About The Course

The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme.

  • Prepartion for Sea
  • Boat Handling
  • Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring
  • Responsibilities of Skipper
  • Passage making and Pilotage
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the Road

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA’s Powerboat Logbook (code G20) available from the RYA webshop.

Assumed Knowledge

  • 30 days at sea, which may be reduced to 20 days at sea if an RYA Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate is held;
  • 2 days as skipper;
  • 800 miles, which may be reduced to 400 miles if an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course completion certificate is held;
  • 12 night hours.
  • Form of Exam:    Practical
  • A GMDSS compliant Marine Radio Operator’s Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher.
  • An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid first aid certificate, as detailed on the RYA website .
  • Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate ONLY IF claiming reduced sea time detailed above.
  • Minimum Age :    17 at the time of the exam.

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • Can provide a boat (See Below)
  • Have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • Hold a VHF Radio Operators License or Short Range Certificate
  • Hold a valid first aid certificate
  • Have read the syllabus in RYA publication G20
  • Have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

PPSA are able to deliver the RYA First Aid Certificate Course (MCA approved) and the VHF Short Range Certificate Course if required.  Please call for more details.  If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA’s codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed

  • 1 candidate: 4 to 5 hours.
  • 2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours,
  • 3 candidates: 6 to 7 hours.

On Completion

Course equipment.

Boats used for exams.  Candidates should be familiar with all the equipment on board the vessel, as they may be asked to use this during the examination.  You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below. The vessel must be capable of a minimum of 12 knots, equipped with the following:

  • Lights conforming with IRPCS
  • VHF radio (may be portable)
  • GPS (may be hand held) or plotter
  • Depth sounder
  • Anchor, chain and warp
  • Basic tool kit and spares
  • Heaving line
  • Paddles or additional means of propulsion
  • Flares: 2 hand held, 2 orange smoke
  • Bilge pump or buckets/bailer
  • First aid kit

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • Laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • Tide tables
  • Pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • Plotting instruments.

Boat Charter Prices

PPSA manages a Coded Vessel suitable for exams which can be chartered for exams and comes fully equipped.  Prices are variable depending on the number of candidates per exam.  1 x candidate = £450, 2 x candidate = £300 pp, 3 x candidate = £210 pp

Course Dates

Call Us .   Please note, the exams run at PPSA are normally run during the winter/autumn months when light levels allow a full evening availabilty.  Please give us a call to arrange dates for your exam when you and the examiner are available.  Pre-booking is essential.  Get in touch with the staff at [email protected] or on 01646 564660


powerboat advanced

Pembrokeshire Powerboating and Sailing Academy Brunel Quay Milford Haven Pembrokeshire Wales SA731PY

e: [email protected] t: 07967 049885

PPSA RYA Training Centre

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  • Certificates of Competence

RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA's Powerboat Logbook (code G20) available from the webshop.

Boats used for exams

You may use your own boat or a boat that you have chartered or borrowed. You will be responsible for ensuring the boat is seaworthy and suitable for the area in which the exam takes place and equipped as shown below.

The vessel must be capable of a minimum of 12 knots, equipped with the following:

  • lights conforming with IRPCS
  • VHF radio (may be portable)
  • GPS (may be hand held) or plotter
  • depth sounder
  • anchor, chain and warp
  • basic tool kit and spares
  • heaving line
  • paddles or additional means of propulsion
  • flares: 2 hand held, 2 orange smoke
  • bilge pump or buckets/bailer
  • first aid kit

Additionally if not on the boat, you will need to bring to the exam:

  • laminated or waterproof charts
  • GPS set (may be hand held)
  • tide tables
  • pilotage information for the local area, eg pilot books, port information etc
  • plotting instruments.
  • Photographic ID card or document, such as a passport or driving licence

Advanced Powerboat exam pre-requisites

Documented minimum sea time completed on a seagoing powerboat in the last 10 years:

Knowledge to the level of Yachtmaster Offshore theory

1 Candidate: 4 to 5 hours

2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours

3 candidates: 6 to 7 hours

No more than three candidates can be examined in one session.

17 at the time of the exam

Before you book your exam please check that you:

  • can provide a boat
  • have completed the required mileage and experience as skipper
  • hold a VHF Radio Operators License or Short Range Certificate
  • hold a valid first aid certificate
  • have read the syllabus in RYA publication G20
  • have read and comply with the pre-requisites above.

Candidates should be familiar with all the equipment on board the vessel, as they may be asked to use this during the examination.

If you need your Certificate of Competence in order to work on board a commercial craft subject the MCA's codes of practice, you will need to get it commercially endorsed .

Useful links

Arranging your exam, commercial endorsements, exam payments service, mca manning requirements, professional qualifications.

RYA Powerboat Advanced

powerboat advanced

RYA Powerboat Advanced Syllabus

Preparation for sea.

  • Preparation of vessel
  • Safety brief
  • Stowing and securing gear for coastal passages
  • Engine operations and routine checks, fuel systems, kill-cord
  • Fuel system, bleeding, changing filters and impellers

Boat handling

  • Hull forms and their handling characteristics, propeller configurations
  • Knowledge of action to be taken in rough weather
  • Significance of tidal stream on sea conditions
  • Steering and power control through waves
  • Understanding and correct use of power trim and tabs
  • Towing, under open sea conditions and in confined areas
  • Strategy up and downwind and in heavy weather
  • Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring, including:
  • Steering to transits and in buoyed channels
  • Turning in a confined space
  • All berthing and un-berthing
  • Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy
  • Recovery of man overboard
  • Awareness of ground speed and ability to hold the boat on station


  • Skippering the vessel with effective crew communication
  • Preparing the vessel for sea and for adverse weather
  • Tactics for heavy weather and restricted visibility
  • Emergency and distress situations
  • Customs procedures
  • Courtesy to other water users

Passage making and pilotage

  • Your chart work and theory knowledge should include:
  • Charts, navigational publications and sources of navigational information
  • Chart work, including position fixing and shaping course to allow for tide
  • Tidal heights and depths
  • Buoyage and visual aids to navigation
  • Instruments, including compasses, logs, echo sounders, radio navigation aids and chart work instruments
  • Passage planning and navigational tactics
  • Importance of pre-planning
  • High speed navigation, pre-planning and execute
  • Use of electronic navigation (GPS & Radar)
  • Pilotage techniques and plans for entry into or departure from harbour
  • Use of leading and clearing lines, transits and soundings as aids to pilotage
  • Navigational records
  • Limits of navigational accuracy and margins of safety
  • Lee shore dangers
  • You should be able to enter and depart from a charted port by day or night. Your examiner will give you a pilotage exercise and ask you to explain your planning. You will need to be aware of the problems of collision avoidance and how to determine your position by night.


  • You should be able to use weather and tidal information to predict likely sea conditions and make passage planning decisions.
  • Definition of terms including Beaufort Scale, and their significance to small craft.
  • Sources of weather forecasts
  • Weather systems and local weather effects
  • Interpretation of weather forecasts, barometric trends and visible phenomena
  • Ability to make passage planning decisions based on forecast information

Rules of the road

  • Application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
  • You should be able to identify power and sailing vessels by night. Identification of types of ship by night is not required, but you will need a knowledge of the lights of tugs and trawlers.
  • Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board the vessel, based either on the recommendations in RYA booklet C8, or the Codes of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Vessels. In particular, candidates must know the responsibilities of a skipper in relation to:
  • Fire prevention and fighting
  • Hull damage / watertight integrity
  • Medical emergency
  • Towing and being towed
  • VHF emergency procedures
  • Explanation of helicopter rescue procedures
  • Use of flares
  • Man overboard
  • Sector search
  • Lifejackets

RYA Powerboat Advanced is aimed at more experienced leisure and professional boaters who would like to consolidate their experience by achieving a more demanding qualification on board a powerboat. ​Courses are held on our Highfield 6m RIBs, (new 2020 & 2021).

The course further develops your skippering techniques so that you can undertake more challenging trips by day and night in coastal waters. You will carry out advanced high speed manoeuvres such as lee shore handling, berthing in adverse conditions and search and rescue patterns. You will also learn about night time navigation, plan and undertake night time passages.

The RYA Powerboat Advanced qualification can be used commercially and it’s the required standard by many professional bodies such as the RNLI, Police and Military. To obtain your commercial endorsement you will need to complete an independent exam for the Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence conducted by an MCA/RYA examiner.


The RYA Powerboat Intermediate certificate, or RYA Powerboat Level 2 plus hands-on experience. A working knowledge of navigation and chartwork is also required.

If you would like to use this qualification to work commercially, then you’ll also need your First Aid certificate and SRC/VHF radio licence (see the course in the Commercial section of our website).

Boat handling to Intermediate standard. Navigation to Coastal Skipper.
Instructor Ratio
Maximum 3:1
Duration2 days including practical navigation exercises at night.
Ability after
You’ll have consolidated your powerboat experience and be confident to plan and execute high speed coastal trips and close quarters manoeuvres, day or night.

What’s Included

You’ll be based at our well-equipped training facilities in Swanwick Marina and included in your course price is:

  • RYA Advanced Powerboating handbook
  • Refreshments (tea, coffee and water)  throughout the course
  • All mooring fees
  • All fuel costs
  • Use of Urban Truant’s high quality wet weather gear and safety kit
  • RYA certification for all successful students

Course Dates

Below are listed our available dates. If you cannot see dates that you require, please get in touch with us and we may be able to to arrange a more suitable date.

Take advantage of our Combined Learning Packages

Rya advanced powerboat 1.

RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster™ Online Theory

RYA Coastal / Yachtmaster™ Online Theory

RYA Powerboat Advanced

RYA Advanced Powerboat 2

RYA Short-Range Certificate (SRC) VHF Radio

RYA Short-Range Certificate (SRC) VHF Radio

My Crew Kit

RYA Advanced Powerboat

Become competent in driving powerboats up to 24m.

Find out About the RYA Advanced Powerboat Course / Certification

Find an Advanced Powerboat Course / Exam

The RYA Advanced Powerboat is a 2 day (and 1 night) course that builds confidence and competency in boat handling, seamanship, pilotage, and navigation in more challenging conditions (day & night). An examination is required for candidates who wish to attain an Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence (‘CoC’). A commercially endorsed CoC allows the individual to operate craft commercially up to 20 miles from a safe haven by day or night. It is a step-up license from the Power Boat Level II, suitable for deck crew looking to operate larger tenders, further distances with confidence and competence.

Course prerequisites / assumed knowledge.

  • Competent handling to the standard of the Intermediate Powerboat Certificate
  • Knowledge of navigation and chartwork to the level of Coastal Skipper
  • First aid certificate (Elementary First Aid as part of STCW Basic Training meets the requirement) (a prerequisite for the exam)
  • VHF SRC or higher certificate (a prerequisite for the exam)


Minimum Duration:

The course runs over a minimum of 2 days which must include at least 1-night navigation exercise.

Course Outline:

  • Preparation for Sea
  • Boat Handling
  • Passage Making and Responsibility as Skipper
  • Meteorology
  • Rules of the Road
  • Use of Engines
  • Emergency Situations
  • Night Cruising

Course Outcome:

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to plan and execute coastal trips and return to a familiar port or superyacht by day and night.

Those who wish to obtain an Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competency must pass the Advanced Powerboat Examination

Large Tender Driving

RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam (Practical)


Seatime required: (If the below sea time requirement is met, and the student has the required knowledge, the exam can be taken without completing the Advanced Powerboat course. Completion of the course will reduce the sea time and experience requirement. Please view information on the RYA website or contact a training provider through the links at the bottom of this page for more details)

  • 30 days at sea, which may be reduced to 20 days at sea if an RYA Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate is held;
  • 2 days as skipper;
  • 800 miles, which may be reduced to 400 miles if an RYA Advanced Powerboat Course completion certificate is held;
  • 12 night hours.

Certification / qualifications required:

  • A GMDSS-compliant Marine Radio Operator's Certificate such as the RYA Short Range Certificate or higher
  • Valid first aid certificate (the STCW Elementary First Aid meets these requirements for yacht crew who have completed their basic training.

Exam duration:

  • 4-7 hours depending on the number of candidates. COntact an exam facilitator to find out more information.

Commercially Endorsed Advanced Powerboat Coc (Certificate of Competence)

Provided the exam is passed and the prerequisites are met, this certificate can be commercially endorsed with allowing the crew members to drive commercial vessels up to 24m in length, subject to MCA’s codes of practice, the flag under which the vessel operates as well as the region. This makes the course a viable option for the crew members who need to drive large tenders but do not hold Yachtmaster certifications.

Find an RYA Advanced Powerboat Training/ Exam Provider:

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RYA & STCW Courses – Sail, Power, Super-Yacht & Workboat

MCA/RYA Advanced Powerboat COC Certificate of Competence

Advanced powerboat coc exam prep aims:.

The Advanced Powerboat COC Exam prep follows on from the RYA Powerboat Advanced Course.  for those who require the MCA / RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence. This Advanced Power exam also know as the Advanced Powerboat Commercial is intended for advanced drivers who wish to work commercially. It is broadly equivalent to the Yachtmaster Coastal Power Certificate of Competence Exam but examined in an open boat (such as an outboard driven RIB).

To give you the best chance of passing, we offer an intensive three day preparation course and exam. This will include two night exercises with our Instructor and a third one on the final night with your examiner. This course is often run back to back after the 2 day RYA Powerboat Advanced Course (similar named course).


This advanced powerboat commercial package spans three days. We need at least 4 to 5 hours of daylight and at least  3 to 4 hours of darkness each day so exact timings vary depending on the season. As an example, in December, Day 1 runs 1200 to 2100ish and June/July courses run 1400-0000ish. Day 2 is a longer day as you will complete a passage planning theory exercise in the morning as part of your exam preparation.


  • Minimum age 18 (essential)
  • RYA First Aid  or STCW Elementary First Aid  or STCW Medical First Aid  (essentiall)
  • RYA SRC, or higher GMDSS cert.  (essential)
  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased  (other training centres may accept you onto their exam preparation course without this prior training but we are committed to you passing your Advanced exam so will not waste your or our time)
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate (highly recommended)
  • RYA Radar  (or equivalent knowledge)

The RYA and MCA state that Advanced Power CoC exam candidates must have the following minimum sea time, gained over at least two years.

  • 30 days on board
  • 2 days as skipper
  • 12 night hours
  • For holders of the two-day Advanced Course Completion Certificate , this sea time is reduced to 20 days and 400 miles. We generally run these two courses back to back.

The cold and harsh reality is, that unless candidates have gained the above sea-time over a very structured formal training programme, they will usually require more experience in order to successfully pass the exam. You will typically log 6-8 night hours over the two training evenings of this course.

Advanced Powerboat Commercial COC Exam


There are four component to the final exam

  • Close quarter boat handling
  • Theoretical passage planning
  • Supporting knowledge (theory)
  • Skippering the night exercise (night pilotage)

During the Advanced Powerboat commercial exam, candidates will be expected to demonstrate that they are competent skippers. The examiner can test candidates on any part of the Powerboat scheme (except the safety-boat course) and on any part of the RYA Day Skipper Shorebased and/or  RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased courses.

We will devote some of the advanced exam preparation course to each of the above four examined areas. However the two days preparation will be largely spent planning and carrying out the night exercise. The second morning will be devoted to your passage planning exercise.

It is important that candidate recognise this is an exam preparation course and they should arrive with knowledge and experience of most of the necassary skills and techniques. There is not time on this course to teach these skills from scratch, the exam preparation is an opportunity to polish and refine these skills with coaching from our Instructor before presenting yourself to an examiner on the final day. The exam syllabus is;


1 preparation for sea.

  • Preparation of vessel
  • Safety brief
  • Stowing and securing gear for coastal passages
  • Engine operations and routine checks, fuel systems, kill cord
  • Fuel system, bleeding, changing filters and impellors


  • Hull forms and their handling characteristics, propeller configurations.
  • Knowledge of action to be taken in rough weather
  • Significance of tidal stream on sea conditions
  • Steering and power control through waves
  • Understanding and correct use of power trim and tabs
  • Towing, under open sea conditions and in confined areas
  • Strategy up and downwind and in heavy weather
  • Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring, including
  • Steering to transits and in buoyed channels
  • Turning in a confined space
  • All berthing and un-berthing
  • Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy
  • Recovery of man overboard
  • Awareness of ground speed and ability to hold the boat on station


  • Can skipper the vessel with effective crew communication
  • Preparing the vessel for sea and for adverse weather
  • Tactics for heavy weather and restricted visibility
  • Emergency and distress situations
  • Customs procedures
  • Courtesy to other water users


Your chart work and theory knowledge should include:

  • Charts, navigational publications and sources of navigational information
  • Chart work, including position fixing and shaping course to allow for tide
  • Tidal heights and depths
  • Buoyage and visual aids to navigation
  • Instruments, including compasses, logs, echo sounders, radio navaids and chartwork instruments
  • Passage planning and navigational tactics
  • Importance of pre-planning
  • High speed navigation, pre-planning and execution
  • Use of electronic navigation (GPS & Radar)
  • Pilotage techniques and plans for entry into or departure from harbour
  • Use of leading and clearing lines, transits and soundings as aids to pilotage.
  • Navigational records
  • Limits of navigational accuracy and margins of safety
  • Lee shore dangers

You should be able to enter and depart a charted port by day or night. Your Examiner will give you a pilotage exercise and ask you to explain your planning. You will need to be aware of the problems of collision avoidance and how to determine your position by night.


You should be able to use weather and tidal information to predict likely sea conditions and make passage planning decisions.

  • Definition of terms including the Beaufort Scale, and their significance to small craft.
  • Sources of weather forecasts
  • Weather systems and local weather effects
  • Interpretation of weather forecasts, barometric trends and visible phenomena
  • Ability to make passage planning decisions based on forecast information


  • Application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
  • You should be able to identify vessels by day and night.

Candidates will be expected to know what safety equipment should be carried on board the vessel, based either on the recommendations in RYA booklet C8, or the Codes of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Vessels. In particular, candidates must know the responsibilities of a skipper in relation to:

  • Fire prevention and fighting
  • Hull damage/watertight integrity
  • Medical emergency
  • Towing and being towed
  • VHF emergency procedures
  • Explanation of helicopter rescue procedures
  • Use of flares
  • Man overboard
  • Search patterns
  • Lifejackets



  • 2 days and 2 nights of instruction
  • Use of one of our RIBs for the 3 days and nights
  • Loan of a life jacket
  • An examiner arranged for you
  • Free on street parking
  • Tea & Coffee


  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam Fee
  • Wet weather gear (£5 per day to hire)


In order to then commercially endorse this qualification, skippers will also need a RYA Sea Survival Certificate , a Seafarers Medical from a doctor and a  RYA PPR certificate. The RYA then charge you a commercial endorsement fee .


If the dates below do not suit please contact us as we may be able to arrange some dates around you.


This training course and exam is specifically aimed at the commercial sector (i.e. those wanting to drive powerboats for a living). The Advanced Power Exam will qualify you as skipper (master) of powerboats up to 24m in length, up to 20 nm from a safe haven and to carry up to 12 passengers. The Advanced CoC Commercial exam is popular across the industry from corporate entertainment RIB drivers, through wind farm transfer crew and onto parts of the offshore industry. It is a good stepping stone, on the way towards the Yachtmaster Offshore (Power) Certificate of Competence and probably the most appropriate MCA/RYA Certificate of Competence for skippers operating most RIBs.


Our Senior management have been running preparation course for the Advanced Commercail COC since the day the exam was introduced in 2005. Our method is tested and proven and has set the industry standard which many other Instructors and training centres now try to follow.  We want you to pass the final exam so we will push you hard during your time with us. Our Instructors will give you 100%.

Once you have booked the course and exam with us you will need to complete an RYA Exam Application Form 

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RYA Advanced Powerboat Course - £375

Boatability advanced powerboat course.

powerboat advanced

Course Duration:

A maximum of 2 days with a 1 Night Navigation Exercise carried out on day one of the course 

Course Cost:

The RYA Powerboat Advanced Training course is £375 per person - Unlike some we will still run the course with only one student, hence we do not offer silly prices. 

Minimum Age:

Certification:, please note:.

  • Under the RYA's guidelines the Advanced course can only be run over 2 days, it is not permitted to be a 3 or 4 day course! 
  • If you are training with the intention of taking the RYA Powerboat Advanced Assessment for commercial endorsement, then we can offer familiarisation training with the assessment area and the topics that will be covered by the assessor independently of the course. 
  • We strongly recommended that you do not jump straight into taking the commercial assessment on completion of the Advanced course, in case any weak areas are highlighted during the training; which could be a waste of your money! 
  • To date all our students who have attended a commercial assessment have passed! 
  • We provide the boat(s), fuel, all safety equipment as well as warm waterproof clothing as part of our course, there are no hidden charges! 
  • There is free parking on site and we provide tea and coffee. This is not a residential course but there is plenty of accommodation nearby if required. 

powerboat advanced

Course Topics Practical

Preparation for sea:.

  • Prepare the boat 
  • Carry out relevant engine checks 
  • Ensure equipment/gear is stowed and secure 
  • Can carry out pilotage plans and pilotage for entry into or departure from harbour 
  • Can use leading and clearing lines, transits, back bearings and soundings as aids to pilotage 
  • Can use GPS and understand its limitations in pilotage 
  • Can Navigate using soundings 

powerboat advanced

Boat Handling:

  • Has knowledge of the differences for a twin engine vessel 
  • Understands the importance of boat control in waves and adequate seating to minimise possible injury 
  • Understands the characteristics of various hull forms and propeller configurations 
  • Understands what action if to be taken in rough weather 
  • Can demonstrate a practical understanding and correct use of power trim and trim tabs (if fitted) 
  • Can demonstrate an awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring including: 
  • Steering to transits and in buoyed channels 
  • Turning in a confined space 
  • Berthing in various conditions using the wind and tide 
  • Picking up and leaving a mooring buoy 
  • Demonstrate the use of an appropriate length kill cord at all times 
  • Pick up a MOB in differing conditions 
  • Understands the importance of pre-trip planning 
  • Understands the Planning required for making a coastal passage, taking into account the relevant navigational hazards, type of boat and the strengths and limitations of the crew 
  • Understands chart plotters and radar, their advantages and limitations 
  • Can organise the navigation, safety and welfare of the crew during a powerboat passage 
  • Can navigate at higher speed using a range of techniques, for example the 6 minute rule 
  • Can use electronic navigation equipment for planning and undertaking a passage, including the use of way-points, routes, XTE, SOG, COG, BTW and DTW 

Course Topics - Theory

Intermediate Powerboat training


  • Understands the terms used in shipping forecasts, including the Beaufort Scale and the significance of it to a small craft 
  • Understands the sources of forecast information and interpretation of forecasts including synoptic charts 
  • Understands the significance of meteorological trends 
  • Can interpret a synoptic chart 
  • Can use and interpret forecasts to make decisions about passages 

Rules of the Road (IRPCS):

  • Can apply IRPCS at sea

Use of Engines:

  • Knows how to change a propeller 
  • Has knowledge of propeller diameter and pitch 
  • Has knowledge of Ventilation and Cavitation 
  • Understands the checks to be made before starting, during running and after stopping for diesel and petrol engines 
  • Understands the importance of periodic checks on engines and electrical systems including spark plugs, water filters and pump impellers, transmission belts and what spares we need to carry

Emergency Situations - Students Understand:

  • Correct action to take in emergency situations 
  • Fire prevention and fighting 
  • Hull damage and watertight integrity 
  • What to do in a medical emergency 
  • Towing or being towed 
  • Helicopter rescue procedures 
  • How to issue a distress by all available means 
  • Search Patterns 
  • The danger of cold shock and immersion hypothermia 

Night Cruising:

  • Can take charge of a powerboat at night, including leaving and entering harbour 
  • Demonstrate the ability of keeping a proper look-out and identifying lit and unlit positions by night 

What to Expect on the Boatability Advanced Powerboat Course 

Leisure and RYA Training Course we offer

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powerboat advanced

Discover More with Boatability's Newsletter!


  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

RYA Advanced Powerboat Course in Southampton: Course Summary

  • Course Duration:  2 days
  • Course Cost:  From £350pp
  • Course Location:  Saxon Wharf Marina, Southampton, SO14 5QF
  • Previous Experienced Required: Yes
  • Minimum Age Requirement: 17 years old
  • What The Course Includes:  RIB fuel costs, loan of Gore-Tex waterproofs, RYA Advanced Power Boat Course certificate, parking and more.
  • What You Will Learn: GPS navigation, improved boat handling skills, high-speed navigation, night navigation, rough weather handling, and more.

Located in the heart of Southampton, this 2-day advanced powerboat course is perfect for those located in Hampshire, on the South Coast, or even based in London. It is designed to take already competent powerboaters to the next level.

Recognised as being among the most highly commended power boat courses in the UK, the RYA powerboat courses practice techniques, manoeuvres, and best practices to keep you safe.

The RYA Advanced Powerboat Course is perfect for anyone who wants to develop their skills to a level whereby they can confidently venture further afield or deal with different or adverse conditions by day and night.

We run a midweek course every month with a maximum ratio of students per instructor of 3:1. We can also run weekend courses when demand exceeds our scheduled courses. Please call us if you need to attend on the weekend.

Courses run from 0930 until late on the first day and from 0930 to 1600 on the second day.

With a curated list of recommended accommodations to suit all tastes and budgets, the Ocean Sports Tuition team is more than happy to find you a place to stay for the duration of your visit. For more information about where we are located, call  02381 242159  or email  [email protected] .


To take part in this course, the following qualifications are required:

  • Successful completion of the RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course
  • Successful completion of the RYA Intermediate Powerboat Level 3 Course
  • Knowledge of navigation - Coastal Skipper/RYA Yachtmaster Theory
  • RYA First Aid Certificate
  • VHF Radio Certificate – RYA SRC

Due to the fact this is an advanced course compared to others, we have set a minimum age for students on the Advanced Powerboat course of 17 years old.


The RYA Advanced Powerboat Southampton course includes GPS navigation, improved boat handling skills, high-speed navigation, night navigation, rough weather handling, and sector searches, as well as a refresher on all other aspects of power boating.


For further information on the topics covered, take a look at the  RYA Advanced Powerboat syllabus .


This course is £350.00 per person (plus VAT) for two days of training with a qualified RYA instructor. Due to the size of our RIBs, all -courses take place in small groups, with a maximum group size of 3. Alternatively, to ensure that you get the maximum amount of time to practice and learn, we can run this course on a one to one basis at a cost of £954 plus VAT.

Additionally, if you have your own powerboat that you would like to use for the course, we also run own boat tuition. For more information or to check that your own boat is suitable for the Advanced Powerboat course, speak to a member of our team today.


  • Mooring fees
  • Loan of Gore-Tex waterproofs
  • Use of our modern MCA inspected 6.8 metre Rib (Ribcraft)
  • Rib fuel costs
  • Expert tuition from your RYA MCA Advanced Powerboat Instructor
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate
  • On site parking available 
  • Free refreshments including tea and coffee

Our highly experienced RYA instructors will guide you through our RYA Advanced Powerboat course, delivering high impact, high quality teaching either in a small group or on an individual basis.

When you book onto this two-day course with Ocean Sports Tuition, we will ensure that you are provided with all of the relevant equipment to give you the best experience possible.


If you are looking to expand your RYA Powerboat qualifications after completing your Advanced Powerboat certificate, you may wish to further your experience with the following RYA powerboat courses:

  • RYA / MCA Advanced Powerboat Prep & Exam
  • RYA Powerboat Instructor Course

On completion of the RYA Advanced Powerboat Course, students can sit the  RYA MCA Advanced Powerboat exam (certificate of competence) . If you wish to gain work within the marine industry, skippering commercial vessels, your RYA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence can be commercially endorsed.

For information about holding a commercial endorsement on your RYA certification, including medical fitness and the commercial endorsement application form, visit the  RYA website .


We can also deliver the RYA Advanced Powerboat course with an RYA instructor on your own boat. For further information, please contact us on 02381 242159 or email [email protected] .

Book Your Advanced Powerboat Course Here

Book online below, or call on 023 81 242159 .

If there are no courses listed below, please email us to enquire about availability:  [email protected].

RYA commercially endorsed qualifications can open the door to a career in the marine industry. For information about holding a commercial endorsement on your RYA certification, including medical fitness and the commercial endorsement application form, visit the RYA website .

Yes. If you would like to take the exam, we also run an RYA MCA Advanced Powerboat preparation and exam course .

In order to take the certificate of competency exam, the RYA recommends that candidates have the following experience: 30 days at sea, 2 days as skipper, 800 miles, and 12 night hours. However, if you have attended our two-day RYA Advanced Powerboat Course this is reduced to 20 days and 400 miles.

The advanced powerboat limitations can be found here on the RYA website .

Yes. If you are looking for an advanced powerboat course in London, Ocean Sports Tuition is a great choice. Just an hour from London by train or car, our advanced powerboat courses on the Solent are easily accessible.

Wondering what topics we cover in the RYA Advanced Powerboat in Southampton course? The full advanced powerboat syllabus can be downloaded below:

RYA Advanced Powerboat syllabus

We Can Also Help With...

Jet ski club, boat charter, safety boat services.

  • RYA Powerboat Level 1 Course
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2 Course
  • RYA Tender Operator Course
  • RYA Intermediate Powerboat Course
  • RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor Course
  • RYA MCA Advanced Powerboat Prep & Exam
  • RYA MCA Commercial Powerboat Skipper Course
  • RYA Helmsman Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Motor
  • RYA Coastal Skipper Motor Course
  • MCA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence
  • MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence
  • RYA Cruising Instructor (Motor) Course
  • RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Academy
  • Superyacht Deckhand Course
  • RYA PWC Proficiency Course
  • PWC Instructor Course
  • Own Boat Tuition
  • RYA VHF Radio Course
  • RYA Sea Survival Course
  • RYA First Aid Course
  • RYA Essential Seamanship & Navigation Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Course
  • RYA VHF Radio Online Course
  • RYA Essential Seamanship & Navigation Online Course
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory Online Course
  • RYA Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster Theory Online Course
  • RYA CEVNI Assessment Online
  • RYA PPR Online Course
  • Instructors
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Course Feedback
  • Gift Vouchers
  • Safe Powerboat Training
  • Safety & Rescue Boat Handling

Get out of the classroom and behind the wheel!

US Powerboat Training offers the nation’s best and most comprehensive hands-on powerboat courses. Whether you’re looking for your first experience at the helm or aiming to improve your skills, we can help. As the National leader in on-the-water powerboat training and education, our goal is to empower students with the skills and confidence they need to get more out of their boating experience and become more comfortable behind the helm.

Whether you are looking to operate a powerboat under or over 26 feet, we have a course to cover it.

The best on-the-water powerboat instruction available, our courses.

Whether you are a lifelong boater looking to brush up on your skills or have never been on the water before, we have opportunities available for you! We offer a range of boating courses for individuals of all skill levels. Our hands-on, on-the-water courses get you out of the classroom and behind the wheel for an educational experience unlike any other!

powerboat advanced

Search & Rescue Training

Safety & Rescue Boat Handling

Happy Boaters

powerboat advanced

“We had the best boating experience!!! Kevin was so helpful and great to work with!! He went above and beyond expectations. He took us to the sandbar to search for sand dollars!! We also saw two dolphins in the intercostal. One of the best days ever!!”


powerboat advanced

“I couldn’t have been more lucky to be out on the water learning and experiencing sailing, power boating, rules of the water, and knots with such a great instructor. Kevin is very knowledgable and calm on the water. If you haven’t been on the water this would be the best way to start. Kevin has great people to help him out when needed. I never felt unsafe or uncomfortable. These courses gave me the confidence and skills to take my boat out.”

powerboat advanced

“If you’re looking for the best instruction on how to sail or operate a power boat, Kevin is your guy. Through his relaxed and calm demeanor and detailed instruction, I gained the confidence I needed to dock a boat and change tack to dodge the ferries. He will practice with you until it becomes second nature.”

Meet The Team

powerboat advanced

Capt. Kevin Hennessey

Kevin has been boating for 25 years. His love and passion for teaching and boating awarded him Instructor of the year from American Sailing Association for 2015.

powerboat advanced

Capt. Al Noble

Al has over 25 years on the water and tens of thousands of cruising hours under his belt. He maintains his 100 Ton Captians license and when he isn’t sailing can be found kayaking or fishing for trout in western North Carolina with his wife. Al has a passion for the sea that is unrivaled and experience that surpasses most.

powerboat advanced


Our mission aligns closely with the strategic objectives of the U.S. Coast Guard’s Boating Safety Division. We aim to support them in their mission to make America’s water ways safer for all and to minimize property damage, personal injury and loss of life by creating a new generation of educated and experienced recreational boaters.

powerboat advanced

[email protected]

powerboat advanced

606 W West St, Southport, NC 28461

Powerboat instructors

This scheme can be taught in a variety of small open powerboats such as RIBs, dories and sportsboats and is aimed at a variety of users from casual leisure boaters to professional small boat skippers. As an instructor you will therefore need to have experience in a variety of boats and situations.

Powerboat Instructor


Five seasons experience of powerboating logged (preferably in range of boat types and sizes) OR one season for those who use powerboats as an integral part of their normal full-time occupation.
Candidates must attend a skills assessment prior to their instructor training course. Details can be found in the RYA Power Schemes Instructor Handbook (G19)

Three day course assessed by an independent Trainer on the third day.
Candidates who are already qualified as an RYA Yachtmaster Instructor (power) may attend a one day conversion course, rather than the full three day course.

Up to and including Powerboat Level 2 under the supervision of the Principal or Chief Instructor. If you hold the Safety Boat Certificate, you may also teach the RYA Safety Boat Course.

Five years from date of issue, provided that a valid first aid certificate is maintained.

Health declaration

You will be asked to sign a health declaration stating that you are not suffering from any physical or mental impaiment which has an adverse effect on your abililty to properly discharge your duty of care as an instructor. If you are unable to sign the standard declaration, you will be required to complete a medical questionnaire .

Progressing through the coaching scheme

Home  Find an Instructor

Find an Instructor

Contact a powerboat instructor.

Are you interested in hosting a Safe Powerboat Handling Course, but don't have an instructor available? US Powerboating's Certified Instructors may be willing to come to your venue to teach.

The US Powerboating Training Office can also put in touch directly with local instructors. Contact us for more information!

Please use the interactive table below to find an instructor for hire.


Copyright ©2018-2024 US Powerboating. All rights reserved. Website designed & developed by Design Principles, Inc.


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  1. powerboat-advanced

    a) A course completion certificate awarded by a training centre on successful completion of a two-day training course. b) A certificate of competence awarded by the RYA/MCA on successful completion of an exam. If you need a Powerboat Advanced certificate in order to work on board a commercial craft subject to the MCA's codes of practice, you ...

  2. RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

    An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid first aid certificate, as detailed on the RYA website. Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate ONLY IF claiming reduced sea time detailed above. Photographic ID card or document, such as passport or driving license. Minimum exam duration. 1 Candidate: 4 to 5 hours. 2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours.

  3. Powerboat Advanced Course

    Powerboat Advanced Course. Aims to teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters, with which the candidate may be familiar, in more demanding conditions. Given the nature of these passages Advanced Powerboat courses should be ...

  4. RYA Powerboat Advanced Professional Qualifications

    a) A course completion certificate awarded by a training centre on successful completion of a two-day training course. b) A certificate of competence awarded by the RYA/MCA on successful completion of an exam. If you need a Powerboat Advanced certificate in order to work on board a commercial craft subject to the MCA's codes of practice, you ...

  5. RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

    In this (not so) brief video, Paul Glatzel explains in detail what should you expect in the day of your Advanced Powerboat Exam. He explains what the exam pr...

  6. RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    The RYA Powerboat Advanced Course is the pinnacle of the RYA Powerboat scheme and usually requires students to have been Coastal Powerboating for several seasons. We are always happy to advise you, so do call. Our fully inclusive RYA Advanced Powerboat Course costs just £299 per person for this 2 day course and runs from our Southampton base.

  7. Advanced Powerboat Syllabus

    Advanced Powerboat Syllabus. Aim: To teach boat handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar. Practical. Prepare the powerboat. Carry our fuel and engine checks.

  8. RYA Powerboat Advanced

    The RYA Advanced Powerboat course covers all this and a whole lot more. If you think it's time you took your boat further afield or out in more challenging conditions, then this intensive and fun two days should help bring you up to scratch. Advanced students are a mix of leisure and commercial powerboat skippers.

  9. PDF RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Syllabus

    RYA Advanced Powerboat Course Course Pre-Requisites: • Minimum Age: 17 years • Theory Knowledge to the level of RYA Yachtmaster Offshore • High level of powerboat handling skills Syllabus: Preparation for Sea & Safety • Preparation of powerboat & crew Boat Handling • Picking up & leaving a Mooring Buoy • Man overboard • Marina Work: Berthing & leaving in various conditions ...

  10. RYA Advanced Powerboat

    The aim of the Advanced Powerboat course is to teach handling, seamanship, pilotage and navigation up to the standards required to drive a planing powerboat safely by day and night in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate may be familiar. The course may be conducted on a planing or displacement powerboat Duration: 2 Days. Cost: £350

  11. RYA Advanced Powerboat Handbook (G-G108)

    This eBook is the official companion to the RYA Powerboat Advanced course but it is equally relevant to those who are simply keen to develop and consolidate their knowledge to help improve their theoretical and practical skills.The eBook has been designed to be a key and progressive learning tool which focuses on the advanced aspects of powerboating.

  12. Advanced Powerboat Exam

    The RYA/MCA Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence exam is a practical test of skippering ability by day and night in the type of craft applicable to the National Powerboat Scheme. Syllabus: Prepartion for Sea. Boat Handling. Awareness of the effects of wind and tide when manoeuvring. Responsibilities of Skipper. Passage making and Pilotage.

  13. RYA Advanced Powerboat Exam

    An RYA First Aid Certificate or another valid first aid certificate, as detailed on the RYA website. Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate ONLY IF claiming reduced sea time detailed above. Photographic ID card or document, such as passport or driving license. Minimum exam duration. 1 Candidate: 4 to 5 hours. 2 candidates: 5 to 6 hours.

  14. RYA Powerboat Advanced

    Price - £380.00. RYA Powerboat Advanced is aimed at more experienced leisure and professional boaters who would like to consolidate their experience by achieving a more demanding qualification on board a powerboat. Courses are held on our Highfield 6m RIBs, (new 2020 & 2021). The course further develops your skippering techniques so that you ...

  15. RYA Advanced Powerboat

    The RYA Advanced Powerboat is a 2 day (and 1 night) course that builds confidence and competency in boat handling, seamanship, pilotage, and navigation in more challenging conditions (day & night). An examination is required for candidates who wish to attain an Advanced Powerboat Certificate of Competence ('CoC'). A commercially endorsed ...

  16. MCA/RYA Advanced Powerboat COC Certificate of Competence

    This advanced powerboat commercial package spans three days. We need at least 4 to 5 hours of daylight and at least 3 to 4 hours of darkness each day so exact timings vary depending on the season. As an example, in December, Day 1 runs 1200 to 2100ish and June/July courses run 1400-0000ish. Day 2 is a longer day as you will complete a passage ...

  17. RYA Powerboat Advanced Training

    The Aim of the RYA Powerboat Advanced Training is to teach boat handling, seamanship, Pilotage, navigation up to the advanced standards required to drive a powerboat safely by day and by night, in tidal coastal waters with which the candidate can be familiar with. Candidates are recommended to be competent to that of the RYA Intermediate Course ...

  18. US Powerboating

    An intensive 3-day course for advanced powerboat operators who will operate boats 26 feet and under, instructor candidates will learn the fundamentals of on-the-water instruction. Candidates must successfully demonstrate superior presentation, teaching and powerboat operation skills in order to complete this course. Upon graduation, instructors ...

  19. powerboat

    Powerboat Instructor Intermediate or Advanced Powerboat course completion certificate Knowledge to level of Day Skipper Theory Professional Practices and Responsibilities. Experience. Experienced Powerboat Instructor with a strong knowledge of the syllabi for all courses in the RYA Powerboat Scheme. Must have strong skills in diplomacy and tact.

  20. RYA Advanced Powerboat Course

    RYA Advanced Powerboat Course in Southampton: Course Summary. Course Duration: 2 days. Course Cost: From £350pp. Course Location: Saxon Wharf Marina, Southampton, SO14 5QF. Previous Experienced Required: Yes. Minimum Age Requirement: 17 years old. What The Course Includes: RIB fuel costs, loan of Gore-Tex waterproofs, RYA Advanced Power Boat ...

  21. Home

    US Powerboat Training offers the nation's best and most comprehensive hands-on powerboat courses. Whether you're looking for your first experience at the helm or aiming to improve your skills, we can help. As the National leader in on-the-water powerboat training and education, our goal is to empower students with the skills and confidence ...

  22. powerboat

    Powerboat Instructor. Five seasons experience of powerboating logged (preferably in range of boat types and sizes) OR one season for those who use powerboats as an integral part of their normal full-time occupation. Candidates must attend a skills assessment prior to their instructor training course. Details can be found in the RYA Power ...

  23. Find an Instructor

    Contact a Powerboat Instructor. Are you interested in hosting a Safe Powerboat Handling Course, but don't have an instructor available? US Powerboating's Certified Instructors may be willing to come to your venue to teach. The US Powerboating Training Office can also put in touch directly with local instructors. Contact us for more information ...