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Abandoned Vessels on State Waterways

California has the fourth largest boating population in the nation, with 626,642 registered recreational vessels in 2023. While responsible owners dispose of vessels lawfully, others abandon them on state waterways where they impede navigation, interfere with boating traffic, and cause environmental harm.

Our abandoned vessel removal program began when SB 595 (Wolk, Chapter 595, Statutes of 2011) was enacted. This law established an administrative removal and disposal process for abandoned and trespassing vessels on waterways under the Commission’s jurisdiction. The law authorizes the Commission to immediately remove a vessel without notice if it hinders navigation, is a threat to vessel operators, an environmental hazard, or a public nuisance. Although the authority created in SB 595 is exclusive to the Commission, local jurisdictions have the authority to remove abandoned vessels and frequently do so. Another abandoned vessel law was enacted in 2015 when   AB 1323 was signed into law. AB 1323 authorizes a public agency to remove and dispose of marine debris after 10 days if the debris is floating, sunk, partially sunk, or beached in or on a public waterway, public beach, or on state tide or submerged lands.

The Commission focuses its efforts on commercial vessels because no other state agency has both the authority and funds to do so. Recreational vessels are typically smaller and less expensive to remove, and funding may be available to remove them through the Division of Boating and Waterways Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange ( SAVE ) grant program.

Staff Reports

  • Abandoned Commercial Vessel Removal Plan consideration
  • Delegation of Authority
  • Kapiloff Land Bank Fund expenditure authorizations
  • Legislation
  • Vessel Removals
Staff Report Description
Consider approval of the “Abandoned Commercial Vessel Removal Plan, Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Region”.
Staff Report Description
Amendment to expand the authority of the Executive Officer to take actions necessary to remove or dispose of abandoned, derelict, or trespassing vessels from state waterways; and to revise the delegation in the absence of the Executive Officer to add the Chief, External Affairs Division.
Request that the Commission delegate authority to the Executive Officer to retain a contractor to prepare an environmental document and to conduct studies to implement a Commercial Abandoned and Derelict Vessel (CADV)  Removal Program in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Staff Report Description
For removal and disposal of abandoned vessels, marine debris, navigational hazards or obstructions, and derelict structures in the San Francisco area.
For the emergency removal and disposal of marine debris in the Sacramento River; authorization of settlement in lieu of litigation; and authority to recoup costs.
Staff Report Description
To amend the Public Resources Code to create an administrative process that gives the Commission the ability to remove and dispose of abandoned vessels, trespassing vessels, and trespassing ground tackle.
To amend the Public Resources Code to create an administrative process that gives the Commission the ability to remove and dispose of abandoned vessels, trespassing vessels, and trespassing ground tackle.
To create an administrative process that gives the Commission the ability to remove and dispose of abandoned vessels, trespassing vessels, and trespassing ground tackle.
Support State Legislation (AB 3441, Frazier).
Consider supporting the Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Removal Act of 2024 (H.R. 7719) introduced by Representative Garamendi to address abandoned and derelict vessels in state and federal waterways.
Staff Report Description
Authorize the Executive Officer to take action necessary and appropriate to remove and dispose of an abandoned vessel from state sovereign lands, located within the Sacramento River at Courtland, Sacramento County.
Consider authorization for staff and the office of the Attorney General to take all steps necessary, including litigation, to cause the removal of barges, boats, a sunken crane, and other floating objects illegally occupying state land in Mayberry Slough at Donlan Island, Sacramento County.
Consider authorization for staff and/or the office of the Attorney General to take all steps necessary, including ejectment and litigation, to cause the removal of two vessels illegally occupying state land in the Old River at Beaver Island, Contra Costa County.
Consider authorization for the staff of the California State Lands Commission and/or the Office of the Attorney General to take legal action against Michael Skarry to cause removal of derelict vessels, and to prohibit the unauthorized occupation of state sovereign lands at the confluence of Mokelumne River and Seven Mile Slough, Sacramento County.
Consider authorization for staff of the California State Lands Commission and/or the office of the Attorney General to take all steps necessary, including litigation to cause compliance with the Commission’s leasing authority; and to prohibit unauthorized mooring of vessels on state sovereign land in the San Joaquin River and Seven Mile Slough; and to remove abandoned barges and cranes, at the confluence of the San Joaquin River and Seven Mile Slough, Sacramento County.
Consider authorization for the staff of the California State Lands Commission to remove and dispose of an abandoned vessel from sovereign state lands in the Old River.
Consider authorization for the staff of the California State Lands Commission to remove and dispose of a derelict vessel, the (USCG # 511032), illegally occupying state lands in San Pablo Bay, offshore of Lone Tree Point, city of Rodeo, Contra Costa County.
Consider taking title to and authorizing staff to remove and dispose of abandoned vessel on sovereign land in the Sacramento River.
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vessel on sovereign land in the Sacramento River.
Consider rescinding the authorization to take title to and remove and dispose of an abandoned vessel; authorize the executive officer in cooperation with the office of the attorney general to bring any appropriate civil action against the registered owner of the vessel Jerel D. Elliott, Jr., and any other potentially responsible party, to remove and dispose of abandoned vessel CF 5601 CK or to recoup costs related to its removal and disposal; direct staff to seek funds that can be expended to remove and dispose of vessel CF 5601 CK and, if such funds are found and the executive officer determines it to be financially prudent and in the state’s best interests, to contract for removal and disposal of the vessel; on sovereign land in the Sacramento River.
Authorize staff to take title to, remove, and dispose of two abandoned vessels in Sevenmile Slough, Sacramento County; contract for removal and disposal; and seek to recoup costs.
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned barge Granted sovereign land in the San Joaquin River, Antioch, adjacent to 111 Fulton Shipyard Road, Antioch, Contra Costa County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vessel on sovereign land in Haypress Reach, San Joaquin River, near McDonald Island, San Joaquin County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vessel on Sovereign land in the Calaveras River, adjacent to 2929 Calariva Drive, Stockton, San Joaquin County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vessel on sovereign land in the Sacramento River, near Freeport, Sacramento County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of three abandoned vessels, on sovereign land in Fraser Shoal, Broad Slough, Sacramento County, and authorizing staff to enter a settlement agreement
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an abandoned vessel on sovereign land in Mayberry Slough, near Donlon Island, Sacramento County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of twenty-two abandoned vessels on sovereign lands in Fraser Shoal, Broad Slough, Sacramento County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an unnamed abandoned wooden tugboat on sovereign lands in White Slough, adjacent to King Island, San Joaquin County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an unnamed abandoned and sunk steel barge on private submerged lands in Little Potato Slough, between Little Venice Island and Empire Tract, San Joaquin County
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an unnamed floating barge on sovereign lands in the San Joaquin River, adjacent to Mandeville Tip County Park, San Joaquin County.
Consider taking title to and authorizing the removal and disposal of an unnamed dredger on sovereign land in the San Joaquin River, near Windmill Cove Marina, San Joaquin County.

Examples of recently removed abandoned vessels

Eckley Pier Piling Removal Project

Eckley Pier Piling Removal Project

Dec 12, 2023

The Eckley Pier Removal Project in the Carquinez Strait near the town of Crockett is complete! On October 30, 2023, Commission staff and CS Marine began the removal process of derelict pilings from the Carquinez Strait. Demolition was completed on November 11, 2023,...

Removal and disposal of abandoned and derelict vessels in the Carquinez Strait

Removal and disposal of abandoned and derelict vessels in the Carquinez Strait

Nov 1, 2022

The Commission and its contractor removed and disposed of all abandoned and derelict vessels in the Carquinez Strait in the town of Crockett. The Commission removed five vessels: a 45-foot CalBay workboat, a 60-foot landing craft, a pontoon boat, and two large steel...

Removal and disposal of tugboat, Standard No. 2, from Sevenmile Slough

Removal and disposal of tugboat, Standard No. 2, from Sevenmile Slough

Sep 28, 2022

In September, the Commission removed another abandoned vessel from a state waterway, the Tugboat Standard No. 2. The removal follows official Commission authorization last year (Staff Report 31) for staff to take title to, remove, and dispose of the tugboat Standard...

Removal and disposal of ASR-85, All American, from the Sacramento River

Removal and disposal of ASR-85, All American, from the Sacramento River

Aug 3, 2022

On August 3, the Commission’s contractor demolished a derelict vessel called the All American. The All American was a former military Air-Sea Rescue (ASR or “crash boat”) 85-foot vessel that had been privately owned for many years. A homeowner brought the All...

Valiant safely removed from the water at Mare Island

Valiant safely removed from the water at Mare Island

Jan 19, 2022

On January 12, the VALIANT, a 107 ton abandoned WWII-era steel tugboat, broke free from its mooring in Sevenmile Slough, Sacramento County, and drifted into the San Joaquin River navigation channel. The Commission, Sacramento and San Joaquin County Sheriff’s offices,...

Gretchen E.

the abandoned ship, docked.

The Gretchen E., docked.

In 2018, the Commission and the U.S. Coast Guard removed the derelict 55-foot, steel-hulled, landing craft–style Gretchen E. at Crockett Marina in Contra Costa County. The removal was precipitated by the U.S. Coast Guard responding to reported oil sheens and discovering oil bubbles coming from the Gretchen E. Commission staff worked with the U.S. Coast Guard to remove and demolish the Gretchen E. The initial plan, lifting the vessel out of the water by crane barge, was discarded because the Marina was too narrow for a barge to enter. instead, we refloated the boat, using a small boat to tow it out of the marina and then using two tugs—one on either side—to tow it across the Strait to Mare Island. This approach worked. We towed the Gretchen E to Mare Island and lifted it out of the water. We removed hazardous material and sent the vessel to a scrapper for demolition.

Spirit of Sacramento

free sailboats california

The abandoned and sinking vessel, Spirit of Sacramento

The old  Spirit of Sacramento  was built in 1942 by the Berkeley Steel Construction Co. as a snag boat for the Army Corp. of Engineers and named the  Putah . It was last documented by the Coast Guard in 2000 as the  Grand Romance  at 82 ft. in length; 32.5 ft. in breath; drawing 3.9 ft. at a gross tonnage of 97 tons.

Previously named the  Chici San  it was used in the 1954 movie “Blood Alley” starring John Wayne. It was acquired by Star Excursions Inc. in 1991 for a show boat in Old Sacramento. In 1996 it burned to the waterline and was sold and rebuilt then moved it the location in the photographs on the Sacramento River. There it periodically was swamped and sunk until it was raised and removed by court order as the result of a lawsuit by the Commission.

free sailboats california

The San Diego, an abandoned vessel.

With her sister ship the Coronado, the  San Diego,  built by the Moore Drydock Company in 1931 in Oakland, at 191 ft. in length and 43 ft. wide, provided car and passenger transportation between the City of San Diego and Coronado Island before the bridge was built in 1969. Then purchased by the Olympic Navigation Company she served the route between Port Townsend and Whidbey Island in Washington.  The  San Diego  moved to Vancouver, British Columbia when its owners ceased operation in 1974 and remained for 20 years as the Klondike Queen,  waiting to be rebuilt as a paddlewheel excursion boat.

Brought back to California in 1994, she became the failed venture of the City of Antioch to turn her into a floating restaurant called Huckleberries. Sold to a Sacramento Corporation which operated riverboats, she partially burned and was eventually traded to an individual for Delta land. Then the  San Diego  was moored in the Sacramento River at the lower tip of Decker Island.

A phone inquiry from the Solano County Sheriff’s marine patrol questioned her right to be moored at that location, side tied to the  Faithful , a 293 ft. former cruiser/hospital ship. A threat of legal action resulted in the removal of the Faithful, but a lawsuit and years of negotiation was required to finally remove and demolish the San Diego. Various parts of her structure have been retained and are on display at the San Diego Maritime Museum.

Oakland / Alameda Estuary Cleanup

abandoned boat in the estuary

The cleanup efforts in the Oakland/Alameda estuary.

Officers with the Oakland police department first noted what a cleanup could accomplish when First Lady Michelle Obama visited the Estuary to christen a ship. On patrol of the Estuary, the large number of abandoned and derelict boats that littered the waters and shores were observed on a daily basis. The police department contacted the California Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery (CalRecycle) and requested the Commission exercise its authority under Public Resources Code Section 6302.1 to remove the vessels. With funding from CalRecycle and a matching grant from the Trust created from the penalties of the Cosco Busan oil spill, the effort started.

An initial survey in 2012 recorded the location of each boat, which was logged and photographed. Once funding was confirmed in 2013, a task force of Oakland and Alameda police, accompanied by other police agencies, the Coast Guard, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, posted a 30-day notice of trespass on each boat. Boats remaining after the 30-day notice expired were towed and impounded. The few seaworthy vessels were eligible for release, but the majority were un-seaworthy and demolished. Altogether, trespass notices were posted on 38 boats, 18 boats left voluntarily, five moved within the Estuary and were later located and demolished, two left the Estuary but were later found derelict in other areas and recovered and demolished. A total of 58 abandoned or derelict boats were removed and demolished along with pilings, docks, and other shore debris.

Courtland Pontoon Boat

free sailboats california

The abandoned and sinking vessel, the Courtland Pontoon Boat.

This pontoon boat was free floating down the Sacramento River near the town of Courtland. Commission staff procured the services of a Sacramento auto wrecking company and managed to pull the boat up the river bank and onto highway 160. After it emerged from the river it was discovered that its pontoons were flooded, which added about ten thousand pounds to the effort. Once they were drained, it was hauled off to the wrecking company’s yard.

Abandoned Vessel infographic from the NOAA Office of Response & Restoration.

Sunken and abandoned ships can cause a lot of potential damage to the environment and the economy. Credit: NOAA Office of Response & Restoration. Larger view available .

Public Land Manager Vicki Caldwell 916.574.1894

Administrative Jennifer Bryant 916.574.1865

Attorney Andrew Kershen 916.574.2501

[email protected]

Abandoned Commercial Vessel Removal Plan

AB 2441 (Frazier, 2019) requires the Commission to develop a plan to remove abandoned and derelict commercial vessels in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta.

Best Management Practices for Marine Debris Removal

The Commission’s best management practices are advisory and guide local entities responsible for marine debris removal. The Commission adopted these best management practices in 2016, following the enactment of AB 1323  (Frazier), which required the Commission to adopt best management practices for marine debris removal after consulting with interested state and local entities.

Boats with Causes

Donate a Boat California

CA Boat Donations to Charity

Donate Boat California! Sailboat, Yacht, Houseboat, Fishing Boat, Any Watercraft

Support Causes that Make a Difference with your California Boat Donation anywhere throughout the entire state. Boats with Causes has been the leader in California boat donations since 2001! Donate sailboats , powerboats , personal watercraft , fishing boats , boat trailers , commercial boats , floating homes , houseboats or a yacht fast and hassle free. Stop wasting time trying to sell your California boat on Boat Trader , craigslist, Yacht World , Facebook, Boats.com or other boating classified websites.

We would like to make your California boat donation the easiest donation you’ll ever make! We make sure it’s easy by making it only one step. Just call (888)-228-7320 today or complete the form below; let us know where your donation is located, and we will take care of the rest. We handle all IRS required tax documents , take care of the state title and Bill of sale transfer paperwork, and offer free towing anywhere in the state. This ensures a free and clear transfer the first time; fully releasing your liability from any further marina dues, maintenance, registration and insurance. When you’re ready to give we are ready to help you make a real difference for charity.

What Do I Receive When I Make A Boat Donation In California? A charitable donation of a boat is very beneficial not only to you, but to our charitable organization as well. In return for your generosity the IRS provides the eligibility for a full fair market value tax deduction as long as you donate with a reputable IRS qualified organization. Boats With Causes, run by Giving Center is a fully IRS compliant charitable organization eligible to accept any type or size watercraft throughout California and in return issue a full fair market value tax deduction receipt to donors. This tax deduction is in most cases based directly on the market value of your boat. Lock-in your benefits today by giving us a call at (888)-228-7320 or by filling out the following California boat donation form today.

  • Donor Information
  • Property Address

Recent California Boat Donations Examples:

Powerboat Donation California

  • Chula Vista
  • Huntington beach
  • Mission Beach
  • Newport Beach
  • Pacific Beach
  • Santa Barbara

We accept donations throughout the entire USA.

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We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give..

Boats with Causes is a part of the Giving Center family, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization (IRS approved EIN# 92-1162407), that provides assistance to those in need nationwide. Giving Center joins together the support of our own programs, along with various other non-profit organizations and individuals to provide services to those less fortunate through the act of charitable giving. Working as a long-standing maritime partner to individuals seeking to gain and give the greatest possible benefit and Donate Smart!

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Cal Sailing Club Open House & Free Sailboat Rides | Berkeley

EVENT UPDATE: There are no upcoming events known for this event series - please check the organizer website for any updates.

The Cal Sailing Club (CSC) offers sailing to the public aboard the fleet of keelboats (large and stable) and dinghies (fast and zippy, but kinda tippy) ten times a year.

Whether you are new at sailing or an “old salt,” you can enjoy a spectacular voyage within sight of the University of California, the Bay Bridge, San Francisco, and the Golden Gate.

CSC is an independent, non-profit cooperative; our popular Open Houses are a great way to get a free sail of around ½ hour in one of the most beautiful settings on the planet — and to learn about boat and waterfront safety, Bay ecology, and the fun of non-motorized watercraft.

Almost all Open Houses are held from 1-3 pm Sunday afternoons.

It can get wet (duh) – Bring a strap for eyeglasses or sunglasses, a string to hold your cap on, shoes that can get wet (better avoid flip flops) and comfortable clothes including a windbreaker. A change of clothes can come in handy in case you get soaked. You can borrow our foulies (heavy raincoats) and a PFD (life jacket, required).

Arrive Early: Please try to arrive at 1 pm when the signups begin at the table. On nice days we get lots of visitors. If the tide is dropping, we may have to end sailing earlier than 4 pm, though we try our best to get everyone aboard. Want to skip the open house and become a member to learn to sail and windsurf? Lessons and use of equipment are all included in the club’s membership, which is only $120 ($99 students/seniors) plus 2 hours volunteer time for 3 months of fun.

The club is non-profit and volunteers provide all the teaching, repairs, and administration.

Cal Sailing Club Open House Dates | 2020 Almost all Open Houses are held from 1-3 pm Sunday afternoons. Heavy rain or excessive winds many cancel. Dates for 2020 Open House Sunday, March 15* Saturday, April 18- Coincides with the Berkeley Bay Festival* Sunday, May 17 Sunday, June 7 Sunday, July 19 Sunday, August 9 Sunday, September 20 Sunday, October 18 Sunday, November 8 Where are you located? CSC is just east of the Shorebird Center, at 124 University Ave. on the Berkeley Marina, facing Emeryville, about ¼ mile before the Berkeley Pier. There’s plenty of parking for cars and bikes, and AC transit stops just opposite the club. Be sure to ask the bus driver if the bus goes to the Marina.

Event Details

Most popular upcoming events.

  • SF’s New “Lucky Cat Club” Night Market at Stonestown
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  • 52nd Annual Mountain View Art & Wine Festival (Sept. 7-8)
  • Take the Scenic Route w/ San Francisco Bay Ferry (As Low As $1)
  • 2024 Annual Bay Area “Chuseok” Korean Harvest Festival (The Presidio)
  • Oakland Chinatown’s 1st Ever Night Market “Dumpling Olympics”
  • SF’s 5th Annual African Arts Festival (Yerba Buena Gardens Festival 2024)
  • Free Rides on SF’s Open-Air Boat Tram

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Boats "free" for sale in SF Bay Area

  • Free boat $0 inner sunset / UCSF
  • Free boat $0 sebastopol
  • FREE BOAT WITH TRAILER NO HUB $0 russian river
  • Owen Racing Single: Fix or use for parts $0 west marin
  • Feel free lure 13.5 $1,100 Napa
  • 1987 Aries 32 $33,500 watsonville
  • WANTED: OC1 outrigger canoe for flatwater paddling $1 foster city
  • PARKER 23,24,25,28’ - NEW sale prices start at $132k! $131,995 Santa Rosa
  • Boat/trailer disposal $0 fairfax
  • Free 14’ sailboat $0 novato
  • Skagit Orca 24 pilothouse motorboat for sale! (1996/2021) $59,900 richmond / point / annex
  • Mastercraft X9 - Wakeboard/Foil/Surf/Ski :: Incredible Price! $14,995 Santa Cruz
  • Mastercraft X9 :: Wakeboard/WakeSurf/Ski - Incredible Price! $14,995 Orinda
  • 2007 Triumph fishing boat /2 Yamaha engines, kiker and main $25,000 san jose south
  • 2020 Alumacraft Classic 165 $18,500 dublin / pleasanton / livermore
  • BRAND NEW Pelican-Rivergorge 130XP-Tandem Kayak - 13 ft - Aquamarine $600 petaluma
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  • PARKER OFFSHORES 23,24,25, 28ft - TUNA TIME! $131,995 santa rosa
  • 2007 Triumph fishing boat 150 Yamaha 4 stroke 9.9 HP Yamaha kicker $25,000 san jose south
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  • 2006 Sea Ray 185 Sport - Well-Maintained & Fully Equipped $13,900 richmond / point / annex
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  • For Sale: Jester Dinghy Sailboat - Good Condition! $499 Mountain View
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  • Crab boat $100 San Francisco
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  • 2002 Boston Whaler Ventura 160 $29,995 sausalito
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  • Ocean Kayak Prowler 15' w rudder plus extras $1,100 Oakland
  • Dock Access $222 San Quentin
  • Islander 36 $13,999 Bay Area
  • Hewescraft 200 Pro Fishing Boat $42,000 San Francisco
  • Hobie Mirage Kayak with sail and car trailer $2,500 santa cruz
  • Boating Without Owning $4,995 alameda
  • 2021 Seadoo GTX and 2020 Yamaha Waverunner SVHO $27,000 los gatos
  • Bristol 24 .5 ft crusiing sloop,diesel, new dodger $7,800 san rafael
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  • Hyside Whitewater Raft $2,000 fairfield / vacaville
  • O'Day 23 $3,000 santa cruz co
  • Bayliner 275 (brand new engine) $34,950 alameda
  • Cal 20 sailboat $1,800 san mateo
  • Reinell 203 - Tower, Bimini, Stereo $12,500 Morgan Hill

Sailboat Listings


Featured Sailboat:


Featured Sailboat:


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Standard Sailboat Ads:

21.5 Year: 1984 Asking: $5,000
13 Year: 1987 Asking: $4,000
32.4 Year: 1976 Asking: $45,000
41 Year: 1983 Asking: $59,900
27 Year: 1972 Asking: $9,000
40 Year: 1985 Asking: $42,000

Standard Sailboat Ads:

34 Year: 1985 Asking: $49,000
42 Year: 1991 Asking: $79,000
44 Year: 2023 Asking: $1,380,000
46 Year: 1973 Asking: $50,000
35 Year: 1997 Asking: $115,000
30'11 Year: 1965 Asking: $9,990
30 Year: 1980 Asking: $29,000
18 Year: 2007 Asking: $8,500
38 Year: 1983 Asking: $79,900
42 Year: 1986 Asking: $75,000


If you are serious about selling your boat, ! There are no catches. And we don't charge any commission. We allow buyers to contact sellers direct. For a very economical one-time fee you can feature your sailboat here where hundreds of potential buyers can see your ad each and every day!

.com provides an extensive listing of sailboats: cruising yachts, daysailers, raceboats, catamarans, trimarans, and custom yachts. Each photo sailboat listing includes specs-at-a-glance as well as a detailed description and contact information.

Boating Beast

Free Boats: How to Find Free or Cheap Boats for Sale

John Sampson

Are you looking for a boat? We get it, boating is a fun pastime, and there’s nothing like getting out onto the water for some watersports, fishing, or just a relaxing drift across the lake or river.

However, buying a boat is an expensive purchase. Like a car, there are plenty of models available, and you could end up spending anything from $10,000 to millions of dollars for a boat, depending on the model, brand, and length.

Why spend the money buying a new boat when you have options for pre-owned models. Buying pre-owned could save you up to 75% of the costs of buying a new model, sounds great, right?

Well, the only thing better than buying pre-owned is getting a boat for dirt cheap or getting a boat for free!

You read that right. As crazy as it might sound, there are plenty of boats out there in the market where the owner is looking to get rid of it at no cost . If you act quickly, you could score a boat for next to nothing.

We spent hours searching the market looking for free boats. We found that finding a cheap or free boat requires knowing where to look and how to spot a hidden gem. This post unpacks the secrets to finding free or cheap boats. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Where Can I Find Cheap Boats for Sale?

Online classifieds and marketplaces like craigslist.

The first place to start your hunt for a cheap or free boat is in the classifieds and online marketplaces. There are several large online marketplaces for boats, and we’ve even seen free boats advertised on Facebook marketplace, eBay, and Craigslist.

However, you’ll need to find a recent listing because there are thousands of people out there looking for free boats, and many of them are pre-owned dealers looking to capitalize on a quick flip. So, you’ll have to compete with these buyers when scouring the marketplaces and classifieds for your boat.

We’ll cover some tactics later to keep you ahead of the pack when searching for a new boat. However, for now, let’s look at places where you can find cheap and free boats.

boat scrap yard

Industry Magazines

While most publications won’t have any direct listings for free boats, they will have a classified section where people may list cheap boats for sale or free boats. Good Old Boat magazine offers you a listing of “project boats” selling for under $5,000. These boats will require some maintenance and repairs to bring them up to code, but you’re going to make a massive saving even with these costs included.

We like browsing through free-boat.com for special boat projects and outstanding deals, and you might find some free boats available on the site as well. Check the free-boat.com Facebook page, and you’ll also find plenty of listings.

This site has some outstanding deals on used boats. The site donates the proceeds of all sales to charity. So, you get a cheap boat and a chance to help a charity – it’s a win/win.

Boneyard Boats

This Facebook page is another excellent resource for finding cheap and free boats.

Wooden Boat Magazine

This publication features a “ Free Boats ” section in every issue.

Marine Auctions

Attending a marine auction is another great method of finding cheap boats. The boats going up for auction may come from repossessions, written-off or salvaged vessels, or seized vessels.

Many auctions sell the boat for outstanding debt owed to the bank or lender, and you could end up picking up a real steal.

You’ll find boat auctions accompanying car auctions, and some dedicated marine auctions specialize in boats and other watercraft around coastal cities.

Most auction houses post a pre-auction list of their inventory, and you have the option to view the boat before attending the auction, so you don’t waste your time.

Boatyards and Marinas

The best deals never make it to online marketplaces or classifieds in many cases. Sometimes, the best option is to scout local marinas and boatyards for deals. Call around the local marinas and speak to the harbormaster.

They’ll know if anyone is selling a boat in the marina, and they can often point you in the right direction or give you the sellers’ contact details.

In many cases, the harbormaster might be dealing with abandoned boats they need to get out of the marina or boatyard, and you could end up landing an amazing deal.

Don’s Marine Surplus and Salvage

When Is the Best Time to Buy a Boat?

Hurricane season.

If you live around Florida or the Gulf coast, check the listings in your area after extreme weather events like severe storms and hurricanes.

These weather events often damage boats, and the owners are just looking to get rid of them. You could spend a few thousand dollars in repairs and end up with a great deal.

At the end of the boating season, you’ll start to see more deals flood the classifieds and online marketplaces.

When the colder weather rolls around, many sellers look to get rid of their boats to avoid paying marina or dry storage fees during the winter. Search volumes for boats also nosedive at this time of the year, and you’ll find less competition in the market looking for a good deal.

Divorce Season

The peak season for filing for divorce is between March and August. Keep your eye on the market during this time, and you can find a boat at a great price.

If the owner’s partner wins the boat in the settlement, they might not know what it’s worth, and they’ll be keen to sell because they don’t want it, and they would rather have cash in hand than a boat.

Tips for Finding Free or Cheap Boats

Look outside sticky price points.

It’s a good idea to search for deals outside certain price thresholds. For instance, some owners might sell their boat for $5,000, $10,000, etc. If you enter a price slightly above this “sticky” threshold, you’ll find you get a lot more inventory appearing in your search.

Don’t worry about going over budget. Research shows that many boat owners are negotiable with pricing, and the average closing price is around 20% to 30% less than the asking price in many cases.

Change Your Search Spelling

While you might know how to spell “Bayliner,” that doesn’t mean that the owner does, it’s a good idea to use incorrect spelling and formats when running your searches. For instance, you could search “Bay Liner” instead of “Bayliner.”

Use Tech to Get a Deal – Set Up Automatic Search Alerts

Fortunately, thanks to the power of the internet, finding a cheap or free boat is a lot easier than it was a few decades ago. Tech can help you find a great deal and move on it before anyone else even realizes the listing is available.

Set up search alerts for specific keywords involving your boat criteria. Whenever a new listing drops on the platform, you’ll receive an instant notification telling you about the listing.

Setup Browser Extensions

Your popup notification scanner runs through the entire Craigslist database every five seconds. The AI will bring any new listings meeting your criteria to your attention. Using “Craigslist Peek” allows you to preview a gallery of each listing to save you time opening all the individual deals.

Search Craigslist for Boats

Use Tracking Apps for Your Searches

The Craigslist mobile app, “CPlus” is available for Android and iOS devices. Download it and set the app up to search for a listing meeting your boat criteria. The app has handy features, such as allowing you to search multiple cities at once.

How to Quality a Pre-Owned Boat Listing

Finding a cheap or free boat on classified listings and websites is just a numbers game. Eventually, if you persist with your hunt, it’s only a matter of time before you stumble across the deal you have in mind.

However, sellers can use tactics to trick you, and it’s challenging to call them out, especially if you’re buying a boat that’s hours away from where you live.

The last thing you want is to spend four hours in a car to view a boat, only to reach the seller and find it’s not what they were advertising. Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your boat hunting.

Avoid Scammers

You can avoid scams by looking for red flags in the listings. Some warning signs to look for include stock images of boats and sellers that refuse viewing of the boat before the sale. If you don’t get a good feeling from the seller, it’s better just to walk away and continue searching.

Setup a Qualifying List

Write down your boat criteria before you start your hunt for a cheap or free boat. What do you want from a boat? Will you accept anything? Or do you have a specific model in mind or other qualifying criteria like teak, low-hour motors, and such?

Ask the Owner for More Photos

While many listings come with photos, these are often the best images selected by the seller. Ask the seller to send you more photos, including pictures of all sides of the boat, and the hull, if it’s in dry storage or on the trailer. If the boat is in good condition, the owner should have no issue sending you more pictures.

Drop By the Marina

If the boat you’re looking at purchasing is close by, swing by the marina for a look.

Don’t Waste the Sellers Time

Be upfront about your requirements with the seller, and don’t waste their time or yours. If you’re looking at getting a discount on the asking price, ask the owner if the price is negotiable before you go to view the vessel.

Move Fast on Free Boat Listings

If a free boat listing drops on Craigslist or a marketplace, the chances are that it won’t be there for very long. As mentioned, there are thousands of other people and dealers looking for boats.

While the tips so far will provide you with an edge in the market, that edge won’t last long. If you see a great deal, take action immediately, don’t beat around the bush. Some deals can go in minutes after listing, and you need prompt action to capitalize on the deal.

Free boat on WoodenBoat Magazine

Check the Repair Costs

If you’re buying a cheap boat or taking a free boat off the owner’s hands, make sure you understand what you’re getting yourself into before finalizing the deal.

While many boats only require minor repairs, some models may have structural damage that’s expensive to repair. You could end up buying a lemon that costs you as much as a new boat in repairs. So, it’s a good idea to take a specialist inspector along with you to view the boat.

You might have to pay them for their services, but you’ll have a clear indication of what’s wrong with the boat and how much it will cost to repair. This strategy prevents you from making an expensive mistake.

Wrapping Up

One of the issues with finding great deals is that it might be too good to be true. There are tens of thousands of boats stolen every year, especially around the Florida area. The authorities never recover more than 60% of all stolen boats.

As a result, many of these stolen boats end up on the secondary market. If you’re purchasing a boat on the pre-owned market and the deal seems too good to be true, you might be looking at a stolen boat.

If the cops catch you with a stolen boat, they’ll arrest you on-site, and you’ll have to face the court system, even if you’re innocent. If the deal sounds too good to be true, ask the seller to send you a photo of the HIN plate.

Check with your local authorities to see if there is any outstanding theft docket open for the boat . However, some thieves may even swap out HIN plates, so make sure you get them to take photos of all the identifying serial numbers on the boat.

If the seller refuses, walk away from the deal, it’s not worth the hassle of winding up in trouble with the law.

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John is an experienced journalist and veteran boater. He heads up the content team at BoatingBeast and aims to share his many years experience of the marine world with our readers.

What to Do If Your Boat Engine Won’t Start? Common Problems & How to Fix Them

How to launch a boat by yourself: complete beginner’s guide, how to surf: complete beginner’s guide to get you started.

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The BoatUS Foundation's Online Course is the only FREE Online Boating Safety Course approved by the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways.

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Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard, approved by NASBLA and your state boating agency.

How to get started:.

First, Click Education Requirements above to verify state requirements and then click Certificate/Card Info to learn what options are available for your state. For a brief tutorial and getting familiar with our new system click here.

Before taking the course:

You must apply for a California Boater ID on the California website www.CaliforniaBoaterCard.com and keep your ID number handy. For more detailed instructions, click the certificate and card info tab above.

Education Requirements:

boating safety course age requirements graphic

Mandatory Boater Education: On January 1, 2018, California began implementing its new seven-year phase-in of the mandatory boater safety education law for boaters who operate a motorized vessel on California waterways. Prior to implementation, the California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) will began issuing lifetime Boater Cards to those who show proof of passing an approved boater safety exam such as this Boat US Foundation course. Are you pre-qualified for a California Boater Card? DBW will accept proof of passing an approved boater education course taken between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2017. Persons who have passed an approved examination during this timeframe will have until December 31, 2018 to apply for a Boater Card at www.CaliforniaBoaterCard.com . Phase in schedule for those who are required to possess a valid card:

Age & Horsepower Restrictions: A person under the age of 16 may not operate a motorboat of more than 15 horsepower unless the boat is a sailboat and does not exceed 30 feet in length - OR - the boat is a dinghy used between a moored boat and shore or between 2 moored boats. The law does allow persons aged 12-15 to operate motorboats of more than 15 horsepower or sailboats over 30 feet if supervised by a person on board who is at least 18 years of age.

PWC Operation: A person under that age of 16 may not operate a personal watercraft (PWC) of more than 15 horsepower unless they are between the ages of 12-15 and are supervised by a person on board who is at least 18 years of age. Any person, who allows an unsupervised person under the age of 16 to operate, is guilty of an infraction.

How Do I Get My California Certificate?

a card

1. Apply for California Boater ID on the California website www.CaliforniaBoaterCard.com 2. Come to BoatUS Foundation and register for California course, enter your California Boater ID on the registration page. 3. Complete the course (you will receive a temporary certificate of completion when you pass the course) 4. We will send your Application ID to California for verification 5. You will receive a confirmation email from the state of California when your application is accepted and your card will arrive in the mail within 60 days

Watch a short video on how to apply for the card here.

Complete the Course in Three Easy Steps:

Enroll yourself in a Boating Safety Course from the Course Catalog

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Boats for sale in Los Angeles

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Sailboats for sale in California

20 listings found

1979 Capital Yachts 30 | Sorrento's Siren

1979 Capital Yachts 30 | Sorrento's Siren Long Beach, California, United States

2012 Hobie Cat 16.4

2012 Hobie Cat 16.4 Richmond, California, United States

1997 Hunter 26

1997 Hunter 26 Browns Valley, California, United States

1981 Macgregor 25 | Cassiopeia

1981 Macgregor 25 | Cassiopeia Big Bear, California, United States

1971 Columbia 34 | Riches to Rags

1971 Columbia 34 | Riches to Rags Redondo Beach, California, United States

1969 Jensen 25 | Second Wind

1969 Jensen 25 | Second Wind Redondo Beach, California, United States

1989 Hunter 37.5 | Intuition

1989 Hunter 37.5 | Intuition San Diego, California, United States

1979 Islander 30 | Buddie D

1979 Islander 30 | Buddie D San Francisco, California, United States

1977 Tayana 37 | Hurrah

1977 Tayana 37 | Hurrah San Diego, California, United States

Looking to sell your sailboat.

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1985 Cheoy Lee 38 | "B" Hoppy

1985 Cheoy Lee 38 | "B" Hoppy Redondo Beach, California, United States

1998 Macgregor 26

1998 Macgregor 26 Hidden Valley Lake, California, United States

1973 Ranger 33 | white cap

1973 Ranger 33 | white cap Redondo Beach, California, United States

1982 Alberg 18

1982 Alberg 18 Friant, California, United States

1979 Sea Eagle 31 | Pacific Eagle

1979 Sea Eagle 31 | Pacific Eagle Long Beach, California, United States

2020 Melges 14

2020 Melges 14 Laguna Beach, California, United States

2005 Beneteau 34

2005 Beneteau 34 Ventura, California, United States

1985 Young Sun 39 | Na

1985 Young Sun 39 | Na Ramona, California, United States

1976 Allied 39 | Cantaimya

1976 Allied 39 | Cantaimya Coronado, California, United States

1975 Ericson 32

1975 Ericson 32 Los Angeles, California, United States

2017 Hobie Cat 16

2017 Hobie Cat 16 Tustin, California, United States

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Boats for sale, used boats for sale, a listing of free or nearly free boats and marine equipment., all     -     free     -     nearly free, results for sailboats for sale and powerboats for sale, search results, 1979 24ft s2 sailboat (norfolk va), 1981 25ft hunter sailboat $100 (norfolk va), 1973 26 ft. grampian sailboat $100 (norfolk va), 22 macgregor on trailer $2200 (amityharbor ny), 1939 30’ gulfweed ketch $5000 (seattle wa), 40 ft steel scow $12000 (lesquiti island ca), 21 westerly warwick $2500, gone - 29 chaparral on trailer - make offer, hudson force50 $7500 (solomons md), 1971 coronado 23 (flowery branch ga), speedboat on trailer (jacksonville fl), 26' four winns liberator (cambridge on), 1976 c&c 24 $750(south haven mi), 41 island trader makeoffer (marathon fl), 1976 irwin 37 bid$200 (niceville fl).



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Mostly Sunny

Auburn-California free livestream: How to watch Cam Coleman today, TV, time

Auburn, AL - 20240831 - Auburn Tigers Football vs. Alabama A&M Bulldogs

AUBURN, AL - AUGUST 31 - Auburn Wide Receiver Cam Coleman (8) during the game between the Auburn Tigers and the Alabama A&M Bulldogs at Jordan-Hare Stadium in Auburn, AL on Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024. Photo by Austin Perryman/Auburn Tigers Austin Perryman/Auburn Tigers

The Auburn Tigers play against the California Golden Bears in a college football game today. The matchup will be broadcasted on ESPN 2 at 2:30 p.m. CT. If you are currently a DirecTV subscriber that lost access to ESPN 2, then you can watch this game for free online by using the free trial offered by Fubo TV . Notably, Fubo TV offers a $30 discount for the first month of service. Similarly, Sling offers a first month discount to new users.

Auburn is coming off an incredible 73-3 win against Alabama A&M in their season opener. The Tigers were dominant throughout the matchup, as they ended the first half with a 52-3 lead.

The Tigers experienced a lot of offensive success through the air, as they finished the game with more than 450 passing yards. Auburn had some young wide receiver talent perform well in the matchup, including freshmen Cam Coleman and Perry Thompson. The two receivers each caught a touchdown pass, and they combined for 144 yards.

Coleman showcased his great route running ability during the first half, which helped him score his first collegiate touchdown.

The Tigers did not utilize their rushing attack much in their season opener, as Jarquez Hunter led the team with just 53 yards. However, he had a 34-yard touchdown run in the first quarter, which should give him some confidence prior to today’s game.

The California squad is coming off a 31-13 win against UC Davis in their season opener. California’s star running back Jaydn Ott was injured during the victory, but he is probable to play against the Tigers this afternoon. He ran the ball for a team-high 49 yards last week, and he will be imperative to the team’s offense this season.

Fans can watch this game for free online by using the free trial offered by Fubo TV , which also offers a $30 discount for the first month of service. . Similarly, Sling offers a first month discount to new users.

More 2024 football schedules

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North Lake Tahoe Boat Ramp

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NBC Connecticut

‘It's just a tragedy': Officials investigate cause of Old Saybrook boat crash

The breakwater where encon officials say a boat crashed the evening of labor day is a part of the investigation. the location has been subject to crashes in previous years including two just last summer., by kevin gaiss • published september 3, 2024 • updated on september 3, 2024 at 8:02 pm.

“It’s just a tragedy, it really is, Kimberly Keinz, of Old Saybrook, said.

She lives across the street from the Harbor One Marina at Saybrook Point. The investigation and search lasted all day Tuesday. She noted the number of sirens and first responders that came to the area after the crash.

Free 24/7 Connecticut news stream: Watch NBC CT wherever you are

“There was a little chop but not a bad night otherwise,” said a boater, who wished to remain anonymous, who was crossing through that area after a boating trip with family.

He estimated he passed through the same area as the crash about 15 to 20 minutes before it happened.

Get top local stories in Connecticut delivered to you every morning. Sign up for NBC Connecticut's News Headlines newsletter.

“Last night was definitely a dark night,” he said.

According to officials in a press conference Tuesday afternoon, they are investigating darkness as a factor in the crash, though they noted the boat had appropriate instruments.

They are also considering speed as a factor.

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Officials ID bodies found days after boat crash off Old Saybrook

free sailboats california

Fagnano throws for 5 TDs, runs for another as UConn romps past Merrimack 63-17

That boater noted he has run boats in and out of Old Saybrook his whole life, and understands the breakwater is hard to see, especially on a particularly dark night.

“The lighthouse and the inner light right behind it, which I think some people may confuse with the inlet of the river that your home and they don’t realize you aren’t home,” he said.

Though Encon police said the channel is properly marked, it's also part of the investigation.

“They are marked, and it's something we are looking into,” Captain Keith Williams with Connecticut Environmental Conservation Police said.

Last year, on Labor Day weekend, four were injured in a similar crash. A boat crashed into the breakwater.

A few weeks before that at the end of July, another boat crashed on a jetty at the mouth of the river. A man was sent to the hospital in that crash.

“It doesn’t happen that often, but we have had a few in the last couple of years,” Captain Williams said.

Some stopping by Tuesday wondered what could be done along the channel to prevent this from happening again. As did the boater passing through ahead of the crash.

“I don’t know if they can do anything to improve that wall to light it up,” he said.

While investigators determine the cause and how to keep these crashes from happening in the future, those stopping by the boat recovery said they are thinking of the family.

“You hate to see any incident, any tragedy where there is loss of life,” Keinz said.

Even though boating season is winding down, officials are still offering the reminder to always have the appropriate life jackets on board and always make sure your instruments are working, and you are familiar with them.

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free sailboats california


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  15. Sailboats for sale in California

    Find new and used sailboats for sale in California, including boat prices, photos, and more. For sale by owner, boat dealers and manufacturers - find your boat at Boat Trader!

  16. Free Boats: How to Find Free or Cheap Boats for Sale

    It's a good idea to search for deals outside certain price thresholds. For instance, some owners might sell their boat for $5,000, $10,000, etc. If you enter a price slightly above this "sticky" threshold, you'll find you get a lot more inventory appearing in your search. Don't worry about going over budget.

  17. California Boating Safety Course: BoatUS Foundation

    California Boating Safety Course

  18. los angeles boats

    free boat 30 footer. $2. Marina Del Rey Tohatsu 9.8 4 stroke. $900. Redondo Beach 1995 Reinell RXL 250. $6,000. Calabasas ... California 12 ft aluminum fishing boat. $2,000. Santa Clarita 1920s gorgeous glass over wood 17 foot electric firefly. $3,800. Los Angeles ...

  19. Sail boats for sale in California

    Sail boats for sale in California

  20. New and used Sailboats for sale

    New and used Sailboats for sale - Marketplace

  21. Sailboats for sale in California

    2017 Hobie Cat 16 Tustin, California, United States. $6,000. Listed on February 18, 2021. Sailboats for sale in California.

  22. Boats for sale

    A listing of free or nearly free boats and marine equipment. All - Free - Nearly Free. Results for Sailboats for Sale and Powerboats for Sale Search Results ... 40 ft steel Scow $12000 (Lesquiti island CA) 40 foot steel Scow Lesquiti island Canada with a hot sprayed zinc paint job. Flat bottom. 2 temporary cabins needs interior.

  23. Carefree Boat Club of Northern California

    Give us a call andlearn about the club. (916) 573-0222. Sign Up Today. Carefree Boat Club of Northern California boasts a beautiful locations in San Francisco, Sacremento, Lake Tahoe and ISleton, CA. Get on the water without the hassles of owning.

  24. Auburn-California free livestream: How to watch Cam Coleman today, TV

    The Auburn Tigers play against the California Golden Bears in a college football game today. The matchup will be broadcasted on ESPN 2 at 2:30 p.m. CT. If you are currently a DirecTV subscriber ...

  25. North Lake Tahoe Boat Ramp

    San Francisco Skyline East Bay View. San Francisco, California. 2 watching

  26. 'It's just a tragedy': Officials investigate cause of Old Saybrook boat

    A boat crashed into the breakwater. A few weeks before that at the end of July, another boat crashed on a jetty at the mouth of the river. A man was sent to the hospital in that crash.