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Spoločnosť Yacht Travel, s.r.o. sa v roku 2023 dostala do straty z 10 491 € na -10 992 € a tržby jej klesli o   35 % na 288 390 €.

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  • Sídlo Yacht Travel, s.r.o. Bytčická 16 010 01 Žilina
  • Historický názov YACHT TRAVEL, s.r.o. (platné do: 3.2.2016)
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Hrubá marža<dt>Popis:</dt><dd>Ukazovateľ vyjadruje, koľko percent z tržieb spoločnosti ostalo po zaplaten&#237; n&#225;kladov</dd><dt>Výpočet:</dt><dd>Pridan&#225; hodnota/Celkov&#233; tržby</dd></dl>"> 10,15 %
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Democrats Seek Criminal Investigation of Justice Thomas Over Travel and Gifts

The senators said the Supreme Court justice’s failure to disclose lavish gifts and luxury travel showed a “willful pattern of disregard for ethics laws.”

Justice Clarence Thomas, wearing a dark suit and red tie, sits next to his wife, Virginia Thomas, who is wearing a red dress.

By Maya C. Miller

Reporting from Washington

Two top Democratic senators have asked the Justice Department to open a criminal investigation of Justice Clarence Thomas for possible violations of federal ethics and tax laws.

Senators Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Ron Wyden of Oregon sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick B. Garland last week asking that he appoint a special counsel to investigate Justice Thomas’s failure to disclose lavish gifts , luxury travel , a loan for a recreational vehicle and other perks given to him by wealthy friends.

The request further intensified efforts by Senate Democrats to scrutinize Justice Thomas’s conduct at a time when they are trying to force Supreme Court justices to comply with stricter ethics and financial disclosure rules.

“We do not make this request lightly,” the senators wrote in a joint statement. “Supreme Court justices are properly expected to obey laws designed to prevent conflicts of interest and the appearance of impropriety and to comply with the federal tax code.”

“No government official should be above the law,” they added.

Specifically, the senators asked that a special counsel investigate whether Justice Thomas violated federal ethics and tax laws by failing to disclose as income the $267,000 he received in forgiven debt for a luxury R.V.

The senators wrote that Justice Thomas had “repeated opportunities” to explain his failure to disclose the gifts to the Senate Finance Committee, of which Mr. Wyden is the chairman, as well as the Judiciary Committee’s panel on federal courts, which Mr. Whitehouse leads.

They also accused Justice Thomas of showing a “willful pattern of disregard for ethics laws,” behavior that they said surpassed that of other government officials who have been investigated by the Justice Department for “similar violations.”

A spokeswoman for the Supreme Court did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Maya C. Miller covers Congress and is a Times Fellow , a program for journalists early in their careers. She is based in Washington. More about Maya C. Miller

Our Coverage of Congress

Here’s the latest news and analysis from capitol hill..

Biden’s Age Concerns: President Biden has yet to do what many Democrats on Capitol Hill said he must to show he is up to remaining in the race. But so far, they are doing nothing to nudge him aside .

The Aging Senate: Senators have had plenty of practice watching colleagues hold stubbornly onto their positions of power as they grow old. None wants to lead a public call  for  Biden to withdraw.

Merrick Garland: The House defeated a Republican measure that would have imposed a $10,000-a-day fine on the attorney general  for refusing to turn over audio recordings of President Biden’s interview with a special counsel.

Justices Alito and Thomas: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, introduced articles of impeachment  against the two justices , accusing them of improperly failing to disclose gifts from wealthy benefactors and to recuse themselves from certain cases.

​​McCarthy’s Revenge Tour: Kevin McCarthy, the former House speaker, has spent much of his time, energy and money since leaving Congress trying to defeat the Republicans who cost him his gavel .

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10 superyachts travel record distance in first half of 2024

New data from BOATPro 's Global Fleet Tracker shows that the 10 most travelled yachts during the first six months of 2024 (H1) travelled a cumulative 228,129 nautical miles – eclipsing previous figures from H1 2023 (151,955 nautical miles) and H1 2022 (165,000 nautical miles). 

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How to Plan and Book the Perfect Yacht Charter

For those who have been dreaming about sailing on a yacht, maybe it’s time to finally go for it..

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How to Plan and Book the Perfect Yacht Charter

Just you and your crew and the open sea.

Courtesy of Goolets

Shivering with excitement, I finally fulfilled a dream of mine this past October when I jumped into the Adriatic Sea off the stern of a private yacht. It just always seemed to me like such a glamorous, carefree thing to do. Although a colorful floatie awaited me in the water (I am not a great swimmer), it still felt as indulgent as it sounds. The plunge was off the coast of Croatia where the spectacularly tri-toned blue water was so clear I could see all the way down to the bottom of the sea below.

My shipmates cheered me on in our little isolated patch of Adriatic—besides the passengers and crew there was not another soul in sight. Along Croatia’s charming and remote stretches of coastline, a captain might tie a 164-foot yacht to a tree on shore for lack of a proper port.

After decades spent cruising on ships of all sizes, I finally had my first-ever private yacht experience this fall courtesy of Goolets , a Slovenian charter company that represents more than 100 ships owned by local Croat skippers. Also onboard were more than a dozen other writers from the United Kingdom and the United States, invited to explore some of Croatia’s 1,200 islands on a four-night sailing and to witness firsthand why the private yacht experience is growing in popularly.

Our itinerary took us from Split, Croatia’s second largest city, to red-roofed limestone fishing villages, historic towns, “secret” swimming holes, and past scenery that varied from lush to barren. But we didn’t rush—a key to a successful yacht sailing.

One mistake that some people make when booking a yacht is planning to cover too much ground, says Mitja Mirtič, who runs Goolets with his wife, Alenka. “It takes away from the pleasures,” he explains. “The best part is when you just stay anchored in the morning, take a swim before breakfast, you take it easy.”

Yachts became a particularly enticing travel option during the pandemic, a way to safely travel with your bubble in a stunning destination. In that sense, the experience is as luxurious as it is practical—all your accommodations, belongings, services, and crew sail around with you as you visit lesser-known ports and coastal communities.

Based on my brief but convincing introduction, yachting is not at all like what is depicted on the sensationalized Bravo show Below Deck, except for maybe the pampering and convivial service—otherwise there’s (usually) much less drama and a lot more relaxation and cultural exploration. It’s an intimate way to explore gorgeous shores, while also enjoying quiet interludes sailing along the open sea. And, of course, there are the requisite cocktails in the hot tub.

For those who have been dreaming about a yacht vacation, it may be easier to plan than you may think. Here are some tips for how to choose, plan, and book a private yacht experience.

The most popular destinations for yachting

Croatia ranks high on the wish list of many yacht fans. According to a recent Bloomberg Wealth super-yacht index , it’s sixth on the places where super-yachts were hanging out this summer. If you’re seeking some sailing inspiration, the full list of popular yachting destinations, according to the index, is:

  • United States

Croatia is among the top yachting destinations in the world.

Croatia is among the top yachting destinations in the world.

Photo by Shutterstock

How to choose your yacht

Private yachts range from basic sailing boats from under $5,000 per week to over-the-top super-yachts—basketball legend Michael Jordan cruised Croatia in August on a $1 million super-yacht with its own helipad, 10-foot waterslide, and gym, for instance.

Most yachts around the world hold up to 12 guests in six cabins. The ship I sailed on in Croatia, Freedom , is being reconfigured from a 39-passenger mini-cruise ship to a mega-yacht that will sleep up to 22 guests. After a winter redo, facilities will include two master suites, a massage room, cinema, gym, pool, and Jacuzzi. Clients will be able to charter the yacht starting from about $92,500/week, an experience that includes concierge services designed to assist big families or groups of friends in planning their private vacation.

When looking at a yacht to charter, it’s important to consider who will be joining you—if you are bringing kids, for instance, that will change the group dynamic—and how much time you plan to spend onboard as opposed to on shore, which will determine how much space you’ll actually need and use. Tight quarters are fine for some people, while others want room to spread out, but you will pay more for extra space.

How do food and drinks work on a private yacht?

When booking a yacht, you can cater the food to your preferences.

When booking a yacht, you can cater the food to your preferences.

On yacht charters you pay extra for food. The crew can stock your favorite food items; before your sailing you might be asked what you like to eat—I put fresh seafood high on my list when asked.

You may choose how many meals a day you want to eat onboard (as opposed to at restaurants on land). For full board (three meals daily), Goolets charges from about $575 per person, per week. You can also upgrade to a luxury gourmet cuisine package from about $1,390 per person, per week. I was impressed by what the two-person chef team on Freedom could create in a relatively small galley space—fresh flowers decorated beautifully presented dishes, including zucchini carpaccio with goat cheese and Croatian truffles, shrimp and black rice with squid ink, and Croatian leg of lamb.

Alcohol is typically an extra charge as well. A Goolets package with quality Croatian wines and beers and an international assortment of liquor costs $575 per adult, for a weeklong sailing.

Do private yachts come with a crew?

Freedom is staffed by a crew of about 11, including a captain, chefs, a masseuse, deckhands, bartenders, cleaners, and servers. You can also request, and pay for, additional crew—such as a dive master, fitness trainer, or a hair stylist. Most luxury yachts come with a crew of one to six, starting with the captain.

How private yacht companies help with itinerary planning

Having local experience helps in determining where to cruise, wherever you are sailing. Our captain, Ivan, who also owns Freedom , devised an activity-packed but never overloaded route from Split, where there’s a modern airport that is relatively easy to get to via international flight connections. (And where you can see the remains of Roman emperor Diocletian’s retirement home before sailing away.)

We hit Croatian hot spots such as trendy Hvar, where we dined at Gariful, a seafood restaurant that musician Jon Bon Jovi liked so much he left an autographed guitar (now proudly displayed on a wall).

We stopped by Korcula, a Venetian walled city, and quaint Bol for the famous Golden Horn beach, which looks as its name suggests. We boarded small fishing boats to view the famed Blue Cave, where the very blue sea is reflected on limestone walls.

Goolets prides itself in picking the best tour guides on shore, which was certainly the case in the former Yugoslavian army base of Vis, where we rode in jeeps to see a British-built former airfield and other remnants from World War II. On tiny Moro island, off Korcula, we stopped by a beach bar only accessible by boat, where Croatian oysters are paired with Ostreum sparkling wine, aged for more than a year under the sea.

These unique outings elevated the sailing to a truly memorable, one-of-a-kind travel experience. You will want to make sure that whatever yacht charter company you choose can assist you in doing the same.

Other handy yacht charter tips

  • The best time of year for sailing on a private yacht charter is during the off season, typically late April or early May, late September, and October.
  • Wherever you charter a yacht, make sure you understand exactly what is included . Generally, extra charges cost 30 percent above the basic charter price. For instance, in addition to food and drink, fuel can add significantly to your charter cost—in Croatia, four hours’ worth of fuel per day is typically included.
  • Gratuities add 5 to 20 percent (with lower suggested amounts in the Mediterranean and slightly higher in North America).
  • Other expenses may include private marina fees, natural park entrances, and taxes.
  • Don’t forget water toys. Your yacht may stock snorkel equipment and can add diving equipment (for an extra charge). Other toys may include paddleboards, kayaks, Jet Skis, waterslides, water trampolines, and a tender boat for thrilling inner-tube rides. Be sure to find out what is onboard in advance so that you can embrace your favorite water activities.

Top yacht charter companies

When you book a private yacht charter with Goolets, your hot tub sails with you.

When you book a private yacht charter with Goolets, your hot tub sails with you.

This 16-year-old company has a big selection of luxury boats and ships in Croatia, including wooden Turkish gulet (the company name Goolets is based on the proper pronunciation of gulet) sailing ships, motor yachts, super-yachts, and mega-yachts. Goolets also charters yachts in Turkey, Italy, Greece, and the Maldives. To book:

The Moorings

A well-established company, the Moorings operates its own fleet of specially designed monohull sailboats and catamarans and is best known for sailing in the Caribbean. It also sails in Croatia and more than 20 other destinations around the world. To book:

Northrop & Johnson

This acclaimed Fort Lauderdale, Florida–based luxury yacht specialist (which sells and charters yachts) offers sailings throughout the world. The fleet includes motor yachts, sailing yachts, and explorer yachts that are capable of sailing long distances. To book:

Charter World

London-based private yacht charter specialist Charter World has a huge international portfolio—more than 3,000 charter options around the world. The company reps crewed, luxury, bareboat, sail, power, and catamaran options with some of its top destinations including the western Mediterranean and the Caribbean. To book:

>> Next: The Best Time—and Ships—for Sailing the Greek Islands

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Why you must travel to see this luxury boat from the Bronze Age

An addition to the historic repertoire in zayed national museum, the world's largest magan boat begins its first voyage..

yacht travel s.r.o

Whether you're a history buff or not, wouldn't you want to know how traditional craftsmen from the Bronze Age lived and fostered relations with the world outside? It sure piques our recent. Who knew they had international relations in the Bronze Age! And a recent project aims to uncover just that, in this case the maritime heritage of the UAE. Making history from history itself, the Zayed National Museum and its namesake university along with New York University Abu Dhabi (NYU Abu Dhabi), have together created the world’s largest reconstruction of a Magan Boat from the Bronze Age. 

“Appreciating the maritime history of the Arabian Gulf is key to understanding trade and cultural connections in the wider ancient world, which is an important focus for Zayed National Museum,” said Mohamed Khalifa Al Mubarak, Chairman of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi.

Magan Boat during the sea trials off the coast of Abu Dhabi. Photo by Emily Harris © Zayed National Museum

The 18-metre-long reconstructed vessel sailed off on its maiden voyage along the coast of Abu Dhabi, attesting to a landmark milestone in the research program. This ship, a testament to historical ingenuity, will be displayed at the Zayed National Museum, the new national museum of the United Arab Emirates, currently under construction on Saadiyat Island. The boat is an appendage to history itself owing to its authentic reconstruction using only materials and techniques that date back to 2100 BCE, so much so that it does not consist of any nails, screws or metals in any kind, but just reeds, ropes and wood.

Building the Magan Boat. © Zayed National Museum

Covering a distance of 50 nautical miles (92.6km) in the Arabian Gulf part of its rigorous testing, the ship sailed at the speed of up to 5.6 knots under the co-captainship of Emirati sailor Marwan Abdullah Al-Marzouqi. Brought to life from the ancient illustration of similar vessels, the boat boasts a capacity of 120 Gur (36 tons), weighs 19 tons without crew and cargo, features a 127 kg sail made of goat hair, and requires more than 20 people for its launch, adhering to ancient traditions where pulleys did not exist. “From ancient shipbuilders to today’s archaeologists, the launch of this impressive Magan boat reconstruction represents thousands of years of Emirati invention and exploration,” said Mohamed. 

Magan Boat during the sea trials off the coast of Abu Dhabi. Photo by Emily Harris © Zayed National Museum

From the outer hull of the ship is made from 15 tons of locally sourced reeds—soaked, stripped, crushed, and tied together using date palm fibre—to using bitumen coating, an ancient waterproofing technique, this reconstruction is being lionised for its strict use of raw materials and traditional hand tools. The ships foundational elements also include palm fibre, leather, palm leaf matting, sesame oil, animal fat and goat hair, amongst others. 

Magan Boat project. © Zayed National Museum

Shipwrights from Kerala, India were amongst the total of twenty specialists and researchers, who were hailed together from five countries including the USA, UK, and Italy, who were revered for utilising their expertise for rebirthing history to life. This endeavour stands at the pinnacle of several disciplines, including archaeology, anthropology, digital humanities, engineering, and science—a testament to innovation being a uniting force indeed. 

“It has been a long and exciting journey from discovering ancient fragments of Magan boats on the island of Umm an-Nar to the iconic moment the boat’s goat hair sail was raised and she set sail from the coast of Abu Dhabi, traversing the same route these monumental vessels would have travelled 4,000 years ago towards the open sea and the coastline of India," said Dr Peter Magee, Director of Zayed National Museum. 

Students working on Magan Boat reconstruction. © Zayed National Museum

This boat is based on a vessel from the Umm an-Nar period, a Bronze Age culture that existed around 2600-2000 BCE in the area of the modern-day United Arab Emirates and Northern Oman. The namesake port, located off the coast of Abu Dhabi city, was once one of the region’s largest ancient ports. Emblematic of the rich history of Magan, which laid the foundation of the country of UAE, this experimental archaeology initiative, launched in 2001, will be on display for visitation once the museum opens up. Promulgating development, promotion and coordination of archaeological and heritage research, this project offers a culmination of the long history and culture from the ancient past to the modern present.

“Navigating the Magan Boat was a journey through time. It made me realise the incredible advancements we’ve made in seafaring,” said Captain Abdallah Alremaithi in a statement. “I can't wait to share this experience with my kids at the museum and tell them I was part of the team that brought history back to life.”

Another researcher on the project, Ayesha Almansoori, shared, “The most poignant moment came when the ship docked after its final voyage. Emotions ran high as we realised the magnitude of this unique experience coming to an end. It was a quiet, reflective moment for all of us. I will always remember being fortunate enough to be one of only five women given the opportunity to sail on the ship.”

Feature image credit: Magan Boat during the sea trials off the coast of Abu Dhabi. Photo by Emily Harris © Zayed National Museum

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I recently went on a yacht trip organized by Yacht travel s.r.o. and I must say it was absolutely fantastic! The crew was friendly and professional, and the itinerary was well-planned. Highly recommended!

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I had a fantastic time on the yacht trip with Yacht travel s.r.o. The crew was attentive and the experience was unforgettable. I will definitely book with them again!

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This company provides exceptional yacht travel services. The team is knowledgeable and experienced, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable trip. I highly recommend Yacht travel s.r.o.!

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I recently went on a yacht trip and it was simply incredible. The crew was friendly and the trip was well-organized. Highly recommended!

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I had an absolutely amazing time on the yacht trip organized by Yacht travel s.r.o. The staff were attentive and the overall experience was unforgettable. ⛵️

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The yacht trip organized by Yacht travel s.r.o. was a dream come true. The staff was friendly and the yacht itself was amazing. I highly recommend it! ⚓️

I recently went on a yacht trip and it was absolut...

I recently went on a yacht trip and it was absolutely amazing. The crew made sure everything was perfect and the experience was unforgettable. Highly recommended!

Yacht travel s.r.o. provided an exceptional yacht ...

Yacht travel s.r.o. provided an exceptional yacht trip for my family and me. The crew was friendly and accommodating, and the yacht itself was luxurious. We had a memorable experience!

Yacht travel s.r.o. provided an exceptional yacht trip for my family. The crew was friendly and accommodating, and the yacht was luxurious. We had a memorable time!

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Yacht Travel s.r.o. - Your Ultimate Destination for Yachting Adventures Are you looking for a unique and unforgettable vacation experience? Look no further than Yacht Travel s.r.o., the premier provider of yacht vacations, boat rentals, sailing courses, captain's training, luxury cruises, yacht charters, team building activities and free advertising. At Yacht Travel s.r.o., we are passionate about providing our clients with the ultimate yachting adventure. Whether you are an experienced sailor or a first-time boater, we have something to offer everyone. Our fleet of luxurious yachts is equipped with all the amenities you need to enjoy your time on the water in style and comfort. Our yacht vacations are perfect for those who want to explore new destinations while enjoying all the comforts of home. We offer a wide range of destinations around the world including Europe, Asia, Africa and more. Our experienced crew will take care of everything from navigation to cooking so that you can sit back and relax while enjoying your vacation. If you prefer to be in control of your own vessel, we also offer boat rentals for those who want to explore at their own pace. Our boats come in various sizes and styles so that you can choose one that suits your needs perfectly. For those who want to learn how to sail or improve their skills on the water, we offer sailing courses taught by experienced instructors. From basic sailing techniques to advanced navigation skills, our courses cover everything you need to know about sailing. If becoming a captain is your dream job then our captain's training program is perfect for you! We provide comprehensive training programs that will teach you everything from navigation techniques to safety procedures so that you can become a certified captain in no time! Our luxury cruises are perfect for those who want an exclusive experience on board a private yacht with personalized service tailored just for them! We provide customized itineraries based on your preferences so that you can enjoy the ultimate luxury experience. If you are planning a corporate event or team building activity, we offer a range of activities that will help your team bond and work together more effectively. From sailing races to treasure hunts, our team building activities are designed to be fun and engaging for everyone involved. Finally, we also offer free advertising for those who want to sell their boats or yachts. Our platform is designed to connect buyers with sellers so that you can get the best deal possible. In conclusion, Yacht Travel s.r.o. is your ultimate destination for all things yachting! With our wide range of services and experienced crew, we guarantee an unforgettable experience on the water. Contact us today to book your next adventure!

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German U-Boat's journey to Sinsheim Museum captivates tourists

L arge transport operations attract the interest of onlookers, but this one even fascinates tourists who come to see the stages of this behemoth's journey to the museum.

The German submarine (U-Boat), decommissioned in 2010, has already been transported several times. On June 30, it set off once more. Today, thanks to social media, its transport has become a tourist attraction, and the museum it’s headed to is broadcasting the transport live. You can watch it via their YouTube channel.

Information about the subsequent stages can be found on the museum's Facebook page.

The German vessel is heading to its final destination, the Technik Museum in Sinsheim after being taken to the Technik Museum in Speyer last year, where it underwent renovation.

On July 18, it crossed the railroad crossing in Bad Rappenau , where the vessel had to be tilted on the platform, and overhead power lines had to be lifted. Tilting the vessel because its conning tower doesn't fit under bridges or other structures is a standard procedure in this transport.

After the last stage, the drivers of the MAN truck, which is pulling the 30-axle platform with a 770,000-pound load, are resting. Now, the U-Boat is waiting to enter the highway.

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U-Boat Transport

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The Best Yacht Charters You Can Book Around the World

Whether you’re looking for seven decks of entertainment, a family-friendly trip, or a diving-focused Caribbean voyage, you’ll find it here.

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There are few experiences as luxurious and awe-inspiring as a yacht charter . You can explore the world at your leisure, spend quality time with friends and family in an intimate setting, and the service is second to none. We've rounded up the most exceptional new yacht charters to book around the world. They're sure to inspire your next voyage, whether you want to relax along the Amalfi Coast or explore remote corners of the globe.

In the yachting world, Loon is known for an exceptional array of water toys — perhaps the best in her class. There's a FunAir inflatable slide that goes from the third deck straight into the ocean, an in-water pool, and a luxurious 43-foot Everglades tender. You can hop on paddleboards, sea kayaks, Waverunners, or a Seabob to explore nearby islands and coves.

The adventurous can try kite surfing or Lift e-Foil surfboards, which seems effortless when you watch the crew fly past, but is actually quite challenging. Loon is also a scuba diver's dream. The crew has several master divers and dive instructors who can take you out each morning, and they have all of the equipment you need onboard. They can also certify new divers during the trip.

The 180-foot yacht has a staggering 1,100 gross tons of living space, elegant design, and an amiable and attentive crew. Loon has two master staterooms, including a unique one on the upper deck. It has wraparound windows that offer unparalleled views of the surroundings. There are two salons, including one with recliners and a projector for movie night, plenty of spaces for dining alfresco, and an oversized infinity-edge Jacuzzi with a wet bar nearby. Fancy a workout? Loon has a treadmill, exercise bike, rowing machine, and free weights in the beach club. You'll be hard-pressed to find better workout views than this.

The crew is absolutely lovely and specializes in setting up unique experiences. You might have a pizza night on board, a barbecue on a private beach, or sundowners at the Instagram-famous Loon Bar. The crew will even take you to a picture-perfect sandbar and serve you drinks as you loll in the warm water.

Loon is available for charter from IYC in the Bahamas, Caribbean, and Bermuda during the winter months and in the Mediterranean in the summer months. Rates begin at $325,000 a week plus expenses.

Nansen Explorer

For the ultimate Antarctica adventure, you can't beat a voyage aboard Nansen Explorer . This former research vessel has all of the technical features needed to safely explore one of the world's most remote and dramatic landscapes and, thanks to a retrofit in 2021, an ultra-luxe interior design that wouldn't look out of place in St. Tropez. For exploration, Nansen Explorer has an Ice-1A classed 236-foot hull and an ice-experienced captain and bridge team, which means she can go deeper into the ice than other polar-classed superyachts. There's a heli-deck with onboard fueling capabilities, so you can see the vast landscape from the sky, or even go heli-skiing. There are plenty of toys that allow you to get up close and personal with wildlife and nature, including kayaks, stand-up paddleboards, dive equipment, and Zodiacs.

The interiors are so stylish, modern, and well-appointed that you'll forget you're in the middle of Antarctica rather than at a swanky hotel. The ship originally accommodated 60 passengers, but now it holds just 12 guests in seven cabins, including an owner's suite and a VIP suite. Each cabin has large windows that showcase the stunning vistas outside the ship. The sumptuous Scandanavian-inspired decor features shades of grey and white, which reflect the surrounding environment. There's a cozy lounge with a bar and a fireplace, perfect for warming up after an excursion to see penguins or whales.

Nansen Explorer is available for charter from Plan South America in Antarctica. Rates begin at $340,000 a week and are all-inclusive.

Yachting in French Polynesia is always a blissful experience, but Dardanella takes relaxation to the next level with bespoke, wellness-focused charters planned by onboard wellbeing facilitator Ayumi Gallagher. The wellness experience is all-encompassing, including fresh, detoxifying food, mindfulness workshops, yoga sessions, Pilates, meditation, and massages alongside traditional yacht activities, like diving, surfing, and tender safaris exploring the pristine waters and nature of French Polynesia. The captain is also a qualified marine biologist and ecologist, so he's the perfect person to show you this unique environment. There are two dive instructors, 12 sets of dive gear, a Nitrox dive compressor, and underwater photography equipment, so you can capture the beauty underwater, too. As an expedition yacht, Dardanella is well-suited for exploring remote destinations. The 121-foot yacht was refit in 2018 and has five luxurious cabins.

Dardanella is available for charter from 37south in French Polynesia. Rates begin at $100,000 a week plus expenses.

With seven decks, there's something for everyone aboard Wheels . This massive yet elegant yacht measures 249 feet, weighs almost 2,000 gross tons, and has lots of standout amenities including a spacious cinema for eight guests, a huge aquarium, massage room with a dedicated onboard masseuse, air-conditioned gym, and the main salon converts to a disco complete with lights and a smoke machine for those late-night dance parties. The split-level master suite has panoramic views, a study, and plenty of space, and there are four spacious guest suites on the main deck. Outside, there are plenty of relaxation areas, including sunpads, a hot tub, several dining areas and bars, and an enviable water sports area with two Jet Skis, four wave runners, three seabobs, a luxurious tender, and plenty more toys. The crew is very active and can teach you to wakeboard, kitesurf, sail the new Hobie cat catamaran, or scuba dive. They can also lead yoga and fitness classes.

Wheels is available for charter from Fraser Yachts in the Caribbean. Rates begin at $680,000 a week plus expenses.

It's not uncommon for yacht charterers to "upgrade" their yachts year after year, chasing newer and bigger boats, which is makes Big Sky 's number of repeat bookings even more impressive. The 157-foot yacht has been a charter favorite since 2010, and she recently underwent a refit leaving her in immaculate condition. Big Sky can accommodate 10 guests in five staterooms, including a full-beam master that spans the width of the yacht, and there's plenty of room onboard to relax, including the main salon with large windows and a state-of-the-art TV system. The sky lounge is perfect for entertaining — it has an onyx bar and sliding windows that make you feel as if you are outside. Of course, if you do want to relax outdoors, there are three teak decks with space for dining and a large sundeck with a Jacuzzi, sun pads, couches, and a bar.

Big Sky is available for charter from Northrop & Johnson in the Bahamas. Rates begin at $180,000 a week plus expenses.

This glamorous new superyacht caused quite a stir when she debuted at the Monaco Yacht Show in September 2021. It's rare for a brand-new superyacht of this size to be available immediately for charter, so book your trip on Tatiana early. This 263-foot yacht can accommodate up to 12 guests, who are guaranteed impeccable service from the 20 crew members. She has a great selection of water accoutrements and a stunning design with a large amount of interior space, including a deck dedicated to the owner's suite. There are also two VIP staterooms, four double cabins, and a twin cabin. While away any rainy days in the movie room or shooting some pool. Tatiana also has a fabulous beach club with a large bathing platform, bar, and outdoor lounge.

Tatiana is available for charter from IYC in the Bahamas, Caribbean, and Bermuda during the winter months and in the Mediterranean in the summer months. Rates begin at €775,000 a week plus expenses.

Nour El Nil Meroe

Step back in time aboard Nour El Nil Meroe , a traditionally inspired Egyptian yacht full of modern amenities and luxurious design. Meroe is available for charter through Black Tomato, a top luxury travel company known for its expertly curated trips with exclusive experiences and a focus on local culture. Meroe is styled like a classic dahabiya boat, with authentic decor featuring whitewashed walls and linens alongside Parisian decor details. The VIP cabins have floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the Nile — we can't think of a more fabulous way to have breakfast in bed — while the other cabins have large windows. The shaded roof terrace has plenty of spots for lounging and dining alfresco, and there's a cheery indoor salon with red-and-white striped decor and cozy couches. On your charter, you'll slowly sail down the Nile River from Luxor to Aswan. You can charter just the yacht voyage or book the Ultimate Egypt trip , which includes adventures on land as well as the yacht charter (think: private tours of the pyramids, exploring temples, or taking a jeep safari around Siwa).

El Nil and the Ultimate Egypt trip can be booked through Black Tomato . Rates begin at $5,800 a person.

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection

One of 2022's most anticipated travel launches is the new The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection . While this is technically a small-ship cruise, every element has been designed to make you feel as if you are aboard a superyacht. The fleet will ultimately have three custom-built yachts, each with 149 suites. However, in 2022, the collection will launch with their first luxury vessel: Evrima . The suites all have private terraces, which isn't something you can expect aboard even the largest superyacht. And of course, the amenities are incredible. It has a beautiful spa, stunning marina terrace (set up like a yacht beach club), an infinity-edge pool, a large gym, and plenty of entertainment. The dining options are seemingly endless, including the main restaurant, the Evrima Room, S.E.A., which features a menu by acclaimed chef Sven Elverfeld of Aqua, Talaat Nam, a Southeast Asian spot, and several casual options.

The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection's inaugural voyage is set for May 2022 and pricing is dependent on the itinerary. Learn more about the trips here .

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Charterworld - the luxury yacht charter specialist, charterworld is a private yacht charter specialist with access the entire world's yacht charter fleet, at the best price, so get in touch..

Find out more about the CharterWorld company here or read recent client recommendations . We have every crewed luxury superyacht charter in the world, from large motor yachts to sailing yachts and crewed catamaran. For best value private yacht vacations start your holiday of a lifetime here with the company you can trust.

CharterWorld is not a crew agency, we do not recruit crew nor make crew any offer of employment.

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Mega Yacht LANA

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Where To Charter A Yacht?

Matching the right location for you is paramount. There are immensely interesting and diverse places all over the world to charter a crewed superyacht, but the most popular spots are:

A Mediterranean yacht charter which makes for the ultimate vacation with it’s fine culture, finer boats and beautiful azure waterways. The Med’ is an extremely varied location with many beautiful countries to visit, such as France, Italy, Sardinia, Monaco, Greece, Croatia and more.

Caribbean yacht charters are all about exotic natural islands, beautiful tropical beaches and of course luxury charter yachts. St Barts, St Martin, The Virgin Islands and Antigua draw some superb mega yachts to the Caribbean for your vacation. You can see the full list of destinations here .

We offer all the mega yachts and superyacht charters worldwide , as well as in the Mediterranean including Italy , France , Greece , Spain, Croatia , & Turkey.  Additionally, we have great discounted luxury yachts , sailing and motor yachts in the Caribbean , including the Bahamas , British & US Virgin Islands, St Lucia, St Barts, Grenadines, Antigua, as well as the Pacific Northwest, the South Pacific , Asia and Australia & New Zealand and elsewhere.

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All the luxury sailing and motor yacht charter boats worldwide:.

Go here to discover all the worldwide charter locations...  including the Mediterranean, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, North and South America, Pacific Northwest.

Apart from The Mediterranean & Caribbean their are many other hot spots - go here for the full list.

95 meter CUSTOM | From EUR€ 1,200,000/wk

The 95m mega yacht by Lurssen

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Off The Mediterranean Coast

Luxury Yacht Builders and Designers

The world has a fantastic array of very interesting luxury yacht builders and superyacht designers . At CharterWorld we have the definitive information on the ever evolving yacht builders and designers, as well as the latest superyacht news relating to the latest new yacht designs and new build yacht launches.

Luxury Yachts: Luxury crewed superyacht charters, both power motor and sailing boats, in all the areas of the world from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, Asia to the South Pacific, Australia & New Zealand to the Indian Ocean.

Sailing charters & vacations: CharterWorld provides full charter yacht rental sailing vacations & holidays including flights, accommodation and sightseeing. Sailing charters and sail boats from luxury catamarans to crewed boats, classic yachts as well as new ones.

Power/Motor boats: Luxury power & motor boat charter yachts are available either as crewed yachts, classic or new. They include performance open style motor yachts, right through to expedition (explorer) yachts.

For your reference, CharterWorld provides a  charter and superyacht news section as well as a  superyacht directory for easy access to the complete world of interesting yachts , not just luxury charter yachts. This comprehensive list is organised by the yachts naval architect designer , by year and by the country the builder launched them in.

Why CharterWorld? - The complete list of charter boats worldwide, at the most competitive prices. - Free, independent and professional advice. - Access to the latest specials and discounts in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. - CharterWorld saves time and money on any luxury yacht vacation.

New to Yachting or Superyacht Charter Vacations? If you haven’t enjoyed the advantages of this type of luxury holiday, then this section has plenty of articles about how it all works and what to expect. Of course you can also just contact us and an experienced broker will personally guide you through and explain everything. Additionally, the yachting news section keeps you abreast of developments in the industry.

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ALTVS | From EUR€ 95,000/wk

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LADY AGA | From EUR€ 65,000/wk

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New travel features making it easier than ever to plan your next Australian holiday

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Expanding Uber’s national footprint

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This expansion includes servicing the popular tourism hubs and populated towns of Whitsundays, Wodonga, Mildura, Campaspe, Central Highlands, East Gippsland and Latrobe, and an improved offering in Murray River, Mackay, Gladstone, Bundaberg, Fraser Coast and Albury.

This expansion follows increased demand for convenient and affordable transport in regional locations, with a goal of boosting local tourism and complementing existing transport options in these areas. Not only will our presence in these towns offer a familiar way for tourists to get around these towns, but it will help locals get from A to B and earn extra, by driving with the Uber platform.

Seamless airport experiences

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Travellers looking to transit with ease from the airport to their next destination can ta ke advantage of Uber’s new dedicated airport pickup experiences across the country.

In partnership with Sydney Airport, Gold Coast Airport, Darwin Airport, Hobart Airport and Cairns Airport, our intuitive technology and dedicated pick up areas have significantly reduced wait times to deliver a smoother and safer experience for riders and drivers. At Sydney Airport’s domestic terminal, this has reduced traffic by 36% since launching earlier this year.

Uber Intercity for long distance trips 

To streamline long distance travel, the newly launched Uber Intercity offers a new ride option on select routes including Melbourne to Ballarat and Mornington Peninsula; Brisbane to Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast; Gold Coast to Sunshine Coast and Sydney to Wollongong, with plans to scale to more routes in coming months.

Forgoing the need for multiple stops and vehicle changes, Uber Intercity connects you with top-rated drivers for a private trip in a vehicle of your choice. With flexible booking options, travellers can reserve a ride up to 90 days in advance or book on the go, and can split costs with friends and family picked up along the way.

Uber Rent for road trips

For travellers with sights on a weekend getaway, Uber Rent will offer a new and simple way to reserve a vehicle at your closest hub or airport, and drop off the car at your destination.

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Crewed Luxury Yacht Charters

Selecting your luxury yacht charter is where your incredible adventure begins. Whether it's a private, crewed, or corporate yacht rental you seek, we deliver a carefully curated charter fleet tailored to your needs. Browse motor yachts, superyachts, sailing yachts, catamarans and even luxury gulet charters using our advanced search tool, perusing yacht rentals in perennial favorite yachting destinations to the most far-flung. Filter by yacht features and toys on board to craft an experience that fully indulges all your senses.

Take the first step and look now: it's time to start living.

Destination Search Yachts available in...

Take a look at all the yachts available in a selection of our favorite summer charter destinations.

St Tropez yacht charter

from $12,000 p/week

170+ yachts

Amalfi Coast yacht charter

Amalfi Coast

910+ yachts

Ibiza yacht charter

400+ yachts

Mykonos yacht charter

690+ yachts

Sardinia yacht charter

from $9,000 p/week

1060+ yachts

Bahamas yacht charter

from $17,500 p/week

360+ yachts

Monaco yacht charter

from $10,000 p/week

990+ yachts

Dubrovnik yacht charter

Take a look at all the yachts available in a selection of our favorite winter charter destinations.

British Virgin Islands yacht charter

British Virgin Islands

from $11,900 p/week

Thailand yacht charter

570+ yachts

Maldives yacht charter

from $24,000 p/week

St Barts yacht charter

380+ yachts

Norway yacht charter

from $21,000 p/week

Tahiti yacht charter

from $31,000 p/week

Seychelles yacht charter

from $311,000 p/week

Mexico yacht charter

from $18,000 p/week

Save Charter Special Offers

We report the latest yacht charter offers and last minute deals from across the market to help you enjoy a private charter vacation for less.

Yachting Features

If you’re seeking inspiration for your next yachting vacation, our destination features offer first-hand advice, expert travel tips, and hand-picked activities and attractions to see and do.

The Largest Yachts for Charter

Explore Latest Yacht Reviews

Got a destination in mind but not sure where to go? Let our itinerary suggestions inspire your own bespoke charter.

O'PARI review


95m Golden Yachts 2020

Designed for smarter charters.

O’PTASIA review

85m Golden Yachts 2018/2024

Setting the new standard for superyachting

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74m Nobiskrug 2011/2023

Impressive yacht that puts relaxation and entertainment at the heart of everything



47m CMB Yachts 2012

Showcasing luxury and elegance at its finest

OURANOS review

50m Admiral Yachts 2016

Beauty and style abound on board superyacht OURANOS

PROJECT X review

88m Golden Yachts 2022

Award-winning yacht that is a masterclass in design, engineering and luxury

O’EVA review

60m CMN Yachts 2009/2023

Luxury adventures await on board the award-winning superyacht O’EVA


65m Codecasa 2010/2022

An elegant and luxurious onboard retreat based in the Bahamas



73m Lurssen 1994/2022

Iconic yacht CORAL OCEAN is is still Lürssen's leading lady

IRIMARI review

63m Sunrise Yachts 2015/2023

A family-orientated masterpiece designed for alfresco living.

Latest Fleet Updates News

Hand-picked charter news to help plan your next yachting vacation from our experienced editorial team & leading charter experts from around the world.

126M Lürssen superyacht OCTOPUS rejoins yacht charter fleet following nine-month refit

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Flying Fox yacht for charter

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YachtCharterFleet makes it easy to find the yacht charter vacation that is right for you. We combine thousands of yacht listings with local destination information, sample itineraries and experiences to deliver the world's most comprehensive yacht charter website.

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A Florida man, desperate for his girlfriend and cops not to access his phone, jumped into the ocean to avoid giving up his passcode and fled arrest after being grilled by police while out on a boat.

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Bodycam footage from April shows two female Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC) officers questioning a man — who identified himself as AJ — and his girlfriend on a boat somewhere in the waters near Key West in a YouTube video posted last week.

In the video, which has garnered over a million views, AJ argues with the officers and his girlfriend over the phone and proper identification and becomes increasingly agitated before finally jumping into the ocean.

Questioning what would happen if he just “swims away,” he then led the cops on a seven-minute pursuit back to shore before getting arrested.

The incident began when the two officers told the couple they were searching the area for a different vessel in their jurisdiction, but it happened to AJ and his girlfriend on a boat with some code violations.

The cops quickly discover that neither AJ nor his unidentified girlfriend have IDs on them, and the boat he’s operating is breaking a number of codes.

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Proclaiming he did nothing wrong, he slowly becomes angered with the cops and asks them if they’re “just out here trying to catch people breaking laws on the water?”

“Obviously, we’re addressing violations because we’re cops and that’s what we do,” one of the officers replied.

man — who identified himself as AJ — and his girlfriend on a boat somewhere in the waters near Key West

As AJ becomes more agitated with the officers, they ask him if he “has a warrant” out.

“Usually, when people start acting like that, it is because they’ve got a warrant,” one of the officers tells the ticked-off boater while his girlfriend repeatedly tells him to “calm down.”

“You need to relax… you’re freaking out,” his girlfriend tells him.

Growing anxious, AJ asks the officers what will happen if he “jumps in the water and swims away.”

“I’m going to follow you,” one officer replies. “I’m telling you, you’re not free to leave.”

The cops quickly discover that neither AJ nor his unidentified girlfriend have IDs on them, and the boat he’s operating is breaking a number of codes.

The video then cuts to the officers looking at a blurred-out computer screen, showing AJ had a warrant out.

As tensions peak, AJ tells the officers he will “swim home.”

“AJ, I swear to f—ing god, if you jump in that water, I will be gone tomorrow,” his girlfriend threatens.

She then asks her boyfriend to unlock his phone so she can get his boss’s phone number.

“What is your password for your phone,” she demands of AJ while he argues with the police.

AJ then moves to the back corner of the boat, telling the cops he’s not going to “jail today.”

Not willing to go to jail or give his girlfriend his phone's password, AJ jumps into the water.

His girlfriend then gets in his face with his phone in her hand, again telling him to unlock it so she can help.

Not ready to go to jail or give his girlfriend access to his device, AJ jumps into the water.

The officers then try getting him back into the boat to arrest him, but AJ insists he’s “not resisting,” all while his girlfriend continues to demand his phone’s passcode.

After a minute of arguing with the cops, the anxious boater begins swimming away.

“We are done after this, I’m telling you,’ His girlfriend shouts at him. “I’m leaving!”

AJ then takes a leisurely 7-minute swim back to shore with the two FWC officers following him.

He was eventually arrested after he was near the shoreline.

Before reaching land, the officers jump out of their boats and slap cuffs on him.

They then escort him to the shoreline, where another cop waits for him before the video ends.

It’s unclear what charges AJ was facing after the strange ordeal.

The Post reached out to the FWC for clarification on the incident.

Commenters on the video pointed out that AJ appeared to be more worried about his girlfriend getting into his phone than being arrested.

“Bro wasn’t worried about jail he was worried about that phone being unlocked,” one user wrote.

“Bro would rather take a felony than let his girl access his phone,” commented another.

“The way he just took off into the sea as she demanded the password to his phone,” another user commented.

man — who identified himself as AJ — and his girlfriend on a boat somewhere in the waters near Key West



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