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505 yacht for sale

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You may have heard that 505’s are some of the most well-made dinghy’s around. Many 505’s can stay competitive for an indefinite period of time when well cared for. Some older 505’s were not built as well, and may not be worth spending time and money on to get back on the race course. This page is organized in a way to help you determine which boat is right for your own 505 sailing goals. Visit the list of builders for more information on all the various 505 builders throughout the years. Also, hull numbers are sequential, and are issued upon initial measurement after the boat is built. The minimum weight of a 505 (weighed with all equipment required for racing except sails) is 127.4kg or 280.9 pounds. Many boats have lead corrector weights (50% located at front of CB trunk, 50% located at rear of CB trunk) to bring the boat up to this minimum weight.

The used boat ads on this page are organized based on the following classification scheme:

Listing CategoryDescriptionTypical Price Point (USD)
1Pre- 1980’s boat of uncared or partially cored construction. Typically polyester or vinyl ester resin and outdated rigging. Suitable for day sailing, beach sailing, or an occasional local race or Portsmouth Yardstick regatta.$0 - $2,000
21980’s or newer boat of fully cored hull construction. Could be competitive at the local and regional level in the right hands. Usually has some major issue preventing the boat from being truly completive such as being significantly over the minimum weight. May require significant rigging work to get racing but not worth duping too much money into.$2,000 - $5,000
31980’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Some older and well-cared-for Lindsays and Hamlins could also be considered a Category 3 boat. Could be competitive at the local, regional, and national level in the right hands. Typically requires some significant amount of rigging work to be competitive at the regional and national level. May not have the latest mast, foils, or sails which would set it apart from a Category 4 boat.$5,000 - $9,000
41990’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Some older and well-cared-for Waterats could also be considered a Category 4 boat. Ready to race at the regional or national level with only minor rigging work or upgrades. Could be competitive at a Worlds with some work and in the right hands. Typically includes modern high-aspect ration foils, newer racing sails, and all the latest systems.$9,000 - $15,000
52000’s or newer boat of epoxy resin and fully cored construction. Typically carbon fiber construction. Turn-key and ready to race at the national or international level. Includes modern high-aspect ration foils, newer racing sails, and all the latest systems.$15,000+

The Surtees Service Award was dedicated at last year’s NA’s to commemorate outstanding service to the American Section. The inaugural award was presented to Ali Meller.

It is a pleasure to introduce the 2003 winner of the Surtees Service Award – Jesse Falsone.

As all of you know, Jesse is the epitome of the “go-to guy” for our Class. When a valuable role within the American Section needs to be filled, Jesse has never been afraid to put his money where his mouth is and step up to the task.

In the eight years that he has been in the Class, Jesse has served as both Class Secretary/Treasurer, and President of the American Section.

Upon “retiring” as Class President, Jesse took on the role of Tank Talk Associate Editor, and over the past few years, no one has contributed more material to Tank Talk than Jesse.

Jesse is an incredibly focused competitor who has always found time to pass his knowledge along. After working for years to become one of the top 5o5 crews in North America, Jesse published a compendium on “High Performance Dingy Crewing,” utilizing both his knowledge and that of other top NA 5o5 crews. This pamphlet runs 33 pages, and is literally a textbook of how to climb the learning curve for a 5o5 crew. Any skippers out there up to the challenge?

Jesse has set the bar for 5o5 class members, dedicating a superhuman amount of time & effort into making the American Section the solid organization that it is today.

Although he is taking a well-deserved break from the 5o5 and cannot be here today, let’s have a big round of applause for Jesse.

Ted Ferrarone

I’m very proud to have commissioned this new service award bearing the name of one of our most distinguished members: Dennis Surtees’. Dennis is a legend in this class, both for his outstanding performance and for his superlative service. I’m equally proud to have Ali Meller as the first recipient. Ali has served in so many capacities for this class, most of which many of you don’t know about or may have forgotten. Ali has been fleet captain in the US for two different fleets (maybe more in Canada?). In one of these he was largely responsible for the creation of this fleet at a new club. He served as VP of the American Section, Editor of Tank Talk, VP of international (an office created for him), and is now completing his term as President of international. As webmaster, Ali took the 505 web page and made it the most informative class page on the Internet. US Sailing used our web page as an example of what a great class web page should look like. Ali was also instrumental in introducing countless people to the 505 through personal communications and through sailing time.

Ali’s leadership came along at a crucial time for the 505 class. In the early 90’s we were a class teetering precariously on the seesaw of success and failure. Our numbers in the US had steadily declined, and the class lacked direction. Ali was the catalyst for our resurgence, and a large reason why we all enjoy fine competition today.

Simply put, nobody in the world has put more into the 505 class in the past decade than Ali Meller.

Ali, on behalf of the 505 American Section, it’s my honor to present you with the Dennis Surtees Service Award for 2002.

“I nominate Bill McKinney and Stine Cacavas for the Cahn award. Bill has been with the San Diego for over ten years, and is the guy who always spends regattas in good spirit, with lots of humor, humbleness and grace. And style. After coming in from the race course early one day in Santa Cruz, while sitting in his chair, he greeted every sailor at the ramp with a cold Corona with lime. Yes, his regatta kit includes chairs, a cooler on wheels, and a cutting board. Stine has been sailing with Bill for a few years now, and while she shares Bill’s positive attitude, she also brings a new level of competition to the team. They competed in the 2010 worlds in Denmark sailing Fever Pitch, Dave Cahn’s own Lindsay. For the 2012 worlds in France they upped their game, buying a newer Waterat. I take this as a good sign that they will continue to favor us with their company for many years to come.”

Aaron Ross, USA 7156

Nominated and presented by: Mike Martin

The Dave Chan award goes out to the individual or team that expresses sportsmanship in the unique way of 505 sailing because they love 505 sailing. The award is not necessarily for the guy that wins all the races, but the guy you would most like to have a beer with at the end of the day.

These guys fit that description perfectly. They both came into the 505 picture from illustrious lead mining careers. After the first day of proper breeze in a 505 they were hooked. Since then they have enjoyed attending many of the events in northern and southern California. At the end of the day they are always thrilled with whatever they experienced and learned on the water. They are always willing to lend a helping hand despite the fact that they are usually involved in some major repair project themselves. It is always a pleasure having these guys around both on and off the water and we would all have more fun if we adopted their attitude. That is why this year the Dave Cahn award should go to Brad Wheeler and Bill Mais.

As most of you know, the Dave Cahn trophy was created in 1998, in memoriam of Dave Cahn, and his special brand of sportsmanship. Past winners have included Eric Willis/Wendy Herzburg, Barney Harris, Dan Merino/Bill Jenkins, Henry Amthor, and in 2002, Stuart Park.

Please give a big round of applause for the winner of the 2003 Dave Cahn Trophy: Paul Von Grey.

Paul’s nomination for this award was so excellent, that we will just read it to you:

“I would like to Nominate Paul Von Grey of the Pacific Northwest Fleet for the Dave Cahn Trophy. Paul has virtually single-handedly (no pun intended) been the motivation for the resurgence of the 505 fleet in Washington. He has helped push attendance at regattas from an average of three boats to a recent high of 16. He regularly rounds up sailors following races to debrief on successful and unsuccessful strategies and rigging tips. He serves as the unofficial parts warehouse for most of the sailors in Washington and probably has contributed parts, time or rigging advice to a majority of boats in Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia. He helped obtain a container of highly competitive boats that have raised the quality of racing dramatically. Whether you are a current 505 owner who needs to locate crew or a prospective 505 competitor who wants to go for a test ride, Paul is the guy who helps make the connection. He successfully poaches new 505 sailors from other fleets at regattas and every new sailor in the local fleet has probably been pointed to Paul as the guy to talk to about 505’s.

The Pacific Northwest fleet is a knowledgeable, friendly and helpful group of people and the description above could apply to every person in the fleet, however, no person embodies all of those qualities as completely as Paul.”

Let’s give another round of applause for Paul Von Grey!!

Nominated by Dave Stetson

Jesse, I wish to nominate Graham Alexander for an honorary life-membership in the class.

Graham first became a 5-oher around about 1967 and he has been one ever since. I know only a few on this side of the pond with that kind of longevity in the class. He has owned at least six boats, beginning with a 2XXX series boat; he currently owns two, a 45xx Rondar rigged to race with other classics, and Parker 7685. Not only has Graham been loyal to the class with his presence, he has been one of the class’ most ardent recruiters here in the Midwest. Within two weeks of the day I moved to Columbus in 1985, he was in my kitchen pushing me into the fray, getting me onto the boat, and helping me to find a crew slot. He has introduced dozens of people to the boat during the 17 years I have been around to watch.

In addition to recruiting, Graham has been the organizer of the class in Region 3 for as long as anyone can remember. Ki Kaiser and Graham have worked together ensuring a variety of regattas and spreading the word. He was the formal Midwest coordinator for most of the years since 1970.

Graham has been extremely generous with his time helping people to buy boats, helping them to rig them well, and helping to repair them when they broke. He has loaned his garage, his tools and equipment, his hands, and his expertise for fiberglass work, vacuum bagging, and rigging. Each winter, he has taught Sunday-evening courses on racing rules and tactics, crewing and helming skills to groups of local sailors, including newbees and hardened veterans.

Graham has been one of the true fixtures in the class and he has been one of its best public-relations specialists. Through his energy and love of the boat and the class, he has kept 505s in the Midwest and has kept Fleet 17 alive at Hoover Yacht Club. He may not be the most jolly of 505 sailors because he takes his sailing very seriously. It is integral to his core as a person and his love for the class is infectious. Because of his dedication and generosity, I believe he is as close to a life member as one could come.

Nominated by: Mike Martin and Ryan Cox Presented by: Dennis Surtees

Most of the time when we think about an award for service to a class we think about class officers or people that have volunteered their time in a very broad manner. Howard has served this way in the past by being an international class president but that is not why he deserves this award. Everyday Howard provides service to the class on a much more personal level.

The services that he provides range from straightening a mast, to loaning out his coach boat out free of charge, or letting people use his tools or even his entire garage. If you don’t know how to fix something on your 505, you need a tool or a part, who is the first person that you ask?

His services are organizational as well. Howie is always thinking of ways to better himself and always passes what he learns on to the fleet, even if it is one boat at a time. The Long Beach fleet would simply not exist without Howie. Every year howie takes the lead in organizing our weekly practices. A few years ago Team Tuesday was 1 or 2 boats, this year we often see 7 or 8.

Howie has also provided a huge service to the development of the equipment that we use today. 25 years ago he built molds and long lasting Honeycomb Kevlar boats that are still competitive today. Howies funding of the blade development program resulted in production centerboards that cost every one else much less than the developmental price that he paid.

There is no one more valuable to our fleet than Howard. So whether or not he wins this award, next time you see him, just say “Thanks Howie”!

    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  10' 8'    Draft:  4' 2'
    Beam:  6'6'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  4'
    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  11.9'    Draft:  6.9'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  4'5'
    Beam:  11'2'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  9.8'    Draft:  5.2'
    Beam:  12.51'    Draft:  4.9'
    Beam:  10.5'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  5'3'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  7.8'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  4.'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  11.6'    Draft:  6.0'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  10'10'    Draft:  5'3''
    Beam:  7.67'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  8.9'    Draft:  4.0'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  6.5'
    Beam:  15'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  1'10'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  9'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  5.5'
    Beam:  28.5'    Draft:  3-7'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2.5'
    Beam:  4'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  9.4'    Draft:  4.4'
    Beam:  6' 2'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  9'    Draft:  5.2'
    Beam:  11.5'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  13''    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  13.6'    Draft:  6.8'
    Beam:  13.8'    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  6.18'    Draft:  .5'
    Beam:  13'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  9'6'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  10.25'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  6.5'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  10'    Draft:  4'2'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  6'3'
    Beam:  7'10'    Draft:  2 4'
    Beam:  11'
    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  9'6"'    Draft:  4'6"'
    Beam:  9'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  4'8"'
    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  7.2'    Draft:  4.01'
    Beam:  7.67'    Draft:  3.5'
    Beam:  11.4'    Draft:  5.9'
    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  9.5'    Draft:  4.5'
    Beam:  9.83'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  9.6'    Draft:  5.8'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  5'
    Beam:  9.8'    Draft:  5'
    Draft:  3.10'
    Beam:  13.10'    Draft:  5.3'
    Beam:  11'    Draft:  5.6'
    Draft:  5'

505 yacht for sale

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505 yacht for sale

505 Boats for sale

1-15 of 316

1967 Intnl One Design 505

1967 Intnl One Design 505

Niceville, Florida

Make Intnl One Design

Category Racer Boats

Posted Over 1 Month

1967 Intnl One Design 505, The boat was built in Great Britain and is in average condition for a 1967 boat. The boat includes a full set of sails, with an additional new main & jib. The boat also has new over-sized rigging (Harken blocks, etc.) and a trailer. $800.00

1967 CUSTOM International 505

1967 CUSTOM International 505


Model International 505

1967 CUSTOM International 505, 1967 International 505 built in Great Britain (with trailer). The boat has a full compliment of sails (multiple), with a new main & jib. The running rigging has been replaced with Harken Carbo Blocks and the boat is in good shape for it's age. $799

2014 Williams Performance Tenders 505 Dieseljet

2014 Williams Performance Tenders 505 Dieseljet

North Palm Beach, Florida

Make Williams Performance Tenders

Model 505 Dieseljet

Category Small Boats

2014 Williams Performance Tenders 505 Dieseljet Nautical Ventures/QPS Marine is proud to announce that we are now the only authorized stocking dealer for Williams Performance Tenders in Florida. We stock a wide variety of Williams Performance Tenders at all times and can custom order any model in the Williams series. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida with an in house service and parts department, Nautical Ventures is the premiere Williams Performance Tender center. The Dieseljet 505 –Effortless Cruising The Dieseljet 505 is a practical people carrier for yachts in excess of 30 Meter LOA. She offers seating for 8 adults in a comfortable and spacious cockpit, with storage in a lined locker forward as well as two practical storage bags under the rear seat. Power comes from the 110hp Yanmar diesel engine coupled to a Williams pump; this proven drivetrain delivers pinpoint low-speed maneuverability but also massive amounts of torque, allowing the Dieseljet 505 to cruise with minimal fuss even when full loaded. The Dieseljet 505 can be fitted with the following options, Anchor, Automated inflator, Bathing ladder, Battery charger, Chart Plotter, Chocks, Depth Sounder, LED deck lights, Lifting straps or harness, Stereo system, custom covers, trailer, Bimini top, deck tie downs, VHF radio, quick release steering wheel and your choice of customer colors for the hull, deck, upholstery and tubes. *Pricing starts at $85,500. Custom orders are quoted on a case by case basis and can be paired with other boats to cut transit expenses. LOA-5.05m / 16’6” Beam-2.00m / 6’6” Dry Weight-820kg / 1804lbs Height-1.07m/3’6” Engine-Yanmar Turbo Diesel (110hp) Max Speed-36knots /41mph Fuel capacity-90litres/23gal Seating-7 Persons + 1 child

Sailboat Rondar International 505 with Trailer and Dolly

Sailboat Rondar International 505 with Trailer and Dolly

Lebanon, New Hampshire

FINAL LISTING ON EBAY. RESERVE & BUY IT NOW PRICE LOWERED!!! 2002 Rondar (KISS) International 505 Hull Number USA 8754 Triad trailer + dolly Not fitted for long luff spinnaker. New lines Spinnaker Launcher Proctor D Mast Main, Jib and Spinnaker in good shape. Tick-tack racing compass/timer Canvas Mast bag for easy packing Spiro spinnaker pole launcher Hull is in great condition- stored indoors. Low miles

2005 Grady-White Bimini 306 Twin Yamaha 225s Low Hours (505) ***Miami***

2005 Grady-White Bimini 306 Twin Yamaha 225s Low Hours (505) ***Miami***

Miami, Florida

Make Grady White

Model Bimini 306

Category Sport Fishing Boats

Length 30.5

505 hours on Her Twin 225 Yamaha's, New Bimini TopFull Engine service was performed at 498 hours Introduced in 1998, the 306 Canyon (called the 306 Bimini in 1998–2010) is a purebred fishing machine for serious anglers— still one of the dominant center consoles of her era. The 306 has been constantly refined and improved over the years. Notable upgrades occurred in 2006 when forward seating replaced the original raised casting platform, and a bow anchor chute, integrated helm seat/livewell, and folding rear seat became standard. Heavily built on a deep-V hull with moderate beam, a sharp bow entry, and tall forward freeboard, the 306 has excellent range thanks to her 290-gallon fuel capacity. Standard features include an integrated swim/dive platform, 40-gallon transom livewell, walk-in console with marine head and sink, heavy-duty transom door, anchor locker, lockable rod storage, pop-up electronics enclosure, numerous drink holders, gunnel rod holders, trim tabs, cockpit bolsters, forward console seat, cockpit shower, recessed bow rails, and raw-water wash down. The fit and finish of the 306 Bimini/Canyon is second to none, and her deep cockpit insures an extra margin of safety in offshore conditions. About 40 knots top with Yamaha 225s.

2005 Carolina Skiff 2100 SEA CHASER

2005 Carolina Skiff 2100 SEA CHASER

Church Creek, Maryland

Make Carolina Skiff

Model 2100 SEA CHASER

Category Center Console

Boat: 2005 Carolina Skiff 2100 SEA CHASER US-EKHZ0191D505Engine: 2005 Yamaha 150hp 2 Stroke

2005 Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC Limited Supercharged

2005 Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC Limited Supercharged

Anderson, South Carolina

Make Sea-Doo

Model GTX 4-TEC Limited Supercharged

Category Personal Water Craft/3 Person

2005 Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC Limited Supercharged 2005 Sea-Doo GTX Limited 4-Tec Supercharged, Internally Cooled, with Trailer.  HIN: YDV11518A505. This unit is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.

2016 Bennington 24 SCWX

2016 Bennington 24 SCWX

Request Price

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Make Bennington

Model 24 SCWX

Category Pontoon Boats


1999 Nitro 205 Sport FS

1999 Nitro 205 Sport FS

Model 205 Sport FS

Category Bass Boats

1999 Nitro 205 Sport FS,1999 Mercury 200L EFI stainless prop,Single Axle Trailer,Minn Kota Terrova 80lb 24v,Lowrance Elite 5,4 Speaker Stereo,Ski Bar,Bimini Top,In Floor Storage,Contact Sales Dept. in Tulsa 1-888-505-9165 - 1999 Nitro 205 Sport FS

2001 Ranger 518 DVX Comanche

2001 Ranger 518 DVX Comanche

Make Ranger

Model 518 DVX Comanche

2001 Ranger 518 DVX Comanche 2001 Ranger 518DVX Dual Console 2001 Mercury 200 EFI Outboard 2001 RangerTrail Single Trailer Boat is Equipt with Minn Kota Maxxum 80# 24 vt., 3 x 10 Battery charger, Lowrance Elite 5 HDI at console, Lowrance Elite 5X HDI at Bow, Clarion Stereo, CONTACT SALES DEPT IN TULSA 1-888-505-9165 - 2001 518DVX

2016 Chaparral 203 Vortex VRX

2016 Chaparral 203 Vortex VRX

Make Chaparral

Model 203 Vortex VRX

Category Jet Boats


2017 Chaparral 19 H2O Ski & Fish

2017 Chaparral 19 H2O Ski & Fish

Model 19 H2O Ski & Fish

Category Ski And Fish Boats

2017 Chaparral 19 H2O Ski & Fish 2017 19 H2O Ski and Fish 2017 Single Axle Trailer Mercruiser 4.3L MPI 220 hp premium Sound System, Snap in Carpet, Garmin Striker 4 Fish Finder, Deluxe Pkg, Bow and Cockpit Cover, Dual Battery Charger, Spare Tire. Contact Sales Dept in Tulsa at 1-888-505-9165 - 19 H2O Ski and Fish

2006 Stratos 201 Pro XL

2006 Stratos 201 Pro XL

Make Stratos

Model 201 Pro XL

Category Fishing Boats

2006 Stratos 201 Pro XL SC,2006 Evinrude 225 E-Tec has Stainless Raker II, w/284 hrs, Hot Foot, Tilt Trim Single Lever, Cover, 2006 Tandem Axle Trailer w/Aluminum Wheels and spare,Swing Tongue,Minn Kota 80lb 24v., Lowrance X102 on Bow,Lowrance LMS 520C in console, Hamby,3 Bank Minn Kota charger MK345, For more information contact sales dept. in Tulsa 888-505-9165 - 2006 Stratos 201 Pro XL

2017 Bennington 25QSB

2017 Bennington 25QSB

Model 25QSB


2007 Skeeter ZX 190

2007 Skeeter ZX 190

Make Skeeter

Model ZX 190

2007 Skeeter ZX 190 2007 Skeeter ZX190,Yamaha 150 VMAX,Stainless prop,Skeeter Single Axle Trailer w/spare,Hummingbird Helix 9 w/360 Imaging Transducer mounted & Lowrance X135 in console,Hummingbird 899CI HD & Lowrance X135 on Bow,Minn Kota Maxxum 70lb 24v Trolling Motor, Hot Foot,Jack Plate and boat cover.Contact Sales Dept. in Tulsa 1-888-505-9165 - 2007 Skeeter ZX190

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Hanse 505

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British Marine



The 505 is a double handed dinghy raced worldwide, that incorporates a high performance hull design with a powerful sail plan and one trapeze. The boat has become very refined over the years and is unique in that it has outstanding performance in all conditions.

The class rules are one design, with the emphasis on controlling aspects that most directly affect boat speed. The sail plan and hull shape are tightly controlled, while the rigging layout, spars and foils are open. This allows the boat to be set up in many ways to suit different sailors. Most boats currently have adjustable shrouds, forestay and mast ram which allows rig tension, rake and mast being to be changed whilst racing.

The ideal sailing weight varies with the prevailing local conditions, with most successful racers being between 140 – 180kg.

505 yacht for sale

Fitted Hull Weight127kg
Mast Length6.9m
Upwind Sail Area17.25sqm
Spinnaker Area26sqm
DesignerJohn Westell
Year Designed1955
Number of Sailors2, Single Trapeze
Ideal Racing Weight140-180kg

Association Link 505.org

International 505 hull

Ovi white hull, light grey deck.

Devolved entirely by our in-house design team, drawing upon the knowledge and experience of Holger Jess- one of the most prolific 505 sailors of a generation. The new Ovington 505 is a result of over 6 months of R & D culminating in a complete 3D model from which the final tools have been CNC cut.

Fully optimised within the class rules – with feedback from the International 505 class association – key features include:

  • Narrower sections forward
  • Flatter and more powerful run-off aft
  • Maximum waterline length
  • Increased stiffness and structural efficiency

Price:  £14,910.00

            £12,425.00 (ex VAT)


We sell parts & spares.

From sails to rigging, mast fittings and covers.


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Riviera - Australia’s Premium Luxury Motor Yacht Builder

When Riviera’s highly-skilled design team set out to create their newest addition to the SUV Collection their first and foremost objective was to make the best of both world’s even better.

The result is the spectacular new Riviera 505 SUV. The same pedigree of a single-level alfresco entertainer with thrilling blue-water ability but with the added dimension of the mezzanine: a beautiful wining, dining and relaxing space offering privacy and protection from harsh sun and weather all year round. Escape par excellence.

The SUV concept demands a generous cockpit, low to the water to maximise the action and adventure of the full spectrum of water sports. And that’s what the cockpit of the 505 delivers. Picture yourself cruising the great waterways of the world, diving in the Bahamas, or fishing on the Reef. Anything and everything is possible on board your Riviera 505 SUV.

World famous, ocean tested, Riviera-build quality and strength underpin spirited, enduring performance and retained resale value.

And no motor yacht could be more luxurious or better appointed.

From bow to boarding platform, you’ll relish the Riviera attention to detail, handcrafted luxury and astonishing operational technology. This is cruising on an unprecedented scale of comfort and ease.

And the 505 SUV adds a new dimension to refined living below decks with a full-beam master stateroom, private ensuite and walk-in robe as well as two guest staterooms with shared bathroom. And then, of course, there is the Volvo Penta Glass Cockpit navigation system and silky-smooth and economical performance of twin Volvo Penta IPS turbo diesels with fingertip easy joystick control.

Escape, explore, relax and unwind.


Cannes Yachting Festival – September 10 – 15, 2024

Riviera 505 SUV Inspection Request

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  • Please advise us where you would like to inspect * Please select My Nearest Riviera Dealer Cannes Yachting Festival – September 10 – 15, 2024
  • Choose your most appropriate Riviera and Belize Representative AUSTRALIA - NSW - R Marine Sydney AUSTRALIA - NSW - R Marine Port Stephens AUSTRALIA - QLD - R Marine Crawley AUSTRALIA - QLD - R Marine Jones AUSTRALIA - SA - R Marine South Australia AUSTRALIA - VIC - R Marine Jacksons AUSTRALIA - WA - R Marine Perth AUSTRALIA - SYNDICATION - Boating Partnerships BELGIUM - Best Boats COLOMBIA - Riviera Australia DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Read Marine Group FRANCE - Villanova Ship GERMANY - Best Boats JAPAN - Unimat Precious, Ltd. LUXEMBOURG - Best Boats MALDIVES - Riviera Australia NETHERLANDS - Best Boats NEW ZEALAND - R Marine Flagship PUERTO RICO - Wally Castro Marine SEYCHELLES - Riviera Australia SOUTH AFRICA - Riviera Australia SPAIN - Yachting Spain Brokerage SL THAILAND - Lee Marine Co. Ltd. USA - ALABAMA - Legendary Marine USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Marine Dana Point USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Marine Newport Beach USA - CALIFORNIA - Richard Boland Yachts USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Marine San Diego USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Marina del Rey USA - FLORIDA - Grand Yachts International Coconut Grove USA - FLORIDA - Grand Yachts International Dania Beach USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Destin USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Fort Walton USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Panama City Beach USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Pensacola USA - FLORIDA - SYS Yacht Sales USA - HAWAII - Riviera Australia USA - ILLINOIS - Bay Marine's Chicago Yachting Center USA - MARYLAND - Maryland - Grande Yachts International Grasonville USA - MARYLAND - Maryland - Grande Yachts International Stevensville USA - MASSACHUSETTS - Bosun's Marine Mashpee USA - MASSACHUSETTS - Massachusetts - Bosun's Marine Peabody USA - MICHIGAN - Lake Michigan Yacht Sales USA - MICHIGAN - Onekama Marine, Inc. USA - NEW YORK - Grande Yachts International USA - NORTH CAROLINA - Grande Yachts International USA - SOUTH CAROLINA - Grande Yachts International USA - WASHINGTON - Emerald Pacific Yachts USA - WISCONSIN - Bay Marine, Door County Yachting Center VENEZUELA - Latin Yachts

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Key Features

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Sporting Cockpit

Ready for all water sports action – diving, paddle boarding and fishing. Featuring twin transom flush-opening doors, generous platform and self-draining deck. Cockpit lockers and insulated bin storage abounds plus integrated toe-kicks.

Entertainers Cockpit

Wet bar with grill/plate electric BBQ with LED lighting, top loading refrigerator/freezer, bin and icemaker all hidden from view and protected from the elements with moulded lids and integrated handrails.

Exceptional Foredeck

The foredeck boasts plentiful storage lockers and with its sumptuous sunlounge and adjustable backrest, provides an ideal location for unwinding.

Appealing Alfresco

Offering protection from the elements, the alfresco is the entertaining centre of your yacht. With a folding table, ottoman and two facing lounges, the starboard converting to a daybed, this is a beautifully relaxing space.

Anchoring Station

The through-bow, heavy duty self-loading anchor roller secures and discreetly protects the stainless steel, Ultra anchor. The centreline vertical anchor winch is flanked by storage lockers on both sides.

Mobile Phone Number *

Choose your most appropriate Riviera and Belize Representative Select... USA - FLORIDA - OneWater Yacht Group - Dania Beach USA - FLORIDA - SYS Yacht Sales USA - FLORIDA - OneWater Yacht Group - Fort Lauderdale USA - FLORIDA - OneWater Yacht Group - Palm Beach USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Pensacola USA - FLORIDA - OneWater Yacht Group - Dunedin USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Fort Walton USA - FLORIDA - OneWater Yacht Group - Miami USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Panama City Beach USA - FLORIDA - Legendary Marine Destin USA - NEW JERSEY - OneWater Yacht Group – Jersey City USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Coastal, Dana Point USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Coastal, San Diego Marriott Marquis USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Coastal, Newport Beach USA - CALIFORNIA - Sun Country Coastal, San Diego Harbor Island USA - CALIFORNIA - Richard Boland Yachts USA - MASSACHUSETTS - Bosun's Marine Mashpee USA - MASSACHUSETTS - Bosun's Marine Peabody USA - MARYLAND - OneWater Yacht Group - Stevensville USA - MICHIGAN - Onekama Marine, Inc. USA - MICHIGAN - Lake Michigan Yacht Sales USA - MICHIGAN - Bay Marine USA - NORTH CAROLINA - OneWater Yacht Group - Wilmington USA - WISCONSIN - Bay Marine, Door County Yachting Center USA - WASHINGTON - Emerald Pacific Yachts USA - ALABAMA - Legendary Marine USA - ILLINOIS - Bay Marine’s Chicago Yachting Center PANAMA - Alphablue Marine SA VENEZUELA - Latin Yachts PUERTO RICO - Wally Castro Marine DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Read Marine Group CANADA - BRITISH COLUMBIA - Freedom Marine - Coal Harbour CANADA - BRITISH COLUMBIA - Freedom Marine - Sidney BELGIUM - Best Boats CROATIA - NAUTIKA CENTAR NAVA D.O.O. SPAIN - Yachting Spain Brokerage SL GERMANY - Best Boats NETHERLANDS - Best Boats LUXEMBOURG - Best Boats UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - SF Yachts LLC AUSTRALIA - WESTERN AUSTRALIA - R Marine Perth AUSTRALIA - VICTORIA - R Marine Jacksons AUSTRALIA - SOUTH AUSTRALIA - R Marine South Australia AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - R Marine Jones AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - R Marine Crawley AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES - R Marine Sydney AUSTRALIA - NEW SOUTH WALES - R Marine Port Stephens AUSTRALIA - SYNDICATION - Boating Partnerships NEW ZEALAND - R Marine Flagship JAPAN - Unimat Precious, Ltd THAILAND - Riviera Thailand (Lee Marine Co. Ltd.)

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Designer Aft Galley

Centrally located, designed with solid surface benchtops, storage lockers, pull-out pantry, premium appliances and extensive refrigeration opposite a L-shaped lounge create an inspiring space to enjoy.

Delightful Saloon

Large curved windscreen, opening side windows and sunroof, L-shaped lounge dining area with polished folding table make for engaging conversations in a light and airy space.

Master Suite

Large and luxurious. Walk around queen island bed, chaise lounge, drawer bureau, entertainment centre, large hull windows and opening ports, designer ensuite and walk-in robe create a luxe, opulent retreat.

VIP Guest Treatment

Superior comfort, finishes and appointments. Queen island bed, his and hers, cedar-lined hanging lockers, overhead locker storage, twin hatches and hull side windows and ensuite form a breathtaking stateroom.

Very Accommodating

The starboard guest cabin has twin single beds, a hull window and opening port, cedar-line hanging locker and storage

Stylish Bathrooms

Two spacious ensuites. Beautiful appointments like designer vanities, frameless full-sized showers and gloss timber cabinetry highlight the contemporary clean and luxurious feel.

Optional Laundry Station

Pack a little lighter and stay a little longer. The optional stacked washer and dryer can be discretely and centrally located in the companionway behind twin doors that slide inside the cabinetry to allow companionway access whilst the laundry is in use.

Enjoy Being In Command

The helm is located to starboard with twin fully adjustable helm chairs. The console is brimming with technology engineered for total ease of control. Visibility is outstanding. Opposite the helm is a lounge for guests to enjoy the journey and conversation with captain and mate.

Sure-footed Movement

Throughout you will notice overhead grab rails and handrails thoughtfully positioned for sure-footed movement when the yacht is underway.

Technology & Performance

Joystick control.

Makes docking a breeze. Steering a joy. Effortless accuracy from the two Volvo Penta joysticks located at the main forward saloon helm and in the cockpit.

Bluewater Heritage

Designed to deliver a smooth, soft, dry ride in Australia’s often challenging offshore conditions. Incorporating new lightweight, immensely strong construction materials to minimise overall weight and deliver improved performance.

Engineering Excellence

The gleaming white flow-coated engine room has acoustic and thermal insulation, LED lighting, mist eliminating fan system, double hose clamped ball valves for all through hull fittings and independent compartments throughout that are foam filled, for added strength and noise dampening.

Simplicity and Connectivity

The fully integrated CZone digital switching system enhances the ease of AC and DC operation and monitoring of all onboard systems including tanks. CZone has simple to operate pre-programmed modes or the ability to control individual items.

Siren Marine App

Remote systems monitoring and control via the Siren Marine App is inclusive with every new Riviera motor yacht.

Turn On The Entertainment

LED TVs, surround sound speaker systems, optional iPod interfaces and more. Multi entertainment zones - saloon, alfresco and master stateroom. You’re ready to entertain, party or simply relax.

Smart Lighting

Throughout the yacht LED lighting is utilised. LED lighting has a safe, solid state construction and offers a long service life, energy efficiency and diming capability .

Service Access

A central hatch located in the mezzanine floor lifts to provide covered and protected access to the engine room. This sizeable hatch allows tools and larger mechanical components to be easily lifted into the engine room as required.

Maintenance Free Batteries

The house, auxiliary and starting batteries are all lighter-weight, maintenance free - delivering, faster charging, reliable, high currents on demand and an extended service life.

2 Year Express Limited Warranty

Riviera has further elevated the company’s industry-leading support for Riviera owners with the extended 2 year Express limited warranty which covers all non-structural components. Please refer to your Riviera dealer for full terms and conditions.

5 Year Volvo Penta Limited Warranty

Covering all Volvo Penta controls, Glass Cockpit Garmin displays, steering, propellors, IPS drives and engines. Covering 5 years or up to 1,000 hours on D6 engines and 2,000 hours on D8, D11 and D13 models. Please refer to your Riviera dealer for full terms and conditions.

7 Year Structural Limited Warranty

Providing the ultimate assurance for Riviera owners that the quality of their hull, deck, flybridge and hardtops are engineered and crafted for superior blue-water performance. The warranty covers seven years or up to 2,800 hours of boating, whichever comes first. Please refer to your Riviera dealer for full terms and conditions.

Arrange An Inspection

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Method of Contact Mobile Daytime After Hours Email

Length Overall (inc. swim platform and bow sprit)

Hull Length (Lh to ISO8666) *

Beam (inc. gunwale)

Maximum Draft (inc. props)

Dry Weight (approx.) **

Fuel Capacity ***

Water Capacity ***

Holding Tank Capacity ***

Sleeping Capacity

Cockpit Area

Mezzanine Deck

Engine Volvo Penta D11 IPS 950 (2x)

* Length of the hull (Lh) to ISO8666: Includes all structural and integral parts (ie. the moulded length of the hull). It excludes parts that can be removed in a non-destructive manner without affecting the structural integrity of the craft, (eg. pulpits, outdrives, driving platforms, rubbing strakes). ** Dry weight represents the estimated minimum weight of a yacht with standard engines and options, no fuel or water on board, no equipment or provisions and no personnel. The stated dry weight may be exceeded. *** Denotes net tank capacity. For useable capacity do not rely on more than 90% of tank capacity. Actual capacity will vary according to yacht trim and sea state. Speeds are subject to normal weather conditions, fuel and/or water levels, passengers and equipment loads.

The Reassurance of Riviera

A proud heritage.

Riviera has a proud heritage of launching over 6,000 yachts in more than 44 years of operation.

Global Confidence

Today Riviera yachts can be seen cruising the great lakes, rivers, seas and oceans of the world.

Riviera Australia is a family owned business guided by the excellence, values and vision of its owner, Rodney Longhurst.


Garmin, Raymarine, Simrad and FLIR are the world leaders in marine navigation systems and can be specified on your Riviera.


Yamaha, JL Audio and Fusion systems will ensure your total onboard relaxation and entertainment by the finest quality audio.

SMEG, Bosch and VitriFrigo are class-leading international appliances and have been selected by Riviera for their performance and your enjoyment.

Exacting Detail

State-of-the-art digital kitting is utilised to precisely cut all fibreglass and structural foams for the lamination process to ensure that each component fits perfectly.

Precision Joinery

The finest quality joinery is created by exacting CNC precision-cut timbers with all cabinets hand built by master craftspeople.

Superior Finish

Each mould is thoroughly inspected, cleaned and waxed before the initial application of isophthalic gelcoat is sprayed to provide a high gloss and superior water and fade resistant finish.

Independent Reviews

Riviera 505 SUV World Premiere Step aboard the amazing Riviera 505 SUV in the World Premiere video. -
Grand Designs Australia’s Riviera Marine prides itself on manufacturing boaters’ boats – capable, stylish, well-built motor yachts it can sell to the world. - John Eichelsheim
Sporty Luxury Predictable handling such as gently healing into turns, is a Riviera trait, as is the solid feel of the hull as it slammed into the wakes of other vessels. Finally, slowing side-on to the stiff breeze I manoeuvred us towards a mooring at South Stradbroke island with a few turns of the joystick, just to… - Kevin Green
All in the Family Being able to stand out in a glamorous range that includes four other SUV models takes something special, writes Kevin Green. Yet, he concludes, this middle sibling – the Riviera 505 SUV – does all this and more. - Kevin Green
It lacks for nothing, is great to drive, looks the business and will make owners feel special… - Barry Park
Captain Steve called the handling “outstanding”. This boat is extremely quiet underway. Recorded at the enclosed helm, the dBA level at WOT was 74: it decreased to 65 at idle. She has the size for living aboard and exhibits a layout that is open and comfortable. We believe she will excel as a dual-purpose entertainer… - Captain Steve Larivee
“I believe the 505 SUV is destined to become one of the most successful boats ever produced. The Riviera 505 SUV’s demeanour is exceptionally sporty, but seriously seagoing. This is not just a lush harbourside cruiser – indeed, she’s a practical and efficient coastal explorer with true blue water credentials.” - John Willis, Boating Writer
Sporting Proposition “I believe the 505 SUV is destined to become one of the most successful boats ever produced. The Riviera 505 SUV’s demeanour is exceptionally sporty, but seriously seagoing. This is not just a lush harbourside cruiser – indeed, she’s a practical and efficient coastal explorer with true blue water credentials.” - John Willis, Boating Writer
Riviera 505 SUV - The Boat Show Review Watch the full review, Interiors and driving experience of the new Riviera 505 SUV, a motor boat built in Australia by Riviera. - Sam Orani
Riviera 505 SUV: Posh and Powerful If you're looking for a traditional, hardcore, Amer­Iican-style sportfishing machine, perhaps this boat isn't for you. But if you want a luxurious yacht on which you can entertain, take two (or more) couples along for a weekend, have a boat you can be proud to show off and still seriously fish, then I suggest this… - Capt. Dean Travis Clarke
A Stylish and versatile cruiser with a unique mezzanine The new Riviera 505 SUV adds elements like twin transom doors that open fully to connect the large swim platform, which can be augmented with yacht rails and an optional lift system. The feature that I found I liked the most, and that really sets the 505 SUV apart from previous models and the competition,… - Capt. Arnie Hammerman

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Riviera 505 SUV

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505 yacht for sale

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505 yacht for sale

a white boat in the water aboard 505 SUV  Yacht for Sale

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505 SUV Yacht for Sale

Not for sale or charter to U.S. residents while in U.S. waters.


Length (LOA) 55'
Year 2025
Draft 5'
Beam 16'
Location United States


Staterooms 3
Heads 2

Dimensions & Capacity

LOA 55'
Max Draft 5'


Hull Material Fiberglass

Complete the form below and one of our experienced sales brokers will be in touch soon.

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a white boat in the water aboard 505 SUV  Yacht for Sale

@media screen and (min-width: 70em){.css-1c47y9x{color:var(--chakra-colors-blue\.brand);}} 505 buy/sell second hands, ads and prices

505 used

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505 parts for sale in Saint-Malo

505 parts for sale in Saint-Malo

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to sell cinquo cinq

to sell cinquo cinq

505 presentation

Cinquo, the king of dinghies.

The Cinquo has been innovative since its creation in 1953 designed by John Westell with the appearance of the trapeze, the hull deflectors, the spinnaker (a first on a dinghy) and the self-draining.

It is a pretty boat with fine lines that flare out towards the rear. The 505's planing hull, combined with 16 square metres of sail area upwind and 35 square metres downwind, allow it to glide at all speeds. This gives a great feeling, especially when sailing on the beam where the hull lifts off and reaches high speeds.

To control her power, you need to know how to play with the many adjustments the Cinquo offers, from the sails to the centreboard and the mast. However, it remains a handy, seaworthy boat that is very easy to handle.

5o5 and the second-hand market

It is an expensive boat with a lot of expensive fittings and noble materials for the most recent ones. So no miracle, the Cinquo is a fairly expensive dinghy. Older models nevertheless allow access to the myth at a lower cost.

Some figures of the 505 sailing dinghy  :

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John Westell

Used 505 price table

Advert titleBuilderYear Price

-2000 10€

-2001 7500€

- 2800€


  1. Classifieds

    Below is a listing of used boats and equipment offered for sale in the United States. Please note that this section is ONLY for 505s, 505 parts, and related equipment. ... Also, hull numbers are sequential, and are issued upon initial measurement after the boat is built. The minimum weight of a 505 (weighed with all equipment required for ...

  2. 505 sailboats for sale by owner.

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  3. 2025 ECLIPSE 505 Cruiser for sale

    ECLIPSE 505. At the intersection of luxury cruising and performance, is the revolutionary outboard-powered ECLIPSE 505. Never seen before speed and seakeeping abilities within the cruising segment are made possible by the patented Michael Peters SVVT hull, mated with the iconic Mercury 600hp V12. Offering a true two stateroom, two head layout ...

  4. Hanse 505 boats for sale

    Find Hanse 505 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Hanse boats to choose from.

  5. 505 Boats for sale

    Model 505. Category Racer Boats. Length 16'. Posted Over 1 Month. 1967 Intnl One Design 505, The boat was built in Great Britain and is in average condition for a 1967 boat. The boat includes a full set of sails, with an additional new main & jib. The boat also has new over-sized rigging (Harken blocks, etc.) and a trailer. $800.00.

  6. Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale

    505 Suv; Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: Riviera - 505 SUV. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-US. United States. Country-ES. Spain. All. ... Riviera Yachts 505 suv By Condition. New Riviera Yachts 505 suv 16 listings .

  7. New and used Hanse 505 boats for sale

    New and used Hanse 505 boats for sale. 49. Hanse 505. United Kingdom. £249,990 GBP Tax paid / included. 2014 | 15.40m | Diesel | Sail. View details. All boats from Michael Schmidt & Partner Ltd. Contact Seller.

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  9. 505 Dinghy

    The 505 is a double handed dinghy raced worldwide. It incorporates a high performance hull design with a powerful sail plan and one trapeze. ... Most boats currently have adjustable shrouds, forestay and mast ram which allows rig tension, rake and mast being to be changed whilst racing. The ideal sailing weight varies with the prevailing local ...

  10. ECLIPSE 505 boats for sale

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  11. Quicksilver 505 boats for sale

    Quicksilver 505 boats for sale 37 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Quicksilver Quicksilver Activ 505 Cabin . No Especificado, Tarragona, Spain. 2024. $29,577 Seller Hermanos Berga 29. 1. Contact +34 977 39 12 11. ×. Save This Boat ...

  12. Hanse 505 boats for sale

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  13. 505 SUV

    The new Riviera 505 SUV adds elements like twin transom doors that open fully to connect the large swim platform, which can be augmented with yacht rails and an optional lift system. The feature that I found I liked the most, and that really sets the 505 SUV apart from previous models and the competition,… - Capt. Arnie Hammerman

  14. Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale

    Find 11 Riviera 505 Suv for sale on YachtWorld Europe's largest marketplace for boats & yachts. We connect over 10 million boat buyers and sellers each year!

  15. Home

    Next World Championship is in Varberg Sweden 1st - 10th August 2024. Details HERE Then Adelaide, Australia 30th December 2024 - 7th January 2025 Other 2024 Events here. LATEST NEWS Welcome to the International 505

  16. 505

    Notes. Developed from the CORONET, the 505 soon became an international gold standard for high performance dinghys. The class rules have allowed experimentation in both rigging and construction techniques so that, as can be seen, many well known builders have, at one time or another, been involved in the building of 505s.

  17. Used Riviera 505 Suv for Sale

    Riviera 505 SUV Boats For Sale. Price. AU $2,375,000 Finance $ 00 per week. Get Finance Quote Now. Pre-Purchase Inspection Currency Length. 55' 10" - 17.01m ... Yachts and Boats for Sale Australia - Sell Your Yacht, Boat and Sailing Accessories. Sell My Boat; My Watch List; Seller Sign In;

  18. Quicksilver 505 Cabin boats for sale

    Quicksilver 505 Cabin boats for sale 19 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Quicksilver Activ 505 Cabin . North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. 2024. $40,156 Seller Acaster Marine 26. Contact. 01904 702049. ×. Save This Boat. Quicksilver Quicksilver Activ 505 ...

  19. 505 SUV Yacht for Sale in United States

    The result is the spectacular new Riviera 505 SUV. The same pedigree of a single level alfresco entertainer with thrilling blue-water ability but with the added dimension of the mezzanine: a beautiful wining, dining and relaxing space offering privacy and protection from harsh sun and weather all year round. Escape par excellence.

  20. Used 505 sailing dinghies boat for sale, second hand : price/buying

    505. buy/sell second hands, ads and prices. The Cinquo, five-o, or 5o5, is a magnificent sailing dinghy. It is the king for its enthusiasts, and is definitely in the big league of light sailing. It is a very elegant, innovative and fast 5.05m dinghy with 2 crew and a trapeze. It is a superb boat for regattas at sea as well as in closed waters.

  21. Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale

    2024 Riviera 505 SUV. Find 13 Riviera 505 Suv boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Riviera boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

  22. Sailing Dinghies for sale, 505 Sailing Dinghies, used boats, new boat

    Apollo Duck, Kyrwood 505 Sailing Dinghies For Sale 505 kyrwood dinghy, Rondar 505 Sailing Dinghies For Sale 5o5 dinghy with trailer and trolley, Rondar 505 Sailing Dinghies For Sale rondar 8532, ... 505 GBR8095 built by Kyrwood in 1988 the boat is excellent. A new Selden M2 mast was fitted 2016 along with carbon pole and many upgrades were ...