Jeff Bezos kaufte zweite Mega-Jacht – als Packesel

Amazon-gründer rekordschiff "y721" reicht ihm nicht: jeff bezos kaufte zweite mega-jacht – als packesel.

Damen Yachting YS 7512

2023 wird ein aufregendes Jahr für Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos. Lange musste er warten, doch bald wird er die weltgrößte Segeljacht "Koru" (aktuell "Y721" genannt, IMO  9857298 ) in Empfang nehmen dürfen. Aktuell liegt das 127-Meter-Schiff im Dock von "Greenport" im Eeemhaven bei Pernis, nahe Rotterdam. Doch die Rekord-Jacht ist nicht das einzige Schiff, das auf seinen Einsatz auf hoher See wartet – Bezos ließ sich eine zweite Jacht namens "Wingman" bauen, welche die "Koru" als Unterstützungsschiff, oder "Schattenschiff", begleiten soll.

Der Begriff "Schattenschiff" ist frei übersetzt und stammt vom englischen Wort "shadow vessel", der offiziellen Bezeichnung für Jachten wie die "Wingman". Es beschreibt ein Schiff , das sich stets "im Schatten" eines größeren Schiffes bewegt und dabei wichtige Aufgaben und Frachten übernimmt, die an Bord der Hauptjacht keinen Platz finden oder schlicht unerwünscht sind.

Jeff Bezos

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75 millionen us-dollar für ein zweites schiff.

Für die "Koru" hat sich Jeff Bezos ein ungewöhnlich großes Hilfsschiff bauen lassen, das derzeit bei der Werft Damen Yachting entsteht. Den Auftrag erteilte der Milliardär offenbar schon vor Jahren. Die "Wingman" ist 75 Meter lang, soll 75 Millionen US-Dollar gekostet haben und eine 20 köpfige Crew beherbergen. Damen Yachting schreibt: "Das Schiff kann einen Hubschrauber der Klasse D14 aufnehmen, verfügt über modernste Umweltausrüstungen und bietet Platz für Container mit Hilfsgütern sowie für eine breite Palette an spezialisierten Schiffsausrüstungen und Beibooten." Außerdem ist neben der Crew Platz für Gäste, die – aus welchen Gründen auch immer – nicht an Bord der Segeljacht übernachten.

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Für die Werft ist die "YS 7512", so der Projektname, das bisher größte Projekt. Die genaue Ausstattung ist geheim. Von anderen Schattenschiffen weiß man, dass meist Fahrzeuge wie Jetskis und Beiboote geladen sind, manchmal auch U-Boote an Bord geparkt werden. Auch medizinische Einrichtungen können Teil des Schiffes sein, beispielsweise Druck- beziehungsweise Dekompressionskammern zur Behandlung von Tauchunfällen.

Segeljacht hat keinen Platz an Deck

Tatsächlich macht ein solches Schiff als Begleitung für die Segeljacht "Koru" schon alleine deshalb Sinn, weil das Deck der Mega-Jacht durch die gigantischen Masten keinen Platz für einen Helikopter-Landplatz bietet. 

Derzeit fährt die "Wingman" unter niederländischer Flagge und wird diversen Tests unterzogen, die Auslieferung sollte bald erfolgen. Passend, denn auch die "Koru" dürfte in dieser Saison erstmals mit ihrem Eigner an Bord über die Meere segeln.

Die Segeljacht Y721 von Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos

Größte Segeljacht der Welt "Y721" ist frei: Mega-Jacht von Jeff Bezos wechselte heimlich die Werft – während Rotterdam schlief

Übrigens: Der Name "Koru" ist Maori und bezeichnet den sich entrollenden Wedel des Silberfarns. "Koru" ist fester Bestandteil der neuseeländischen Kunst und symbolisiert für Bezos laut einem Beitrag auf Instagram Erneuerung, Wiedergeburt und persönliche Entfaltung. Die Bedeutung des Namens "Wingman" ist indes weniger kryptisch.

Quellen : Superyachtfan / esysman

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Die "Kereon" ist auch ein eher kleines Schiff. Sie ist 27 Meter lang und wurde 2004 gebaut. Drei Dieselmotoren beschleunigen die Jacht auf maximal 62,3 Knoten (115 km/h). Obwohl sie so kompakt ist, finden immerhin bis zu sechs Gäste und zwei Crew-Mitglieder auf ihr Platz.

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Jeff Bezos’ New Yacht Is Finally Ready to Set Sail

Amazon’s founder has been spotted on Koru, a massive schooner with a design that evokes the golden age of sailing in the early 20th century.

Koru, a very large sailboat with three masts and a dark navy hull, sails on a calm blue sea.

By Kevin Koenig

Just in time for the high season of yachting in the Mediterranean, when multimillion-dollar megayachts descend on ports like Monte Carlo and St. Tropez, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, has been photographed with his partner Lauren Sánchez on his new boat, Koru, off the coast of Spain.

Mr. Bezos’ vessel is a sailing yacht, a departure from the diesel-powered, floating palaces popular with other billionaires. But it is still massive. At 417 feet, Koru is the world’s largest sailing yacht, according to Boat International , and it cost an estimated $500 million to build, Bloomberg reported . (Parsifal III, the boat featured on Bravo’s reality series “Below Deck Sailing Yacht,” is 177 feet long — less than half the length of Koru — and cost $18 million , according to the website SuperYachtFan.)

A spokesperson for Mr. Bezos did not comment for this article; neither did Oceanco, Koru’s builder. Here is what to know about the boat.

For traditionalists, Koru is refreshing. At a time when yacht design skews outrageous — see the lizardlike, 262-foot Artefact or the otherworldly 463-foot Yas — Koru stands out as a schooner, a sailing vessel with two or more masts. Photos reveal a large sailboat with three masts, an on-deck pool and a voluptuous mermaid on the bow, that bears a resemblance to Ms. Sánchez. But otherwise, the sleek, classic lines suggest the patrician age of yachting in the early 20th century, said Robert B. MacKay, author of “The Golden Age of Newport Yachting: Between the Wars.”

“With the clipper bow and the dark hull and the masts,” Mr. MacKay said, referring to Koru’s concave, pointy forward section, “it reminds me of a boat built in 1930 for J.P. Morgan Jr., Corsair IV. It is almost like a reincarnation. It’s certainly at odds with the stuff the oligarchs are building — those look like bloated Clorox bottles.”

Compared with the world’s very largest motor yachts — built for sheer size and the accompanying bragging rights — Koru could almost be considered quaint. Azzam, one of the world’s largest motor yachts, is nearly 200 feet longer.

The Experience

Koru will be propelled primarily by the wind. “Sailboats are usually greener than most powerboats,” said Don Anderson, a former captain of M5 , the world’s largest single-masted sailboat, at 256 feet. “I’d like to think that Koru will be one of the most ecological yachts out there, with its sails and also with the technology that will be aboard.”

“When you’re on a sailboat, you’re more in touch with the wind and the waves than on a powerboat,” he continued. “You’re more susceptible to the elements, too. But you can leave California, and once you get past the Catalinas you can basically surf downwind all the way to Hawaii. All you need to do is run with the waves.”

Mr. Bezos has been a guest on similar boats, according to Bloomberg: In 2019, he was spotted on Eos , a 305-foot sailing yacht owned by Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg.

Bill Tripp, a Connecticut-based naval architect, said the appeal of this type of boat is clear: “When you are on a powerboat, you ask, ‘Are we there yet?’ and on a sailboat, you’re enjoying the ride and the ocean so much that you don’t ask that question.”

Koru will be trailed by Abeona, a 246-foot support vessel. Superyachts often have support vessels following along behind them. These “shadows,” as they are colloquially known, are for the “toys” — the ATVs, supercars, seaplanes, motorcycles, smaller boats, scuba gear, personal submarines and even helicopters that pleasure boaters might bring on a trip. According to its builder, this model of boat can carry these gadgets along with dozens of crew members. (Ms. Sanchez flies helicopters, and the couple was recently photographed taking a helicopter to board Abeona and then Koru.)

Abeona, a motor yacht, will have enough range to follow Koru from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean — a common course for yachts — on a single tank of gas.

The Kerfuffle

Koru set off a controversy last year — before it was even completed — in a face-off with the Dutch city of Rotterdam. The boat was built at Oceanco’s facility in Alblasserdam, the Netherlands, and needed to pass the historic Koningshaven Bridge, known as “De Hef,” in Rotterdam, to undergo testing in the North Sea.

When the city announced it would dismantle the bridge to allow the boat and its mainmast — an estimated 230 feet tall — to pass through unscathed, locals were angry. They planned a protest to throw eggs at the yacht as it cruised by. In the end, the bridge was not taken apart, and the yacht was towed to a different location to have its masts attached.

Koru is Maori for “coil” or “loop” and refers to the unfurling of a fern frond. The koru design is common in traditional Maori art, where it symbolizes new life, growth and peace. Mr. Bezos included a photo of a koru frond in an Instagram post on Jan. 1, 2022.

Brad Stone, who was the first to report on Koru, in his 2021 book “Amazon Unbound: Jeff Bezos and the Invention of a Global Empire,” said the name was “consistent with where we see him today.”

“He is no longer this single-minded tech guy,” Mr. Stone said. “He’s in media and Hollywood and has a new relationship.”

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2G Marine News

Damen Yachting delivers new 75m custom support vessel

Annabelle Fox

The largest support vessel built by Damen Yachting has been delivered and named Abeona. The 75-metre (246-foot) custom shadow vessel departed the shipyard's Vlissingen site at the end of January 2023, and arrived in Gibraltar after successfully completing sea trials.

Damen Yachting's new support vessel Abeona sailing on the ocean.

Formerly known by the project names YS 7512 and Wingman, the vessel has been spotted with the name Abeona. The name is derived from the Roman era, when Abeona was the goddess of voyages and departures.

The identity of the superyacht which she will be supporting has not yet been confirmed but sources suggest she could be the support yacht of Y721, or Koru, the yacht reportedly commissioned for Jeff Bezos.

Damen Yachting's new support vessel Abeona sailing on the ocean.

The vessel hit the water in October 2022, showcasing a grey hull, orange boot stripe and Damen Yachting's signature high forebody and open aft deck, which will be used for storing tenders and toys.

The model has been designed in-house and features a 12.6m (41ft) beam and an impressive volume of 1,900GT, which includes the capacity to store emergency relief support equipment.

The vessel also features a helipad and hangar for a D14 value helicopter and will be equipped with an array of marine gear, as well as additional tenders and toys that aren't carried on board the mothership.

Damen Yachting's new support vessel Abeona sailing on the ocean.

Due for delivery in early 2023, the support vessel has accommodation for a total of 45 people, including crew, guests and other specialist staff.

Rob Luijendijk, sales director at Damen Yachting, commented, “At the time of delivery, she will be the 17 th yacht support delivered. She will also be [Damen Yachting's] largest to date, which I think continues to show the scalability of the support solution for large superyachts.”

For more information, visit Damen Yachting.

For more news and yachting tips, connect with us on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and LinkedIn.

Source: BOAT International

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Luxurylaunches -

Following in the footsteps of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg is said to have bought a $300 million superyacht and a $30 million support vessel in one go. Apt for the adventurous Facebook founder, the shadow vessel has a helipad, dive center & even a decompression chamber.

jeff bezos yacht wingman

Meet the world’s $300 million superyacht Launchpad:

After much speculation, the 387-foot Feadship motor yacht Launchpad emerged as Zuckerberg’s launchpad into the world of shipowners. She can accommodate 24 guests who are serviced by a crew of 48. The exterior was designed by ace designer Espen Øino, while the interiors were brought to life by the French studio Zuretti. Launchpad’s most discerning feature is its stark blue hull and a red line across the waterline.

jeff bezos yacht wingman

Ranking at number 45 among the largest yachts worldwide in terms of length, it is safe to presume the vessel would boast world-class amenities. There is an ample main deck, a swimming pool, and top-notch facilities worthy of Zuckerberg and his family. Images reveal a large helipad with a hangar on the upper deck. The yacht flaunts a glass observation lounge and a spacious beach club. On closer inspection of the photos, one notices the decks are flanked by circular seating pods, an alfresco dining area, and a bar. Maintaining the $300 million Launchpad Yacht would set Zuckerberg back by at least $30 million annually.

jeff bezos yacht wingman

Support Vessel Wingman is truly superlative:

If a support vessel could receive a report card, the aptly named Wingman would earn an A+. The 220-foot vessel, with a volume of 1,143 GT, boasts interiors by Mark Berryman and provides accommodation for up to 6 guests in 3 cabins.

jeff bezos yacht wingman

Will this duo beat Jeff Bezos’s Koru and Abeona superyachts?

Mark Zuckerberg and other centibillionaire Jeff Bezos have more in common than just their wealth; they both own a pair of stunning superyachts and their impressive support vessels. While Zuckerberg’s latest purchases are expensive, they still cannot match Koru, a $500 million schooner, with its $75 million support vessel, Abeona, trailing behind. Not only are these boats much larger (Koru is 416 feet, while Abeona is 246 feet), but they also cost nearly double that of Zuckerberg’s vessels.

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Sailing yacht KORU: What we know so far about Jeff Bezos’ 127 meter yacht

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By Nina Done   15 December 2022

Recent footage showcasing the vast proportions of the Amazon founder’s new 127m (417ft) Oceanco sailing yacht KORU , known throughout her build as Project Y721, has provided some valuable insight into one of the yachting industry’s best-kept secrets.

The megayacht’s specifications and amenities had been kept completely under wraps until she was forced to move from the Dutch yard’s primary facilities in Alblasserdam to get her masts fitted elsewhere in order to avoid dismantling the Koningshaven Bridge after huge public backlash. 

In August, the yacht was spotted in the Port of Rotterdam after her trio of masts had been successfully stepped, with pictures barely doing justice to the monolithic proportions of the sailing spars, reportedly up to 70-80 meters tall.

World yacht rankings

KORU will replace Oceanco’s BLACK PEARL for second place in the world's largest sailing yacht rankings behind Nobiskrug's 143m (469ft) sailing yacht A .

Oceanco's newest yacht is understood to have an internal volume of 3,300 GT and will undoubtedly offer a wealth of luxurious accommodation and amenities. Although we have scant information about the yacht's features, we do know that she will have an aft dip pool along with a further Jacuzzi on her sundeck and variety of alfresco social spaces. She also has a crow's nest attached to her central mast, offering lofty panoramic views for her more adventurous guests.

From the pictures we can see KORU also benefits from full-length windows across her superstructure allowing plenty of light to infuse her interiors. 

Design inspiration

Sailing yacht Koru docked in Netherlands

Built with a steel hull and aluminum superstructure with teak decking, she reportedly takes her design cues from the 93-meter Lürssen sailing yacht EOS , perhaps inspired by the entrepreneur’s visits to this yacht in previous years. 

Lurssen sailing yacht EOS

Showcasing a midnight-blue hull with a distinctive red stripe running along her waterline, KORU’s exterior styling mirrors this traditional schooner style, with an elongated bowsprite and canoe stern. Another similar style yacht is the 90m (295ft) Royal Huisman sailing yacht ATHENA . 

Kinetic energy technology

As expected from a tech entrepreneur, known for pushing boundaries and driving innovation, sailing yacht KORU will be trialing a prototype for a new kinetic energy recovery system. This is based on a conversion of wave induced motion, heave, pitch and roll into electric energy, with initial tests showing early promise. 

With a nod to her green credentials, this will provide an additional power source for the yacht allowing for more sustainable cruising.

Tenders and toys

Access to sailing yacht KORU will be via folding passerelles, discreetly hidden in the yacht's hull on either side. Rescue and work tender launches will likely take place further forward, as per regulations. Recent pictures show a large hatch opening in her lower deck aft, which may contain further tenders and toys, but may also double as a beach club. 

Jeff Bezos support yacht Wingman

Sailing yacht KORU comes complete with a support vessel built by Damen Yachts, reportedly known as 75 meter (247ft) yacht WINGMAN .

Portrait of Jeff Bezos the owner of sailing yacht Koru

Once delivered, it is understood that she will act as an official support boat for the sailing yacht , carrying the larger toys, including a submarine for thrilling excursions beneath the waves, plus a helicopter and landing pad. She is also believed to play host to an array of PWCs, with rumors of a speed boat and luxury car adding to the fleet, as well as providing accommodation for additional crew and staff.

When is sailing yacht KORU expected to be delivered?

From here she will undertake the all-important rounds of sea trials before being delivered to her owner sometime in the new year. It is understood that the yacht will be officially christened KORU upon delivery, and will operate under the Cayman Islands' flag. It is not believed that superyacht KORU will be available to charter. 

If you'd like to learn more about chartering a yacht, please get in touch with your chosen yacht charter broker . Alternatively, view all superyachts available for charter .

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Jeff Bezos’s $500 Million Megayacht Was Spotted Undergoing Test Trials in the North Sea

The amazon founder's y721 koru from oceanco has finally hit the high seas., louisa ballhaus, louisa ballhaus's most recent stories.

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Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos has a new toy in the works, and it looks like he’s making sure it’ll be ready for summertime travels.

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Bezos ran into some trouble earlier this year when it came out that the Koningshaven Bridge in the Netherlands might have to be dismantled to let Y721 Koru pass through, as the megayacht’s 229-foot masts exceeded the bridge’s 131-foot clearance. City officials briefly agreed to disassemble the bridge but then decided against it in the face of public backlash, according to The New York Times. That negative reaction included a threat from residents to show up and pelt rotten eggs at the $500 million behemoth.

Oceanco, the company that built Y721 Koru, ultimately decided against applying for the permit that would be required for dismantling Koningshaven Bridge, and the boat was instead quietly towed to another shipyard without its mast.

The iconic historic De Hef - Koningshavenbrug Bridge in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam may be dismantled for Jeff Bezos superyacht to pass under, as the mast of the sailboat exceeds the height of the bridge. The two-tower with swing lift bridge is an old level steel railroad bridge connecting the island, Noordereiland in the Maas river in the Southern part of Rotterdam. The bridge was built in 1877 and suffered damage during the 1940 German bombings. Since 2017 after the renovation work, the municipality promised that the bridge would never be dismantled again. The superyacht for the multibillionaire chairman of Amazon is built in the Dutch shipyards of Oceanco. The city council said in a statement that if they will proceed the cost of the deconstruction will be covered by the shipbuilder. Rotterdam, The Netherlands on February 4, 2022 (Photo by Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

Bezos’s completed yacht will be accompanied by a 246-foot-long “shadow yacht” called YS7512, Damen Yacht’s largest-ever support vessel. It will fit 45 people onboard, feature a helicopter hangar and storage for Jet Skis and other water toys and is reportedly called Abeona , according to Boat International .

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${intro} ${title}

Bezos' begleit-yacht für segel-yacht "koru" steht kurz vor auslieferung.

Die Luxus-Yacht "Koru" von Jeff Bezos benötigt ein Begleitschiff. Die "Wingman" ist bereits auf Testfahrt und soll rund 75 Millionen US-Dollar kosten.

Eine Darstellung der Begleit-Yacht "Wingman".

(Bild: Damen Yachting)

  • Oliver Bünte

Die von Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos bereits 2019 bei der Werft Damen Yachting in Auftrag gegebene Begleit-Yacht "Wingman" für seine Segel-Yacht "Koru" steht kurz vor der Auslieferung. Das 75 m lange Schiff soll etwa 75 Millionen US-Dollar, knapp 71 Millionen Euro, kosten und als shadow vessel (deutsch: Schattenschiff) Bezos' Dreimaster "Koru", auch Y721 genannt, begleiten. Auf der "Wingman" kann etwa ein Helikopter landen, denn "Koru" fehlt ein Landeplatz, um auf die Yacht einfliegen zu können.

Großes Begleitschiff

Das Begleitschiff unter dem Projektnamen YS 7512 wird derzeit getestet. Am 19. Dezember 2022 lief das Schiff unter niederländischer Flagge zu einer Testfahrt vom niederländischen Vlissingen in die Nordsee aus. Zu Wasser gelassen wurde die Begleit-Yacht bereits im Oktober 2022, wie Boat International schreibt . Ausgeliefert werden soll das Schiff Anfang 2023, ein genaues Datum ist zunächst unklar. Für Damen Yachting ist es mit einer Länge von 75 m und einer Breite von 12,6 m bisher das größte von ihnen gebaute Begleitschiff.

Als solches soll es Bezos' 127 m langes Mutterschiff unterstützen, das derzeit im Dock in der Nähe von Rotterdam auf seine endgültige Fertigstellung wartet und von der auf Yachten spezialisierten Oceano-Werft gebaut wird. Das Volumen der "Wingman" beträgt 1900 BRZ (Bruttoraumzahl), genügend Platz also für die Unterbringung zusätzlicher Ausrüstung, die 20-köpfige Crew sowie mögliche Gäste, die keinen Platz mehr auf der "Koru" finden.

Die Begleit-Yacht umfasst zusätzlich einen Helikopter-Landeplatz, auf denen Helikopter der Klasse D14 mit einer maximalen Länge von 14 m landen können. Dies ist nötig, weil die Haupt-Yacht "Koru" aufgrund seiner drei Masten keinen Platz für eine Landezone bietet, Bezos und seine Gäste also nicht ein- und ausgeflogen werden könnten, wenn das Schiff unterwegs ist.

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NBC 6 South Florida

Jeff Bezos' multi-million dollar yacht, Koru, docks at Port Everglades

According to boat international, the koru is the world’s largest sailing yacht, and reportedly cost an estimated $500 million to build, by monica galarza • published november 28, 2023 • updated on november 29, 2023 at 12:37 pm.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' massive yacht has officially dropped anchor in Port Everglades.

Video captured by NBC6 shows the enormous 417-foot yacht docked in Port Everglades Tuesday weeks after the billionaire announced he was moving back to the Sunshine State, after spending nearly three decades in Seattle.

According to Boat International , the Koru is the world’s largest sailing yacht, and reportedly cost an estimated $500 million to build.

Bezos stepped down as the CEO of Amazon almost three years ago and said in a social media post that operations for his rocket company, Blue Origin, are “increasingly shifting” to Cape Canaveral, which is about 200 miles north of Miami.

Get South Florida local news, weather forecasts and entertainment stories to your inbox. Sign up for NBC South Florida newsletters.

Coincidentally, on Tuesday, an Amazon spokesperson confirmed to NBC6 that the company is searching for 50,000 square feet of leased office space in the Miami area as part of its organic growth over the past few years in the region.

Amazon currently has more than 400 corporate and tech employees assigned to our existing serviced office locations in the Miami area, but this office space would first base location in the city.

In October, Bloomberg News reported that Bezos had purchased a mansion in the area known as “Billionaire Bunker” for $79 million, after buying a neighboring estate for $68 million.

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And in an Instagram post, the 59-year-old announced plans to return to Miami — where he spent his high school years — to be closer to his parents and his partner, Lauren Sánchez.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jeff Bezos (@jeffbezos)

Seattle has been Bezos' home since 1994 when he started Amazon out of his garage.

The Instagram post includes a brief video tour led by Bezos of Amazon's first office, with his father behind the camera.

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jeff bezos yacht wingman

Jeff Bezos’ $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren Sanchez figurehead

Much like Amazon, Jeff Bezos’ $500 million superyacht offers every bell and whistle imaginable, from A to Z.

The colossal, triple-masted Koru began its career serving the world’s third richest man this week, cruising the Mediterranean around Mallorca.

The 417-foot schooner first left Rotterdam in the Netherlands for sea trials in February. Dropping anchor in Mallorca put its jaw-dropping size on full display.

It also showed the extent of Bezos’ fleet: Not only did the Koru sail into harbor, so did its support vessel, Abeona, a mega-boat in its own right, the luxurious fast-launches used to move between the two — and aerial support in the form of his girlfriend Lauren Sanchez’s personal helicopter.

Sanchez also seemingly serves the fleet’s mascot, with the Koru’s figurehead, a part of traditional large sailing ships, modeled after her.

The Koru is the world’s tallest sailing yacht. Its three huge 229-foot masts power it to 20 knots. It’s also the biggest billionaire’s yacht which can move under sail-power alone.

The masts are so tall that Dutch officials considered dismantling the 95-year-old Koningshaven Bridge to allow the vessel past the 131-foot span on its journey from the Oceanco shipyard in Alblasserdam through Rotterdam to the North Sea.

That controversial plan was scrapped after local backlash, including residents being urged to toss eggs at Bezos’ “latest toy,”  the New York Times reported . The superyacht, previously known as Y721, was instead towed to a shipyard in Rotterdam, downstream of the bridge, without its masts.

Bezos, 59, and the bikini-clad Sanchez, 53, appeared ready for the summer as the pair soaked up the sun aboard Koru, a Māori word for loop or coil that symbolizes new beginnings — possibly a coy reference to their relationship.

Sanchez started secretly dating the Blue Origin founder in the summer of 2018. Bezos then announced in January 2019 he and his wife Mackenzie were divorcing after 25 years , while Sanchez finalized her split from husband Patrick Whitesell later that year.

Sanchez plays a critical role in the Bezos fleet: As a helicopter pilot, she was seen landing on the Abeona. She was also at Bezos’ side when he took the wheel of the Koru.

Koru was first seen under construction in 2021 at Oceano’s yard. The company is owned by a fellow billionaire, Oman’s Mohammed Al Barwani.

As many as 18 guests can enjoy the yacht’s three outdoor decks, including one with two pools. The vessel, which has a crew of up to 36, also boasts a cinema, meeting spaces and lounges,  Luxuo reported .

Every detail is designed for luxury, even down to the masts’ technology.

Bezos opted for high-tech “in-boom furlers,” which store the vast canvases at the bottom of the mast, above the deck. Each weighs nearly 2,000 pounds, but they allow his deck to be kept clear of ropes.

Clearing ropes out of the way maximizes entertaining space, and allows for a hot tub forward of the mainmast.

The yacht is also built for speed. Its three masts provide “one of the largest sail areas ever seen in yachting,”  according to SuperYacht Times .

The Koru’s original designer, and the identity of its captain, remain secret. Boat International noted : “With the elegant curve of the bow and a bowsprit, the lines are certainly classic, but we still have no idea which designer drew them.”

The Cayman Islands-flagged vessel also has engine power like most sailing yachts.

And while other billionaires measure yachts by size, Bezos’ is only the 24th largest.

However, since Koru’s masts rule out a helicopter deck, the billionaire commissioned a support vessel, Abeona, named for the Roman goddess of outward journeys.

In addition to a helipad, the 246-foot Abeona features an extra two staterooms for four guests and as many as 45 crew and support staff.

It’s the largest custom-built support vessel ever manufactured by Damen Yachting. On board in Mallorca were at least four jetskis, two fast launches, and an additional dinghy. Its heavy winch is capable of lifting a small submarine, although Bezos is not believed to have one thus far.

The “classic exterior lines” of Koru, are reminiscent of another billionaire’s boat: Eos, a 305-foot sailing yacht owned by Barry Diller, 81, who may have inspired Bezos after hosting him on the vessel.

Favored by megastars like Katy Perry and Bradley Cooper — who were Diller’s guests during 2019’s Google Camp in Sicily — the German-built Eos can accommodate up to 16 guests and 21 crew.

It was the largest private sailing yacht in the world when it was completed in 2006. Diller, chairman of IAC and Expedia, who is worth $3.9 billion, bought it three years later. Intriguingly, its figurehead is modeled on Diller’s wife Diane von Fürstenberg, the fashion designer.

But the $200 million, 305-foot schooner is now dwarfed by Bezos’ boat.

As Koru sailed in the Balearic Sea this week off the coast of Spain, Bezos’ boat symbolically surges past several other tech billionaires’ vessels – including Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s $80 million, 240-foot Dragonfly, and Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison’s, $160 million, 288-foot Musashi.

It will cost Bezos, 59, an estimated $25 million per year to operate Koru, but the world’s third-richest man isn’t likely to need a loan with his $140.6 billion fortune,  according to Forbes .

Bezos’ use of sailpower sets him apart from most billionaires, but others are seeking a hi-tech zero-carbon power source: a Japanese billionaire has reportedly commissioned the world’s first hydrogen-powered superyacht.

Germany’s Lürssen Yachts announced in March that they had a hydrogen-powered superyacht in advanced construction.

It declined to identify the future owner of the unnamed superyacht, but specialist publication FuelCellsWorks reported Japanese billionaire tech Yusaku Maezawa, worth an estimated $1.7 billion, commissioned the innovative effort.

Dubbed Project Cosmos, the 374-foot superyacht is designed by Apple’s legendary Marc Newson and was first unveiled in early March at Lürssen’s facility in Rendsburg, Germany.

Once completed as soon as next year, the vessel is expected to utilize emission-free fuel cell technology to generate power lasting up to 15 days while anchored or to travel as far as 1,000 miles at slow speeds.

Three other major shipyards, including in Italy and the Netherlands, are likely to launch their own hydrogen started outfitting newly constructed vessels with hydrogen fuel cells as of March 2022, with the first models reportedly expected in 2024.

Other megayachts expected to soon join Bezos’ Koru in the water include two Lürssen models, the 475-foot Luminance and the 400-foot Jag, and Feadship 821, a 389-foot offering from the Netherlands manufacturer.

But even those won’t best the biggest megayacht in the world, the 593-foot Azzam, which launched in 2013 after being commissioned by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the ruler of Abu Dhabi and president of the United Arab Emirates who died last year.

Azzam, which means determination in Arabic, reportedly cost more than $600 million and is nearly 60 feet longer than the world’s second-largest yacht, the 533-foot Eclipse, owned by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Those monster vessels are expected to be surpassed next year by REV, a 600-foot yacht under construction in Norway which will have space for 36 guests and 54 crewmembers, according to Boat International .

Jeff Bezos’ $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren Sanchez figurehead


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jeff bezos yacht wingman

Mark Zuckerberg’s $300million ‘birthday present’ mega yacht arrives in US – it even has its own $30m ‘wingman’ boat

  • Isabelle Hajek , Freelance News & Blogs Reporter
  • Published : 1:05 ET, Mar 21 2024
  • Updated : 1:35 ET, Mar 21 2024

FACEBOOK Co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has shown off his wealth at sea, bringing his multimillion-dollar yacht to the United States just weeks before his birthday.

After rumors the billionaire was looking to invest in a yacht began circulating, Zuckerberg was quick to snag a $300 million mega yacht complete with its own $30 million partner boat.

Mark Zuckerberg's $300 million mega yacht arrived in port just days after the billionaire's 40th birthday

He was seen in the Netherlands touring Project 1010, a Russian-commissioned mega yacht, in early March as said rumors began.

Due to sanctions involved in importing the vessel to the United States, delivery of Zuckerberg's multimillion-dollar boat was delayed, first being spotted in home waters on March 20.

The 387-foot long vessel docked at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with its chrome finish reflecting a harsh sun.

Project 1010 made its maiden voyage from the Netherlands after receiving special permission to be imported just weeks ahead of Zuckerberg's birthday on May 14, raising questions around whether it could be a gift to mark the occasion.

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The mega vessel is not far off the size of Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos' $500 million 417-foot tall mega yacht, Koru, which was spotted in the same state in November of 2023.

The Abeona, his mega yacht's support vessel, contained a 264-foot garage holding Bezos' luxury cars, private helicopter, and jet skis, was docked at a slip four miles away.

To put into perspective the additional costs Zuckerberg is looking at, Bezos reportedly bankrolled a $16,500 per week bill for the Koru to stay at the port, a part of the $25 million in annual costs ship will rack up.

But cost is no object to the 39-year-old, as was the youngest billionaire to make the top 10 wealthiest people in the world list.

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In 2021, Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly worth $108 billion, which rose to $138.4 billion by January of 2024.

Zuckerberg is hardly known for conserving his money when faced with large purchases.

In December 2021, it was reported that Zuckerberg was  breaking ground  on an estimated $270 million 57,000-square-foot  Doomsday  bunker.

The plans for the structure included filling the football field-sized space with 30 bedrooms, elevators, a swimming pool, a sauna, a tennis court, and a full-sized gym.


While a $330 million purchase might sound outlandish to most, especially when coupled with a $270 million bunker, Zuckerberg can make that money back in about two months.

The Meta, formerly Facebook, founder makes between $6 million and $12 million each day, equating to an estimated yearly earning of more than $3 billion.

In 2018, Zuckerberg earned roughly $1.7 million an hour, according to previous Business Insider calculations.

By 2020, he was reportedly ranked the fourth richest person on the planet.

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For scale: It takes Zuckerberg less than an hour-and-a half to earn what the Social Security Administration reports and average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn in his lifetime — $2.2 million.

In less than two minutes, Zuckerberg makes what it takes the full-time median US worker a year to earn — $48,328, writes  Business Insider.

In less than two minutes, Zuckerberg makes what it takes the full-time median US worker a year to earn — $48,328

Who is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook?

Here's what you need to know...

  • Mark Zuckerberg is the chairman, CEO and co-founder of social networking giant Facebook
  • Born in White Plains, New York in 1984, Zuckerberg already had a “reputation as a programming prodigy” when he started college
  • While at Harvard, Zuckerberg launched a site called Face Mash, on which students ranked the attractiveness of their classmates
  • Harvard shut the site down after its popularity crashed a network and Zuckerberg later apologised saying it was “completely improper”
  • The following term he began working on an early version of Facebook
  • The 33-year-old launched the social network from his dorm room on February 4, 2004 with the help of fellow students
  • The friends would end up embroiled in legal disputes as they challenged Zuckerberg for shares in the company
  • Zuckerberg also faced action from Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, as well as Divya Narendra who claimed he had stolen their idea – the disagreement was later turned into the film, The Social Network
  • The tech prodigy dropped out of Harvard to focus on Facebook, but received an honorary degree in 2017
  • Speaking about the site to Wired magazine in 2010 he said: “The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open”
  • By 2012 Facebook had one billion users. By June 2017 it had reached two billion users every month
  • In 2024, Facebook reaches 3.05 billion monthly users
  • Mark Zuckerberg's estimated net worth is $165 billion, which makes him the fourth-richest person in the world
  • Zuckerberg is married to fellow Harvard alumni Priscilla Chan, who he began dating in 2003
  • The couple have three daughters, as well as a Puli dog named Beast
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jeff bezos yacht wingman

Mark Zuckerberg’s $300million ‘birthday present’ mega yacht arrives in US – it even has its own $30m ‘wingman’ boat

  • Isabelle Hajek , Freelance News & Blogs Reporter
  • Published : 5:05, 21 Mar 2024
  • Updated : 5:36, 21 Mar 2024

FACEBOOK Co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has shown off his wealth at sea, bringing his multimillion-dollar yacht to the United States just weeks before his birthday.

After rumors the billionaire was looking to invest in a yacht began circulating, Zuckerberg was quick to snag a $300 million mega yacht complete with its own $30 million partner boat.

Mark Zuckerberg's $300 million mega yacht arrived in port just days after the billionaire's 40th birthday

He was seen in the Netherlands touring Project 1010, a Russian-commissioned mega yacht, in early March as said rumors began.

Due to sanctions involved in importing the vessel to the United States, delivery of Zuckerberg's multimillion-dollar boat was delayed, first being spotted in home waters on March 20.

The 387-foot long vessel docked at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with its chrome finish reflecting a harsh sun.

Project 1010 made its maiden voyage from the Netherlands after receiving special permission to be imported just weeks ahead of Zuckerberg's birthday on May 14, raising questions around whether it could be a gift to mark the occasion.

The mega vessel is not far off the size of Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos' $500 million 417-foot tall mega yacht, Koru, which was spotted in the same state in November of 2023.

The Abeona, his mega yacht's support vessel, contained a 264-foot garage holding Bezos' luxury cars, private helicopter, and jet skis, was docked at a slip four miles away.

To put into perspective the additional costs Zuckerberg is looking at, Bezos reportedly bankrolled a $16,500 per week bill for the Koru to stay at the port, a part of the $25 million in annual costs ship will rack up.

But cost is no object to the 39-year-old, as was the youngest billionaire to make the top 10 wealthiest people in the world list.

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In 2021, Mark Zuckerberg is reportedly worth $108 billion, which rose to $138.4 billion by January of 2024.

Zuckerberg is hardly known for conserving his money when faced with large purchases.

In December 2021, it was reported that Zuckerberg was breaking ground on an estimated $270 million 57,000-square-foot  Doomsday  bunker.

The plans for the structure included filling the football field-sized space with 30 bedrooms, elevators, a swimming pool, a sauna, a tennis court, and a full-sized gym.


While a $330 million purchase might sound outlandish to most, especially when coupled with a $270 million bunker, Zuckerberg can make that money back in about two months.

The Meta, formerly Facebook, founder makes between $6 million and $12 million each day, equating to an estimated yearly earning of more than $3 billion.

In 2018, Zuckerberg earned roughly $1.7 million an hour, according to previous Business Insider calculations.

By 2020, he was reportedly ranked the fourth richest person on the planet.


jeff bezos yacht wingman

Socialite Tamara Ecclestone slammed by fans for buying exotic pet for daughter

jeff bezos yacht wingman

Another major streaming app follows Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime with ads

For scale: It takes Zuckerberg less than an hour-and-a half to earn what the Social Security Administration reports and average American man with a bachelor's degree will earn in his lifetime — $2.2 million.

In less than two minutes, Zuckerberg makes what it takes the full-time median US worker a year to earn — $48,328, writes  Business Insider.

In less than two minutes, Zuckerberg makes what it takes the full-time median US worker a year to earn — $48,328

Who is Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook?

Here's what you need to know...

  • Mark Zuckerberg is the chairman, CEO and co-founder of social networking giant Facebook
  • Born in White Plains, New York in 1984, Zuckerberg already had a “reputation as a programming prodigy” when he started college
  • While at Harvard, Zuckerberg launched a site called Face Mash, on which students ranked the attractiveness of their classmates
  • Harvard shut the site down after its popularity crashed a network and Zuckerberg later apologised saying it was “completely improper”
  • The following term he began working on an early version of Facebook
  • The 33-year-old launched the social network from his dorm room on February 4, 2004 with the help of fellow students
  • The friends would end up embroiled in legal disputes as they challenged Zuckerberg for shares in the company
  • Zuckerberg also faced action from Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, as well as Divya Narendra who claimed he had stolen their idea – the disagreement was later turned into the film, The Social Network
  • The tech prodigy dropped out of Harvard to focus on Facebook, but received an honorary degree in 2017
  • Speaking about the site to Wired magazine in 2010 he said: “The thing I really care about is the mission, making the world open”
  • By 2012 Facebook had one billion users. By June 2017 it had reached two billion users every month
  • In 2024, Facebook reaches 3.05 billion monthly users
  • Mark Zuckerberg's estimated net worth is $165 billion, which makes him the fourth-richest person in the world
  • Zuckerberg is married to fellow Harvard alumni Priscilla Chan, who he began dating in 2003
  • The couple have three daughters, as well as a Puli dog named Beast
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • United States


  1. Jeff Bezos • Yacht Support Vessel WINGMAN • 2023 • Damen

    jeff bezos yacht wingman

  2. Mr. Bezos is at It Again

    jeff bezos yacht wingman

  3. BellaClub

    jeff bezos yacht wingman

  4. Inside Jeff Bezos' New $500 Million Mega Yacht

    jeff bezos yacht wingman

  5. Sailing yacht KORU: What we know so far about Jeff Bezos’ 127 meter

    jeff bezos yacht wingman

  6. Inside The Flying Fox: Jeff Bezos' $400 Million Mega Yacht

    jeff bezos yacht wingman


  1. Jeff Bezos • Yacht Support Vessel ABEONA • 2023 • Damen

    ABEONA is a 75-meter support vessel built by Damen for Jeff Bezos. She was known as project WINGMAN. The 1,900 tons vessel has an estimated value of $75 million. She will act as a shadow vessel for Bezos' sailing yacht KORU. We assume that the boat will have a crew of more than 20. Media. SuperYachtFan is the first to bring you this news!

  2. 75 meter Damen support vessel WINGMAN undertakes sea trials

    Following the successful completion of sea trials, it is reported that she will be handed over to her US owner, the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos to cruise alongside his sailing yacht KORU. It is not expected that support vessel WINGMAN will be available for charter once delivered.

  3. 75m custom Damen support yacht ABEONA delivered

    Damen Yachting's largest support vessel, previously known as Wingman and YS 7512, has been delivered and officially christened yacht ABEONA. The 75m (246ft) custom-built shadow vessel was launched in October 2022, with sea trials taking place in December.

  4. Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg are so rich that they have support

    Abeona arriving at the Everglades. Image - Twitter / KSquared RBNY Bezos's Abeona measuring 247-feet on the other end costs double with a $75 million price tag and is larger with a volume of 1900 GT than Wingman yacht that has a volume of 1100 GT Wingman.

  5. Damen Yachting's 75m custom support vessel delivered as Abeona

    Formerly known by the project names YS 7512 and Wingman, the vessel has been spotted with the name Abeona. The name comes from the Roman era, when Abeona was the goddess of voyages and departures. The superyacht which she will be supporting is Y721, or Koru, the yacht reportedly commissioned for Jeff Bezos.

  6. Jeff Bezos Receives 'Koru,' the Tallest Sailing Yacht in the World

    Marine. April 10, 2023. Jeff Bezos Has Reportedly Received the 417-Foot 'Koru,' the Tallest Sailing Yacht in the World. The $485 million vessel left for its maiden voyage last Thursday....

  7. Jeff Bezos • Jachtondersteuningsvaartuig ABEONA • 2023 • Damen

    ABEONA is een 75-meter ondersteunend vaartuig gebouwd door Damen voor Jeff Bezos. Ze stond bekend als project WINGMAN. Het schip van 1.900 ton heeft een geschatte waarde van $75 miljoen. Ze zal fungeren als schaduwschip voor Bezos' zeiljacht KORU. We gaan ervan uit dat de boot een bemanningsleden van ruim 20.

  8. Jeff Bezos kaufte zweite Mega-Jacht

    Technik. Jeff Bezos kaufte zweite Mega-Jacht - als Packesel. Amazon-Gründer Rekordschiff "Y721" reicht ihm nicht: Jeff Bezos kaufte zweite Mega-Jacht - als Packesel. 75 Meter lang, 20...

  9. Jeff Bezos' New Yacht Is Finally Ready to Set Sail

    Jeff Bezos' New Yacht Is Finally Ready to Set Sail. Amazon's founder has been spotted on Koru, a massive schooner with a design that evokes the golden age of sailing in the early 20th...

  10. Damen Yachting's 75m Custom Support Vessel Delivered

    The identity of the superyacht which she will be supporting has not yet been confirmed but sources suggest she could be the support yacht of Y721, or Koru, the yacht reportedly commissioned for Jeff Bezos.

  11. Following in the footsteps of Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg is said to

    The 220-foot-long support vessel was transformed by Newell into a full-fledged hospital. The 4,999GT yacht Launchpad, along with the Lurssen superyacht Wingman worth $30 million, now makes up Zuckerberg's fleet, which we will explore in detail below.

  12. Sailing yacht KORU: What we know so far about Jeff Bezos' 127 meter

    Sailing yacht KORU comes complete with a support vessel built by Damen Yachts, reportedly known as 75 meter (247ft) yacht WINGMAN. Once delivered, it is understood that she will act as an official support boat for the sailing yacht , carrying the larger toys, including a submarine for thrilling excursions beneath the waves, plus a ...

  13. Secrets Leak About Jeff Bezos' New 417-Foot-Long Sailing ...

    What we do know—sort of—is not only has Bezos' ordered what will be the largest sailing yacht ever built in the Netherlands. Reports say the superyacht shipyard Oceanco is the builder.

  14. Jeff Bezos's $500M Y721 Koru Megayacht Sets Sail in the North Sea

    Jeff Bezos's $500 Million Megayacht Was Spotted Undergoing Test Trials in the North Sea. The Amazon founder's Y721 Koru from Oceanco has finally hit the high seas. Published on March 6, 2023....

  15. Jeff Bezos and the secretive world of superyachts

    BBC News, Washington. News that Jeff Bezos has bought a "superyacht" has revived interest in the secretive world of the uber-rich globetrotters who enjoy these ultimate status symbols. Experts...

  16. Bezos' Begleit-Yacht für Segel-Yacht "Koru" steht kurz vor Auslieferung

    Von. Oliver Bünte. Die von Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos bereits 2019 bei der Werft Damen Yachting in Auftrag gegebene Begleit-Yacht "Wingman" für seine Segel-Yacht "Koru" steht kurz vor der...

  17. Jeff Bezos' multi-million dollar yacht, Koru, docks at Port Everglades

    Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' massive yacht has officially dropped anchor in Port Everglades. Video captured by NBC6 shows the enormous 417-foot yacht docked in Port Everglades Tuesday weeks...

  18. Jeff Bezos' $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren ...

    New York Post. Jeff Bezos' $500M yacht has a 246-foot support ship, Lauren Sanchez figurehead. Story by Joshua Rhett Miller. • 10mo • 7 min read. Much like Amazon, Jeff Bezos' $500...

  19. Videos zeigen Jeff Bezos' gewaltige Megayacht bei Testfahrt

    09.03.2023. Das Segelschiff kostet 500 Millionen US-Dollar. Sie hat eine Begleit-Yacht, damit Bezos mit einem Hubschrauber anreisen kann. Der Amazon-Gründer Jeff Bezos hat sich im Jahr 2018...

  20. Jeff Bezos's sailing yacht Koru's support vessel Ebeona

    Jeff Bezos's sailing yacht Koru's support vessel Ebeona. Dutch Yachting. 15.2K subscribers. Subscribe. Share. Save. 53K views 1 year ago #JeffBezos #Amazon #koru. Damen Yachting launched...

  21. Jeff Bezo's $500m superyacht Koru: A New Era of Superyachts

    Jeff Bezo's $500m superyacht Koru: A New Era of Superyachts. The world of superyachts has been buzzing with excitement since the unveiling of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' newest acquisition: the 127m (417ft) sailing yacht Koru.

  22. Mark Zuckerberg's $300million 'birthday present' mega yacht arrives in

    The mega vessel is not far off the size of Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos' $500 million 417-foot tall mega yacht, Koru, which was spotted in the same state in November of 2023. The Abeona, his mega yacht's support vessel, contained a 264-foot garage holding Bezos' luxury cars, private helicopter, and jet skis, was docked at a slip four miles away.

  23. Mark Zuckerberg's $300million 'birthday present' mega yacht arrives in

    The mega vessel is not far off the size of Amazon mogul Jeff Bezos' $500 million 417-foot tall mega yacht, Koru, which was spotted in the same state in November of 2023.. The Abeona, his mega ...

  24. MacKenzie Scott donates $640m to US non-profits

    She has given $16.5bn in donations since divorcing Amazon founder Jeff Bezos in 2019. ... Mystery solved after divers find German U-boat. 10. Court denies Navalny mother's case against prison. BBC ...