condition. Need gone, so willing to negotiate. Asking price is $2,000 or best offer!



Ocean View, New Jersey


Model HOBIE 16

Length 16 feet







Norco, California

1977 vintage 16 ft. HOBIE CAT CATAMARAN sailboat and trailer. We have TWO SETS OF SAILS!  One set are the original brightly colored Hobie Cat numbered sails. The other set are high quality NORTH SAILS. The boat has a WATER TIGHT BOAT BOX. Registration is not current, but we have all the paperwork! The trailer will need new tires. Contact Chuck anytime at (951) 283-6122.




2011 Hobie Cat Hobie 16

2011 Hobie Cat Hobie 16

Claremore, Oklahoma

2011 Hobie Cat Hobie 16 Iconic. The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing and defined its culture when she hit the California beach scene in 1969. Now, over forty years later, this Sailboat Hall of Fame inductee continually attracts great sailors and delivers serious adrenaline rushes worldwide. Why? Because the Hobie 16 is the perfect cat, powerful enough for world champions yet forgiving enough for novices. Its dual-trapeze rig helps you and your crew member tame the high-powered sailplan, and its asymmetrically shaped fiberglass hulls reduce weight and eliminate the need for daggerboards. Seriously fast, seriously fun – fly a hull and the obsession begins! Boat and Trailer With trapeze, But Buckets, Main, Jib and carbon fiber EPO Rudders. - Main and Jib(all most new) Trap/but bucket EPO Rudders, Trailer all in good shape...

2014 Hobie Cat Hobie 16

2014 Hobie Cat Hobie 16

2014 Hobie Cat Hobie 16 The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing . The Hobie 16 was unleashed on the Southern California beach scene in 1970 and sailing was instantly transformed. The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran’s lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame and consistently delivers big-grin sailing and world-class racing. Fly a hull and you’ll understand the global obsession! - Very little use on this one. Main, Roller Jib ,Trapeze with full harnesses.

2015 Hobie 16

2015 Hobie 16

Peninsula, Ohio

Category Daysailer Sailboats

2015 Hobie 16 PRICING DOES NOT INCLUDED FACTORY FREIGHT AND DEALER PREP. The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing. The Hobie 16 was unleashed on the Southern California beach scene in 1970 and sailing was instantly transformed. The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran’s lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame and consistently delivers big-grin sailing and world-class racing.

2016 Hobie 16

2016 Hobie 16

Gilford, New Hampshire

2016 Hobie 16 The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing. The Hobie 16 was unleashed on the Southern California beach scene in 1970 and sailing was instantly transformed. The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran’s lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame and consistently delivers big-grin sailing and world-class racing. Fly a hull and you’ll understand the global obsession! **Trailer not included!

2015 Hobie 16

Akron, Ohio

Category Sailboats

2014 Hobie Cat Getaway

2014 Hobie Cat Getaway

East Greenwich, Rhode Island

Model Getaway

16 ft. Hobie Cat Getaway - literally like new! The Getaway is designed to sail easily and safely with the roller furling jib and boomless main. The unique hull design delivers the performance Hobies are know for – even flying a hull for the thrill seeksers out there. This boat was purchased August, 2014 to get our teenagers into sailing. It was only used during the two weeks we were on Cape Cod (approximately 5 times). Unfortunately, tubing and wakeboarding hold more allure, so we are switching over to a small powerboat. Sails are the Seabreeze color scheme. Being the brand new 2014 model, it includes all the upgrades that come with the new re-design including the improved rudders. The boat comes well equipped but we added: the Wing Seats ($1100 option); Trapeze wires and quick height adjusters with competition trap rings; composite hiking stick (long) with a stainless quick release, and a 2:1 downhaul. 2014 Load Rite Sailboat trailer (with mast support) included in the package. This trailer is equipped with larger rims and upgraded tires for better highway performance as well as bearing buddies for easy maintenance. It also has a rear mast bracket to make trailering that much easier and secure. The trailer has touched water only twice in its life – one launch and one boat removal. Normal 0 false false false EN-US JA X-NONE

16' 2004 Hobie Cat Getaway

16' 2004 Hobie Cat Getaway

Castleton, Vermont

Please contact boat owner Daniel at 802-558-0234. This is a 2004 Hobiecat Getaway rotomolded catamaran style sailboat, 16'7" in length, with main sail and Furling jib. Has wing seats, hiking sticktiller extension, Sail bag and jib cover, Onboard Coolers and storage space, and Forward Extended Trampoline. Has been used in fresh water only and was rarely used. Everything works and is ready to sail. Located on Lake Bomoseen, VT. Nice boat, fun, easy to sail. Currently in storage. No trailer. Can make appointments to show it.

16' Prindle Sailboat

16' Prindle Sailboat

Commerce Twp, Michigan

Up for sale is my 16' Prindle. The main sale is multi colored and in very good shape considering this is not a new boat, the jib is solid Yellow. The Boats pontoons are in very good shape with no soft spots. The Trailer is Aluminum and also in good shape and has bearing buddies installed. I have not sailed in years but have sailed extensively on both this prindle and other sailboats. The 16 Prindle handles the heavy wind far better than a hobie and very importantly can be self righted when/if you flip it by just one person. This point can not be overstated you dont want to be stranded in the middle of the lake because you are sailing an 18' It will take a weekend to clean up and to do the intisl setup. On a prindle each rudder is raised and lowered manually and independantly of the other by two different lines, for a total of four four foot lines. These lines are about three to four feet long each. These lines are available at lowes or home depot in the rope section and cost a total under $10.00. It is easy with just a coat hanger to re-line your rudders in about 20 minutes and is part of good maitenance to do on who evers prindle you adopt. Besides this just a good overall cleaning and waxing much like you would your car. The trailer has Michigan plates but the tabs are expired. I contacted secretary of state today and was told that boats under 20' in Michigan do not have title but just a bill of sale, please feel free to confirm this independantly with the Michigan Secretary of State office. All the other ropes and block along with the main and jib sails and the boom, Mast and cables, have been stored inside and are in excellent condition. I am no longer including the trampoline so you will have to buy a new one. This is good because new trampolines are so much better than the original trampolines that came with these boats. The reason is you tend to slide across these tramps very often as you move from port to starboard under the boom and vice versa and nothing is worse than the original trampoline for this or a modern trampoline with burs/small inperfections. You also want a trampoline that will be smooth to slide across without any obstacles in the mat ie Straps, Gromets, Rope and in my opinion rope pockets. See Aromic Tarp Website for 16' Prindle Mats. http://www.atomictarp.com/catamaran_trampolines?id=catamaran_trampolines&bas=&categories=4 The prindle is at my home on commerce lake in Commerce Township, MI. It is loaded on its aluminum trailer in my driveway. $650 firm 248-266-2045 or 248-894-6387 Emailing is the easiest way to reach me, I check my email often thru out the day and can respond to any questions quickly.

 Hobie Cat Getaway

Hobie Cat Getaway

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Malvern, Pennsylvania

New Hobie Cat Getaway 16 Sailboat- Now taking orders for Spring 2024 deliveries!

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2005 Trophy 2002 Trophy Pro

2005 Trophy 2002 Trophy Pro

Fayetteville, GA

2005 bombardier Seadoo GTI

2005 bombardier Seadoo GTI

Lake Havasu City, AZ

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Sailing boat Hobie catamaran 16 LE Race

Sailing boat Hobie catamaran 16 LE Race

  • Description

The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing. The Hobie 16 was unleashed on the Southern California beach scene in 1970 and sailing was instantly transformed. New Boat upon order with white asymmetric hulls in polyester with colour stripes, Anti-skid neoprene, Dacron Color sails, reef points in the mainsail, Special batten end caps, Mesh trampoline with pocket, Double trapeze with J&H handles, White Knight rudder blades, Fiberglas tiller extension, Rear crossbar with integrated rail, Race blocks, SSI main traveller.


Capacity: 240 kg Mainsail area: 13,77 m² Jib area: 5,12 m² Spi area(option): 17,50 m² Crew:    2 EC homologation category: C

Extra  Hobie 16 Options

  • Brand: Hobie cat
  • Product Code: Hobie_Cat_16_LE_Race
  • Availability: 25-30 working days

Tags: Hobie cat 16 LE Race


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Support / One-design deck layouts

Hobie 16 Deck Layout

prix catamaran hobie cat 16

The class-legal 6:1 downhaul features 29 mm Carbo triples for a powerful system with short stack heights that allow more room for sail adjustment.

prix catamaran hobie cat 16

Aussie Jib Halyard

This 4:1 system significantly reduces compression load at the mastbase for easier tacking, mast rotation, and consistent mast bend.

Carbo Ratchamatic® Mainsheet

Lightweight, low profile, and very strong, 57 mm Carbo® Air® blocks have an enormous working range and despite their lighter weight, a higher working load than standard blocks. These load-sensing blocks seamlessly engage the ratchet as loads increase, but unloaded roll freely during mark roundings and gybes. Ratchet engagement adjusts to a higher or lower load depending on strength and style. Holding power is as high as 10:1.

If you would like to link to or reprint this article please contact  [email protected]

Class History

This 1979 Hobie Alter catamaran was the first to bring high-performance sailing to the masses. The “Cat that Can Fly” is priced right, easy to rig and sail, and can be launched from any beach—no yacht club required. Max offwind speed has been certified at 24 knots (28 mph), giving crew harnessed in shoulder-to-shoulder trapezes the ride of their lives. With more than 135,000 built, this iconic little cat is the most popular in the world and continues to lure sailors into the “work hard, play hard” spirit of the Hobie way of life.

Links Hobie 16 Class McLube™

Boat Specifications

Length: 16 ft 7 in (5 m) Beam: 7 ft 11 in (2.1 m) Mast: 26 ft 6 in (8 m) Sail Area: 218 sq. ft (20.25 sq. m) Weight: 320 lb (145 kg)

prix catamaran hobie cat 16

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Evo Sailing

  • Catamarans - Hobie Cat
  • Catamarans Hobie Cat
  • Accastillage Catamaran Hobie

5 390,00 € - 16 880,00 €

Il y a 9 produits.

Filtres actifs

Catamaran Hobie Cat 14


Catamaran Hobie Cat 15


Catamaran Hobie Cat 16


Catamaran Hobie Cat Catsy


Catamaran Hobie Cat Dragoon


Catamaran Hobie Cat T1

réf : HOBHCT1

Catamaran Hobie cat Wave


Catamaran Hobie Getaway


Trimaran HOBIE - Mirage Tandem Island

réf : KHOB889204

Catamaran de sport Hobie Cat:

Découvrez l'univers Hobie-Cat, la plus célèbre des marques de catamarans de sport avec le Hobie Cat 16 , le modèle emblématique de la marque qui reste à ce jour une référence en matière de catamaran de loisirs.

Depuis les années 50, Hobie Alter , le fondateur de la marque s'est employé à construire un style de vie unique, basé sur le fun. L'histoire à commencé dans un garage ou Hobie shapait des surf en bois. Dans les années 60 Hobie sorti les premiers catamarans de sport avec le Hobie-cat 14 .

Dès lors, la marque Hobie-Cat  n'a cessé d' innover et de se développer. Hobie-Cat propose aujourd'hui toute une gamme de produits pour découvrir les sports nautique.

Bien sur, pour beaucoup de personnes Hobie est synonyme de catamarans de sport avec le plus célèbre d'entre, le HOBIE 16 . Mais Hobie, c'est aussi des Surf, paddle et Kayak de mer pour la ballade et la pêche. D'ailleurs dans ce domaine Hobie est rapidement devenu le leader mondial des Kayaks de pêche et de loisirs avec un système de propulsion Unique et révolutionnaire, le Mirage Drive .

Sur cette page, vous découvrirez tout l'univers de la marque Hobie® avec les catamarans de sport  Hobie-Cat, les Kayak MirageDrive , les trimarans Island , les Paddle à pédales Eclipse .

Vous pourrez également retrouver sue cette page toutes les  pièces détachée Hobie-Cat

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  1. Catamaran de sport de régate / double / double trapèze / Hobie Cat 16

    prix catamaran hobie cat 16

  2. Location catamaran Lancieux : Louer un catamaran Hobie Cat 16 Race

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  3. Catamaran Hobie Cat 16 race color à 12 600,00 €

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  4. Hobie Cat 16 un catamaran de légende ⚓

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  5. Hobie Cat 16 RACE

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  6. Catamaran Hobie Cat 16| Evo Sailing

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  1. Hobbie 16 Sailing

  2. hobie cat 21 Volente Pesce

  3. 51st Australian Hobie National Championship⎹ Part 2

  4. Vuelco hobie 16 rota

  5. Hobie Cat 14

  6. Catamaran Segeln Portugal Algarve Hobie Cat Sailing Algarve Lagos


  1. Hobie 16 Catamaran

    The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran's lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame ...

  2. Hobie Cat 16 achat/vente d'occasion, annonces et prix

    Le Hobie Cat 16 (HC16), construit par le chantier Hobie Cat est le catamaran de sport le plus populaire qui soit : né en 1971, il s'en est vendu depuis plus de 100 000 unités ! C'est la star des catamarans légers pour la navigation en bord de plage et la régate. Il est toujours produit actuellement, les bateaux neufs coûtent 14000€.

  3. Hobie Cat 16

    The Hobie Cat 16 is a 16'7" (5.05m) double handed sport/beach catamaran designed by Hobbart (Hobie) Alter (United States). She is built since 1969 by Hobie Cat (United States) with 32767 hulls completed. The Classic version is offered with a boom allowing better and larger sails. The Hobie Cat 16 is as well listed, on Boat-Specs.com, in Easy version (see all the versions compared).

  4. HOBIE 16

    It takes into consideration "reported" sail area, displacement and length at waterline. The higher the number the faster speed prediction for the boat. A cat with a number 0.6 is likely to sail 6kts in 10kts wind, a cat with a number of 0.7 is likely to sail at 7kts in 10kts wind. KSP = (Lwl*SA÷D)^0.5*0.5

  5. Catamaran Hobie Cat 16| Evo Sailing

    Le plus connu des catamarans de sport. Le Hobie Cat 16, c'est le catamaran de sport le plus vendu et le plus populaire au monde. Au fil du temps, ce nom Hobie 16 est devenu générique lorsque l'on parlait de catamarans. Reconnaissable entre tous, avec ses coques ''Bananée'', Le 16 dévale et surf les vagues en parfait équilibre.

  6. 2024 Hobie 16 Sailboat

    Hobie Cat Hobie 16. Rating * Name Review Subject * Comments * $14,400.00. SKU: 10001 UPC: MPN: Hobie16 Current Stock: ... The Hobie 16 is the catamaran that started a revolution. The Hobie 16 is still the most recognizable and iconic fiberglass catamaran. With over 100,000 built, the 16 expanded the worlds' view on what fast, beach launched ...

  7. Hobie 16 Cat: The Ultimate Guide to Sailing and Racing this Iconic

    == Short answer hobie 16 cat: == The Hobie 16 Cat is a popular and versatile sailboat designed for racing and recreational sailing. It features a two-person crew, trapeze harnesses for added stability, and a powerful sail rig. With its speed and maneuverability, the Hobie 16 Cat has gained popularity worldwide. 1) Exploring the World

  8. Hobie Cat Catamaran H16 boats for sale in United States

    2023 Hobie Cat H16. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of transaction. Find Hobie Cat Catamaran H16 boats for sale in United States.

  9. Hobie 16 Catamaran

    The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran's lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame ...

  10. Hobie Cat 16 Boats for sale

    Category Catamaran Sailboats. Length 16'. Posted Over 1 Month. 1987 Hobie Cat Hobie 16 1987 Hobie Cat 16' catamaran excellant condition multi-color sails in excellant condition also with trailer and built in sail storage box on trailer $2,100. Turn key, ready to sail the day you purchase.

  11. Hobie 16 Sailboat Resources

    The Hobie 16 is the catamaran that started a revolution. The Hobie 16 is still the most recognizable and iconic fiberglass catamaran. With over 100,000 built, the 16 expanded the worlds' view on what fast, beach launched fun could be like. The Hobie 16 came out in the 1970s and yet is still raced around the world and up and down the west coast.

  12. Hobie Cat 16 boats for sale

    A sailboat built by Hobie Cat, the 16 is a daysailer vessel. Hobie Cat 16 boats are typically used for day-cruising, sailing and watersports. Got a specific Hobie Cat 16 in mind? There are currently 25 listings available on Boat Trader by both private sellers and professional boat dealers. The oldest boat was built in 1987 and the newest model ...

  13. Small Boat Spotlight: The Everlasting Hobie 16 Catamaran

    It remains one of the more inexpensive roads into the world of sailing. A 2017 Hobie 16 is just over $11,000 and that's ready to sail. Lots of sailboats have a base price and then silly little extras like… sails!! And if the used market is explored, a ready to sail H16 can be picked up for under $1,000, which is pretty incredible.

  14. Hobie 16 Catamaran Sailboat Boats for sale

    Please contact boat owner Daniel at 802-558-0234. This is a 2004 Hobiecat Getaway rotomolded catamaran style sailboat, 16'7" in length, with main sail and Furling jib. Has wing seats, hiking sticktiller extension, Sail bag and jib cover, Onboard Coolers and storage space, and Forward Extended Trampoline.

  15. Hobie 16

    The beach-launched Hobie 16 brought the sport to legions of speed-loving sailors. The catamaran's lightweight, asymmetrical fiberglass hulls provide lift and its dual-trapeze rig lets you and your crew member harness its sheer power. Now, 45 years and over 100,000 boats later, the Hobie 16 occupies a coveted spot in the Sailboat Hall of Fame ...

  16. 2023 Hobie Cat H16 Catamaran for sale

    2023 Hobie Cat H16. Call for Availability: Fort Lauderdale. The Hobie H16 is a fiberglass hull sailboat. Its lightweight hull provides lift while its dual-trapeze rig allows you and one other to harness its sheer power. At just 320 pounds, the H16 has an 800 pound capacity. Its large sail has a total of 218 ft² total sail area at a length of 26'6.

  17. Sail-camping on a Hobie 16

    A multihull that can multitask—a load-carrying speed demon by day, and a Queen-Size berth by night. The late Hobie Alter would have been proud. In the Florida Panhandle, Robert Burgess and his friend Doug decided to try a tricky weekend sail into a part of St. Andrew Bay, near Panama City, where sailboats never go.

  18. Hobie cat 16 LE Race sailing beach and racing catamaran

    Sailing boat Hobie catamaran 16 LE Race. Description. The Hobie 16 revolutionized multihull sailing. The Hobie 16 was unleashed on the Southern California beach scene in 1970 and sailing was instantly transformed. New Boat upon order with white asymmetric hulls in polyester with colour stripes, Anti-skid neoprene, Dacron Color sails, reef ...

  19. Hobie 16 Deck Layout

    Class History This 1979 Hobie Alter catamaran was the first to bring high-performance sailing to the masses. The "Cat that Can Fly" is priced right, easy to rig and sail, and can be launched from any beach—no yacht club required. Max offwind speed has been certified at 24 knots (28 mph), giving crew harnessed in shoulder-to-shoulder trapezes the ride of their lives. With more than ...

  20. Hobie Cat

    Prix 5 390,00 € - 16 880,00 € ... Découvrez l'univers Hobie-Cat, la plus célèbre des marques de catamarans de sport avec le Hobie Cat 16, le modèle emblématique de la marque qui reste à ce jour une référence en matière de catamaran de loisirs. Depuis les années 50, ...

  21. Getaway Catamaran

    The rotomolded Getaway catamaran's performance-minded hulls, its efficient, mainsail-driven sailplan and its roller-furling jib and you quickly discover a sailing pedigree that leaves "party boats" stalled out. ... When the agenda involves sailing with friends and family, the Hobie Getaway is a sure-fire ticket to multihull fun. Stir in the ...

  22. T2

    The T2 is the benchmark boat for performance rotomolded sailing. With its two-layer rotomolded polyethylene hulls, the T2 is the ideal boat to sail with the family, among friends or in clubs. With plenty of buoyancy, it is the benchmark boat for school sailing and safe family leisure. This new generation of Hobie Cat with its innovative design ...

  23. Hobie 16 Catamaran

    Das geringe Gewicht der asymmetrischen Glasfiberrümpfe dieses Katamarans erzeugt Auftrieb und sein Doppeltrapez-Rigg lässt Sie und Ihre Besatzung seine schiere Kraft nutzbar machen. Nun, nach 45 Jahren und über 100.000 Boote später, hat der Hobie 16 einen begehrten Platz in der Hall of Fame der Segelboote inne und liefert immer noch ...